Jeanette Kemp Coaching

About Jeanette Kemp Coaching

Life doesn’t need to be overwhelming, stressful or controlled by fear. Working from the inside out it IS possible to live the life you love.



Here's your reminder to not let Monday steal your Sunday.


Wee bit of Friday fun 😁


When you change your thinking you can change your situation.


Sometimes you have to do what's best for YOU and YOUR LIFE, not what's best for everybody else ❀️


You will find that it is necessary to let go; simply for the reason that they are heavy.


Mental health awareness week.
Time for new beginnings πŸ’•


Thought for a Tuesday morning πŸ’•


Settle this one for me please. Yesterday I had afternoon tea with a friend, I put jam then cream on my scone, oh no says he, that's all wrong, it's cream then jam. Now that's just wrong to me, how is it possible to get the amount of jam and cream just right doing it that way, the jam either runs over or you end up with a big splodge in the middle! Who's right?


Making the most of the last half hour in my happy place, waiting for my last sangria before an early transfer to the airport as there is industrial action so we need to get there earlier than usual. The weather at home has been just as lovely, I wouldn't have had to be up in the middle of the night or waiting hours at an airport or spending the budget of a small country to do it but was it worth it for 3 days away? I'll let you decide. Thanks to everyone who has taken advantage of my wee offer so far, if you're still thinking about it I have a few appointments left at the end of May and into June. Happy Easter to those who recognise it and happy eating too much chocolate in the sunshine to those who prefer that. My sangria has arrived, see you on the other side πŸ’•


I'm in my happy place and feeling giddy on the sun, sea (and if I'm honest, sangria!) I have to admit to feeling a tad guilty that I can honestly say that I have no negative thoughts, no feelings of anxiety and I am so relaxed which this time last year I really doubted I would ever achieve. In honour of this, I am offering a 50%, yes, 50% off all sessions booked by the end of April and taken by the end of June. I love helping people, the initial chat is completely free to everyone, drop me a message and let's do this! πŸ’•


It's said that a little of what you fancy does you good. I fancied a wee sangria in the sunshine, who knew it was happy hour 🍷Cheers and enjoy the holiday weekend. I think that probably a little bit of what you fancy DOES do you good πŸ’•


Today I am in my happy place. A 3.45 am alarm, an hours drive to Edinburgh Airport for a delayed 7am four and a half hour flight!. All that for 3 nights away. On the plus side I've had tapas and a glass of a rather nice rioja for lunch. What lengths would you go to to be in your happy place?


Dr David Hamilton talking sense as usual πŸ’•


It's OK to not be OK πŸ’•


Is it your time? Come and have a chat if you would like some help with that πŸ’•

More about Jeanette Kemp Coaching