Medium Sandra Bell

About Medium Sandra Bell

Medium Sandra Bell. Founder of BFS Spiritualist, World Wide Spiritualist, Psychic Columns productions. Psychic Columns publications and, Celtic metaphysical University.

Medium Sandra Bell Description

Public Spirited Radio show on 949 FM Hudson Valley, or



Read your monthly columns in our website or read your weekly columns in the group page. With the same name.


My columns are on my group site, not here. This is just a like page.My columns are on my group site, not here. This is just a like page.


I intend to start my book, (my visits to the Spirit World),in the new year. This is very very interesting. My visits begun when I started to get sick at 20 years old, and recently fighting cancer, heart attack, pancreatitis, sepsis a few times, I had many visits to the other side. Is the world ready for the truth about life on the other side?

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Spirit messages for Week beginning 22nd January To work out your number and get your weekly reading just add the numbers of the date of the month you were born on together and the total is your number! If you still have two digits then add them together again. For example if you were born on the 29th of the month then you would add 2+9=11, you would then have to add 1+1=2. If you were born on the 14th of the month you would just add 1+4=5, therefor you would be a five. One ...A little lesson can teach you so much, don't be put off by a small stumbling block, it Two Jumping for joy will be your key words this week, you have waited a long time for this and you know it's right. Three Timing is everything, what you thought was over will now be just beginning, it was just the wrong time in the past. Four You let your self go with your own feelings and you will find that you get everything you want. Five When you see that helping people can come back to you you will be more open to trusting people now! Six Love is love and you will see that no matter how hard you try, you can't control what you feel. Seven Don't push the people who are important to you away as you will see they can change everything at the drop of a hat. Eight Know that the people you are helping now will be the people who support you most when you ask for Support. Nine Don't let people take you for granted, you are important too and it time the people around you seen this.
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Official tarot column for week beginning 22nd of January To work out your tarot number, just the number of the month you were born in to the date of the month you were born, then add all he digit in the total until you are left with a single digit, that is your tarot number. One Some people are just taking you for granted at present, time to put your foot down and tell them you are not there slave. Two... Make a little time to look around you and see all the wonderful things in your life at present, because they are there! Three Your spirit energy will give you a swift kick to get you going, a disentangle person can go so far. Four Not a good time to tackle love issues, when other see you are at a disadvantage they me act different with you. Five The future is a lot brighter than you think it is, just because you are board does not mean it will stay that way! Six Be carful who you trust at present, if you say nothing then you can't go wrong, people are finding fault without any cause at present. Seven A commitment to forcing your finance off the ground and into a more secure place is just what you need right now. Look forward to better times. Eight Your life is back where you started, and very little has changed, but you are ready to take on the world, just see who you have become. Nine Don't buy into someone's drama, when they fire comments at you that are not about you, don't even question them, it's all about them.
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Kylecairn for week beginning 15th of January Kylecairn is a Celtic divination system for predicting where your life energy is taking you. To work out your Kylecairn number add the number of the month you were born to the date of the month you were born, for example if you were born on November the 17th you would add 11 to 17 as November is the 11th month of the year then 17 is the date you were born. 11+17=28. You then divide the digits in your total until you are left with... only one digit, so because the total in the example was 28 would add the 2+8=10. In this case 10 still has two digits so you would then add the two digits together again to get your number: Example 1+0=1 making your Kylecairn number one. If however you were born on the second of February then it would be simple because you would only have to add 2+2=4 as February is the second month of the year and the second is the date of the month you were born on, then four would be your number. You only add the digit when you have more than one digit left in the total One Balance up your personal life and the rest of life will fall into place for you, when you are balanced life is easy. Two You are in for a wonderful surprise when a person you had given up all hope on suddenly gives you new hope. Three When you have to be the strong person in a relationship setting then you will see just how good you are at this. Four Someone from your past will come back into your life, it will be just like you are working magics to bing what you want now! Five It's time to make choices about your personal life now and not let others influence this. Six You need the changes that have to make your life a better place to be right now! Seven You will now be able to tune into the higher forces to see where your life is taking you. Eight Love is much better than you are expecting it to be, you take what you want and no one will stand in your way. Nine It's time to renew the thins that no longer serve you In your life, and this has a lot to do with relationships.
