
Personal Trainer
5 star rating

About Mbpt

Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach based in a completely Private Training Studio in Forres. Supporting and encouraging you to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Mbpt Description

Qualified Personal Trainer, Gym Instructor & Hatton Fitness Boxing Instructor based in Forres and surrounding areas.



⁣⁣⁣ “That was the quickest 6 weeks ever!! With 3 kids I knew I couldn’t use that as an excuse forever 🙈 😂 I’ve learned so much about nutrition and what I should be eating to get proper results. I thought I’d struggle but it really became second nature! 👌 ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ So my total results are ⁣⁣⁣ ⬇️ 20’’⁣⁣⁣... ⬇️ 7.5lbs ⁣⁣⁣ ⬇️ 5% ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ I honestly didn’t think I’d get results like this in such a short time but it just shows it works.. and that’s with eating treats too 🤷🏼‍♀️💪😍 ⁣⁣⁣ Some of my weights have nearly doubled since starting! My strength has improved SO much & I’ve surprised myself how much I can push it 💪 ⁣⁣⁣ When I look in the mirror now I’m SO much happier with how I look. Majority of my jeans are now hanging off me so im going to have to buy a new wardrobe 🤷🏼‍♀️ 😆.⁣⁣⁣ My overall confidence has rocketed and I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done!!! 💓 😘 💪”.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Beautiful in both sets of photos but I know this lovely lady was unhappy with the “mummy pouch” that comes with carrying 3 babies. Goal here was to drop a little fat but mostly build muscle so she looked more “toned” and look at these results!!! 👀. Fitting workouts around 3 little people and making strength progress week on week my girl deserves to feel so proud of herself. Goal now is to keep building that peach 🍑😉. Watch this space....⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #strongnotskinny #shiftin6 #onlinept #nutritioncoach #caloriedeficit #fatlosstips #flexibledieting #ladieswholift
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Was an absolute honour to meet and chat with such motivated and passionate students at Moray College last night. Being chosen to be someone’s PT is a privilege that I don’t take for granted. Not only do you have to deliver sessions that are tailored to get them where they need to be but you are a counsellor, support worker, cheerleader and friend. Just by being a decent human being, showing compassion and letting clients know you’ve got their back you can get the best out of anybody. Good luck with your upcoming exams and assessments. I know you’ll all smash it 💛


⁣⁣ “At the start of the 6 weeks I made a promise to myself that I would start to love the body that I have and I’ve done just that. I couldn’t have done it without the help of yourself, the girls in the group and my boyfriend! ⁣⁣⁣ I have always focused on the number on the scales and always got myself so worked up about it and would tell myself you need to watch what you’re eating, eat less, try harder for the next week, put myself on a strict “Diet”. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ You have complet...ely changed my mindset in this 6 weeks! ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ I feel better about myself, I’m sleeping better, I’ve got more energy, Fitting into clothes that were a bit on the snug side previously, jeans are hell of a lot looser and buying a bikini in a size 10 bikini may I add for my holiday and feeling comfortable! ⁣⁣⁣
I’ve stopped obsessing about the scales and now concentrate on inch loss and how my clothes feel on me. ⁣⁣⁣ Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity and the last 6 weeks! I cannot wait to continue my journey with you! You truly are a queen Melissa 😘.”⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 6lbs ⬇️⁣⁣⁣ 21 inches ⬇️⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ YES YES YES! Sooo many reasons to celebrate my girl. No more obsessing about the scales or punishing herself when the numbers don’t read what she wants them to. She’s found her confidence again and is feeling happy 🥰 and we’ve only just started. Watch out for what happens next- you’re going to be an absolute WEAPON on that beach in June 😂😜😘⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #fatlosstips #shiftin6 #onlinept #nutritioncoach #flexibledieting #myfitnesspal #iifym #strongnotskinny #ladieswholift
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⬇️20lb⁣ ⬇️27”⁣ ⬇️6% body fat ⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ “What a difference. I’m absolutely delighted with my results😁 clothes fit me now 👍 I feel like calorie counting is for me, so easy to stick to and not going without ‘nice things‘. The exercise program suits me well too as no need to travel to the gym - it’s all in my house and the whole family get involved so it’s been nice spending time with my teenage son who normally doesn’t leave his room 🙄. A massive thank you ❤️ to you for all your sup...port and really looking forward to our weekly check-ins X”.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Another set of UNREAL results from one of my Shifter Sisters 👯‍♀️. Week on week this lady has done exactly what’s asked, has never been hungry and has still been able to enjoy all the foods she loves. She’s even saving £25 per week on weekly shop by planning ahead 💁🏼‍♀️ Newfound habits are having a ripple effect in the family and she’s getting them all involved in her workouts 🥰 She’s also been encouraging others in the group who are nervous about going into the gym for the first time to meet her there so she can support them. I’m so proud of you and look forward to coaching you further to get you where you want to be . Thank for allowing me to share your story ❤️⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #onlinept #fatlosstips #nutritioncoach #iifym #caloriedeficit #myfitnesspal #flexibledieting #ldnmacademy #fatlossjourney ⁣⁣
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“First off I want to thank you for everything you have done for me Melissa, without having to physically meet with you, you have changed my life! Thanks to you I am mentally happier, healthier, stronger and that portrays in me physically too. My stamina has increased dramatically, no more being out of breath after a minute of physical exercise and strength wise I'm lifting much heavier weights. I now love what I see when I look in the mirror and this has given me the confiden...ce back I've been wanting for so long. I'm back to comfortably fitting in my usual clothes size, whereas before I was up a size, borderlining a second size up. Thank you so much for everything and I look forward to continuing my journey with you❤️”.
Kicking off a week of Shift results with this gorgeous lady. I’ve been working with this online client since last year (first pics) but she wanted some extra accountability and support so jumped on the challenge and LOOK at her😍. Gorgeous in her first pics but gorgeous, fit AND strong in the second. No quick fixes or crazy low calories- nights out, days off training and takeaways are all MBPT approved and here’s the outcome. Changes in numbers are great but growth in confidence, positive mental health and happiness are the big wins. So so proud of you and cannot wait to see what happens this year 😬.
#onlinept #fatlosstips #nutritioncoach #iifym #caloriedeficit #myfitnesspal #flexibledieting #ldnmacademy
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“Major accomplishment for me today! I was brave enough to take my long sleeve off in the gym full of people. For someone who usually wouldn't be brave enough to wear something like a crop top, I have gained the confidence to rock a sports bra with lumps and bumps all hanging out 💪”
Some people would see this girl in the gym and only see a STRONG girl smashing her workout. They’ve no idea the journey she’s been on to get to this point...
The commitment she makes to checking in... every single week and trusting me when I tell her it’s ok to eat ALL her calories.
The time she spends prepping meals when working long hours and being away from home.
The graft she puts in to lift heavier, work harder and beat her previous standards.
The disappointment she previously felt when she weighed herself and saw no changes.
What a journey this one has been on. She’s learning to be proud of the body looking back at her and not worrying what other people think.
Love you gal ❤️
#shiftin6 #nutritioncoach #strongnotskinny #girlgains #fatlosstips #caloriedeficit #iifym #myfitnesspal
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“I was struggling to understand why I wasnt achieving any losses, yet I was hardly eating that much plus working out. After a bit of thought I decided to contact Melissa and boy am I glad I did. Melissa has taught me about the correct nutrition, how all foods fit into the plan, made sure I was aware that there was no need to deprive myself of a single thing and got my head around how simple this really was. I achieved all my goals and more, quite simply put, I could never hav...e done this without Melissa, nor got even a little way along the journey without her ongoing support, encouragement and incredible knowledge. This woman has transformed my understanding of and relationship with food. If you told me this would happen to me 4 months ago, I would have laughed and now I'm just blown away and beyond grateful for the help I have received. My only 1 regret is not having contacted Melissa earlier. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend MBPT to anyone, it really is life changing advice you will receive. Thanks Melissa, I owe you so much for everything you've helped me achieve 🥰🥰🥰”.
Another catch-up and check-in with this online client and I’ couldn’t be prouder. I shouldn’t be surprised because her dedication and effort is outstanding but the biggest change is her mindset. She’s now in a place where she no longer has to track every single calorie and can take a more relaxed approach because she knows that an extra slice of cake or a cheese-scone will make no difference to her results whatsoever. We’ve now set some new goals and will work at building some more muscle which means even more calories 🤣 watch this space😉.
#girlgains #womenwholift #strongnotskinny #flexibledieting #protein #pt #nutritioncoach #onlinept
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Hello! I've had a lot of requests to do a “Shift in 6” for the Lads and I need a small number of willing male volunteers to help me test it for FREE so I can perfect it before launch. Starting Monday 3rd February it’s basically 3 weeks of free online coaching, accountability and knowledge bombs to set you up so you can have a social life and still get great results. Ideal for guys who’d like an intro to tracking calories and strength training. Sound like you or someone you know? Comment "I'm in" below or tag them and get the survey filled out (link is in the comments). Thank you x
#pt #nutritioncoach #flexibledieting #onlinechallenge #shiftin6 #allaboutthelads


“I honestly can’t believe the difference and I honestly can’t thank you enough Melissa ❤️ you never gave up on me .... even when I did lol 😂 Even at the age I am at now, this is possibly the most body confident I have felt in my life. Thank you, thank you 💋 xxx”.
⬇️8lbs ⬇️8” ⬇️5% body fat
... PT clients are making me all gooey and emotional this week ❤️. Already pretty fit and lean this young lady (you will NOT believe her age 😉) was striving to feel a little better about herself in the run up to a very special event in January. Not only has she dropped a little fat and built lean muscle she is squatting and deadlifting like a BOSS. I couldn’t be prouder of her and what she has achieved. Wishing you the time of your life...
#fatlosstips #strongwomen #girlgains #nutritioncoach #pt #iifym #flexibledieting #myfitnesspal #mypthub
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“I started the “Shift in 6” to lose a couple of pounds and try and find my waist again - fast forward 6 weeks and the transformation was amazing. 7 lbs lighter with a smaller waist and hips. 😀 The programme taught me about nutrition- how to fuel my body but the best part was the support of Melissa and the group - accountability was definitely key to my success - so much so that I still and will continue to use all that I learnt - definitely the best decision I’ve made in a l...ong time 🥰”
⬇️7lbs ⬇️3.5” ⬇️5% body fat
Nothing makes me happier than knowing my clients can continue to use all the tools they’ve acquired through their time with me to continue making progress and achieving what they want to. Congratulations to this absolute winner - you look AMAZING!!
#shiftin6 #fatlosstips #caloriedeficit #onlinept #nutritioncoach #iifym #flexibledieting #myfitnesspal #mypthub
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“Shift in 6 has definitely given me the push I needed. I was stuck in a rut of being tired, the same weight no matter what I did and not knowing how to fuel my body properly! I used to think I ate too much but this Shift has helped me see that I wasn’t eating enough, I was just eating the wrong sorts of things. Love the fact I’ve been able to have treats too - I was never going to be able to give up chocolate or meals out and I can’t say no to a night out either, but I’ve lea...rned that one takeaway, a cake or a night out is not going to reverse everything, I just have to make sure it’s balanced with healthy food and exercise that day too. So happy with the progress and glad it’s now a lifestyle for me rather than something I have to work at! Loved being part of the group- thank you for all your support and advice. I’m so excited to be able to just enjoy Christmas without the usual guilt, as I’ll know I can bank cals on days I’ve not got much on 😊 Just can’t get over the fact I’ve managed to drop 8lbs in 6 weeks and that it has made such a difference to my body shape so thank you ❤️”.
