Kingdom Of Airsoft

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 10:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 10:00 - 19:30
Friday: 10:00 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Kingdom Of Airsoft

Here at Kingdom of Airsoft L, we provide a professional building, upgrade and repair service to suit your every need. We specialise in TM Recoils, AEGs and AEPs with custom packages for every budget and performance goal.

Kingdom Of Airsoft Description

Here at Kingdom of Airsoft, we provide a professional building, upgrade and repair service to suit your every need. Whether you want to hit your target at over 100m or just want your AEG to outlast your hoover, we have packages tailored to every budget.



Getting there with the new shop foyer.
It's been a slow process but we're finally making noticeable headway. We'll have a full showroom, range and customer lounge through the double doors and the main tech room to the right.
... Still a long way to go but not bad for an Airsoft tech shop 😛
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Tech Station Mk8 is now almost complete :D
Once the paint had dried yesterday, I was able out up my tool panel and finally get back on the guns!
There's still a lot of organization to do but we now have 10x more space to do it in.
... Virgin Business site survey tomorrow so we should have internet and phone connections soon after.
Thank you all so much for your patience!
#kingdomofairsoft #airsoft #newworkshop #airsofttech #toolporn
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We're almost finished shifting everything in to the new workshop :) Still a couple of van loads but very almost finished now.
The tech room floor has been leveled and the new bench system is well underway thanks to the legendary Eddie Wighton!
... The main shelving for the showroom and 40m shooting range (eventually 50m once the walls have been knocked through) is up and providing some much needed organizational space. AJ has also claimed his Range Master's desk too.
The bench should be finished today so I'll be back on the builds tomorrow.
We should also have the office carpeted and the computers set up over the next couple of days.
Our internet and phone lines will be transferred up over the coming weeks so until then, messages and emails will be limited and the phones will be turned off (but the answer phone still works so please do leave a message).
The plan is to be largely back to normal by next week :D
We really do appreciate the messages of support and your patience with the delays. This warehouse will be our forever- home so no more moves after this!
#kingdomofairsoft #newworkshop #airsoft #shootingrange
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We now have access to what will be the new tech area!
This part needs the most work but we're well under way. The 90's office ceiling has been stripped out and the dodgy carpeting ripped out. Once the electrics and lighting have been sorted, I can start building the new tech desk system so normal service can resume.
... The Old workshop is almost empty now, all services and access there will be closed off by the weekend so we should be running from the new warehouse next week.
Still a ways to go but the end is in sight :D
#kingdomofairsoft #newworkshop #moving #painting #renovation #airsoft
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The big move to the new warehouse is well underway :D
This is around one quarter of our new space.
Many awesome things to follow.
... Now back to work!
#newworkshop #kingdomofairsoft #moving
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The workshop will be closed today. My better half is just out of surgery so I'll be home today.
AJ is up at the new warehouse getting everything prepped for our imminent move.
... Please do leave a voice mail (which go to my email so I do hear them) or drop mean email:
I do apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Cheers, Sam
--picture is a lovely SCAR DMR build from last week. It's an absolute beast! 😀
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Big news for Kingdom of Airsoft :D
Not only am I back after a nasty chest and ear infection, We're moving workshop to a much larger warehouse and office complex!
This space is approximately 4x larger with double the height to work with, including a truck loading bay and enough space to run an indoor CQB site ;)
... We'll be moving from the 1st of May and have organized things for a minimum amount of disruption. AJ has kindly taken on responsibility for the logistics, I'll get set up in the new place and continue working on the guns while the rest of the shop moves in afterwards.
In other news, we'll be offering up some PTW service packages after the move. This motor came in yesterday for a rewind. It's already been rewound but unfortunately, the wrong solder was used so the joins couldn't handle the heat.
#kingdomofairsoft #airsofttech #airsoft #systemaptw #newworkshop #moving
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We're closed this sunny Sunday but here's one that crops up every so often. When installing steel bushings in any NGRS M4 platform, they need to be almost flush with the outer shell to allow the selector to function smoothly.
Some brands are already flush but the best ones do need a little grinding to take them down a tad.
... Incidentally, you can also see the correct sticker position on the selector plate for a Titan installation :)
#kingdomofairsoft #airsoft #airsofttech #gateelectronics #gatetitan #nomadarms #tokyomarui #laylax
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Some parts are just too awesome to resist.
This B&T Atlas bipod came in for a customer and the difference between this and my old Harris is a world and a half! Lighter, sturdier, easier to use, more configurable and admittedly, much easier on the eye.
... I think I've found my new favourite accessory 😍
What's your favourite?
#kingdomofairsoft #airsoft #airsoftlove #airsoftporn #airsoftobsessed #airsoftworld #atlasbipod
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All the shines have arrived today :D
New paints and supplies along with some awesome quality tools. I've always struggled to find tweezers that are both strong enough and precise enough so I just grabbed one of every brand from eModels UK.
... Turns out, Tamiya tweezers are the best by far!
We've also got a large laser-cut desktop organizer for all the painting supplies to build.
Fume extraction and a large capacity airbrush soon to follow courtesy of Graphic-Air.
#kingdomofairsoft #airsofttech #airbrush #tamiya #graphicair #emodelsuk #iwata #hobbyzone
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Choked up with the cold today and can barely speak. I won't be able to answer the phone but I'm on emails and messages :)


