Limitless Potential Nlp

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Limitless Potential Nlp

Personal Coaching - Are you looking to say goodbye to phobias /Anxiety or build self confidence or just feel amazing. Call now

Limitless Potential Nlp Description

We all have that version of us that we see, imagine and talk to ourselves about . A person who is happier , stronger , braver , more confident , more driven and successful - and many more . Our beliefs and what we have been told about ourselves sometimes change what we believe we can achieve .
I have spent 25 years in the Health and Fitness industry and NLP is the one thing that has given me the ability to make quick lasting change in a persons belief of what they think they are capable of achieving . From goal setting to weight loss to overcoming phobias- NLP and Hypnosis can take you to where you deserve to be .



Anxiety and Panic can stop you leading the life you truly deserve ,
We let this horrible thing become who we are ,
... It’s got to be worth finding a way to change that feeling that rushes through you from what seems like nowhere.
To learn more about a coaching session to say hello to a calmer happier you please
PM ME OR CALL ON 07881455828
Pete NLP PRACTITIONER Limitless Potential Coaching
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A great way to start your Day
Think of three things you are Grateful for , Saying thank you for each of them gives your body that feeling you are receiving something.
... Give it a go and tell me how you get on .
Pete NLP PRACTITIONER Limitless Potential Coaching
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In the coming week set yourself the plan to focus on the possibility that it’s going to go well , it’s going to be ok , it’s going to be great , it’s going to be a challenge however it will be worth it .
This is an opportunity to choose a better day , week .
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How much time do we waste worrying about things that never ever happen?
What could we be focusing on if we just knew how to switch it OFF ?
Time is so precious so if you would like to learn more about how to stop the Anxiety and Overthinking.
... Call on 07881455828 or pm me
Pete NLP PRACTITIONER Limitless Potential Coaching
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Just incase your going through something just NOW remember that you have been through so much already and this phase will also pass .
You are always strong enough to rise up again .
If you would like to book a coaching session or just find out more , please just call on 07881455828 or pm me .
... Pete NLP PRACTITIONER Limitless Potential Coaching
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Happiness Hack to lift your Day 😀😀👍
Give yourself the choice to see good more often than not ......
Our days hours minutes will be so much more enjoyable with this choice ......
... A little hack to lift you when you feel your mind is going in the other direction...
Have a picture ready , one that you know when you look at it will have you smiling and feeling good . It’s amazing how taking your mind to that place of happiness love joy will bring those same feeling to you NOW ....
Mines below 😀💕😀
Give it a go today and before you know it your mood and body will be lifted ....
Pete Limitless Potential Coaching
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If your looking for 2019 to be different from 2018 you have to choose to do something different 😀😀
Everyone feels Anxiety at some points in life however there is a difference from the Anxiety you feel waiting for that interview or ... waiting to make that big presentation .....
To the type of anxiety response that seems like a split second trigger that sends you on that rollercoaster of " I can't breathe properly, I feel faint , the thoughts racing through you head with no way of stopping it "
The difference is
We can be in the place of emotion
We can be in the place of thoughts
However it's the balance and control of these two areas that gives you freedom from the emotional rollercoaster of anxiety and the prisoner of your own thoughts which keeps the feeling flowing through you, with no apparent off switch or what made it start in the first place .
It's the realisation that thoughts create feelings and you create your thoughts so it's important to be able to pause -
And become aware and Recognise the direction you want to go in then ....
TAKE ACTION by The way you talk to yourself, your tone your speed of that voice to calm you and the movement of your body and creating the right type of picture so your body knows what you want .
To know how to control the emotion you build in your body and the type of thoughts that started it in the first place .
It's knowing that you are in charge of all that you can control and allowing the things that are out with your control to move out of your mind with an understanding of what needed to be learnt ,so you are able to reflect on the results that came about to evaluate if they were the ones you were looking to achieve.
You must be able to learn and adjust your thoughts and reactions to create the Actions that will move you in a direction of your choosing.
There's a time before the Anxiety There's a time after the Anxiety
The questions must be
What was I thinking /doing/feeling just before? And
What was I thinking /doing/feeling that allowed me to move past that feeling of anxiety?
Here lies the control point for YOU ...... because if you know what allows that feeling to start ..... Change that thought....... Change the way you talk to yourself Rewire the trigger that had become a habit.....
You are in charge of your thoughts Make them work for you .
Pete Limitless Potential Coaching
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What’s stops us asking for help , we all have things we need help with . If I have a issue with my tooth I call the dentist and that’s ok ....: If I break a bone I go to the doctor and that’s ok .... however when i am struggling with the thoughts in my mind I struggle on because it’s seen as a weakness.....:
... Well believe me - asking and getting help makes you stronger because you value you and making you feel good again
Pm or call it’s ok not to be ok however let’s take action because you are worth it /
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You are ready for whatever the week throws at you because you have been through so much and you are still fighting .
Make it great you deserve it
Pete ... Limitless Potential Coaching
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Wise words from an amazing poet 😀😀


