Liam Ramage Personal Training

Monday: 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 22:00
Friday: 06:30 - 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 13:00

About Liam Ramage Personal Training

1 to 1 Personal Training
Online Coaching
Sport Specific Online Programmes

With 7 years experience in health and fitness. Get in touch for more information



THIS POST ūüĎŹūüŹĽūüĎŹūüŹĽ if you have not seen the guys at float philosophy yet then get yourself along ūüĎćūüŹľ
#Repost @floatphilosophy with @get_repost „ÉĽ„ÉĽ„ÉĽ Spent our day off yesterday climbing Ben Vorlich - such a good way to disconnect, clear your head and get a serious workout in at the same time‚õį... ‚ÄĘ Anyone out there that‚Äôs struggling with depression I highly recommend spending more time outdoors in nature - it‚Äôs our natural habitat. A recent study published in Environmental Science and Technology, revealed that immersing ourselves in natural scenery doesn‚Äôt only cut the risk of becoming depressed in the first place but also mitigates the symptoms of depression for those already suffering from the illness. We live in one of the most beautiful countries on the planet - make the most of it ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ
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All PTs and instructors get along to this at Blue Sky Pilates.


Check out this by the guys at @g2g_coaching ūüĎćūüŹľgo follow them.
#Repost @g2g_coaching with @get_repost „ÉĽ„ÉĽ„ÉĽ Now that we have your attention. ‚†Ä... With holiday season ūüŹĖÔłŹnearly upon us, we would like to discuss a few points to help those who are on their fitness journey.‚†Ä ūüĒĶPractice self-compassion. You have already done the hard part of committing to change for a better you. Beating yourself up because you aren't where you want to be right now will not make the process go faster.‚†Ä Give yourself a break, everyone goes at their own pace.‚†Ä ūüĒĶLearn to know when enough is enough and then when to push yourself. You will burn out like a candle in the wind if you push too hard with goals. ‚†Ä However, pushing your comfort zone now and again is the only way to temper yourself.‚†Ä For example, starving yourself for a day because you over indulged last night won't make help you to lose body fat. But being in an average calorie deficit week-on -week will. ‚†Ä ūüĒĶComparison to other people. Stop it! ‚†Ä The only person you should be trying to compare yourself to, is who you were yesterday. Chances are that you don't know that person. You don't know their struggles, their routine, their programme, their diet. ‚†Ä Todays instagram society is toxic - let's be honest with ourselves. ‚†Ä Reduce comparison to others: your brain will thank you.‚†Ä ūüĒĶCultivate habits that add up. For example: if your goal is to lose body fat - rather than eliminating certain unhealthy foods from your diet. Try to reduce its intake and increase the number of steps you take a day by 2000. This way you won't feel deprived and you are cultivating a good habit: its win-win. And week-on-week you will have vastly reduce the amount of food you have eaten and increased exercise.‚†Ä ūüĒĶDon't fall for fads. Fit tea doesn't care about you - they care about profit. Keep your cash and spend it on wholesome food. Stop looking for magic bullets and commit to your goal. Sorry to burst that balloon. ūüéąūüƨԳŹūüĎĆ‚†Ä ūüĒĶYour happiness comes first. Sometimes happiness isn't measured in inches and millimetres. Happiness isn't measured in grams and macros. ‚†Ä Just do it: indulge with your friends and family. Prioritise what means the most to you.
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Client Debbie making 65kg look easy on trap bar deadlifts. ‚Ā£‚Ā£ ‚Ā£‚Ā£ Trap bar deadlifts are a great alternative to conventional deadlifts. If the gym you use has one and you haven‚Äôt tried it yet then give it a go. ‚Ā£‚Ā£ ‚Ā£‚Ā£ ‚Ā£‚Ā£... #personaltrainer #pt #gymmotivation #training #fitnessmotivation
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Client @kiki_archibald, who is now doing online instead of one to one, squatting from a few weeks back.
With the consistency of a good training programme her technique has improved dramatically. This has therefor increased her proprioception and her ability to contract the target muscles and therefor see better strength and muscle gains!!
Too often people are concerned about how heavy they can lift. Try focussing on a good contraction and see the difference it makes for how... your muscle development is and how hard you work in each session.
If you have any questions regarding technique or 1 to 1 and online personal training then get in touch.
#personaltrainer #pt #gym #fitnessmotivation #training #strongwomen #workout #fitfam #edinburgh #edinburghleisure #craiglockhart
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ūüĎĆūüŹĽ #strong #strongnotskinny #ladieswholift #fitfam #gymmotivation #training #personaltrainer


Don’t stop now! The changes you want are just a few weeks away!
How many people start a new healthy lifestyle but only give it 2 weeks of real commitment?


