Lucy Hutchings Hunt

About Lucy Hutchings Hunt

Business Motivator, Success Coach.
Lucy is dedicated to helping clients realise the ultimate version of their personal business success.

Lucy Hutchings Hunt Description

Business Motivator, Success Coach.
Lucy is dedicated to helping clients realise the ultimate version of their personal business success.



What's getting YOU through? 😜 - ou-1549652


First day of Homeschooling with #googleclassroom . Tick. Children in bed 🛌 Tick. Fire burning 🔥 Tick. Unicorn 🦄 hot water bottle. Tick. Herbal tea 🍵 . Tick. Three bars of chocolate 🍫 BIG Tick. #andbreathe #lockdownparenting #acceptance #digitalmum #knackered @ Perth, Perth and Kinross


There was great joy in the house 🏡 this morning when the children received Easter 🐣 letters from their grandparents. The joy lasted about ten minutes for Xanthe until she was ignominiously and unexpectedly splatted by flour during pancake 🥞 prep. #anotherday #letterwriting


I’m feeling rather exhausted and subdued. I’m on my own with the three children and it’s pretty hard work and lonely despite endless #zoommeetings but I know I have so little to complain about compared to some. I have a garden and a village shop and wood for the fire. Plus I should be grateful that all I have to worry about is feeding, watering, mothering and working hard on my business 😓. The boys are slightly catatonic from overdosing on #fortnite which is guilt inducing bu...t on the upside I’m so grateful for my little resourceful ray of sunshine ☀️ Xanthe. She has her monster moments but today she was truly delighted and delightful when she received a parcel with a fresh supply of poster paints in the mail from her grandmother. We had ordered some on amazon about ten days ago and every day since she has asked if they’d arrived yet - only to be disappointed until today (nb. we gave up waiting for the Amazon ones !) She loves colour and has been desperate to paint a rainbow 🌈 for the #nhs . The iPad art is a little less messy but the real thing is easier to stick in the window. #nhsrainbow #rainbow #ipadart
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Loving 🥰 my Xanthe’s #ipadart . I’m not sure if she’s the next Picasso but her bright creations are certainly bringing some much needed colour into the days (and the photo library on my iphone...) I’m feeling the lack of adult company now after nearly three weeks just me and the children... but actually we are smiling a lot, getting better at #americanpancakes and being as creative as possible. I had a go at designing a T-shirt but it’s not quite right yet... #makingthemostofit #experimenting #certifiedvirtualbusinessmanagers #stayingpositive #vivenleigh #gonewiththewind #flexforall #oneofmany #livethechange


FLAT-LINING, FIRES & HOT WATER BOTTLES: Lockdown Video Diary Day 5! For my sanity (and possibly for posterity?) I've decided to keep a video diary whilst in self isolation with my three children. So, if you're interested in the day to day machinations of how I run my Digital Agency business (with multiple clients!) from home whilst navigating this global economic and social crisis, being a recovering alcoholic and managing my PMDD and doing my best to 'single parent' three very demanding and lively young children in lockdown... this video diary is for you.... x


For my sanity (and possibly for posterity?) I've decided to keep a video diary whilst in self isolation with my three children. So, if you're interested in the day to day machinations of how I run my Digital Agency business (with multiple clients!) from home whilst navigating this global economic and social crisis, being a recovering alcoholic and managing my PMDD and doing my best to 'single parent' three very demanding and lively young children in lockdown... this video diary is for you.... x


GOOD DAYS, DAFFODILS & SURPRISE GIFTS: Lockdown Video Diary Day 4! For my sanity (and possibly for posterity?) I've decided to keep a video diary whilst in self isolation with my three children. So, if you're interested in the day to day machinations of how I run my Digital Agency business (with multiple clients!) from home whilst navigating this global economic and social crisis, being a recovering alcoholic and managing my PMDD and doing my best to 'single parent' three very demanding and lively young children in lockdown... this video diary is for you.... x


God I’m grateful for @brenebrown. Loving every word of this insanely insightful book 📖 #brenébrown #daretolead #bravework #wholehearts #daringgreatly #strongatwork #risingstrong #vulnerability #femininepower #courageatwork #courageousleadership #mindfulbusiness #missiondriven #abundanceexperts #certifiedvirtualbusinessmanagers #flexibleworkingformums #


GROUP CALLS, DAVID ATTENBOROUGH & DEMOCRATISATION: Lockdown Video Diary Day 3: For my sanity (and possibly for posterity?) I've decided to keep a video diary whilst in self isolation with my three children. So, if you're interested in the day to day machinations of how I run my Digital Agency business (with multiple clients!) from home whilst navigating this global economic and social crisis, being a recovering alcoholic and managing my PMDD and doing my best to 'single parent' three very demanding and lively young children in lockdown... this video diary is for you.... x


