Mastrick Matters

About Mastrick Matters

Do you live or work in Mastrick and want to contribute to your community magazine? Contact Laura on 01224 515013 or email laura. uk. The magazine is supported by local community media charity, Station House Media Unit (shmu).

Mastrick Matters Description

Mastrick Matters is here to give a voice to the citizens of Mastrick. We are a vibrant and creative community and our aim is for this magazine to represent a wide selection of news, views, activities and events that take place in our community.

The magazine is put together by volunteer local residents from the Mastrick Community who form the main editorial team behind each issue of the magazine.

Staff from shmuPRESS and shmuDESIGN assist the editorial teams in pulling together the magazine content, designing and getting the magazines to the printer. shmuPRESS also organises the distribution of the magazines in Mastrick.

If you are interested in voicing your opinion then you might want to get involved with our editorial team. Meetings are held every two weeks at the Mastrick Community Centre on Tuesday mornings at 10: 30am. Please contact Laura on the details below to find out when the next meeting is taking place.

If you can't manage our meetings we would still like to hear from you as we are committed to covering our resident's news, ideas, feature articles or events. We also like to recieve images that are relevant to the wider Mastrick community.

To get in touch please contact Laura Young at shmu - DD: 01224 515 013 or E: laura. uk

Laura is also on Facebook - www. php?id=100006725238235



A fundraiser has been put together to support Mastrick Community Centre. The centre hit some hard times financially before the pandemic and this was being monitored. With the centre being closed they have no income at the moment like many others right now and when they reopen due to social distancing measures etc how they can operate will have to change. Staff are concerned this will affect their income. No one knows what lies ahead right now and this group is trying to give the centre a helping hand during these hard times.


Remember our content deadline is the 17th of May - pop us a message if you would like to celebrate something in your community!


The Mastrick Matters team are hard at work to put together a magazine for the summer 2020 edition of Mastrick Matters. Please get in touch before the 17th of May if you have something you would like to share with the community. We want to keep celebrating the local area as well as informing people of how they can access help in this time!


We just had our first ever online magazine meeting! The volunteers involved in the magazine have been amazing at adapting to the different things we have been asking them to do.
These are weird and unprecedented times but we think it's really important to bring you guys your community magazine. It might look a little different to normal but we want to make sure we continue to celebrate the Mastrick community as well as provide important community information.
If you know of something going on in your local community that we should include please get in touch with us before the 18th of May. You can message us here on email


The latest edition of Mastrick Matters is now available online!…/…/libraries/ pdf.js/web/viewer.html…


Has everyone received the Spring 2020 edition of Mastrick Matters? Please PM us with details and your address.


*Important information about the latest magazine*
The Spring 2020 edition of Mastrick Matters is currently being delivered in your local community. Our distribution company is taking every precaution to ensure that this is done safely. We wanted to take a minute to remind our readers that Mastrick Matters is put together in partnership between shmu and local volunteers and there is a gap between content being collected and the magazine being delivered into the community. The ...government advice around social distancing has changed rapidly in this time which means the majority of the facilities featured in the latest issue of the magazine have unfortunately had to close due to coronavirus.
We encourage everyone to comply with government guidance around social distancing and to follow the rules set out for our current state of lockdown. Hopefully these groups and activities will be back to normal as soon as they can be.
Take care everyone and look out for yourselves and others in the community at this time.
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More about Mastrick Matters

Mastrick Matters is located at Station House Media Unit, AB24 2WB Aberdeen
01224 515013