Leanne Conroy Female Fitness Coach

About Leanne Conroy Female Fitness Coach

�I empower girls to become stronger, fitter and more confident with how they look & feel��⁣⁣
To work with me �

Leanne Conroy Female Fitness Coach Description

I am unable to tell you the story of the big girl who became small in 6weeks. I do love inspirational stories like those, they are great!

But I have a different story to tell
The story of the girl on the left, the party girl, living for the weekend. She wasn’t happy unless she was out drinking with the girls /lads, no concern for her body or her future, living for the now, spending more money on alcohol and bodycons than on food. Yolo!
That’s a scary thought, more alcohol intake than food…wow.

This was me, God I don’t regret it, my university days where unreal and made me who I am today. But I turned 24 and although that is still young… my university days of bad food and alcohol started to catch up with me and I noticed I was starting to gain a little bit of weight in areas that never used to exist! It happens I’m afraid. We are no longer tiny teens we grow into our womanlier figure.

From a past history in dancing and athletics I knew I was no longer fit and I was kidding myself that I was going to be the skinny young kid forever. The Vodka diet was catching up on me. So I took action when I noticed my sexy bodycons where becoming uncomfortably tight. So I started going to fitness classes and did around 40mins a night on a treadmill. Yes! I put my hands up I have been that girl. Who hasn’t, come on?

God I ran on that treadmill so hard but it didn’t do much, I got fitter but I didn’t get that ‘toned’ athletic look I was aiming for, but I did start to feel healthier and more confident. Then I met my partner Joe (JPhysique) who gave me a 1: 1 training session in the free weights area and I have never looked back. Within weeks I noticed little changes in my body, but it wasn’t until a few months down the line until my family and friends started to notice change and asked how I did it. My bingos are tighter, my bum is higher and fuller wink emoticon The cellulite on my legs… Gone!

It’s great! I am strong and with that came more confidence. I no longer rely on alcohol to get me on that dance floor I am bursting with energy. My hair, skin and nails are healthier too.

The thing is no one see’s the background of work people put in, they just see the results…
You have to put in some work, it doesn’t come quick but as the old wise tales go it’s not always the quickest that finishes first. So progression is better than nothing.

So 3 years on since I first lifted a barbell, it’s the perfect time to share this story. I have furthered my fitness goal waaay more than I ever expected.

More about Leanne Conroy Female Fitness Coach

Leanne Conroy Female Fitness Coach is located at Stirling