King Wedding Videography

About King Wedding Videography

Videographer /photographer in Aberdeen. If you are looking for a high quality video or photos please get in touch!



What a way to end my 2019! This stunning wedding took place at the fabulous Kinkell Byre in St Andrews, shortly before Christmas and was my final wedding of the year. It was also a good friend of mine getting married, Mo, who I haven't seen for a few years after she left to travel the world and end up working in Dubai. I had really been looking forward to this wedding, but with a few colleagues present, I felt the pressure was well and truly on to deliver! Fortunately bot...h the happy couple and myself are absolutely delighted with how this edit has come together! It was an emotional day, in particular given the tragic circumstances, but everyone managed to really enjoy themselves and I think both sides of that have managed to be transmitted with this edit. I'm really proud of this one, and thrilled for both Mo and Ally - congratulations to you both on a truly fabulous wedding and I truly wish you both a lifetime of happiness together! Thank you both so much for putting your faith in me to take on this responsibility for you! Please show Mo and Ally some love by throwing a like on this video!! Feel free to share!
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What a way to end 2019! Here is my preview from what was my final wedding of 2019 - a truly spectacular day from Kinkell Byre in St Andrews for Ally and Mo. I try to stay quite impartial when describing my videos, and I am extremely proud of all of my work from 2019, but in terms of storytelling, I am extremely proud of what I've managed to create with this one. I always say that the quality of my storytelling is dictated by how good the speeches/ceremony audio is from the... day, and for Mo and Ally, the speeches in particular were superb! There were also some other contributing factors to what have helped develop this video, and looking back I think I have done a really good job with this one! I may also be a little biased as Mo became a really good friend of mine when we were colleagues, so take what I've said with a pinch of salt!! Ha! I can't wait to present this one though, it's a cracker!
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What a fantastic night last night at the Morocco fundraiser ceilidh! Great to see so many friendly faces all relaxing at the end of the week with a good sing and dance! Another chance for me to get some more practice with my flash photography as well! Well done to all involved in organising and delivering a fantastic night. Also a big thanks to Maryculter House Hotel for hosting, and to the brilliant Ceilidh Fusion for providing both a Ceilidh and some classic tunes!


Hi all! I have been working on a bit of a re-work of my website, to align with my social media pages, post some of my more recent work, and replace all of the stock images it had previously with 100% content I've created! Would love some feedback if you spot anything that could do with improvement! Thanks!


It was great to get a chance to try out my new off camera flash units at Mo and Ally's wedding (video coming soon!!). I have been asked to photograph the school prom this year and wanted to get some experience of using off camera flash ahead of that - I really like the way these have come out!


Huge congratulations to Lucy and Craig on their fantastic day at the Macdonald Norwood Hall Hotel! Delighted to bring to you their highlights video! A bit of a football theme to this one, with Lucy's family flying the Aberdeen flag and Craig's side supporting the Hoops! Some funny football references just had to make the final cut here!! Lucy and Craig's day was fantastic from start to finish - even the fire alarm going off in the morning wasn't able to take away from a g...reat day. A very emotional ceremony was followed by some fantastic speeches - it was easy to see how much you both mean to each other throughout the day. Thank you both so much for asking me to be involved as your videographer! Being able to watch weddings back really does fill me with pride so I really do appreciate when a couple puts their faith in me!
Photography on the day was provided by the delightful By Rhea and J Dyer Photography - it was an absolute pleasure meeting you both and working alongside you on the day, I really do hope to see you both again in the future! Thanks for making my day as easy as possible, I hope I reciprocated!
Please do like/share/tag away as I know the couple would appreciate that and it would also mean a lot to me as it really helps provide exposure for my work! Thanking you in advance!
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Wow! As I was putting this photo together it made me realise how lucky, honoured and humbled I have been this year to have been given the opportunity by 9 couples to have filmed their wedding!
When I first started wedding videography in 2018 I would never have imagined that I'd be as busy as I have been in only my second year. Being a full time teacher my time is limited as it is, so I cannot take on too many, but this also means I can't really justify going to events to ...advertise my work, so rely heavily on word-of-mouth and recommendations. I know that the vast majority of my 2019 weddings have come from recommendations, so I'd like to also thank the couples/photographers/friends and anyone else who has ever recommended me to anyone. This is how I get the vast majority of my work and it's given me the chance to use all this equipment I've spent an absolute fortune on!! Ha! It has been a genuine pleasure meeting all of the families, friends and fellow suppliers that I have met throughout this year and I can't wait to see what the weddings I have booked in for 2020 provide!
I'd like to also thank everyone who has given any support to this page, whether through simply "liking" the page, leaving a like or comment on a video, or any mention of me to anyone at all - it all really helps with my advertising and I appreciate it so much more than anyone could know!
I hope everyone has a fantastic new year when it comes, and would like to wish everyone all the best for 2020! Thank you!!
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Two weddings left to post from a wonderful 2019 for my videography! First up we have Lucy and Craig who had a fabulous day at the stunning Norwood Hotel back in November. Here's another preview from their highlights video which will be up next weekend! Once again, I'm really pleased with how this one turned out - and the pressure was really on as I teach Lucy's sister so if it was terrible I'm sure she'd let me know!! Fortunately, the bride and groom have provided lots of positive feedback so I'm confident I won't be getting a slagging at school!!! Keep an eye for this cracker next Sunday!


