Main'S Apiaries - Local Fife Honey

About Main'S Apiaries - Local Fife Honey

Our family is based in Crossgates with the bees being kept on private land on the outskirts of Dunfermline and surrounding areas. Please read our story or pm us for more information.



Had a fabulous photo shoot with Lesley Jane Photography today. Please check out her fabulous Father’s Day offer.


Lovely big swarm picked up and relocated this week. #swarm #scottishfold #scottishbeekeeping #mainsapiary #apiary #apiarylife #localhoney #visitdunfermline


Native, wildflower seedballs.
Let's #bringthebeesback #beebombsdorset #apiarylife #dunfermline #visitdunfermline #mainsapiary #wildflowers


Jasper showing off his hives. Filling more hives with bees at another Dunfermline site this week. #apiarylife #apiary #scottishbeekeeping #scottishhoney #fife #honey #local #mainsapiary #scottishbeekeepers #dunfermline #visitdunfermline


Hi all! We've had many, many requests for honey already this year and this alongside our interest list from last year is making things quite interesting!
Just to clarify the list is to express interest only. We will be collecting and jarring the honey throughout the year and will be selling in batches through the page as and when available.
... As this happens we will contact people already on the list to check if they want fulfil an order but won't be adding any new names to it due to the unprecedented demand.
We hope that this is the fairest way to ensure that all can taste our lovely honey and will keep you updated with our progress.
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Location, location, location! They say variety is the spice of life. Well honey isn't just honey. Try a jar from each of our 4 locations and taste the difference. Will you prefer #inzievar #lochore #dunfermline #crossgates


Honey harvest from our Lochore site. #honeyextraction #scottishbeekeeping #scottishhoney #fife #lochore #lochoremeadows #honey #local #mainsapiary #scottishbeekeepers #combhoney #honeycomb #springblossoms #honeyjar #runnyhoney


Started some NUCs yesterday. Slowly building my apiaries selecting from the top preforming hives. #scottishbeekeeping #scottishhoney #honeybee #local #mainsapiary #nucs #inzievar #hives #fife


Bringing home the nectar. Still to be dried out and cured. #waitinggame #lochoremeadows #lochore #fife #honeycomb #scottishfold #scottishbeekeeping #local #scottish #nectar #honeybees


Check out our Instagram story from our first hive through the years to 2019. Instagram #mainsapiaries hl=en


Jasper & Ada have had a busy day checking up on the bees at one of our three sites. We’re very excited about the expansion of our business since last year and how we can grow it over the coming years. Please feel free to share our post/page. The more people who see us the better!


Setting up our Langstroth hives apiary overlooking lochore Meadows. #workinghard #childlabour #buzzing


27 months and no fear of the bees! Just thousands of little friends!


Always happy when they are at their bees! #nearlyhoneyseason


At Thornes of Scotland, trading in the bees wax for fresh wax foundation sheets 😊


Hefting hives with this new addition to the team 😊❤️, all colonies have made it through winter so far, just waiting on the spring build up. 🐝


With the bee's settling down for winter, I've had time to get back to the studio.