Jenny Bichan Personal Training



FLexercise training weekend in Edinburgh with my mum. Lots of great ideas and discussions. Today talking about the importance of balance and how we can work on and improve balance - all core core core. Also strength and mobility in our class planning and how vital it is to us all. These are all areas I implement every week and am very passionate about each one of them, but it is still good to get others opinions and hear how they work it all into their class. What I find about every course I do, is I can use it and implement it all into PE teaching with 5 to 11 year olds, PT with my variety of age group clients and my Forres FLexercise class. Cannot stress the importance of core strength, strength and balance enough. As we get older more and more physical actions get harder to do and we lose confidence. Falling and breaking bones is all to common and usually takes ages to recover from. Then independ living can become an issue. And so it goes on. So if we can prevent this for as long as possible it can only be good. FLexercise class -Tuesdays in Forres House Community Centre at 10am with me. Swinging Seniors - Tuesdays in Forres House Community Centre at 2pm with Pam. PT sessions with myself or Johnny Bichan in Findhorn. Please contact me, Pam and Johnny for more info.
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This is only the second time this client has ever done a deadlift. She nailed the technique so well and so quickly, she went for a 1RM and got 75kg. She is super proud of herself and so am I. Her self confidence in her own physical abilities has improved so much - and in only a few weeks. Realising her strength capabilities is starting to change her self image and therefore her mindset. Awesome work.


So here we go - into 2019. Let's hope that it is a healthy, happy and fit. Sometimes we need help with that though, and that's where a PT comes in. We seem to be in an era of PTs and that's for very good reason - we are needed!! There's so much info on gyms, nutrition and what you should and shouldn't be doing that I wouldn't blame someone for giving up before starting. So PTs are the new personal gadget for helping you get started, get fitter, get stronger, be more efficie...nt on that road bike that you got for Christmas, if you were lucky and generally guide you in the right direction - whatever that goal may be. To help you get going here's a wee new year pressie if you book your sessions in January - first session free (consultation always free). With me it's just plain and simple - no gimmicks, no promises that we can't keep, no messing about - just plain and simple encouragement, enthusiasm, experience, technique and fun, and just crack on!!! Please share - even if this is not for you, it might be perfect for someone else. Wee bit of fun - what does the sign mean and what language - comment if you know. It's my favourite (as a message and from an arty point of view)!!! πŸ––
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Getting ready for the coming year. Thought I'd let myself in gently this morning with this wee workout. A bit of everything to make sure it all still worked after all the sitting around and eating and drinking!!


Tuesday FLexercise. Finished the year with our Christmas party at the Mosset Tavern. 42 of us enjoyed a lovely lunch, some fun quizzes and excellent singing. But most of all fantastic company. Thank you all so much for turning up each week - we work hard together, laugh together and support each other in our mission for a fitter, healthier quality of life and FUN. See everyone in 2019 on ... Tuesday 8th January 10am Forres Community Centre. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEARβ˜ƒοΈ
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A few weeks ago one of clients said they weren't very good at skipping any more!! Sore knees, out of breath and probably couldn't even manage 10 without tripping over. This lady is over 70 and last night managed this workout below (SU = single unders - aka skipping, DL = deadlifts, PP = push press) in about 5 minutes and that was after a big kettle bell complex, bench press and thrusters with a barbell!!!!! She never dreamed that she would be using a barbell at any point in her life. She is delighted with herself and was thrilled with her skipping - 48 unbroken!!!! Determination and a certain level of thrawness!!! Fabulous.


Just away to one of my favourite hours of the week. Tuesday's 10 till 11 at Forres House Community Centre for my FLexercise class. A fabulous group of ladies who come and have fun with mobility, agility, strength and core work, dance and co-ordination. Here's a Christmas present you could gift someone who might enjoy this in the New Year. A voucher from one to any amount of classes. Their first class is always free. Let me know if you'd like one of these to start someone you care about on a wee journey of fitness and fun.


Christmas presents!!!!!! This could be just what someone needs to get them going on a healthy, fitness trip in the New Year. You could help them start a great 2019 with a voucher for a session or more. Consultation is free and each session is Β£30. Give me a shout if you want to gift fitness this Christmas.


Hallowe'en workout tonight with my clients. Fabulous family that work so hard every week. Their technique and their strength is improving with each session. I love their enthusiasm and focus and they are up for anything I throw at them - including a work out in the dark tonight, as it was Halloween, that involved core strengthening, a few tactics and lots of teamwork. Also a partner deadlift - mum and daughter working together - awesome - and a super fit son improving in his technique and strength each week. Nice work guys.


FLexercise - official hand over from my mum. That's 3 classes done already and I am loving it. The ladies are really working hard and having a good laugh at the same time. Had the press in on the 2nd week and we are in the Forres Gazette this week. I think we're in the Northern Scot next week. Please come and give it a try. If you can't but you know someone who might benefit then encourage them to join us. There are a variety of ages and abilities, some who have been coming for years and quite a few new faces too. All making this class an experience not to be missed!!!


Family fitness - absolutely loving these sessions. I have teens working out with their mums. What better combination. Not only are they getting fitter and stronger, but they are seeing each other work hard and appreciating each other efforts, strengths and weaknesses. Teens can be a difficult time for everyone, so this is a special hour that kids and parents can share a positive experience every week. This is one of my teens (and a girl who doesn't mind a bit of sweat and hard work - in fact, thrives on it) going through the important stages of technique on a deadlift and more importantly - sharing the barbell with her mum, with her brother working alongside. FANTASTIC FITNESS FAMILIES 🀩😎πŸ’ͺπŸ––πŸ––


Tuesday 4th September will be a big day for me. "Women's League of Health and Beauty" changed its name to "The Fitness League" and last year changed again to "FLexercise". This organisation started in the 1930s and was the first to provide an exercise regime and opportunity for women to get fit, a chance to be empowered physically and feel confident in themselves. Over the years other types of exercise and fads have come and gone. But FLexercise has changed, evolved and mode...rnised without losing the basic principles of concentrating on core stability, posture and poise and conditioning. I have been involved with these concepts since I was born as my amazing mother - a superb advert - has been teaching these classes with no break for 60 years. The Forres class has been taken by her for 46 years and has a huge and loyal following. I am now going to be taking over!!!!!! Very excited and nervous all at the same time as she is an extremely hard act to follow. So the first class will be held at 10am on Tuesday 4th September at Forres House Community Centre and every Tuesday till Christmas. Everyone welcome with a free first class to all new members. See you there. Love Jennyxxx
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Some lovely energy balls for the coming week. Apricot and orange, cashew and almond, and a fudgy chocolate protein slab. Magic. No sugar needed for a massive energy hit and no bad fat. All healthy 🧑❀🧑❀


Summer holidays are here which means I'm free for getting you fit and healthy. Give me a shout if you are wanting a personal programme and motivation.Summer holidays are here which means I'm free for getting you fit and healthy. Give me a shout if you are wanting a personal programme and motivation.


Very excited as I have my first 2 clients tonight for their free consultation. They have decided to come together to share their experience, fitness journey and cost and hopefully good results!!! Great idea to come with a friend and encourage each other and have some banter as you workout. Looking forward to it. πŸ‘β€πŸ’ͺπŸ˜€


Homemade energy balls and muesli bars made for the week ahead - though they won't last that long!!

More about Jenny Bichan Personal Training