Kirkcaldy Bowling Club “The Big Green”

About Kirkcaldy Bowling Club “The Big Green”

The purpose of KBC is to play and promote the sport of outdoor bowling, membership is open to anyone interested in the sport on accepted application.



The members of kirkcaldy Bowling Club were deeply saddened to learn of the recent passing of a well-loved member, Isobel MacDonald.
Isobel has been unable to bowl for some time, but she is a regular supporter of our social programme and it is not long since she was present, bright, alert and enjoying the banter at one of our Friday evening events. She and her family have played a major part in the club for years, and three generations of the family are currently very active in the management as well as the bowls competitions at KBC.
Because of current restrictions, many members were unable to attend her funeral, but we all want to express our affectionate remembrance of her and to convey our sympathetic feelings for Bill, Joyce and family in their loss.


Further to the latest UK Government communication (decree / order), John McArthur has advised the cancellation of Wednesdays Extraordinary Committee Meeting which was scheduled to discuss the way forward for KBC for the 2020 season.
Please also note that KBC is also on lockdown and will not open until further notice.
Many thanks
... John Nylk Honorary Secretary
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Hello Everyone 👋 I’ve had a lovely message this morning from Maureen Mitchell.
Maureen has kindly offered her help to anyone who may be struggling to get to the shops at this difficult time.
... If there is anyone struggling or needing any assistance during this time then please don’t hesitate to contact Maureen. Her number is our club handbooks if you do require it.
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AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM YOUR COMMITTEE The Clubhouse will be open from April 6th to allow members access to lockers. A decision over the informal hat game on April 11th will be made shortly. From April 11th members can use the green as individuals. We encourage everyone to follow recommended guidelines regarding hand-washing, etc. Information regarding hat games, friendlies, the Tuesday league will follow. During what may turn out to be a difficult year financially for KBC we hope that members commit to our Club by paying subscriptions as normal. Details regarding the organisation of subscription payment will also follow as soon as possible. Please stay safe.


Today I gave taken the decision to cancel the remaining 3 friday night socials, the skips meeting and the bridge clubs.
Obviously this is to try and protect, as far as we can, the membership of KBC. Decision about first committee meeting will be taken later. Stay safe and healthy.
... John McArthur
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Congratulations to Maureen Shaw on becoming an Honorary Member of KBC. It is very much deserved.


News about Stewart Michie
Just heard from Stewart Michie’s son that he has not long come out of surgery and all was a success and he is doing fine. Will post more information when I’m updated.
Speedy Recovery Stewart and we will all see you at the club very soon.


This coming Friday (17th) is Quiz Night! It won't be University Challenge - just fun trivia questions, music and picture rounds, all hosted by our very own quizmaster Iain "QI" Hirschfeld. Entry also includes tea/coffee, sandwiches and biscuits. We can assure you that every expense has been spared on the prizes for the winning team. The bar will be open, so come along for a 7pm start and bring a friend.


Please note that this coming Friday (6th December) will be a dominoes evening, not whist as indicated previously. The following Friday will be a whist evening. Why not come along - we'll be delighted to see you.


And so we put the 2019 summer season firmly to bed. It was always busy and good-natured, if at times frantic and highly competitive.The weather could have been better, but very rarely made play impossible. Thanks to the hard work of a small band of devoted members, the green was always playable in spite of constant use and the grounds were always a resplendent blaze of colour with beds of rampant annuals and an enviable collection of shrubs and trees. (Perhaps a bit less fert...iliser on the marigolds next year?)
However, the season is far from over. From now until mid-December and resuming in January, the club has a full programme of Friday night events to come and members/friends are very welcome to join us. Here are some firm dates for your social diary. December: 6th (Dominoes) and 13th (Whist).January:10th (Whist), 17th (Quiz), 24th (Dominoes) and 31st (our ever-popular Race Night).
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If there is any photos of prize winners that would like them added to the page please don’t hesitate to send them over and I will be more than happy to put them online.


Gents prize winners 2019
Syd Binning Challenge: Winner Andy Haldane Points: ... Winner Gordon Wood, R/UP George Mitchell Triples: Winners Dick Gartshore, Henry Gowans and Douglas McRoberts, R/UP Mike Paton, Tony Summerfield and Iain Hirschfeld Stocks: Winner Bob Anderson, R/UP Brian Thomson Spears: Winner Bob Anderson, R/UP Colin Meikle Buchanan: Winner Bill MacDonald, R/UP Andy Haldane President's Cup: Winner Mike Dick, R/UP Chris Cain Burnett: Winner Colin Meikle, R/UP David Gilbert DF MacDonald: Winner Colin Meikle, R/UP Chris Cain Nomination Pairs: Winners Colin Meikle and Alistair Meikle, R/UP Bob Anderson and Gary Anderson Ballot Pairs: Winners Bill MacDonald and Bill Rogerson, R/UP Colin Meikle and George Mitchell Open Championship: Winner Andy Haldane,R/UP Mike Dick Internal Triples: Winners Bill MacDonald, Betty MacGregor and Ian Law, R/UP Bob Anderson, Bill Rogerson and Gary Anderson.
Gents' Champion 2019: Winner Bob Anderson, Runner-Up Mike Dick.
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More about Kirkcaldy Bowling Club “The Big Green”

Kirkcaldy Bowling Club “The Big Green” is located at W Fergus Pl, KY11 Kirkcaldy, Fife