James Mccourt

About James Mccourt

Through coaching and participatory events I help people accept their past; the guilt, judgement and blame they carry from past life events. Through acceptance comes internal forgiveness and then you can begin to discover your truest authentic self.

James Mccourt Description

My name is James McCourt and I am the proud director of Hidden Depths Coaching. Most of us fail to ever tap into our hidden depths, sadly using only 30% of our true potential. And like so many of us, I too was guilty of this until the day I decided to change and went on an amazing five year journey towards my own personal development.

My coaching experience has taken me all around the world as far as Palm Springs. I gained most of my experience from attending Tony Robbins courses and I am now a fully qualified Life Coach. During my five years I learnt many techniques including; Emotional Freedom Techniques and a Reiki second degree. I was able to take on all this extra learning while working as a full time Group Service Manager in the motor industry as well as obtaining an exceptional level of fitness.



My New Year Message ❤️ hope it brings something that may benefit you .. pass on to anyone who might need to here these words ... love ya 🙏 events www.hiddendepthscoaching.com Please share 💎


Explaining Defending Justifying
The less you do ... the happier you’ll become ..
... You should always welcome healthy and even challenging feedback ... but when someone’s wall is up .. they’ll only hear what they want to hear ... and your desperate need for their approval is killing your empowerment 💎
Time to get back to YOU ... maybe explain to yourself why you aren’t high up on your own peaking order 🤷🏻‍♂️
Join me to find self approval Events 5 Day 21st - 25th January ( 3 slots left ) 1 Day 16th February - tickets on sale Book via www.hiddendepthscoaching.com
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Your biggest battle will always end up being with yourself ... it’s during these quiet times the real answers appear ... don’t stay too long distracted in blame ... at some point you’ll have to face your own reflection ...
You’ll go through the following process and how long you stay stuck on each is down to you...
... Life’s happening to you .. most stay stuck here a long time ... feeling like life personal ..
Life’s happening for you ... where the learning is done ... where the growth happens ..
Life happening from you ... this is where you want to live ., handle what happens impersonally ... realising that at some level you attracted it all for your own growth ...
When you look at the internal war it does feel raw ... but raw is war turned around .. and that’s what you’ll do when you face your own stuff.....
Is 2019 your year for self approval ?
Join me ... start at any stage of my workshops .. the more days ... the better the result ... why ? Because all I do is help you work on YOU ❤️
Events 2 Day 11th - 12th January (sold out ) Mindfulness Club - 16th January 5 Day 21st - 25th January ( 3 tickets left ) 2 Day advanced events ( only open to all who’s attended the 5 day previously ) 1 Day - 16th February - tickets on sale Book via www.hiddendepthscoachig.com
Hidden Depths Events - click the link m.me/hiddendepthscoaching
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If you think you know someone based on what is perceived through social media ... there’s a massive chance you are very far from the truth of what’s going on ...
There’s only one way to really know .... carrying out open and honest communication by asking good questions and gathering facts from the person ...
Don’t compare yourself based on what is perceived ... go on what you know for certain ... and that’s often not much ...
... So my advice ..... focus on yourself ... and if you follow the guidelines of being truthful and responsible with yourself .... you might not be perceived in the right way ... but you’ll be certain of who is looking back at you each day in the mirror ...
For 2019 make a choice .... be what you are for YOU ... or try and dilute yourself by trying to be what everyone else wants you to be ....
Lighthouses don’t travel oceans looking for boats to save .. they simple stand shinning brightly 💎
Events 5 Day - 21st : 25th January 1 Day - 16th February Book via www.hiddendepthscoaching.com
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Trying to control outside conditions = waste of time Going inside and changing your own agenda = you attract from your own vibe
What holds most back is trying to change the outside world ... when all that is good comes in perfect timing when you change yourself💎
... 5 Day event - 21st / 25th January 2019 1 Day event - 16th February 2019
Who’s up for changing from within ? Book via www.hiddendepthscoaching.com
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What would you aim for ? To be liked or valued ?
When someone is liked by a large group .. it’s often either they’ve adjusted too much to be liked or they are surrounded by people pleasers ...
I’d aim for internal values ... knowing who you are and being around a smaller group who has your back and is willing to even challenge you rather than always agree with you ...
... That’s what I’d value .... and if you are liked along the way ... well that’s a bonus ...
Just not worth sacrificing your worth for some likes 👍
Events 2 Day 11th - 12th January (Sold Out) Mindfulness Club 16th January 5 Day 21st - 25th January ( 5 tickets left ) 1 Day 16th February Book www.hiddendepthscoaching.com
Hidden Depths Events - click the link m.me/hiddendepthscoaching
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Hope Santa was good to you all .... Merry Christmas from Hidden Depths Coaching
Have a guilt free day .... that continues ❤️