Delighted to introduce Carron and Stephen's wedding highlights from a few weeks ago! This was a really interesting one for me as it was going to be a very small, intimate wedding with only close friends and family. So with no DJ/big party at the end of the night, I knew I would be faced with some different challenges for this one. However, Stephen delivered a fantastic speech which gave me a lot to work with to tell this story, and I am absolutely delighted with what I've ...managed to put together here! There was also a little bit of additional pressure as this was bought as a wedding gift for Carron and Stephen by Carron's sister Vicki, so I felt I had to deliver in order to make the gift worthwhile! Fortunately, the feedback has been completely positive!! Congratulations to both Carron and Stephen, thank you both so much for bringing me in to your day, and thank you to Vicki for choosing me as their videographer! This'll be my last post before Christmas so I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas, and thank you all again for supporting my page - even if it's just by liking the page or liking a video, it all helps with exposure and getting my work showing up to other people, it really is hugely appreciated! When I stop spending money on new gear I'll do an amazon voucher giveaway as a thank you!!
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Coming towards the end of an extremely busy few weeks for me! Here is a sneak preview of a very emotional day from a few of weeks ago for Carron and Stephen’s wedding at the stunning Macleod House and Lodge out at Mr Trump’s golf course! Pouring rain did not stop a fantastic day! Excited to hear the feedback on this one, which by now will be in the hands of the couple themselves! For such a small, intimate wedding, this one gave me a few new challenges for the highlights video but I feel I’ve done a really good job with this one!


Absolutely delighted to introduce Erin and James' wedding highlights! I am absolutely thrilled with how this one has turned out. I always say that the quality of my videos will always be down to how good the audio is from the day, and the speeches were absolutely fantastic here so it's made my job even easier! I have to give a huge thank you to Chris Henderson who was on the photography, not only for being a complete pleasure once again to work alongside, but also for me on his list of videographers he recommends to couples that are looking for one! Without him I highly doubt I would have had the honour of filming Erin and James. Unfortunately, due to some car troubles on their way up from London, I wasn't able to meet up with Erin and James before their wedding, so I was a little unsure of what to expect when I arrived at the stunning @Raemoir House, but almost instantly, both Erin, James and their friends and family made me feel extremely welcome and made it easy for me to do my thing! Special mention to Erin's Dad George who's sense of humour made the day flow really quickly for me, although I did fear for my microphone a couple of times when he said he wanted to throw it into the river!! Ha! I usually have a really good time at weddings, particularly after the stress of the ceremony is passed, but I had such a great time here that I ended up staying a little longer than I usually do - the Ceilidh dancing was too good to leave! A huge congratulations to both Erin and James, and thank you both so much for choosing me to be your videographer! I'm sure you have a lifetime of happiness to look forward to with each other! Please do give this one a watch, I really do think it'll be worth your time, and smash that like button to show some love for Erin and James!
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Absolutely delighted to introduce Lesley and David's wedding highlights video from the Chester Hotel back in September! This wedding was pretty special for me because Lesley was actually a close friend of mine growing up through school. I hadn't seen Lesley in so long, then at an engagement party for another friend last year, she mentioned that she might be keen to have me film her wedding. It filled me with pride to know she was happy to put her faith in me for such an im...portant day, and it was also great to see so many familiar faces from school that I also hadn't seen for years! Felt a bit like being back at the Cammach!! Ha! I could tell David was a bit nervous on the day, but he delivered a fantastic speech on the day, with some excellent comedic timing that took me by surprise! Well done David, a superb effort! A huge congratulations to both Lesley and David and thank you both so much for choosing me to video your big day (or David's big day!! ;) ha!). Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness together! Let's show some love for Lesley and David by slapping a big like on this video!!
Photography on the day was the fabulous Rubislaw Studio who have captured some stunning images! Once again guys it was a pleasure working with you both on the day! Hope to see you again soon!
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Really excited to hear what Erin and James make of their wedding videography package that I've just sent away today! It has a wee journey to make, heading down to London but hopefully will arrive for them tomorrow! Here's a little preview of some moments from their highlights video - I don't like to say too much ahead of the couple seeing it as I don't want to raise expectations but I am really pleased with what I've put together in this one, not only from a storytelling of view but really pleased with my composition on quite a few of the shots - an area I feel I am quite confident with and usually try hard with but on a wedding day composition isn't something you always have the time or space to be meticulous with. The rain let off for a while which allowed us to get outside and working alongside Chris Henderson is always a complete pleasure as he's more than happy to let me get a few shots I'm keen on (great shout on going out in the evening mate!). Delighted to know we've got another one together next year (although he might be sick of my terrible banter by now!! ha!). Can't wait to get this one uploaded and hear your thoughts as well Chris! Keep your eyes peeled all!!
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We’ve now reached the October holidays which frees up some time to edit!! So no video today but here’s a sneak preview of the next one that’s currently in the works, from Lesley and David’s fantastic day at the Chester Hotel earlier in September! What was really special about this wedding for me was that Lesley was a very good friend of mine through school, so it meant a bit extra to me to be involved in their wedding! Excited to see how this one ends up as I got some great shots of both the couple and some outstanding dancing from the guests!!