My page is starting to look like a James Smith fan page. ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ However, this is actually just because we have a very similar view on this, and a lot of other subjects in the health and fitness industry. ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ With so many six packs, instabooty, workouts and steroids for everybody to see on social media it is understandable why average Joes perceptions of what results are achievable in 8 week training plan is so skewed! ‚Ā£... ‚Ā£ #gym #workout #training #pt #personaltrainer #fit ‚Ā£
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Hello.... thank you for all your likes. I would be very grateful if you could give my page a share and if you have the time leave a review ūüĎĆūüŹĽ Much love. Liam


Get in touch if you are interested. #personaltrainer #gym #pt #edinburghleisure #craiglockhart


So, its that time of worked hard for your summer body, how do you keep your intensity levels up and maintain motivation as the days get shorter? ‚Ā£ Change you goals - ‚Ā£ In the summer, we tend to lean towards appearance related fitness goals. That‚Äôs only natural, especially when you live in Scotland, as at the first sign of sunlight 99% of us end up showing a bit more skin. ‚Ā£ But as the weather slowly gets colder and it is now dark by 6pm, you might find it more m...otivating to structure your training around different goals.‚Ā£ Training for a specific event is a great way to maintain your focus and progress, particularly if you can do it with others. Alternatively, you might play the numbers game...... focus on a couple of movements and set yourself a target to beat over 6, 8 or even 12 weeks. Recording and then beating target times, weights and reps can be seriously satisfying. Look at your technique.....Focus on trying to complete your workouts with better form over this period. ‚Ā£ Try something new - ‚Ā£ Whether it‚Äôs a boot camp, yoga or learning a new skill, a change is definitely better than a rest.‚Ā£ All too often we fall into the habit of doing the same old thing every time we get to the gym and it can get really boring. In addition, if you never change up your workout, you stop challenging your body and your performance will gradually suffer, which in turn can also kill your motivation. If you‚Äôre not sure whether to start swimming or create a new CrossFit inspired workout then get a PT and let them give you a kick up the arse for a couple of months.‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ Take more of an interest - ‚Ā£ Whether you‚Äôre the kind of person that loves a motivational quote or you‚Äôd rather take your time digesting the latest fitness training doesn‚Äôt matter as both are effective. What you put in your brain has a marked effect on what you do with your body. And it doesn‚Äôt stop at reading. YouTube is full of excellent fitness videos that can show you interesting new moves or methods to enhance your training regime.‚Ā£ Sometimes being that little bit more invested can massively increase your motivation and productiveness.
#personaltrainer #gym #fitness #training #workout
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**WEIGHTLIFTING BELTS** Lets start with when not to use them and the problems they can cause. ‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£ Most lifters who use a belt have no clue what it's there for or how to use it. It's just another trendy thing to have!! ‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£ If you're a novice, or have lower back ‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£ problems a belt does not make you stronger/solve the problem...... making sure you know how to properly brace your core while lifting would be much more beneficial than a piece of equipment.‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£... ‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£ The lifting belt is a tool for athletes who have earned the right to apply it to their training in order to enhance the feel and stability of a big lift (for me 95% of my max on squats 165+ and deadlift 205+) It is not a fashion accessory!! ‚Ā£‚Ā£It should not be something that is put on immediately after you are warmed up (some don‚Äôt even do that) and then kept on for every exercise in that training session. ‚Ā£‚Ā£Even for advanced lifters there are times where lifting 100% without any equipment is still the preferred method and of course there are exceptions with regards to when a belt is suitable. ‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£ If an exercise is targeting core strength like a loaded carry then why would a belt be required in training? Why not just go lighter and actually train yourself how to use your your core? On upper body movements, like pressing and pulls, and lower body work like walking lunges, split squats and deadlifts if you learn how to stabilise your core, not only will your form then be better which in turn allows for a better stimulus on the muscles that you are actually trying to train..... but i would confidently say that you wont get any lower back pain either as your core should actually be doing the job it should, and not thinking a piece of equipment can do it for you! It should go without saying....... if you're doing arms with a belt on then you need some serious help. ‚Ā£‚Ā£ ‚Ā£‚Ā£‚Ā£ If you get out of the routine of using a belt on every lift (this is something i was bad for when i was weightlifting) you will achieve a more authentic and functional full body tension in your training, which in short will build more strength.
