Infinite Strength And Fitness

About Infinite Strength And Fitness

MSc Sports and Exercise Medicine
BSc Hons Strength and Conditioning Coach
NSCA Certified S& C Coach
Available for:
Athletic development
One to one training
Group sessions

Infinite Strength And Fitness Description

Msc Sports and Exercise Medicine
BSc Strength and Conditioning
Level 3 Certified Personal Trainer
Nutritional Advice
Fat loss
Athletic Development
Injury Rehab



@jenny_e_smith working on her balance and strength πŸ’ͺ! #fitness #workout #gym #health #fit #fitnessmotivation #healthy #instagood #fitfam #instagram #love #motivation #bodybuilding #lifestyle #gymlife #fitnessaddict #training #life #fitnessmodel #fitspo #photooftheday #muscle #healthylifestyle #photography #strong #photo #exercise #instadaily #body #InstaFit


Back at the cardio. Haven't rowed properly in ages so myself the goal of 5000 meters in under 24 mins and just made it πŸ˜…!
Onwards and upwards πŸ’ͺ!


Quick blurb on Nutrition....
To understand any nutritional model we are trying to build, we must understand the implications that occur when someone is put into a state of destructive (catabolic) or constructive (anabolic) metabolism.
The human body is constantly striving for a level of homeostasis. Therefore if our intent is to push the body beyond its status ... quo we must enable it the metabolic resources to do so. In some cases this is the utilisation of stored metabolites (Carbohydrates, proteins and fats).
In whatever way we try to rework the conceptual patterns behind nutrition, it is irrefutable that the amount of total energy in and total energy expended will remain the key determinant in total bodyweight.
This is irrespective of how that total bodyweight presents itself and what ratio of lean versus fat mass it is. Total body weight is determined by:
Calories in VS Calories out. Don't over complicate it. Work out your macros and don't cut out an unsustainable amount of calories per day (entering the realm of crash diets etc).
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OK guys, recieved numerous messages asking about kettlebell training and classes etc! So I've decided to add some kettlebell specific sessions!
So why use kettlebells?
Firstly, they're one of the most efficient training tools in the world. With a kettlebell you can move the most amount of weight in the shortest amount of time, meaning less time training πŸ’ͺ!
... So whether you’re looking to get started with your first bell tomorrow, or you want a quick refresher course on everything that makes kettlebells indispensable, look no further πŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺ! These sessions can be for beginners looking to learn something new or someone with the basics looking to take it to the next level!
If you're interested in the advanced training, I'd ask that you meet the required perquisites:
1. Competent with both single and two handed swings with good form 2. Able to perform a basic one armed kettlebell clean 3. Able to perform both bodyweight and weighted squats and Lunges
As those who train with me know, I incorporate kettlebells as part of most sessions. But this will be purely kettlebell and bodyweight work for the full session πŸ’ͺ!
Any questions, fire me a message.
Michael House Of Wolves Strength and Conditioning
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Here's another client testimonial. If you're interested in improving your fitness and strength, without crash dieting.... πŸ‘Œ
"So I joined the gym over a year ago and didn't seriously start coming properly till May a few months ago, and I found myself looking at the weights without a clue what to do with them, then I spotted Mike's beginner weight lifting course & thought it would be a good idea to learn safely how to do it right, & I got so much more for my money, I have a pin in my leg and Mike's lessons became like a form of physio therapy and I learnt how use many other items in the gym to the point I have actually invested in my own foam roller, I have finished the weight lifting course with a new found confidence around the gym & it's not just about lifting weights"


Upper day with the one and only @rydo15 ! Here's Ryan during a small part of our finisher circuit, 12 swings, 5 bottoms up cleans, 5 push ups, 5 bent over rows x 5!


Day off spent working on squats, reverse Lunges and accessory exercises! If you really want to take your squat to another level, give the book below a read. If especially if you're sticking your butt out and your squats start looking like quarter squat good morning hybrids....
As of August, I'm looking to take on some more clients in mid-day/later morning slots as all my evening slots are full. I'm looking for a particular type clientel because having coached for two and a h...alf years I know exactly what type of person is suited to my style of training. So if you're motivated to lose weight, get stronger, move better and learn how to properly squat and deadlift, are willing to do the work outside of sessions and realise that getting a PT isn't like pressing a magic button and I'll do all the work for you... Give me a shout!
Michael House Of Wolves Strength and Conditioning
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Shout out to my client @louisegxxo for finishing the Dundee half marathon πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ!


