Inside Yoga

About Inside Yoga

Inside yoga with Craig - yoga classes and 1: 1 coaching, learn to undo tight muscles and compulsive thinking using an awareness based practice.

Inside Yoga Description

Yoga practised from the inside. . .
My teaching focusses on the release of habitual tightness in the body and using of the minimum amount of muscle tension to reach the yoga postures. The emphasis is on freeing your body, particularly the spine / shoulders, to be light and flexible. The yoga is intense but gentle on the body - rather than a straining sweaty practise - it’s taught as a way to explore your postural habits and sense your body in movement more deeply.

If you’re; sitting a lot at work, feeling stiff generally or want more mobility in your sporting activities the classes will be rewarding. most classes are drop in and I do 1: 1 coaching too - whenever you can make it why not try it out - your body might thank you for it !

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