#gym #gymmotivation #workout #training #fitness #fitfam #fitfam #workoutroutine #personaltrainer
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Perfect example of why i encourage flexible dieting on all my clients. No foods are the enemy. But have them too often and you will struggle to hit the targets which we have agreed on. ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚Ä Ę‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ‚ÄĘ LIVING VS DIETING ūüćďūüćéūüćď By @drclaudiatfelty - Eating a ūüć© donut, cookie ūüć™, piece of cake ūüćį, pizza ūüćē or whatever your fear food may be, does not need to ruin your day. ‚†Ä... Guilt and shame around these foods needs to go! ‚†Ä Let‚Äôs take a look at what guilt really gives us. Guilt = fear of foods, lack of control around food, a restrict and binge mentality, no clear idea of what‚Äôs best for our body, constant stress when deciding what to eat, and sometimes we even avoid places and people we love so we don‚Äôt have to be around the food that makes us feel bad (cue birthday parties, weddings, girls nights etc.). ‚†Ä Now let‚Äôs look at what we get when we let go of guilt. ‚†Ä ‚úÖWe get our lives back. ‚†Ä ‚úÖWe can stop eating when we‚Äôre full. ‚†Ä ‚úÖWe don‚Äôt have to avoid people, places, or things that involve food. ‚†Ä ‚úÖOur stress around food is gone and the restrict/binge mentality fades away. ‚†Ä Sounds like we need to spend less time feeling guilty and more time trying to get back in tune with our body signals.
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Why the scales are helpful..... but not the most important factor in your fitness journey!
This client has worked hard for 4 months...Very hard actually! And now her weight has dropped down dramatically we have begun to aim for what many people would describe as ‚Äútoning‚ÄĚ which is actually muscle gain.
If the scales were the only measurement used to establish positive or negative results week to week then this looks bad ‚ėĻÔłŹ the first time the weight has increased (granted its... only a kilogram but its just an example) could cause some people to feel like they have failed and the motivation may drop.
When we look at the the weight along with the circumference measurements and progress photos/how clothes fit this actually shows this client has not failed at all! The circumference on every point being the same if not better and progress photos showing certain areas of the body that we have been working on are looking much firmer!
Scales are not the enemy when they are used alongside other tools. Weight can go up while your circumference measurements go down!
#fitness #gym #workout #training #gymmotivation #personaltrainer #personaltraining #fitfam #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #workouts #bodytransformation #gymfit
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Heading home from the sun! ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ Rest and recovery is just as important as the hard work you put in. ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ I have trained roughly every second day, not tracked what i was eating but also not gone crazy, consumed more alcohol in 10 days than i probably have in the last 6 months and i have relaxed and enjoyed every minute of it. ‚Ā£... ‚Ā£ Far too often people who are really into their fitness seem to forget that enjoying themselves is part of that rest and recovery. ‚Ā£ ‚Ā£ I don‚Äôt think my lifestyle, training and nutrition is restricted at home, but being able to switch off and not stress about it all has allowed me to recharge mentally and physically. Now more excited than ever to smash some new personal goals..... and even more excited to get back to the job i love and pushing clients harder than they think is possible to achieve more than they every expected! ‚Ā£
#personaltrainer #gym #fitness #training #workout #fit
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@markmcw24 showing some good plyo jumps! ‚Ā£ He has shown a huge improvement in strength and power over the last couple of months. ‚Ā£ All the main lifts have increased and now weights he couldn‚Äôt have moved before are looking comfortable. #training #gym #training #workout #fitness #personaltrainer #personaltraining #gymmotivation #power #boxjumps #plyometrics

More about Liam Ramage Personal Training

Liam Ramage Personal Training is located at Craiglockhart Leisure Centre, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 22:00
Friday: 06:30 - 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 13:00