HEADACHES, DEEP CLEANS & POETRY: LOCKDOWN VIDEO DIARY DAY 2 For my sanity (and possibly for posterity?) I've decided to keep a video diary whilst in self isolation with my three children. So, if you're interested in the day to day machinations of how I run my Digital Agency business (with multiple clients!) from home whilst navigating this global economic and social crisis, being a recovering alcoholic and managing my PMDD and doing my best to 'single parent' three very demanding and lively young children in lockdown... this video diary is for you.... x #marketingcloud #supermums #digitalagencylife #lifeinlockdown #covid19 #flexforall #digitalmums #jugglingitall #selfisolationstories


It’s the little things 🤗🙏 #kidsofinstagram #instapoetry #childrenspoems #jugglinglife #workingfromhome #poetry #childrenspoetry #flexforall #digitalagencylife #holdingon


Video Diary Day One! For my sanity (and posterity perhaps?) I've decided to keep a video diary during this period of self-isolation with my three children. So if anyone is interested in the day to day reality of trying to run a business with multiple clients, whilst navigating a global economic and social crisis as well as being a recovering alcoholic with PMDD and 'single parenting' three kids under 11 in lockdown during a pandemic - this video series is for you!


For as long as I can remember I have been racing. Racing onwards and upwards. Climbing my own metaphorical ladder. Perhaps racing to keep up with my own expectations of myself. It’s in my nature to ‘vision' things then ‘do’ them. I can’t remember not having ideas and then working out how to make my ideas a reality. But as much as I love creating (and supporting others to do so) the truth be told it can exhausting to be so constantly motivated and almost always #inaction. Some...times I find myself so tired I can hardly breathe.
If I’m honest with myself, I’ve been racing through the days and years so long I am not sure how else to be. Racing is my habit. Racing towards some existential place where I will be able to rest. Racing towards a business goal or a fitness goal. Sometimes just racing through the day to get to my bed. Now I am being forced physically and psychologically to slow down by society AND the universe. The future that seemed so sure and the days that were going to be so full are all just stretching out before me like an Alice In Wonderland-esque surreal space which I would usually feel duty bound to fill… The slowed pace feels uncomfortable. My instinct is to always find things to do. To compulsively 'add value’. To try to be of help to someone (anyone?) and if there is no one who needs my help to just keep busy by doing the hoovering!
Today I found my self wondering if it is just a weeny bit possible that subconsciously I keep myself permanently busy just so I can keep out the feelings. Any feelings. Feelings good AND bad.
This bizarre global lockdown has me totally out of my comfort zone but I’m excited and intrigued too because being forced to be more still is so unusual for me so it's like a new way of being and seeing.
Maybe it’s the universe giving me permission to slow down and breathe deeply and just be still for a while.
#justbe #slowdown #stopracing #permissiontobreathe #timetothink #comfortzones #abudanceexperts #timetobe #reflections #being #tomorrowisanotherday #beingstill #waysofbeing #waysofseeing #digitalmum #digitalagencylife #flexforall #workingmumlife #getsystemyzed #certifiedvirtualbusinessmanager
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There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
One of these days is Yesterday with all its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains.
... Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday.
We cannot undo a single act we performed; we cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone forever.
The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow with all its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and its poor performance; Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.
Tomorrow's sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds, but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow, for it is yet to be born.
This leaves only one day, Today. Any person can fight the battle of just one day. It is when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities Yesterday and Tomorrow that we break down.
It is not the experience of Today that drives a person mad, it is the remorse or bitterness of something which happened Yesterday and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring.
Let us, therefore, Live but one day at a time. #twodays #sobrietyquotes #onedayatatime #instapoetry #artofthedownstairsloo #justoneday #staystrong #perspective #positiverosity #soberliving #keepingitintheday
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Thoughts on a day of back to back online business meetings conducted in the most extraordinary circumstances!
#virtualbusiness #certfiedvirtualbusinessmanagers #digitalagency #remoteworking #onlinebusiness #CVBM #stayingnimble #pivotting #doublingdown #onlinebusinessmanagement #digitalworkers #takingbusinessonline #abushhastoburn #burningbushes


Something lighthearted to ease the strain! working-mum-parody/

More about Lucy Hutchings Hunt

Lucy Hutchings Hunt is located at Hudson House, 8 Albany Street, EH1 3QB Edinburgh, United Kingdom