
About Iochdar

Iochdar, also spelled Eochar, is a hamlet and community on the west coast of the island of South Uist, in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Iochdar is also in the parish of South Uist. It is the largest of several crofting settlements in the north-west of South Uist, and is located west of the A865 road. Iochdar is part of the South Uist Estate, which was the subject of Scotland's largest community land buyout in 2006, and is now run by Stòras Uibhist. Iochdar SchoolIochdar School, built in 1963, is a primary school (years 1–7) that caters to students from the hamlet as well as surrounding communities. The principal is Mary MacInnes. The school has 75 pupils and five teachers. The school has won a number of awards, including the Homecoming Scotland Award at the Scottish Education Awards 2009. Sgoil an Ìochdair agus a' ChoimhearsnachdSgoil an Ìochdair agus a' Choimhearsnachd was formed in December 1998 in response to a lack of outdoor facilities at Iochdar School. It is a community group whose aim is to support recreation and sport in the catchment area of the school, which extends along the island chain, from Peninerine in South Uist, to Island Flodda in Benbecula. The group's core aims are to upgrade outdoor facilities in Iochdar. After a community survey and a feasibility study, the group has completed a number of small projects, including a makeover of the playground and playing fields at the school. Sgoil an Iochdair agus a' Choimhearsnachd includes both individuals and community groups, and is run by a board of up to seven trustees, of which three represent community groups, three are elected from the local community, and one of which can be co-opted.

Iochdar Description

Iochdar, also spelled Eochar, is a hamlet and community on the west coast of the island of South Uist, in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Iochdar is also in the parish of South Uist. It is the largest of several crofting settlements in the north-west of South Uist, and is located west of the A865 road. Iochdar is part of the South Uist Estate, which was the subject of Scotland's largest community land buyout in 2006, and is now run by Stòras Uibhist. Iochdar SchoolIochdar School, built in 1963, is a primary school (years 1–7) that caters to students from the hamlet as well as surrounding communities. The principal is Mary MacInnes. The school has 75 pupils and five teachers. The school has won a number of awards, including the Homecoming Scotland Award at the Scottish Education Awards 2009. Sgoil an Ìochdair agus a' ChoimhearsnachdSgoil an Ìochdair agus a' Choimhearsnachd was formed in December 1998 in response to a lack of outdoor facilities at Iochdar School. It is a community group whose aim is to support recreation and sport in the catchment area of the school, which extends along the island chain, from Peninerine in South Uist, to Island Flodda in Benbecula. The group's core aims are to upgrade outdoor facilities in Iochdar. After a community survey and a feasibility study, the group has completed a number of small projects, including a makeover of the playground and playing fields at the school. Sgoil an Iochdair agus a' Choimhearsnachd includes both individuals and community groups, and is run by a board of up to seven trustees, of which three represent community groups, three are elected from the local community, and one of which can be co-opted.