Another batch of our unbeatable Blueprinted motors just out of the oven :)
Nice and toasty, which is certainly helping us get over this cold-bug that's hit the workshop.
These now feature a new epoxy we've been trialing, with even better thermal properties and deeper coil penetration.
... We're also using a dab of Finish Line Extreme Fluoro grease on the comm before skimming them; this really helps to maintain a smooth cut with less jitter. I have had to make a face shield to block the copper globs flying around though :p
We use the Action Army and Star Wei base motors for these.
What's your favourite motor?
#kingdomofairsoft #airsoft #airsofttech #brushedmotor #dcmotor #armature
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There are times where things don't quite go to plan.
This build came back to us after the recipient's national Customs had inspected the build upon entry and unscrewed the outer barrel. Unfortunately, this caused the inner barrel to rotate making the gun unusable.
... We've locked the outer barrel in place with threadlock and now it has a Retro Arms CNC hop chamber with barrel locking collet to secure the inner barrel in place too.
Just a few modifications to the chamber support block were required and it drops straight in :)
Customs inspections are a necessary evil but they're better than many postage companies.
What's the worst you've seen in the post?
#kingdomofairsoft #vfc #hk417 #airsofttech #airsoft #retroarms
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Sometimes the disbelief is simply overwhelming.
This LiPo adapter had been 'soldered' to the contact bars and promptly failed after use. Most soldering irons are simply not powerful enough the heat the solid copper bars enough to bond with the solder, a blow torch and plenty of Flux is the best way to build an adapter like this.
... What's the most hilarious upgrade you've seen lately?
#kingdomofairsoft #airsoft #airsofttech #airsoftfail #wsdeans #tamiya
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Another camo paint job complete :)
This one is destined for use in a largely man-planted pine and beech forest, so the palette is a little darker with more browns.
Getting right back in to the artistic side of things, I've even looked out my old brushes from college :p ... I'll need to start sketching again too.
We've had a large shipment of Enamel paints in, which are very hard wearing and great for more vivid designs. We have a few cool ones in the pipeline :)
What would you like to see?
#kingdomofairsoft #airsoft #camo #camopaint #tamiya #mrcolour #humbrol #krytac
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The beast within!
This tiny Krytac Trident (new M-Lok version) is set up with our top tier Rapier build with an export-ready 1.65J behind each shot. We had it locked to semi-auto for the video but in Denmark, this can be unlocked for some serious firepower.
... Using Nuprol Rzr 0.32g ammo, we were dropping a couple of meters short of the shed at 100m (hitting with arced shots). The superb helical gears in the Krytac shell coupled with the Marui Pro Suppressor gives a deceptively quiet and efficient build.
AJ was certainly enjoying himself testing this one and it's one of my favourite AEG builds!
What's your favourite gun?
#kingdomofairsoft #airsofttech #airsoft #tokyomarui #krytac #lonex #retroarms #laylax
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More about Kingdom Of Airsoft

Kingdom Of Airsoft is located at 6 North Isla Street, DD3 7JQ Dundee
Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 10:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 10:00 - 19:30
Friday: 10:00 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -