In Situ: Theatre

About In Situ: Theatre

Ground-breaking experimental theatre group based in Cambridge, UK. Teaching and performing environmental and site-specific performance.

In Situ: Theatre Description

in situ: creates performances outside the boundaries of conventional theatre by performing in non-theatre spaces - houses, churches, museums - and employing the tools of theatre-making - especially voice, text and story - in new and surprising ways.

in situ: is the successor to Cambridge Experimental Theatre, the pioneering avant-garde group of the 80's and 90's.

in situ: is professionally-run, working with a large number of non-professional collaborators from all walks of life, who join the group as a result of attending workshops.

More about In Situ: Theatre

In Situ: Theatre is located at 23 Wycliffe Road, Cambridge, CB1 3JD Cambridge, Cambridgeshire