Stuck for that last minute gift for someone you care about .....
This would be a good start to their 2019 💎
The journey towards finding their true self 🙏
... I was gifted with my first ever seminar ticket ... it started my journey ... 11 years on at its my career ❤️
Hidden Depths Events - click the link m.me/hiddendepthscoaching
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Last day of coaching in 2018 and I’ve booked January off from one to ones to promote my events ... new message for 2019 .. can’t wait to teach ... its been a crazy year .. take a deep breath and appreciate that breath ❤️ Hidden Depths Events - click the link m.me/hiddendepthscoaching Please share 💎


I am feeling full of Christmas spirit so I am giving away 2 pairs of ticket to my Discover Your Hidden Diamond event on the 16th of Feb. 🎅🏻 💎
To enter just click on the link => https://bit.ly/2EGUC1A


11 years on my self development journey.
Worked with some of the best ... never not had a coach myself in 11 years as growing personally has always been my top priority
Even Tony Robbins has coaches .. why ? We all need to see our reflections from another perspective .. it’s healthy.
... My coach John had 57 years experience and he taught me that there will always be more questions than answers ... so no one had all the answers .. watch you don’t give up your power to another’s belief system ...
This is why coaching shouldn’t be up sold as it’s what someone needs ... as how can anyone make a statement when they don’t know someone’s history ? Even making it shows a lack of understanding of the depths of this journey ...
I offer one thing ... I’ll be honest and hope through my experience I can help you find your own answers .. and through time and working with so many I’m getting quicker at it .....
So no one has all the answers ... but some believe they do ...
Life’s a work in progress ... and you learn things to get you past something .. then you let it go ....
So no 100 step processes here to make you feel a lack ...
Just a simple knowing that after 11 years all that matters is how you see yourself ..
Hopefully I can help you see what I often see in others .. I see them as being more than their story ... and that certainty often helps others see the same.
If this interests you ... join me on my events ... book via www.hiddendepthscoaching.com
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Another wee gift of a guided meditation to help you feel better about the year that’s past ... if you would like to feel better about what can’t be changed .. and get yourself ready to attract what you what from life .. join me on my events www.hiddendepthscoaching.com Please share ❤️


Have you taken part in one of my 1 or 2 day events?
My 5 day 'Become a Black Belt in Life' event is the next step on your personal development journey. It wont be easy but it will change your life.
We cover a lot of ground in this event so I prefer to keep numbers small so everyone feels comfortable and has enough time to work through each stage.
... The next event takes place on the 21st - 25th of Jan, tickets available from => http://ow.ly/ZENc30n1Snp
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We have a few tickets left for tomorrow’s Mindfulness Club Dec meet up. Who’s up for getting mentally prepped for 2019?


For me healing comes in 2 stages ... most avoid stage 2 as it feels like they’re going back the way ... here’s my take on it .. is this type of work for you ? For events www.hiddendepthscoaching.com Please share ❤️


I am opening the last few spaces to the Mindfulness Club Dec meet up to everyone on my page.
If you are looking to start 2019 with a clear mind and strong focus join us on the 12th of Dec.
Ticket available from => http://ow.ly/xCk230mTUSh


Having to be right all the time = a mind never satisfied
Being ok not knowing and just making your own choices based on your own facts and free from explanation = settler mind and connected ❤️
Which one to you work towards ?
... Events www.hiddendepthscoaching.com
See More


You're a top coach James and i'm glad that after a years deliberating i took the bull by the horns and called you, it wasnt easy but it was definitely worth it , ur knowledge, understanding and straight talking attitude to life has given me the extra wee push i needed to make the changes i had to in order to progress (cos that being stuck sucks :( looking forward to round 5 now mucho gracias :))


What a life changer!! One of the best decisions I have made in my life... Hidden Depths has changed my whole view on life for the better, its a Very true saying... " if we change the way we see things, The things we see change!! "


Thank you James for the workshop you held for my team of hair stylist's and make up artists. We enjoyed introduction to laws of attraction and look forward to putting it into practice. We had a brilliant day and I have recieved some great feedback from the team.


Learned a lot about myself and what I need to do to make a change and what’s holding me back - ME!!!!

Emotional, uplifting and inspiring �

Thank you James - it was my first workshop, won’t be my last ���


Just attended James's 2 day hidden depths course. I laughed, i cried, i went in as 1 person on friday to hopefully become a better one over time.

James your straight to the point and have brought me round to looking or wanting to start my life differently. Ive been taking notes since i left at 3.15pm.

Im a working progress but im so glad i attended this workshop.

Thanks for sharing your experiences �


Just a newbie but feeling the benefits already.