Absolutely delighted to introduce Olivia and Dean's wedding highlights video to everyone! This wedding was very special for me as it was my first that involved an overnight stay with it being at the stunning Achnagairn Castle in Inverness - it was an awesome experience going up the night before and staying over in a really fancy hotel courtesy of the couple themselves (I don't insist on fancy, but it was great to be treated to it!!). Although I'd not properly met Olivia and... Dean prior to their initial enquiry, we did have a lot of mutual friends, and both know my younger brother, so there were connections there which I always feel helps as I know I can comfortably be myself and the couple will likely be happy with me there too. Knowing several guests also made it easy for me to get up somewhat close for some epic dancing shots!! Shoutout to best man Rossco who, and I quote from the day, "loves the cameras being on him!!" Some excellent shots of you pal as well as snippets from a cracking speech!
I have to say as well that Olivia's side were very welcoming and made me feel really comfortable from the get go, with a loud declaration of "he can stay!!" shortly after me commenting how beautiful Olivia looked before she'd had her makeup done! Deano - I have to also make a special mention to how good both your speech and ceremony words were! I think together they've really helped make this highlights video what it is, as you've managed to brilliantly put across both how much you love Olivia but also your funny/cheeky side with some brilliant one liners!! A really entertaining and well delivered speech!
Overall, a really fantastic day from start to finish and I think that comes across really well in this edit. I've watched this several times myself and I'm really pleased with what I've managed to put together for you both! A huge congratulations to the new Mr and Mrs Lawrie and thank you both so much for giving me this responsibility! It really does mean a lot to me!
Photography on the day was provided by Suzanne Li Photography who has captured some stunning images from the day! It was great working with you and Lindsey!
Please like/share/comment/tag away - any would be hugely appreciated!
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Unfortunately there’ll be no wedding video posted from me today, I’ve had a really busy September with 3 weddings and back in the swing of things with teaching our future generation so my available editing time has been reduced significantly!! My final wedding of September was yesterday and once again I had an absolute blast, it really does mean a lot when a couple choose me for their wedding, and give me that responsibility for their big day!
To wet the appetite for what I h...ope to be my next video post, here’s a few screen grabs from what has formed Olivia and Dean’s highlight video so far, I’ve got about a third to go on it so I’m nearly there, and really pleased with how it’s coming together - Deano your speech was amazing/hilarious!! This beautiful couple got married at the stunning Achnagairn Castle in Inverness, so I got to go on a little road trip for this one with an overnight stay in a very fancy hotel courtesy of the couple themselves! Excited to finish this off for you guys and hear what you think of everything! Hopefully won’t be too much longer to wait!!
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