Improve Glasgow

Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Improve Glasgow

Improve Glasgow is Glasgow's top Personal Training and Group Training facility, offering a range of programmes delivered by award-winning Personal Trainers



We’ll never claim to be perfect but we are always trying to be better than we were yesterday.
This is an ethos we do our best to pass on to our members in the hope that we can all move forward together.
Many people (unfortunately) have negative perceptions of and negative experiences in gyms.
... It is our mission to change that and ensure that anyone who walks through our door leaves ranting about how well they were treated.
Seriously, we don’t care whether that’s the postman, someone who’s walked in thinking the unit was something else or someone who’s actually training with us.
We can’t be everyone’s cup of tea from a training perspective and we certainly don’t try to be.
But we do our utmost to ensure that everyone we cross paths with is treated with respect, care and, if they train with us, they’re coached to the highest level possible; with every ‘i’ dotted and every ‘t’ crossed.
It means the world to us when our members recognise our efforts because, after all, we are nothing but an empty room with a load of iron and some fancy lights without them.
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We are great believers in ‘appropriate intensity’.
Working too hard too soon will lead to a feeling of contempt for exercise.
On the flip side, taking it too easy will lead to a feeling that your time has been wasted and could have been better spent doing something else.
... Getting your exercise intensity just right is a tricky task and one that a good coach will be able to guide you to.
At Improve, we always say you have to earn the right to be pushed hard.
Start slow, build solid foundations of fitness, movement and strength...and then push.
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Exercise can help with stress and anxiety;
It can help improve mood and sleep quality;
It can improve joint integrity and posture;
... It can improve flexibility, mobility, balance, and coordination;
It can make everyday tasks (climbing the stairs, carrying shopping, etc.) easier;
It can give you a bit of time to yourself;
It can help you meet new people and maintain relationships with people you already know...
...exercise can also help with weight loss (or weight gain if that’s your goal).
If you’re on the weight loss path and things are slowing down or you’ve hit a bit of a wall, don’t lose sight of how many other huge benefits come along with exercising.
Irrespective of what you want out of life, there aren’t going to be many circumstances where regular exercise and making better food choices aren’t going to make it easier for you.
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EVERYTHING you need to know about IMPROVE GLASGOW and our 30 DAY TRIAL...

Secure your space on our 30 Day Trial now...
... -step-to-a-better…/
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Good Friday made great by a visit from our our mate Heston 🐶
Enjoy your Easter weekend and remember:
If your trainer tells you not to have an Easter egg you need a new trainer.
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The perfect blend of work and play.
Results don’t come without hard work and it’s unlikely hard work comes consistently enough without a bit of fun sprinkled into the mix.
Luckily we tick both boxes at Improve so you can make progress whilst enjoying your training experience at the same time.
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One of the biggest motivating factors that inspires someone to hire a Personal Trainer is to ensure they’re “doing things right”.
No one wants to go to the gym, follow a random programme and second guess themselves the whole way through it.
“Is my technique okay?”
... “Is this the right level of resistance?”
“Should I do these two exercises on the same day?”
People can end up with paralysis by analysis in the gym and, worse still, end up hurting themselves.
We make sure every session our members do is coached by one of our expert Personal Trainers who ensure they’re guided through from start to finish.
Because of this our members can enjoy their time spent exercising safe in the knowledge that their workouts have been designed to yield maximum results, whilst also taking into consideration injury risk, personal preferences and enjoyment.
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Creating a welcoming and non-intimidating environment is one of our highest priorities at Improve.
So often we hear from those who start with us that they hate gyms because of how uncomfortable they make them feel and how impersonal they are.
Our mission is to take as much of that discomfort away as we possibly can and bring a sense of enjoyment to our members’ exercise routines.
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The reason we opened the first iteration of Improve Glasgow was because we were we were fed up watching people wander aimlessly around gyms.
A few sets on this machine. A few reps with these dumbbells. A short spin on the exercise bike.
Then home without breaking much of a sweat or burning many calories.
... When we were younger, less experienced and more naive, we believed the mass lack of intensity and direction to be laziness and apathy.
However, as the number of people we trained increased so too did the number of conversations we had on the subject.
Our understanding and empathy shot through the roof and it became abundantly clear that what we perceived to be laziness and apathy was actually just uncertainty of what to do.
Couple that with crippling insecurity due to having to do it (i.e. exercise) around people who are, in your eyes, much more comfortable and ‘better at it’ than you and it’s no wonder the majority of gym users stay in their comfort zones and go through the motions in the gym.
Then, almost as if to rub salt into an already painful wound, every ‘fitness professional’ screams from the rooftop:
“Get out of your comfort zone!”, “Success begins at the end of your comfort zone.”, etc. etc.
Sometimes it can be hard to see the woods for the trees and we certainly found this to be true back in the day.
Nowadays, however, we understand what it’s like to be ‘the new person’.
We’ve trained over 500 people at Improve and the majority have come to us without much, if any, confidence or experience in a gym.
We also know how it feels to look around and feel out of your depth, as coaches.
The majority of our team have tried something new where we struggled over the past month.
Lewis started BJJ, Ross went for snowboarding lessons and the team as a whole were put through a BoxHIIT session by Calum.
Everything we do at Improve is designed to make everyone who walks through the doors feel as comfortable as possible.
From the phone call before you come in, to your one-to-one introductory session to having a Personal Trainer by your side every time you’re in the gym.
We’ve all got enough to worry about on a daily basis.
Let us take care of you during the time you spend in the gym and not only will you have one less thing to worry about...
You’ll start getting a helluva lot more out of your time spent exercising.
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“Lighthearted about life, serious about results.”
In a fitness industry full of contradictions and ‘experts’ trying hard to prove how smart they are, we’re just in our own little corner trying to bring good people together and put smiles on their faces.