Highly recommend. James is down to earth and on your wavelength no matter who you are! Amazing xx


James tells it to you exactly how it is. He's so honest. Gave me the boot up my ass that was needed. I'm now continuing my journey n will continue to attend his workshops. Keeps me focused. The Monday clips are brilliant n I look forward to them.Glad I was introduced to you n your coaching James. Mind blowing. x


If you're fed up with the way things are and want change but don't know where to start.....this is it. Give up a few days of your life to begin your life's story - you've nothing to loose, but everything to gain. You won't regret going to one of James seminars, every area of your life will benefit...starting with you �. I am lucky enough to have been a client of James' for over 4 years now and I can honestly say I have never looked back...only forward to a fabulous future! Thank you James for being there for every part of my journey.


I've just had my first coaching session and really didn't know what to expect or how I'd feel, maybe a little upset having raked over past hurts but I'm glad to say I feel wonderful! For any of you that have been thinking about having a coaching session - what's holding you back? Do it, you'll be glad you did! James has a wealth of knowledge and is really insightful, there's nothing pre-scripted, it's totally tailored to you. The reiki and music was a lovely way to finish up but girls I'll warn you either don't wear mascara or make sure you take a mirror...I resembled someone from Kiss by the end :D


I have seen james for one to ones and I have also been to all of his seminars. I have struggled with depression and anxiety during most of my adult life and I feel after meeting James I have really combated this. I know the signs when I am maybe starting to feel this way again and james has provided me with the right tools on how to overcome all of my fears. If there is a time when I really feel I have to speak to James he is always there with a helping hand. Thanks so much to James at hidden depths coaching for everything you have done for me. X


I have been seeing James now for over a year. It's the best decision I have ever made. I just love the person I have become with James guidance. I would highly recommend everyone attend his seminars, they are life changing! ���


I can't recommend James highly enough. For anyone going through a difficult time, stuck in a rut or just needing some direction, Hidden Depths coaching is as good as it gets. Insightful, in-depth and challenging; but completely worth the journey.


Having just attended James two day seminar and previously attended one day one while ago I could not recommend this enough to anyone who desires to understand and accept themselves a bit more . These seminars are amazing in that James sugar coats nothing but in a compassionate kind a way ,which is a breath of fresh air anyone who is willing to ‘own their shit’ and use it as a gift to move forward this is definitely for u as we r all worth it !!!


For the first time in around 10 years I'm looking forward to Christmas. This year isn't different to any other years, I am still single and I don't have any more money than before. However, there has been one major change this year, and James has helped me make that change. Instead of focusing on what I don't have, this year I'm focusing on what I do have and reflecting on this gives me so much to be grateful for. This year has seen me make major changes in my thought process, and although I know there's still a lot of hard work to do, I know I'm on the right path. James is passionate about life coaching, honest and his energy is contagious. If you're thinking about making the change to becoming the person you know you can be, I'd highly recommend a visit to James.


Everything in life can be achieved but you need to be in the right head space, feel motivated and positive. Unfortunately this is not always easy but with the help of James anything is possible. Once you speak to James you will never look back and life will change for the better. Give him a call!


Attended the latest 2 day seminar and cant reccomend james enough... he just has a fantastic way of making you see things from another level... its completely changed my mindset on how i will deal with and react to situations in the future... if anyones needing that little lift or push in the right direction this is definately the man to see ���� xx


Attended my first ever seminar today with James and wow I learned more about myself in the 3hour seminar than ever. I laughed, had tears in my eyes. James you are amazing and thank you very much. Will be attending more of your seminars in the future.

James is passionate about what he does.


After suffering some dark times in my twenties through anxiety, addiction, eating disorders and low self esteem I worked with various coaches to try to discover my own truth. But it was important for me to work with someone who had really experienced these issues too. I needed that identification... I eventually found this in James. He worked with me to help me love my past and find it's purpose, which diminished a lot of the fear that I had underlying about the future. Now he is supporting me and helping me build my own business! So glad I started this journey.. Thanks James.. ���xx


You're a top coach James and i'm glad that after a years deliberating i took the bull by the horns and called you, it wasnt easy but it was definitely worth it , ur knowledge, understanding and straight talking attitude to life has given me the extra wee push i needed to make the changes i had to in order to progress (cos that being stuck sucks :( looking forward to round 5 now mucho gracias :))


What a life changer!! One of the best decisions I have made in my life... Hidden Depths has changed my whole view on life for the better, its a Very true saying... " if we change the way we see things, The things we see change!! "


Thank you James for the workshop you held for my team of hair stylist's and make up artists. We enjoyed introduction to laws of attraction and look forward to putting it into practice. We had a brilliant day and I have recieved some great feedback from the team.


Learned a lot about myself and what I need to do to make a change and what’s holding me back - ME!!!!

Emotional, uplifting and inspiring �

Thank you James - it was my first workshop, won’t be my last ���


Just attended James's 2 day hidden depths course. I laughed, i cried, i went in as 1 person on friday to hopefully become a better one over time.

James your straight to the point and have brought me round to looking or wanting to start my life differently. Ive been taking notes since i left at 3.15pm.

Im a working progress but im so glad i attended this workshop.

Thanks for sharing your experiences �


Just a newbie but feeling the benefits already.

Highly recommend. James is down to earth and on your wavelength no matter who you are! Amazing xx


James tells it to you exactly how it is. He's so honest. Gave me the boot up my ass that was needed. I'm now continuing my journey n will continue to attend his workshops. Keeps me focused. The Monday clips are brilliant n I look forward to them.Glad I was introduced to you n your coaching James. Mind blowing. x


If you're fed up with the way things are and want change but don't know where to start.....this is it. Give up a few days of your life to begin your life's story - you've nothing to loose, but everything to gain. You won't regret going to one of James seminars, every area of your life will benefit...starting with you �. I am lucky enough to have been a client of James' for over 4 years now and I can honestly say I have never looked back...only forward to a fabulous future! Thank you James for being there for every part of my journey.


I've just had my first coaching session and really didn't know what to expect or how I'd feel, maybe a little upset having raked over past hurts but I'm glad to say I feel wonderful! For any of you that have been thinking about having a coaching session - what's holding you back? Do it, you'll be glad you did! James has a wealth of knowledge and is really insightful, there's nothing pre-scripted, it's totally tailored to you. The reiki and music was a lovely way to finish up but girls I'll warn you either don't wear mascara or make sure you take a mirror...I resembled someone from Kiss by the end :D


I have seen james for one to ones and I have also been to all of his seminars. I have struggled with depression and anxiety during most of my adult life and I feel after meeting James I have really combated this. I know the signs when I am maybe starting to feel this way again and james has provided me with the right tools on how to overcome all of my fears. If there is a time when I really feel I have to speak to James he is always there with a helping hand. Thanks so much to James at hidden depths coaching for everything you have done for me. X


I have been seeing James now for over a year. It's the best decision I have ever made. I just love the person I have become with James guidance. I would highly recommend everyone attend his seminars, they are life changing! ���


I can't recommend James highly enough. For anyone going through a difficult time, stuck in a rut or just needing some direction, Hidden Depths coaching is as good as it gets. Insightful, in-depth and challenging; but completely worth the journey.


Having just attended James two day seminar and previously attended one day one while ago I could not recommend this enough to anyone who desires to understand and accept themselves a bit more . These seminars are amazing in that James sugar coats nothing but in a compassionate kind a way ,which is a breath of fresh air anyone who is willing to ‘own their shit’ and use it as a gift to move forward this is definitely for u as we r all worth it !!!


For the first time in around 10 years I'm looking forward to Christmas. This year isn't different to any other years, I am still single and I don't have any more money than before. However, there has been one major change this year, and James has helped me make that change. Instead of focusing on what I don't have, this year I'm focusing on what I do have and reflecting on this gives me so much to be grateful for. This year has seen me make major changes in my thought process, and although I know there's still a lot of hard work to do, I know I'm on the right path. James is passionate about life coaching, honest and his energy is contagious. If you're thinking about making the change to becoming the person you know you can be, I'd highly recommend a visit to James.


Everything in life can be achieved but you need to be in the right head space, feel motivated and positive. Unfortunately this is not always easy but with the help of James anything is possible. Once you speak to James you will never look back and life will change for the better. Give him a call!


Attended the latest 2 day seminar and cant reccomend james enough... he just has a fantastic way of making you see things from another level... its completely changed my mindset on how i will deal with and react to situations in the future... if anyones needing that little lift or push in the right direction this is definately the man to see ���� xx


Attended my first ever seminar today with James and wow I learned more about myself in the 3hour seminar than ever. I laughed, had tears in my eyes. James you are amazing and thank you very much. Will be attending more of your seminars in the future.

James is passionate about what he does.


After suffering some dark times in my twenties through anxiety, addiction, eating disorders and low self esteem I worked with various coaches to try to discover my own truth. But it was important for me to work with someone who had really experienced these issues too. I needed that identification... I eventually found this in James. He worked with me to help me love my past and find it's purpose, which diminished a lot of the fear that I had underlying about the future. Now he is supporting me and helping me build my own business! So glad I started this journey.. Thanks James.. ���xx

More about James Mccourt

James Mccourt is located at 94 Dryburgh Road, ML1 2NN Wishaw
07772 750 164