Have been absolutely terrible at posting last few weeks. So here's some clips of top client @polecatapparel doing some killer snatches with single leg work and negative pull ups with eccentric lowering πŸ‘Œ! Building strength week by week.


Two testimonials from fairly recent clients.
"Thank you for todays session, we both enjoyed it. We both agreed that we feel more confident doing different movements and see improvement in each other abs are sore for the first time . Thank you for pushing us and your patience. See you next week."
"I'm someone who has never really exercised or used the gym before I started my sessions with you a couple of months ago. I was really nervous and aprehensive but you made m...e feel at ease straight away. You've helped me get amazing results already!! Your amazing at what you do and I can't recommend you enough πŸ’ͺ"
It's always good to hear that people are seeing the benefits of your style of training. Having worked at The gym for 6 months now, I think I've used fixed resistance machines once. My priority is always to get people competent at basic bodyweight movements and get them moving about without being stuck onto a machine that requires little coaching. Fixed weight machines have a part in training programmes, but what they do had to be taken into account of the goals of each individual.
So if you want to move better. Be more competent at bodyweight movements and learn to the basics of barbell exercises πŸ’ͺ!
Michael House Of Wolves Strength and Conditioning
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Picnic time πŸ’ͺ!


A sof July 8th I'll be opening up some more slots for new clients πŸ’ͺ! Over the last 2/3 months it's been amazing to see so many clients losing weight, getting stronger and starting to see the results they want.
It isn't always easy to start with, and as I always say slow and sustainable weight loss is always key.
But don't take my word for it. Here's a few client who joined back in Feb!
... Testimonial: After having a disappointing experience with my first personal trainer I decided to give it another go and started training with Michael. He listened to my likes, dislikes and goals. The changes I have seen in my strength and shape it a relatively short space of time are amazing. I feel stronger, healthier and happier. I have and will continue to recommend him to friends
I've always prioritised functional movements, especially to those who want to lose weight and move better rather than just sticking people on machines.
So what's stopping you πŸ‘! Michael House Of Wolves Strength and Conditioning
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Offering two free taster slots tomorrow! Message The Gyms page to get more info and book in if you're interested!


Always good to see clients pregressing πŸ’ͺπŸ‘!
Persistance is always key. Sessions are rarely easy for a reason!
Michael... House Of Wolves Strength and Conditioning
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OK guys, I'll be back for Tuesday next week (later than anticipated) and diary is already filling up, so if you want to reserve your usual slot or if you're new and want to give PT a go message me ASAP! πŸ‘Œ
Michael House Of Wolves Strength and Conditioning


Huge well done to all clients this week. It's been great to see and hear about the improvements starting to come through! Clients dropping body fat, gaining muscle and learning to lift weights properly and seeing the little differences that make it all the sweat and sore muscles worthwhile πŸ‘!
I tell every client the same thing. Persistance is always key whatever your goal is. You can go on some crash diet and drop 10 pounds in 2 weeks, but watch how quickly you gain it back a...s soon as you come out of that huge caloric deficit and the inevitable binging takes place. I've had clients eating appropriately and still allowing the occasional treats without leave them feeling lethargic. I've got clients who just keep getting stronger, who gave gone from barely being able to manage 8lg kettlebell swings to two 16kg kettlebell double swings.
Training isn't always just lifting weights, it's also learning basic bodyweight movements to move efficiently. It doesn't happen overnight. But after a couple of months, you'll see a massive difference if you stick to it.
So if you want to train without being shoved onto resistance machines. Without getting a 1200-1400 cal a day diet and want to put in the effort to feel better, move efficiently and get stronger. Book your slots ASAP.
Michael House Of Wolves Strength and Conditioning
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Tried our hands at Pepsi max chicken. Recommended! #fitness #workout #gym #health #fit #fitnessmotivation #healthy #instagood #fitfam #instagram #love #motivation #bodybuilding #lifestyle #gymlife #fitnessaddict #training #life #fitspo #photooftheday #muscle #healthylifestyle #photography #strong #photo #exercise #instadaily #body #instafit


A reminder for all new followers that taster sessions are available and free of charge so you are able to asertain if personal training is for you. andcond/
Additionally, NHS staff receive a discount on all bookings πŸ‘
... These sessions will give you an overview of how I train clients. They'll be little/no machine work. That's something you can do on your own and I wouldn't charge anyone to put them on machines for 45minutes!
These sessions are aimed at evaluating fundamental movements such as squats and hip hinging exercises whilst pushing you hard!
DM or use the book now service to get your one time use free taster slot πŸ’ͺ!
Michael House Of Wolves Strength and Conditioning
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