
About Lammermuirlive

LammermuirLIve (formerly Watch Promotions) is a local community organisation formed to promote both the performing and visual arts in the Lammermuirs. It is supported by the Lammermuir Community Fund.



Reminder to all that we have a simply wonderful folk duo coming to Cranshaws on FRIDAY 16TH NOVEMBER. Sarah-Jane Summers and Juhani Silvola combine Scottish folk fiddle and guitar with a Norwegian folk sound (Hardanger fiddle), spiced up with a splash of improvisation. Why not cheer up a dark November evening and come along? See the poster for details and email me to reserve seats!


We have the unexpected pleasure of hosting another folk fiddle gig on Friday November 16th! Over here for the Scots Fiddle Festival weekend, Sarah-Jane Summers (formerly of RANT) and her Finnish husband Juhani Silvola are coming back to Cranshaws. This is a duo not to be missed! You can watch them at ue=14&v=zpfT64GIH10


Great gig on Saturday night! It was a joy to have RANT back again. Super photo taken on the evening by Harriet Selka!


One week to go! There are still seats available for the RANT gig - so get in contact and we'll reserve tickets for you! Contact


Get your booking for the RANT concert in - seats are filling up fast!


With just a month to go, get in contact to book your seats at the Rant concert on 15th September in Cranshaws. Email wendy.dawson-young@ or ring 01361 890384. Don't miss out - last time Rant came it was a sell-out! Entry just £8!!


So looking forward to RANT coming to Cranshaws in September. The bookings are already coming in via their website - so get in touch if you want to reserve seats!


An opportunity for those of you who enjoyed Ian Kille's geology Winter Lecture last year in Cranshaws!


Don't forget tomorrow's Winter Lecture at Cranshaws! We are really excited to have Sarah Burthe and Mark Newell from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology coming to talk about seabirds. They will be arriving hotfoot from the East Lothian coast, where they are collecting carcasses of seabirds which have been victims of the 'Beast from the East'. See you at 7.30pm!


A busy few months for Watch Promotions concludes next week with a Winter Lecture about the seabirds on the Isle of May in the Firth of Forth. Sarah Burthe and Mark Newell are researchers with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and spend every breeding season out on the Isle of May working amongst the puffins, guillemots, razorbills, kittiwakes and shags that come in their thousands each year to nest and rear their young. I think we can promise some wonderful photographs and interesting data on trends in seabird populations off the Scottish coast. If you care - be there!


Such a great gig on Friday with Karine Polwart! A record audience of 88 enjoyed every moment.


We have a BIG, BIG event coming up soon - Karine Polwart is coming to Longformacus on Friday 23rd February! A titan of the Scottish folk scene, her recent show 'Wind Resistance' received universal acclaim. Once word gets around, we know that the event will be packed out (possibly sold out!), so reserve your seats as soon as possible. See the poster for details.


Next Winter Lecture fast approaching and on a very different topic this time. We are very pleased to have Jonathan Wood and Ettie Spencer (from Longformacus) giving a joint talk entitled 'What is art for?'. Don't miss it - Thursday 8th February at 7.30pm, Cranshaws Village Hall!


IT'S TOMORROW - Dave Lochhead's talk 'A beekeeping year in the Lammermuirs' at Cranshaws Village Hall! 'Bee' there - Thursday 11th January at 7.30pm. A mere £3 entry, including a glass of wine and honey nibbles!!


Our Winter Lecture series starts this coming Thursday, 11th January, with a talk by David Lochhead entitled 'A Beekeeping Year in the Lammermuirs'. It will be of interest to those who either love bees, aspire to keep bees, are honey lovers or committed environmentalists! Come along to Cranshaws Village Hall at 7.30pm. Entry only £3 (to include a glass of wine and nibbles) - so what's not to like?


Saturday 14th October fast approaching! Don't forget our FREE Live Music Night in Longformacus. The music kicks off at 7.30pm with Tommy Tiger, followed by the Jennifer Ewan Band. Cabaret seating and bar - so bring your friends and let your hair down!

More about Lammermuirlive

Lammermuirlive is located at Ellemford, TD11 3SF Duns