Lyndsey Gilchrist

About Lyndsey Gilchrist

As your VA I can ensure your business goes from strength to strength. Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Lyndsey Gilchrist Description

So what is it going to be?
Growth, sustainability and results or round and round the hamster wheel?

As your Online Business Manager, I can ensure your business goes from strength to strength.

If your business empire is fast approaching the next milestone and you’re ready to keep striving for success, with no excuses, then my Online Business Manager service is your ideal solution.

As your Online Business Manager, it’s my priority to support you and your business. I will free you from the day-to-day tasks, oversee the bigger projects and manage your freelance teams.

This means you’re free to focus on what you love doing in your business, keep thriving and stay one step ahead of your competition.

So, what are you waiting for? Are you ready to take your business to the next level and bring your vision to life?



If you’ve got five things to get through in one day and you think that spending an hour on each task might be the best way to do this, you’re wrong. It’s much better to finish one task completely than to do a little bit of five tasks. #productiveworking #taskmanagement


It's Friday! What's been the highlight of your week?


You’re not a robot, you know!
When was the last time you really had some downtime away from your business?
Last week? Can’t remember? Never?
... Having downtime is a pre-requisite to being an entrepreneur. Just cast your mind back to when you were an employee. How hard did you work then? Do you think you work doubly hard now? Has your productivity soared? That’s pretty good but (there’s always a but, isn’t there?) have you ever stopped to think that you might be being a little hard on yourself? Have you ever noticed how you pile the pressure on yourself because you’re of the mindset that you’re ‘not afraid of hard work’ and you’re ‘going to prove it’?
It’s easy to fall into this trap, particularly when you first start out in business. You’re eager to prove to yourself and your nearest and dearest that this business is going to be epic. You’re the next Karen Brady. You don’t need food, sleep, holidays or weekends off, they’re for wimps. And this is ok for a while. But when you start to lose energy, you start to resent your business, you don’t enjoy the job that you’ve actually created for yourself and you start to flinch when the phone rings or the emails ping on to your screen.
So before you get to that point, remember you’re not a robot and have a break.
Cast your mind back to when you began your own business. Why did you start this rollercoaster ride? Was it the freedom? Did you have this notion that you'd be able to decide which people to work with and spend your days indulging something you're passionate about? What happened along the way then? If you've ended up creating a job / business that you really don't enjoy anymore or that's making you burn out or that's just too busy to keep up with, then let's have a chat about how I can bring the freedom into your life and your business that you always hoped for.
How often do you take some time out for you and your biz?
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May 2019 be your best year yet!


Boost your Business through Delegation
Imagine the scenario – you’ve got 10 jobs on your to-do list and it’s only 9.05 am. You’ve got clients chasing you, the phone keeps ringing and you daren’t even open your emails in case there’s MORE work coming through. Ring any bells?
We’ve all been there, haven’t we?
... On the plus side, you’re pleased that you’re so busy because it means your business is thriving. But in reality, you’re struggling to cope. And this can become detrimental to you and your business. Standards start to slip, deadlines are missed and your stress levels soar. It takes a toll on your health, dents your passion for your business and, of course, you’re nearest and dearest suffer. And apart from cloning yourself, you think that the only way out of this is to work longer hours, extend deadlines and keep spinning all of those plates.
But you don’t have to. You could delegate instead.
By delegating some of your workload, you’ll actually increase productivity and boost your business.
Delegating doesn’t have to be scary either…
Don’t think of delegating as a last resort. Think of it as an important business investment. Get it in perspective. You’re not sharing all of your hard-earned knowledge here and giving away all of your business secrets, you’ve just got a task that needs doing. And, if you’re a bit of a control freak, you’ve really got to get over this otherwise it could become your downfall.
But I don’t know where to start…
Well the first thing to do is to make yourself a list of tasks that you complete on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Then decide which ones you could delegate. Your reasons for delegating could be that:
1. It takes you too long to do this task 2. It’s not really your forte 3. It’s a necessity but doesn’t bring the money in
Next, you need to decide on the best person to delegate to. If you don’t have anyone else in the business then you need to outsource instead. It could be a virtual assistant, a call-handler, a copywriter, a book-keeper, or a social media whizz. Whatever the task is, there will be an expert you can call on. Once your associate is chosen, explain the task, give them a deadline and consider it done. Try not to keep asking for progress checks as it can undermine confidence and it detracts you from that ultimate goal of boosting your business by working more effectively.
Once you start delegating you won’t want to stop…
So going back to those 10 jobs on your to-do list, if you delegate even just two of them, you’ll be amazed at how much of a relief this is.
You’re freeing up your precious time. You’re taking control of your business again. You are projecting a professional image because you’re meeting deadlines. You have a calmer persona. Everyone is happy.
Give it a try today and see just how easy it is!
If you’re looking for someone to support you so that you can boost your business, then get in touch with me.
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Need help getting your calls handled? Get in touch with Catch Your Calls. Highly recommended.


Just think what you could do with an extra hour, or 2 hours per day. That comes to an extra 14 hours per week to do whatever you wish.Your time is precious. Become a master of your time and you get more out of life. Today is the day that you begin finding more time for the things you!
Get in touch to see how I can help you gain extra hours of your time.


School holidays have already started and entrepreneurial mums all over the country are panicking.
What are you going to do?
How are you going to find new leads while you’re keeping an eye on the kids?
...Continue Reading


If you’re a serious business owner who is ready to take that leap from their comfort zone into the big boys’ and girls’ playground, then my Business Boost Plan sounds perfect for you.
I’ll help with those time-consuming tasks that eat into your daily schedule and take you away from your clients and make sure your marketing is scheduled well in advance, too.
Business Boost Plans are perfect if you’ve:... 1. grown your business and you’re now struggling to keep up the momentum 2. got little or no time to spend on business development/marketing 3. started working around the clock and you’re feeling frazzled 4. reached a stage where you’ve got to keep driving forward or risk stagnating
When you’re busy with clients all day, marketing can seem like an unnecessary luxury. But, as you probably know already, to get the best out of your marketing, little and often is key. So as part of our Business Boost Plan, I’ll:
1. schedule two of your e-newsletters 2. schedule four of your blogs 3. schedule three of your social media posts every day
Ready to start driving your business forward, then let’s go!
At just £195 per month, this kind of support can really make a big impact on your business growth, your productivity and your schedule.
Investing in the future of your business is just a click away.
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What a lovely post to wake up to <3


Yippee!!! I have availability to take on new clients from July. If you are wanting to #outsource and are looking for an #OBM or #VA then get in touch with me today and get a business acceleration call booked in. Let's see if we are the right fit for your business.

More about Lyndsey Gilchrist

Lyndsey Gilchrist is located at G76 8 Glasgow, United Kingdom