Training with other people increases social support, which has been proven to increase the likelihood of you sticking to an exercise regime.
What training with others also gives you is back up when you start moaning at your coach.
Training one-to-one and feel you need a bit of back up so you’re not suffering solo?
... Training on your own and fancy a bit of banter to get you through your workouts?
Or do you just fancy getting your ‘banter own back’ on a PT?
Jump on our 30 Day Trial and you’ll get all of those opportunities, as well as getting fitter, stronger and improving your shape.
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One of our objectives is to make fitness more appealing to people who typically wouldn’t identify themselves as ‘a gym person’.
We want our space to be as welcoming, friendly and unintimidating as we possibly can.
Rather than ghosting in with no one saying anything to you, you’ll be greeted by name and most likely offered a cup of black, caffeinated goodness.
... Instead of having to do the ever-daunting walk through the corridor of treadmills in the eye-line of the whole gym, you’ll be guided through your whole workout by one of our expert coaches.
Rather than the weights room being dominated by the musclebound meatheads, you’ll find a (roughly) 50:50 male to female ratio at our place.
Instead of being beasted until you spew and forced to get back in, you’ll be challenged at a level appropriate for your current fitness levels and for how you’re feeling on the day.
We believe everyone deserves the right to improve their health, fitness and shape.
We also believe the fitness industry has done and continues to do a good job of scaring the majority of people away from gyms, to the point they don’t get the opportunity improve.
We seek to change that.
We believe in you.
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BoxHIIT sessions will be making their way onto our training diary as of mid-April.
Boxing is an amazing full body workout that allows you to learn new skills and get rid of all of your pent up aggression, all while burning calories and improving your fitness.
Our goal is to make our member’s training experience as amazing as we possibly can and we believe that the addition of our boxing-based HIIT sessions will add a little spice to their weekly training routines.
... In the run up to the launch of our BoxHIIT programme, we’ll be releasing an educational video series to make sure our members have an idea of what’s in store for them and to give them a bit of time to ‘get comfortable’ with the punches and combinations.
So, if your partner trains with us, don’t be alarmed if you catch them floating around the living room like Muhammad Ali.
If you’d like to get in on the action, head over to to register your interest in our 30 Day Trial and we’ll be in touch to get you off and running.
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Not sure what to do in the gym?
Let us do the thinking for you.
Our Personal Trainers have over 30 years combined experience coaching people just like you to improved versions of themselves.
... We don’t know much about fitting kitchens, selling houses or developing software, but we’ve got this fitness and nutrition thing pretty well dialled down.
If you’d like a little help getting started or pushing through a plateau, drop us a line and we’ll blow some wind behind your sails to get you moving.
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New building, same Improve...
Our newest 30 Day Trialist did her introductory session in our old gym on Saturday and her first ‘proper’ session in our new gym last night.
Here’s what she had to say about her first session experience:
... “Yeah was great, really enjoyed it!
For someone like me this would usually be something a bit out of my comfort zone but I can honestly say I was made to feel so comfortable with the support and just the all round good vibe of the place.
From the trainers to the others training, it’s just a really great atmosphere.”
As much as we’ve been tremendously excited about opening our new space, we have also been hyper-cognisant that the surroundings don’t matter a damn if the foundations aren’t in place.
For us, the foundations will always be our people.
From our coaches who are every bit as enthusiastic as they are empathetic and understanding as they are knowledgable.
To our members who are encouraging, supportive and positive.
We all remember what it’s like walking into a gym for the first time and we all know what it’s like to be ‘the new person’.
That’s why we make it our priority to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible from the moment you register your interest right up until you walk out of the door.
Our aim is to be the opposite of the stereotypically intimidating and judgmental gym environment and we couldn’t be happier when our members notice.
Here’s to the next positive experience and to changing what people expect when they join a gym.
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2.0 is a go. We repeat: 2.0 is a go.
What started in Clarkston Scout Hall with a set of borrowed kettlebells has ended up on the south banks of the River Clyde with just about every bell, whistle and amenity a gym goer could ever wish for.
Our surroundings have changed but our ethos, our philosophy and our values have not.
... Our mission from the get-go has been to constantly over-deliver for our members.
We have always aimed to guide our members through the most effective workouts and programmes possible, whilst doing our best to keep smiles on their faces.
Fitness isn’t all about frowns and groans, in our option.
For us, it’s about relieving stress, doing something positive and taking yourself away from your problems for an hour.
Focus on these things, show up consistently and you’ll be on the right track in no time.
Our swish new digs allow us to step our service levels up a few levels and we can’t wait to share it with our members, as well as welcoming some new faces into our wee tribe.
Day 1 was a busy one and day 2 looks set to be the same again.
Long may it continue!
If you’d like to be one of the first to experience Improve Glasgow 2.0, head over to the link below to register your interest and we’ll be in touch:
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What happens when two of our members forget their t-shirt?
Our coaches take their jumpers off and pass them over, obviously.
Great work Linz & Eilidh for powering through their workout with Ally & Lewis’ stench so close to them.
... You girls definitely deserved your showers tonight 😷😂
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EVERYTHING you need to know about IMPROVE GLASGOW and our 30 DAY TRIAL...

Secure your space on our 30 Day Trial now...
... -step-to-a-better…/
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More about Improve Glasgow

Monday: 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 20:00
Friday: 06:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -