
About Kisanhub

A decision support system and data analytics platform for farmers.



Our CEO Sachin Shende explains why the agile nature of our business allows new client #ManorFresh to adapt the solutions we offer to suit their needs. Find out more over at Potato Business:…/manor- fresh-enters-new-pa…/
#agrifood #sustainability #data


Featured on a recent episode of BBC Look East, find out what we had to say about the importance of improving farming methods using data that can be translated and used by farmers in the field:
#sustainability #AgriFood #agriculture #BBC


The KisanHub team are happy to be F&A Next in Wageningen today and tomorrow. We're looking forward to meeting other Global and European Food and Agriculture Thought Leaders.To learn more about #trueagriculturalintelligence, get in touch.
#FAnext2019 #thoughtleaders #agritech #FAnext #agriculture


We will be visiting CropTec Show on Thursday, who else will be there?


Exciting news for us at KisanHub as we have been picked as 1 of 21 companies to join the AB-InBev 100+ Global Accelerator cohort. We will be working with barley growers in India, and their agronomists to help feed data in and then out of the platform to aid decision making. Keep an eye out for updates as the project progresses! 0-accelerator/


Hi guys - it has been a long time since we posted on our Facebook - too long 😱 Do you follow our other social media channels? We are and you can find us on instagram In other news - we held our first user conference this week at our Cambridge office! It was a great success, with a range of speakers and a chance for everyone to meet the team. Rural Coffee Project were on hand to provide lovely coffees and pizzas were provided by local pizza company All Fired Up Pizzas.


Did you see the Farmers Weekly article '7 essential arable apps'? We were proud to see NIAB Digital ActivSmart was one of the apps mentioned - this is powered by the KisanHub platform! arable-farming-apps


Have you subscribed to our Youtube channel yet?…/UCyxCBtJZC2F oQK4eA-69xbg/featured


A very quick overview of the potato seed variety trials that we attended last week in Caythorpe and Coldham. Great to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones, and see the different varieties performance. Next stop Potato Europe in Germany!


It's almost the weekend 🎉and to celebrate we have published a new blog post, the start of our Q&A series to give you an insight into what it is like working for a #SaaS company! Part 1 - Customer Success Manager:…/q-a-series-p art-1-customer-succ…/


We are excited to announce that we are gold sponsors at this year's World Agri Tech Innovation Summit in London, October 16-17. Even more exciting - on day two our CEO Sachin Shende will be speaking on: Tackling the Adoption Barrier: What Value is Digital Ag Bringing to the Farm and Supply Chain Today? Will you be attending?


Coming soon to an event near you... the shiny new KisanHub gazebo! 🎉 First stop the Wholecrop Marketing Ltd trials day this Thursday YO43 3PZ 8am-12pm. Rumour has it Ali is providing the drinks for the authentic gazebo experience! 🥂🍹


From Potatoes in Practice in Scotland last week, to Yorkshire this week @KisanHub will be at the Wholecrop Marketing Ltd trials day (YO43 3PZ) this Thursday (16th August) from 8am - 12pm - we hope to see lots of new faces there!


KisanHub is talking "future product features" this week. Come and see us on Stand 13 at Potatoes In Practice this Thursday 9th August. Let us show you why the Potato Industry is adopting the KisanHub Crop Intelligence Platform so quickly. We might even have a few freebies to give away too!


Keep an eye out for our mention in this week’s Farmer’s Guardian - our customer success manager Liv Bates has written an article about being a young person in the industry!…/young-farme r-focus-liv-bates-27…


Need help adding operations on MyFarm? Check out our YouTube channel for useful video guides:


Our CEO and Co-Founder Sachin Shende is speaking today at the Big Data in Agriculture Symposium in Edinburgh! Sachin is discussing the KisanHub trials platform and how it enables you to plan, capture and visualise trials data effectively.


Yesterday we were out and about in suffolk looking at some #marfona #potatoes under fleece. 16.5 degrees under there! #potatoes #spudlovers #fleece #potatoes18

More about Kisanhub