⬇️8lbs ⬇️22 inches (5 off waist alone!) ⬇️6% body fat.
We all know how frustrating it is to be working really hard in the gym and think we are eating “healthily” but not get the results we so desperately want. By making a few changes to this lovely lady’s nutrition she can finally see the changes she deserves while still enjoying ALL the social life she’s used to. You look INCREDIBLE my girl. WELL DONE ❤️.
#shiftin6 #caloriecounting #onlinePT #nutritioncoach #fatlosstips #flexibledieting #iifym #strongnotskinny
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“So I’m down 10lbs, 19 inches and 4% body fat. I had to check my adding up 3 times 😂 I have loved this group so much and have enjoyed following everyone’s stories. Although I’m delicate today I feel great. I have built new habits into my routine, I have so much energy and people are commenting on my glowy skin! Long may it continue xx.”
⬇️10lbs ⬇️19 inches ⬇️4% body fat.
... This lovely lady has got a lot to look forward to in the coming months and wanted to feel fitter, stronger and better about herself. I’m so happy that she can now start to tick all those boxes and keep using what she’s learnt to keep making progress and seeing all those changes that she wants to see because she absolutely deserves it. I’m so looking forward to coaching her again on the next Shift. WELL DONE LOVELY ❤️.
#shiftin6 #caloriecounting #caloriedeficit #fatlosstips #flexibledieting #myfitnesspal #mypthub
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“I have loved the Shift in 6 and feel it has really helped me keep focused. This is the first time I have ever really seen results!! I thought I'd just use the post baby body excuse for ever 😂🤭. Even not having been able to do the workouts in the last week I have still not had to worry about piling it back on as have learnt to track the food side of things! I cant wait for the next one now!!”.
⬇️12lbs ⬇️10” ⬇️4% body fat
... Shift is for life, not just for Christmas as clients use everything they learn to keep pushing forward and keep getting results even when life gets in the way and normal routine is flipped upside down. This lovely lady’s goal was to regain some confidence back after having her baby and I couldn’t be prouder that she stepped into the gym for the first time on her own yesterday and smashed her workout. Cannot wait to see you on the next Shift and get you those abs you’re after 😉😘. WELL DONE YOU xx.
#shiftin6 #onlinePT #girlgains #flexibledieting #fatlosstips #caloriecounting #healthyhabits #mypthub
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“Okay so are you ready for this??? I’m fucking blown away!!! Literally didn’t think I was big before but holy shit the pics from 6 weeks ago to now tell a different story😂😂 I’ve toned up literally so much!!! I’m bloody delighted!! I wasn’t too bothered about numbers before because I knew I wasn’t overweight as such I just had a lot of work to do but the difference is unreal!!! I’ve been so so SO strict on myself the last 6 weeks to get them results and I’m so happy with them🥰...🥰🥰 thank uuuuu! Xx”.
⬇️8lbs ⬇️8 inches
Yaaassss LOOK at this Lean Queen. Gorgeous in both pics but the goal here was to lean out a little and start building some muscle and she has SMASHED it. Amazing the difference that a little knowledge, motivation and accountability can do. ABS-solutely delighted for you 😉😂💕
The next “Shift in 6” commences 6th January but registration closes this week. Follow the link to secure your place and enjoy a golden ticket into Christmas knowing that your 2020 health and fitness goals are taken care of 😉
https://melissabrailsfordpt.mypthub.net/p /72584
#shiftin6 #onlinePT #nutritioncoach #fatlosstips #strongnotskinny #girlgains #caloriecounting
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Set your alarms for 9am Ladies🚨......
Link will appear in Insta bio and in comments of Facebook post.
Do not refresh page when purchasing!!!!!
