Lanarkshire Football Development

About Lanarkshire Football Development

The boys attending this training will receive coaching from SYFA qualified coaches and be invited to play against high quality teams of a similar age group.
Training is on a Friday night at the Bent Park in Hamilton at 6pm until 7. 45PM. This is on a rotational basis and is arranged around the regional squad training, which is also on a Friday night. Boys can attend both training sessions if selected.
Games are arranged and we try to play these at our own park on a Friday night, however, sometimes travel is unavoidable.
Strips are provided at a bond of £20 and this will be returned once the strip is returned.
Boys are selected by their club coaches and should be of a good standard and willing to work hard and listen.
The squad includes outfield players and goalkeepers.
There is no charge for this training other than the bond for a strip which is refundable, The cost for the training is met by the League.
Look forward to seeing you all.

Lanarkshire Football Development Description

The boys attending this training will receive coaching from SYFA qualified coaches and be invited to play against high quality teams of a similar age group.
Training is on a Friday night at the Bent Park in Hamilton at 6pm until 7. 45PM. This is on a rotational basis and is arranged around the regional squad training, which is also on a Friday night. Boys can attend both training sessions if selected.
Games are arranged and we try to play these at our own park on a Friday night, however, sometimes travel is unavoidable.
Strips are provided at a bond of £20 and this will be returned once the strip is returned.
Boys are selected by their club coaches and should be of a good standard and willing to work hard and listen.
The squad includes outfield players and goalkeepers.
There is no charge for this training other than the bond for a strip which is refundable, The cost for the training is met by the League.
Look forward to seeing you all.



Hi folks...I know I'm no longer involved but I kept this page going for the development squads. Can anyone tell me if they are back up running again. Thanks Louise


Hi guys. I'm not sure if anyone has heard anything about the development squads but if there is a league meeting on. ...could someone maybe bring it up. I would hate for this great opportunity to be buried and forgotten about 😢


Hi Guys...I have only just found this out and I am very disappointed as I am sure the boys will be. The league has made the decision to "temporarily" suspend the Development squads. I do not know the reason behind this and neither does Willie Scott. I hope they are being honest and it will restart. Any issues or questions you may be better to contact Angela Buchan who is available for any league information and was involved in the meeting where the decision was made. The league is all about development so I hope they honour that. I will try to keep you all up to date. I also hope you are all enjoying your season and getting lots of football in. Louise


There was a message about 2003 players that I cannot now find. Yes that is one of the current age groups :) Louise


I have now added Willie Scott to the administration for this site. Hopefully this will be useful along with the LFDA site for updates. Hope you are all enjoying the training and your football this season :) Louise


Hi Guys. I spoke to Willie tonight and he would like the 2001, 2002 and 2003's on Friday. Unfortunately, he has to confirm if the Goalkeepers can attend. Mark is working and Tom is still to get back to Willie. Hopefully it is just temporary set back and it can get it sorted quickly. Any change and I will post it up here when I hear. Thanks Louise


Hi guys. Hope you have all had a great Summer and kept up the football :) Squad training at the Bent starts again on Friday the 4th of September....the age groups are now 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. It starts at 5.45 until 7.45. Goal keepers are welcome from the same age groups so long as outfield squad members attending. Guys who have been coming previously are still welcome. Only briefly spoken with Willie so not sure if he is having all age groups attending each week again. Will update when I know. Cheers Louise.


Hi guys. Well tonight was the last night until September of the squad training. Just wanted to wish everyone a great and hopefully sunny summer. To all the boys...keep playing and keep fit too. Tonight was my last night at the Select Squads and i just wanted to thank everyone I have met over these last 9 years...I know...must have been mad lol To all the boys, their parents and especially Willy, Tom, Mark (Gray), Cowboy, George and Mark (Kirky) who have made it a good laugh and hopefully a good experience for any of the boys who came through the squads. Keep it going and I hope everyone comes back for next season. Cheers Louise :)


Right guys.....last few weeks before the end of the season. Can we see a big turn out tonight and see what everyone wants to do next season when we will be joined by the 2003s. Wow I'm getting old lol


Just to say that training is on tomorrow night as a few boys wanted to come along. I wont be there so Tom will be there for the keepers and Kirky and Cowboy for the outfielders. Have fun :-D


Great turn out last night ...20 outfield players. Now I know it's great but still need more so please guys anyone who used to come but fell away...please come back looking good to get a few games sorted :-D


Right guys...good numbers for tomorrow night at squad training. All squads and keepers. Teams want a game so need numbers :)


Right guys I know its been a slow starter due to the weather but out of 3 squads we had 13 boys (3- 2000s, 5- 2001's and 5- 2002s) on Friday. I think we had as many goalkeepers. We have a team wanting to play our boys and without decent squad numbers we cant organise any games....the boys who attend week after week are the ones who are suffering. We need 14 outfield players for each squad and as I said we are over run with keepers. Squad numbers need to improve so we can sort games. Louise.


Well no word to the contrary so see you guys at the Bent tonight for some training. All age groups and keepers :-) normal service hopefully resumed.


Sorry guys but off again tonight. Have a nice warm, dry, cosy night :-D Louise


Just a wee update on a former LFDA select and league player with Burnhead Colts. Congratulations to Callum "Caldo" McCaig on signing for Clyde Football Club. A lot of hard work and determination from him, his parents, his coaches and team mates. Well done Caldo :-D


Sorry guys...getting to be a bit of a habit I know but no training tomorrow night. Here s hoping things improve over the next few weeks. Louise


Sorry guys but Bent park been put off again tonight so no training. Late Park check this afternoon. Hopefully we will be defrosted for next week :-D

More about Lanarkshire Football Development

Lanarkshire Football Development is located at Bent Parks, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire