Kinghorn Coastguard

About Kinghorn Coastguard

This Page is for General Information only. This Page is no way affiliated with the MCA and updated solely by members of Kinghorn Coastguard Team and all comments and views are our own.

Kinghorn Coastguard Description

Her Majesty 's Coastguard is responsible for the initiation and co-ordination of civil maritime search and rescue within the United Kingdom Search and Rescue Region. This includes mobilisation, organisation and tasking of adequate resources to respond to persons in distress at see or to persons at risk of injury or death on the cliffs or shoreline of the United Kingdom

General Information

HM Coastguard are a Category 1 Emergency Responder alongside the Police Fire and Ambulance Services and are tasked via the 999 /112 Emergency System.

Although Government funded through the department for Transport (TfT) via the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), we all give our time voluntarily to assist in Maritime, Coastline and also inland emergencies.

We are a 9 person team consisting of 2 females and 7 males and are all fully trained for Cliff Rescue, Mud Rescue, Water Rescue and Lost Person Searches. We cover West end of Kirkcaldy to Stirling and train regularly with our surrounding teams Leven, South Queensferry and Fisherrow. We are often called on to assist our fellow teams.

We regularly work and train alongside Fire, Police, Ambulance and RNLI to affect a better Emergency Response for those in need.



HAVE YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A COASTGUARD? We currently have vacancies within our team at Kinghorn. If you are over 18 & have a full driving licence, then we'd love to hear from you. To get the ball rolling, contact our senior coastal operations officer, at Quoting Kinghorn CRT, and we'll get back in touch with you.
To search... To rescue To save
It's what we do.
Remember, in a beach or coastal emergency, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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This week members of the team have been helping our senior coastal operations officer conduct basic training for new entrants to the coastguard rescue service. We are still actively seeking to recruit people to join the Kinghorn team. If you are over 18 and have a full driving licence, interested in learning new skills and being part of a fantastic team, the we would love to hear from you. In the first instance, email our SCOO at, and he will be in touch you.
To search To rescue To save
It's what we do.
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***CALLOUT*** #53 03:21 12/12 Paged by Aberdeen coastguard operations centre to assist police Scotland with the search for 2 vulnerable males missing from their residence in the Burntisland area. HM Coastguard aeronautic rescue control centre scrambled rescue helicopter 951 from Inverness which was quickly on scene and located the 2 males using their forward looking infrared camera in woodland on the outskirts of the town. Coastguard rescue officers on the ground assisted to retrieve the pair and take them into their custody, and return them back to their place of residence. We were joined on this successful tasking by our colleagues from South Queensferry and Leven. All resources stood down and returned to their respective stations, ready for the next tasking.
Remember in a beach, cliff or coastal emergency, dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
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***CALLOUT *** #52 6/12 Paged by Aberdeen CGOC to return to Torryburn, to provide safety cover to BDMLR medics tending to 2 whales which have washed up again on the mud flats. Sadly, nothing more could be done for them. One whale was spotted 150m offshore but its condition is unknown.
In a beach or coastal emergency, dial 999 and ask for the coastguard.


***CALLOUT *** #51 15:21 05/12. Paged by Aberdeen coastguard operations centre to a report of a number of pilot whales stranded on the mud flats at Torryburn. Arrived on scene to find medics from the BDMLR tending to 3 whales that had washed up. Coastguard resources provided safety cover, logistical assistance and oversaw the refloatation at high water. Despite the best efforts from all on scene, sadly, all 3 whales perished. We were joined on this tasking by our colleagues ...from South Queensferry, Scottish Fire and rescue, and members of the Scottish ambulance service sort team. We were stood down at 00:30 and returned to our respective stations.
Remember, in a beach or coastal emergency dial 999 and ask for the coastguard.
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They.shall not grow old, As we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them Nor the years condemn
... At the going down of the sun And in the morning We will remember them
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***CALLOUT *** 15:00 #44, 2018 Paged this afternoon to assist our flank coastguard teams from St Andrews and Leven with the rescue of 2 persons cut off by the tide on the chain walk, Elie. They attempted to scale the cliff to safety, but got into difficulty. A rescue mission was initiated utilising our specialist rope rescue skills, and the 2 persons were recovered safely to the cliff top, and were checked over by members of the waiting Scottish ambulance service SORT team, b...efore going on their way. In addition to the coastguard and ambulance resources, we were joined on this multi agency response by members of the Scottish fire and rescue service from St Monans and safety cover from the sea by Anstruther RNLI. A great example of how all the emergency services work together.
Remember, in a beach, cliff or coastal emergency, dial 999 and ask for the coastguard.
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This locker is empty..... Could your kit be hanging in here? Have you got what it takes to be a coastguard rescue officer? Our team comes from all walks of life, from engineers to driving instructor and medical professionals. If you have some time to spare and interested in joining our dedicated team and learn new skills along the way, then we'd love to hear from you. In the first instance, email our senior coastal operations officer, at, with your, and he'll be touch with you with more details.
To search, To rescue, To save. It's what we do. Remember, in a beach, cliff or coastal emergency, dial 999 and ask for the coastguard.
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2 callouts today, thankfully both with positive outcomes.
CALLOUT No1, 09:35 Saturday 18th Report of a person in water at Pettycur Bay. On arrival on scene, we found Kinghorn ILB standing off and a kite surfer who had suffered equipment failure on the shore. Thankfully he was able to self recover himself and his equipment safely, no medical assistance was required and all resources returned to their respective stations.
... CALLOUT No2. 12:54.
Requested to assist Police Scotland in the search for 2 vulnerable people missing from the Burntisland area since Friday evening. A major search was initiated involving coastguard teams from South Queensferry, Leven and St Andrews, RNLI Kinghorn and RNLI Aberdour lifeguards. Coastguards walking the coastal path located the 2 persons close the Burntisland end, thankfully neither of them required medical attention after being checked over by paramedics.
All resources returned to their respective stations, awaiting the next tasking.
TO SEARCH, TO RESCUE, TO SAVE. It's what we do.
In a beach or coastal emergency, dial 999 and ask for the coastguard.
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All set up at Kinghorn RNLI open day, come down an d say hello to the team.


***CALLOUT *** #17 13:10 Whilst out on a routine coastal familiarisation patrol, we were Paged by Aberdeen CGOC to check on a report of a broken down vessel in the Dysart area. Kinghorn lifeboat was launched to tow the stricken vessel into Dysart Harbour where members of the team took over the safe landing of the boat and its skipper.,who was uninjured and required no further assistance. All then returned to their respective stations.


***CALLOUT *** #16, 13:25 22/06
Paged by Aberdeen CGOC to assist Scottish ambulance service and our coastguard colleagues from Leven and St Andrews coastguard teams to evacuate a female who had fallen approximately 30 feet from a section of the coastal path onto rocks at Pittenweem. She was immobilised by the ambulance crews on scene and successfully transferred to the waiting ambulance and taken for treatment for her injuries. A successful multi agency rescue working ...alongside the ambulance service and our SAR partners at Anstruther RNLI.
To Search To Rescue To Save. It's what we do In a beach or coastal emergency, dial 999, and ask for the coastguard.
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***CALLOUT *** 13/2018. 15:21 Paged to a report of an overdue kayaker in the Dysart area. After a consultation with the first informant, a coastal search was initiated between Dysart and Kirkcaldy harbours, with Kinghorn RNLI lifeboat searching the water between west Wemyss and Kirkcaldy. After an extensive search the casualty vessel was located in Kirkcaldy Harbour, and the owner was located a short time later. As well as members of Kinghorn CRT and Kinghorn ILB, we were joined on this search by our colleagues from Leven and South Queensferry coastguard teams, and aerial support from rescue 199, Prestwick.


We currently have vacancies within our coastguard rescue teams at Kinghorn and Leven.
Our volunteer team members come from all walks of life, and respond to beach and coastal emergencies 24/7.
... If you are interested in joining our SAR family, in the first instance, email your details and which team you'd be interested in joining to
And we'll be in touch.
To search. To rescue. To save It's what we do.
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***CALLOUT *** 08/2018 19:59 Paged to assist Scottish ambulance service with the extraction of a female from the waterline at Dysart Harbour who had fallen and injured her ankle. The safest way to extricate the casualty was to package her into a stretcher, and transfer her into Kinghorn lifeboat which was standing by, and was brought ashore inside the harbour, to the waiting ambulance. We were joined on scene by members of the Leven and St Andrews coastguard teams.


***CALLOUT "" " 11:07 08/2018 Paged by Aberdeen CGOC to assist Police Scotland and our coastguard colleagues from St Andrews and Leven with a search for a missing 19 year old University student who has been unaccounted for since Wednesday. A stretch of coastline between the East sands and buddo Ness, which had, until now been unable to access, due to tidal conditions, was searched, but unfortunately, nothing found. Details of the search area passed to police search advisor, and stood down to return to station. The enquiry is still open, details of the missing person can be found on the police Scotland Facebook page, anyone with information, please contact them on 101. Ewan and Brian P attended from Kinghorn. Photos courtesy of Malcolm Ironside.

More about Kinghorn Coastguard

Kinghorn Coastguard is located at Station Yard Kinghorn, KY3 9 Kinghorn, Fife