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Official Ogham column for weekend beginning 15th of January To work out your Ogham number, just take the last digit of the date of the month you were born, so if I you were born on the 14th of June, you would be a four. Zero It takes great courage to go against the crowd, but when you know it the right thing to do you have to do what is right. One ... Self sacrifice should be your middle name, but when will you learn that you have needs too and they need to be met. Two Psychic instinct tells you one thing and what you can see on the surface tells you another. Go with what you feel. Three Be stubborn and hold out for what you want at present, because you know the other person is playing games and you know this will not work. Four All is not what it look to be, things are not clear at present, so don't make any choices that you will be tied too. Five Your cuter needs to move out of your life and if you don't change this it will start to drag you down. Six If some people feel a little aggressive towards you, don't take this personal, they have there issues and it's not your fault. Seven If you need to work with others to get ahead, then you can do this without losing out yourself. Eight You feel like you are the cream of the crop at present, you have worked hard so don't feel bad about getting the glory. Nine Don't make excuses for other people's bad behavior, you have done nothing but your best so just be honest.
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Spirit messages for Week beginning 1st of January To work out your number and get your weekly reading just add the numbers of the date of the month you were born on together and the total is your number! If you still have two digits then add them together again. For example if you were born on the 29th of the month then you would add 2+9=11, you would then have to add 1+1=2. If you were born on the 14th of the month you would just add 1+4=5, therefor you would be a five. On...e Vulnerable travel plans may have to be shelved for the moment, but rest assure these plans will get underway very soon and you will get to enjoy them even more. Two You know you can't change others way of thinking, so why are you even trying to do this? When you see this,life will become very easy. Three Your love of finance will give you the drive to get things up and running sooner than you imagine would be possible. Get out there and make it work! Four There is a victory in place where a family work together to form a solution to the issues that are being buried under things that are not important. Five Your ship is about to come in, when it comes to matters of the heart, you will be out there in front of everyone else, love is strong for you at present. Six You can work on the issues concerning you work life, but if you continue to pretend they don't exist then they will remain. Seven Just as you were about to give up hope you will begin to see that little light at the end of your tunnel, making things seem possible after all. Eight If you have had a lot of cash going out, hold on tight, as you will get it all back very soon, your luck is taking a better turn now.If you have had a lot of cash going out, hold on tight, as you will get it all back very soon, your luck is taking a better turn now. Nine Spiritual trust is about to shine bright for you, if you trust that you can get communication from the higher side of life then you will.
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Elemental messages for week beginning 1st of January To work out your elemental number just add all the digits if your age together so if you are 24 then you would add the 2+4=6 that would make you a six making your elemental number 6 One You have a habit of putting your foot in a situation when you try to push yourself, but this weekend you will find the right words to go forward. Two ... A working project that you have to undertake will turn out to be the best thing you ever did, because this will lead you you getting noticed for your talent Three When you fall in love everything in life can change, just last week you felt that life was crumbling, now you feel on top of the world. Four A little bit of luck is coming your way today when you find yourself in the right place at the right time. Five When you make up your mind to go out and get the things you want in life then you will find that you can move mountains when you try. Six A bit of news you find out over the next few days will bring upliftmeant to you regarding your financial situation Seven Take some time away from our work path, because the work will be their when you are not, live a little and you will learn a lot. Eight If you are finding a project hard to get off the ground, start it with a little bit a day and you will find it starts to take shape sooner than you think. Nine Your ship is about to come in when you force a new venture off the ground, time to make past hurt go away and stay away this time.
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Official tarot column for week beginning 1st of January To work out your tarot number, just the number of the month you were born in to the date of the month you were born, then add all he digit in the total until you are left with a single digit, that is your tarot number. One Don't make waves with the people who try to make you look bad, if you just smile then you get everything you are hoping for. Two... A time for relieving from the past, has come to an end, it's time you started to live in the here and now! Three A promotion may be on the cards for you at this present time, you are drawing positive vibes in the work place. Four Channel all your energy into the things you want to change in your life, it's a good time to manifest what you want. Five Don't take on other people's issues, when you like a person, don't let others change how you feel. Six A time of fun and adventure is coming into your energy, work early and get the fun strait after the work. Seven Don't make problems for yourself, if you take time to see you can't change your friends, friends are hard to come by Eight A lot of your time is about making changes, but if you just stop and see what you have you will see how far you have come. Nine Time to see you can do just what you want to do if you handle it with calm approach.
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Official numerology column for Week beginning 1st of January To work out your numerology number, just add all the digits in your full date of birth then add all the digit in the total until you are left with a single digit, that's our number. One A light will suddenly come on and you will wonder why you never thought of this solution in the past.... Two You can now see light at the end of the tunnel in a work project, if you feel you have achieved things this is down to your hard work. Three The steps you take now will make foundations for a brighter future with plans that you had shelved in the past. Four The paperwork you deal with now will save you a lot of time at a later date, don't put off today what needs to be done. Five A dream you had in the past will be activated again, this was something you had given up any hope of ever happening. Six Instead of sitting dreaming of your big plans, go out and make it happen, one step is all it takes. Seven A good time to get on with some of that spring cleaning, out with the old and in with the new in all your life. Eight Don't let people walk all over you, you are important and don't think that others have more rights than you. Nine A little but of patience will go a long way now, when you talk a little time for others it will reward you tenfold.
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Kylecairn for week beginning 1st of January Kylecairn is a Celtic divination system for predicting where your life energy is taking you. To work out your Kylecairn number add the number of the month you were born to the date of the month you were born, for example if you were born on November the 17th you would add 11 to 17 as November is the 11th month of the year then 17 is the date you were born. 11+17=28. You then divide the digits in your total until you are left with ...only one digit, so because the total in the example was 28 would add the 2+8=10. In this case 10 still has two digits so you would then add the two digits together again to get your number: Example 1+0=1 making your Kylecairn number one. If however you were born on the second of February then it would be simple because you would only have to add 2+2=4 as February is the second month of the year and the second is the date of the month you were born on, then four would be your number. You only add the digit when you have more than one digit left in the total One Make way for some fun in your life, as your life is just about to take an inciting turn that will be very adventurous. Two Love is all around you at present, but it's everyone else who always get what they want, now it's your turn. Three A bit of information that someone tells you by accident will lead to you being able to sort out major issues. Four Take charge of your life, because it a wonderful time to get new ventures off the ground that can grow very strong. Five You will have a firm victory over something you have been battling for a long time, you just have to trust this! Six You have a wonderful surprise in store of you, you can expect the unexpected to happen. Seven When people try to be disruptive with you, you have what you need to hold your own ground and deal with them. Eight If the people around you are taking you a little for granted then maybe it's time to ask if you are too soft with them? Nine Love will be strong on your mind at present, when you feel this deeply about someone then nothing is impossible.
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Official Ogham column for week beginning 1st of January To work out your Ogham number, just take the last digit of the date of the month you were born, so if I you were born on the 14th of June, you would be a four. Zero Put your both feet firmly on the ground and you will see that others respect you more if you don't get used. One... Don't think you are week if you go back to the past, sometimes you have to go back in order to go forward and this is one of these times. Two Work relationships are at a vital point at present, if you work as a team then you will get the support you give. Three You are on an emotional roller coaster at present, but very soon you will see the balance back in your life. Four If you are feeling that life is just not fair at present, think back on the last five years and you will see you get the live you give. Five A magical new start is getting under way, family are so important to you, but sometimes you need your space. Six Home life is a bit of a strain on you at present, but you have everything you need to stay on top of the situation. Seven You have don it again, you looked great, but you have saved the best until the end and you have left a lasting impression for all to see. Eight You can't be everything to everyone and when people don't give back to you then you have to ask what is there for you in this situation? Nine If you put in the effort you spiritual path will open new doors for you at present, you just have to believe.
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Official numerology column for 18th of December To work out your numerology number, just add all the digits in your full date of birth then add all the digit in the total until you are left with a single digit, that's our number. One A little luck is coming your way at present, just take time to enjoy it and remember to be thankful. Two... This weekend will see the things you thought you had lost come back into our life, someone's misfortune will be your gain. Three Major changes are taking place, and you can see a lot of respect coming in for you. Four Time to relax and enjoy a verity of life at present, if you enjoy the little things then you will get a lot. Five Today is the day that will change who you are, you have to take the chance now or except you missed your chance. Six When people keep you in the dark about something then it's because they have some thing to hide! Seven A star is born, when you are in the lime lite, you know just how to shine he brightest light. Eight When couples come together you will she the problems you had in the past suddenly make sense. Nine Today may find you asking if the effort you put into life is worth all the work, you will soon see it is!
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Official Ogham column for 18th of December To work out your Ogham number, just take the last digit of the date of the month you were born, so if I you were born on the 14th of June, you would be a four. Zero A chance you take now will be a risk, but it will be the best risk you ever took in your life and you won't look back One... Time to see that not everyone is out to help others, there are some people who are takers in life and you draw them in. Two Just go out and shine in your own light, if you are just you the people around you will see you are great, because you are. Three Sit down and take some time to go into your own thoughts, because al, the answers are inside of you. Four You really have saved the best for last, and you know that you can now play your best hand and win the game of love. Five If a loved one is distracted at present, stop and figure out why, if you talk this out it will be easy solved. Six Not much seems to be going right for you at present, but if you look at what you have got and where you could be you will see how lucky you are. Seven When someone reaches out to you you have to help, this will come back to you in the very near future and you will be glad you took the caring role. Eight Just when you were about to give up hope along comes the luck you have waited all your life for. Nine Just because others can't see the best in a person does not mean you are wrong in what you see.
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Kylecairn for week beginning 11th December Kylecairn is a Celtic divination system for predicting where your life energy is taking you. To work out your Kylecairn number add the number of the month you were born to the date of the month you were born, for example if you were born on November the 17th you would add 11 to 17 as November is the 11th month of the year then 17 is the date you were born. 11+17=28. You then divide the digits in your total until you are left with o...nly one digit, so because the total in the example was 28 would add the 2+8=10. In this case 10 still has two digits so you would then add the two digits together again to get your number: Example 1+0=1 making your Kylecairn number one. If however you were born on the second of February then it would be simple because you would only have to add 2+2=4 as February is the second month of the year and the second is the date of the month you were born on, then four would be your number. You only add the digit when you have more than one digit left in the total One A little bit of good luck coming to your personal life will give you the lift you need to get life going in the right direction. Two Sometimes even angelic forces have to be firm, if you feel things are not working out for you, stop and listen to others point and you will see a different picture. Three Time to force yourself to work things out for yourself, get your adrenalin going and you will find you see things clear then. Four Don't let others take advantage of you, you know what you must do and how you must do this! So what are you waiting for. Five You may feel a little under the weather at present, but this is only your body getting the rest it so badly needs. Six Smile when others try to put you down, they know which buttons to push with you and if you don't let them see any unrest then it will stop. Seven The nature kingdom is bringing you a little luck in a financial partnership, this may even be a business plan you will love. Eight Keep a close reign on your cash at present, because you may have some unexpected changes in that area. Nine Retreat and take some time to sort out your life, you have been spending too much time trying to keep everyone happy and "for what!
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Official Ogham column for 11th of December To work out your Ogham number, just take the last digit of the date of the month you were born, so if I you were born on the 14th of June, you would be a four. Zero When love and your spiritual side mix you get a great combination that can move mountains. One... You have great plans, but you must keep them under your hat at present, because it's about to get real good. Two The skills you learn now about emotions will give you everything you need to build a wonderful future. Three A star is about to be born in you, but can you handle so many people wanting a piece of your time. Four A good time to venture down the commitment role, as bonds are very strong in your energy field at present. Five You need a little patience with things today, but you will achieve great goals Six Great news for finance at present, you luck is just about to get even better were money is concerned Seven When one door closes, don't think this is a bad thing, it long term the best thing that could have happened to you. Eight The end to your fans all worries is becoming very clear, the issues you have had are now over! Nine If you pretend to the world that all is well, you will build that energy around you and it becomes real.
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More about Medium Sandra Bell

Medium Sandra Bell is located at 19 Broadfield Ave, PA14 6PF Port Glasgow
01475 700706