Mcgowan'S Black-Belt Academy

About Mcgowan'S Black-Belt Academy

�Family run, purpose built martial arts centre in hamilton
�Age-specific classes tailored to your child's needs
�Your child will build confidence, make friends and learn to defend themselves
�Adult TaeKwon-Do and fitness classes available



Martial Arts @ Home with MBA Online
Our live, interactive online classes will:
✅ Give your child structure & routine... ✅ Build physical and mental wellbeing ✅ Keep your child active, connected & engaged ✅ Empower your child to learn
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Our programmes includes daily fitness & wellbeing sessions for all the family!
Comment or get in touch to find out more and book your FREE online trial class 😀
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When your teaching live online and you get the cutest ambush ever! ❤️


Check out this tenets of TKD poster from Alana who is one of our red belts and part of our Leadership Team!
It’s great to see our students continuing to learn at home! They are a great source of inspiration for the instructors at MBA ❤️


This week’s learning project for MBA Online is to draw a technique and label as much as you can in terms of the name of the technique, info about the stance and the parts of the hand/feet used in the technique.
Here is Vince’s technique!
Great work Vince 😎👍🏻


What an amazing first 10 days since we launched MBA Online - Martial Arts @ Home!
We know this is not an easy time right now, but we are doing everything we can to keep our students and families positive and engaged:
... ✅ Live daily 9am workouts for all the family ✅ Live INTERACTIVE classes for all of our programmes where students can speak to their instructor, ask questions and see their friends ✅ Growing ON-DEMAND library with tutorials and train at home videos ✅ Weekly poster design challenges & learning projects
And we have more planned in the coming weeks
It’s great to see everyone continuing to train and learn at home. The best part for us has been seeing our students say hi and connect with their friends online.
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We have launched MBA Online!
Our face to face classes may be temporarily suspended, but we couldn’t let our students go without their training, so we have taken training to them!
... ✅On-demand classes🖥 ✅Zoom check-ins, training & workshops💻 ✅Student Activity pack to keep busy 📔 ✅Daily FB live sessions for all the family 📱 ✅Weekly activity planner & task sheet to help students focused!
And more to come!
We know they will need a lot of support in the weeks to come so are here for them and we can’t wait to see our students attending their virtual training hall 😀
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Big ❤️s to all our Kubz who are missing out on nursery graduations.
Thinking about you all today.


We’re online! And on the telly!
Still working on things fully launching for next week.
But MBA Online is coming 😀👍🏻


Feels so strange not to be in prepping for classes, however we are going to bring fantastic home classes right to your living room!
We’re filming from Mr McGowan’s garage and will have training to keep you all busy!!!
❤️Thank you to our students and parents for your continued support!
... ❤️And a huuuge thank you to our Leadership team, Black Belts and Instructor team during this time.
❤️Christina R Keeney, you have made such a difference to the place since you started and have left the place sparkling for when we are back at classes. Thank you.
MBA ONLINE - stay tuned 😀
Stay safe. Be kind. Keep practicing.
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Shout out to all our primary and high school students today, we know this will be tough to say bye to your friends for a while.
Especially to our P7s and 5th/6th years who may not get their official last day at school.
Remember we’re here for you all.
... ❤️
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Hi Team,
The latest update is that schools will be closing at the end of the week and it is not clear at the moment when they will reopen.
... We are here for our students and have lots of great stuff ready to launch. Starting with a live workout for our Kick-Fitters at 6pm tonight! We will monitor the situation and work out exactly what it means for us so we can plan for reopening ASAP. In the meantime, we are going to deliver an amazing MBA Online service for you all!
We are giving this everything we've got so please click on the pic to find out everything we have planned!
Thank you for your support during this time, we are here for you!
MBA Team ❤️
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Local business who can deliver fresh fruit, veg and more to your door!
Great if you are self isolating.


Due to the latest government advice on the coronavirus, we are temporarily suspending our face to face classes and launching MBA online training.
We will continue to support our students and families through train at home programmes.
Stay safe. Be kind. Keep practicing!


You will all be aware of the UK Government announcement tonight regarding the implementation of social distancing and the avoidance of all non-essential contact with others.
We are working through exactly what this means for our students, their families and the Instructors. Our top priority is to keep everyone safe.
... We will provide a full update before 12 noon on Tuesday 17th March with more information and next steps.
In the meantime we are ready and excited to move all of our teaching online so that students can continue to train at home, learn and progress in their martial arts journey.
The social aspect of Taekwon-Do is really important so this means they will be able to see their friends at the academy even if it is virtually 😀
We ask all parents to download the "Zoom in cloud meeting" app from the apple/android app store or via Please comment "zoom" below when you have done this.
We appreciate everyones patience and support ❤️
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Testing out our train at home technology 🤓
Keep the show on the road!!


Although there has been no specific announcement on school closures, all the commentary on the Coronavirus indicates that there will be a decision to do this sometime soon. We will, of course, follow all Government and Local Authority guidance on this and our top priority is the health of our students and their families. At the moment, we’re continuing with classes on our timetable as advised last week with gaps for hand washing and
We want to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure that all our training programs can continue in the best way we can, in the face of any restrictions we may have. When our kids are at home, we will all be looking for things to keep them active and engaged. Maintaining their Taekwon-Do training and progress is vital during this time.
We will continue to teach, and students will continue to learn and progress. We have been preparing for this scenario for the last few weeks. We have plans in place to continue to provide training to our student groups as well as support for parents. Among these are online classes and tutorials via the ‘Zoom’ video conferencing platform which we have invested in for our school.
In preparation for this we ask parents to download the Zoom Video Conferencing App, if you haven’t already done this please download this FREE app via apple/android app stores.
We will provide further instruction/announcements via Facebook and email.
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Sunday night planning to make sure we stay operational for our students over the next few weeks.
Can anyone name the movie?
#tkdfamily... #coronavirusbattleplan
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MBA Caronavirus Update:
Classes remain open until we receive advice from the UK Government that would change things. And we will continue to make every effort to run classes while we feel it is safe to do so.
We are currently working hard to move all of our programmes online, so that if required we can continue to support all of our students training and learning from home.
... In turn we’d like to thank all of our students for their continued support during this uncertainty.
MBA Team ❤️
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More about Mcgowan'S Black-Belt Academy

Mcgowan'S Black-Belt Academy is located at 9 Bertram St, ML3 0QS Hamilton, South Lanarkshire