... SHIFT IN 6
💻Fully online 6 week Fat Loss/ Muscle Building Programme
🥗All personalised nutrition targets calculated for you
📅Daily Accountability & Support in a Private Facebook Group
📊Weekly Check-ins and Progress Analysis
🏠All workouts can be done at home at a time that suits with minimal equipment
🏋🏻‍♀️Exclusive access to MBPT app for all workouts with instructional videos
📷All progress including weight, measurements and photos stored in app
🤸🏼‍♂️Additional weekly fitness challenges
It costs £149 for the whole 6 weeks. Registration opens today and the challenge begins Monday 6th January.
Who’s in?
#fatlosstips #fitnessjourney #strongnotskinny #slimmingworld #weightwatchers #iifym #pt #onlinept #nutritioncoach #flexibledieting #myfitnesspal
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“Well that was a quick 6 weeks ! Can’t wait for the next Shift as it’s definitely making a difference. Still have a long way to go but I’m more determined than ever and feel great. Overall I just feel mentally better, “brighter” and everything fits ☺️. At 57 you have lots of doubts about your appearance (not anymore) and people would say that you should be confident but that’s not always the case as your body/hormones change, you sometimes feel emotional for no reason ( don’...t show me an Andrex puppy !😂😂) but to complete this 6 weeks has made me focus on health , fitness and me time ! You are amazing and I can’t thank you and the ladies enough for support and banter”
⬇️10lbs ⬇️6 inches from waist ❗️ ⬇️7% body fat
I was a teary mess when I recieved this message this morning. I know many ladies can relate that when you get to a certain age you can feel vulnerable to the changes that happen to your body that you have no control over. These can manifest physically and mentally and can leave you feeling helpless. But please know that you CAN get results and you are worthy of feeling amazing about yourself. This lady is testament to that and I couldn’t be prouder of her ❤️
#shiftin6 #onlinePT #nutritioncoach #iifym #flexibledieting #fatlosstips #strongnotskinny
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“I have lost 4lbs in weight 6% Body Fat And 9 1/2 Inches overall!
Thank so much for everything you’ve taught me in the last 6 weeks. Without a doubt I will look at food/macros so differently now. I struggled at the start because the scales weren’t saying much loss wise but I soon realised that the scales were going to mean nothing to me. I can officially wear jeans and have no love handles! It may sound silly but it’s honestly bothered me for soooooo long! This is the best... shape I’ve been in for years! I was convinced kids had ruined my body forever more! I no longer need to blame them! 😂I can’t wait to continue with everything I’ve learnt! I’ve a bikini/honeymoon body to get before Aug and I’m off to a good start!”
When you begin your journey from an already lean starting point there’s never going to be a huge drop in numbers and that can be difficult to understand. BUT, the numbers don’t have to be the only marker of progress- just look at the changes here. My girl looks BANGING!!! Got some muscles popping, totally leaned out and lifted and built some ass!! 😂 Delighted to get to continue working with this babe and get her feeling her absolute best for her big day. Well done ❤️.
#shiftin6 #onlinept #nutritioncoach #fatlosstips #strongnotskinny #iifym #flexibledieting
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“I am absolutely gobsmacked by the pictures this morning and although I knew I was carrying too much weight I really can't believe the difference. Thank you so much, all I have to do now is maintain it and a couple more pounds would get me to a weight I haven't been in about 30 odd years 😁xx”.
More Shift results coming in this morning and this one’s a belter...
⬇️11lbs... ⬇️8% body fat ⬇️12”
How great does this lovely lady look? Creating new habits and being consistent around a busy working and family life has helped her feel the best she has in years and I’m excited to continue coaching her. Gives me such a buzz teaching my gals how to achieve results just like this while still enjoying weekends away, nights out and a few gins. Well done lovely❤️.
#shiftin6 #onlinept #nutritioncoach #flexibledieting #iifym #fatlosstips #caloriedeficit
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More about Mbpt