This is how so many peoples code for feeling Anxious
Heart Racing - Hard to Breathe - Head Spinning - Voice so fast and anxious wondering where it came from and when will it end ………..
... Its like you cant control it or cant stop it - am I right ?
Too many people suffer with this horrible feeling , now is the time to take action .
if you have this feeling too often and want to change it take a chance and learn HOW to stop this feeling NOW.
When we feel sick we go to a doctor When we have tooth ache we go to the dentist When our mind ( the piece that controls everything) isn't doing what we want it to do - we just hope it will change on its own !!!!!
CALL 07881455828 OR pm ME
Pete Limitless Potential Coaching
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If you have a fear or phobia you want to say goodby to this is for you .
Imagine not being able to go in a lift because of the thought and belief you held so tight that it stopped you experiencing things like this .....
... 1800 Ft in the air via a glass lift 👍👍👍amazing to see 😁and a massive well done 💯💯‼️
The picture shows what it's like once that thought is changed just by talking and visualisation it as something that is possible - then taking the action to blast that belief away .
If you have a fear or phobia that's been holding you back and you want to see it go .
Contact me on 07881455828 or pm . To book your coaching session .
You are born with only two fears the fear the of falling and loud noises - you learn the rest so you can unlearn them .
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Everyone feels Anxiety at some points in life however there is a difference from the Anxiety you feel waiting for that interview or waiting to make that big presentation .....
... To the type of anxiety response that seems like a split second trigger that sends you on that rollercoaster of " I can't breathe properly, I feel faint , the thoughts racing through you head with no way of stopping it "
The difference is
We can be in the place of emotion
We can be in the place of thoughts
However it's the balance and control of these two areas that gives you freedom from the emotional rollercoaster of anxiety and the prisoner of your own thoughts which keeps the feeling flowing through you, with no apparent off switch or what made it start in the first place .
It's the realisation that thoughts create feelings and you create your thoughts so it's important to be able to pause -
And become aware and Recognise the direction you want to go in then ....
TAKE ACTION by The way you talk to yourself, your tone your speed of that voice to calm you and the movement of your body and creating the right type of picture so your body knows what you want .
To know how to control the emotion you build in your body and the type of thoughts that started it in the first place .
It's knowing that you are in charge of all that you can control and allowing the things that are out with your control to move out of your mind with an understanding of what needed to be learnt ,so you are able to reflect on the results that came about to evaluate if they were the ones you were looking to achieve.
You must be able to learn and adjust your thoughts and reactions to create the Actions that will move you in a direction of your choosing.
There's a time before the Anxiety There's a time after the Anxiety
The questions must be
What was I thinking /doing/feeling just before? And
What was I thinking /doing/feeling that allowed me to move past that feeling of anxiety?
Here lies the control point for YOU ...... because if you know what allows that feeling to start ..... Change that thought....... Change the way you talk to yourself Rewire the trigger that had become a habit.....
You are in charge of your thoughts Make them work for you .
Pete Limitless Potential Coaching
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So it's Sunday night and the Monday is coming however imagine if it you could make The Monday a great day 😃 Follow the 10 ways to feel gratitude fir your day , it just might make a difference
Pete Limitless Potential Coaching


All these emotions are created by us because they are our choice and the more we know how to control them the more we feel in charge of how and what we feel .
If you would like to learn more about HOW you control these just pm me .
... Pete Limitless Potential Coaching
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More about Limitless Potential Nlp

Limitless Potential Nlp is located at Bridge House, KA26 9HH Girvan
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00