M&D Taxis And Minibuses Peebles

About M&D Taxis And Minibuses Peebles

M& D Taxis and Minibus Peebles is a transport company in Peebles operating 4, 6, 8 & 16 seaters to take you wherever you need to go. Call 07449548977 or 07518373992.
Visit our website www. manddtaxis. co. uk



Happy summer holidays to all the kids! Big changes for our lot, the oldest will be away to high school and the youngest will be starting school in August рҹҳһ Hope youвҖҷve got some nice plans for the next 6/7 weeks. We are planning on heading up north and doing some camping, IвҖҷm hoping to do Harris and Skye but if anyone has recommendations of where we should visit then let me know as weвҖҷve not been up to the top of Scotland yet! The new bus is on the road and so is the new taxi! WeвҖҷve lots of availability so give us a call or a message to sort out your transport this summer вҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸ Taxi рҹҡ• 07518373992 Minibus рҹҡҗ 07449548977


Might try this tonight рҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҳӮ


Sunday seeвҖҷs the start of our Peebles Beltane so, on behalf of me, Mark, Sharon, Lisa, John and Jason weвҖҷd like to wish Andrew and Natalie and the rest of the riders a Safe Oot and a Safe In. Have the best week everyone рҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸр ҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸр ҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸр ҹ”ҙрҹҚҫрҹҚҫрҹҚҫрҹҚҫ looking forward to seeing all the fun and games! Taxi рҹҡ• 07518373992 Minibus рҹҡҗ 07449548977


ItвҖҷs with a heavy heart IвҖҷm sad to announce the yellow venga bus рҹҡҢ will leaving us in a couple of weeks. WeвҖҷve decided it was time for it to move to the big skip in the sky. WeвҖҷve invested in a newer, prettier and boring white one which means my regular drunks are going to have start behaving рҹҳӮ IвҖҷm certain the new bus will be loved just as much as my yellow one рҹҡҢвқҢ вң…рҹҡҗ


Apologies this last week for our lack of professionalism, it has been utter madness. I had surgery Monday, which has put me out of action and to top today off.. Jessica thought sheвҖҷd break her arm at school. Like IвҖҷd not spent enough time in hospital рҹҷ„ Our two new drivers have been out and about, so please be gentle with them while they learn the ropes рҹҳӮ weвҖҷve also just bought another taxi рҹҡ• to add to our growing little fleet. Just a few more weeks till the kids break up, so if youвҖҷve any plans for a taxi or minibus to the airport or train station, give me message on here or call us on the usual numbers Minibus 07449548977 Taxi 07518373992


COMPETITION WINNER.. CONGRATULATIONS GAIL RICE рҹҚҫ get in touch so I can send you your vouchers!


Competition time!!! I havenвҖҷt done one for a while. IвҖҷm giving away ВЈ40 in M&D vouchers for you to spend whenever youвҖҷd like. They can be used on the taxis or bus whichever you want. TheyвҖҷll be in ВЈ10 tickets so you can do what you want with them. All I want you to do is, like the page, like the post and share. IвҖҷll leave this running till Sunday afternoon and IвҖҷll get the kids to draw it out of a hat live. Good luck!


Having spent the day on a course surrounded by a bunch of blokes who quite clearly hate their jobs it made me realise how much I love mine, even if IвҖҷm permanently shattered рҹҳӮ I love seeing the happiness in peoples faces when I turn up to get them. I could be taking them on a fabulous holiday, or it could be a singer theyвҖҷve waited years to see. Every single customer is different and their requirements are completely different to the next persons. Some days I might have a trip that doesnвҖҷt warrant my stupidness and they might just need a person to confide in as they go and say goodbye to a loved one, itвҖҷs such a wide spectrum and I donвҖҷt think IвҖҷd like it any other way. I hope I bring you the happiness and smiles on our trips, but mostly I hope I bring you the comforting ear when you need it most. рҹ’–рҹ’–рҹ’–рҹ’–


Proud moment for us here at M&D Taxis. We are now an award winning firm. Obviously the best for miles. Huge thanks to Ramblers Coffee Shop The Super Store and of course Tweed Art


How is it May already? I think I must have missed a few days somewhere along the lines. The weather is starting to pick up and the nights are getting lighter, I almost forgot how much I just love this time of year. Big changes happening in our house, the oldest is getting ready for high school and the baby is getting ready for primary school... donвҖҷt think IвҖҷll cope without my sidekick at home with me, so if you want to lend me a baby to hug then just pop them in. We have a couple of new boys joining the team this month and IвҖҷll introduce them as soon as I can, and we are car shopping for our next taxi to join the fleet. In the mean time, you can message me on here or call us on 07518373992 рҹҡ• or 07449548977 for minibus рҹҡҗ bookings. Have a lovely May bank holiday xx рҹҳҳ


Congratulations to all our Beltane Principals! Fantastic news for them all. Hip hip! Hooray рҹҚҫрҹҚҫрҹҚҫрҹҚҫрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙв ҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙвҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙв ҡӘпёҸрҹ”ҙ


We are back on the hunt for another driver to join the team. Must be over 25, with 3 years driving licence as a minimum. Willing to work weekends, days and nights. We are willing to help you pay for the medical and taxi badge. We pay an hourly rate, fill the cars and you keep your own tips, all you have to do is drive.


I really need you lot to put bigger house numbers on the gate, i absolutely hate turning down the radio to see what house it is.


Quick competition рҹ’–


Quick competition to get me to 1000 likes and you can have ВЈ30 of taxi or minibus vouchers to use whenever you like! Just like the page, like the post and your fav emoji рҹҳҚ will do a live draw of the winner.


Hi everyone, IвҖҷve found a couple of pairs of glasses рҹ‘“ in my taxis. Thought they were my staffs but obviously not рҹӨӯ please could you share this post so we can find the owners. IвҖҷve had them a while


Oh my days.... the stuff I know рҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җ


Almost ValentineвҖҷs Day and love is in the air рҹ’– have you made any plans yet? We are heading out for an Italian in Edinburgh, not because we are romantic.. simply because weвҖҷve not had a kitchen for 2 weeks and weвҖҷve eaten every takeaway known to man. I want my kitchen back and some fresh veg! IвҖҷve also realised that IвҖҷm a serious stress head, my calendar has been slung in a room while the kitchen gets plastered and IвҖҷve no idea what day week or month it is. IвҖҷm praying my kitchen nightmare is over ASAP so I can get organised! A kitchen refurb isnвҖҷt ideal when you are poorly рҹҳ– Anyway.. rant over рҹҳӮ Taxi number is 07518373992 Minibus 07449548977

More about M&D Taxis And Minibuses Peebles

M&D Taxis And Minibuses Peebles is located at 13 Clark Place, EH45 8LB Peebles