Melanie Soares Fitness

Monday: 18:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 18:00 - 21:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Melanie Soares Fitness

Fitness and Nutrition Bootcamps - kids, youth, ladies, gents.

All enquiries will be responded to during business hours Mon-Thurs.

Melanie Soares Fitness Description

Welcome to Melanie Soares Fitness, creator of The Bikini Body Bootcamp.

Melanie Soares Fitness is a life-changing fitness driven community for men and woman of all ages, shapes and sizes and fitness levels.

My aim is to educate nutrition and exercise as a way of life to those who follow us, not to offer a quick fix, no fad diet plans or extreme unrealistic exercise regimes, its a real way of life bootcamp which has already produced amazing results for hundreds of women and men who are still following our teachings and way of life year after year.

Come and join our buzzing fitness community, a very sociable yet hard working team, all with the same goal in mind, to change our body shape, stay healthy and enjoy life

Learn how to prep food, eat well for fat loss and stay active in a way that suits you !



Bursting with pride ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Fitness is a metaphor for life
Knowing how to build muscle is not the same as building muscle.
In other words, talk is cheap and action pays.
... Lift the same heavy weight over and over and day after day and it ‘magically’ gets easier and feels lighter.
In other words, easy is earned.
Progress does not magically occur. You must always seek to beat your own PR (personal record )
In life there are PRs in fear. Attack your fear PRs in life
With fitness and in life, results and change come from getting out of your comfort zone and pushing your limits
A universal truth to stay safe and keep the results coming in fitness and life is to “ push until you can't, rest until you can"
Movement is life ❤️
See More


Working out three times a week and doing nothing else outside of these sessions, is like going to the dentist to get your teeth checked 3 times a week, but not brushing them yourself every day ....
3 hours is 1.79% of your week, make sure that you are doing the rest of the work too 🤟🏻


Was recommended bootcamp by my mum and auntie. After seeing the difference in my mum I was right up for it! I used to always think I was semi-fit...occasionally going to the gym and body pump when I could be bothered but never really "committing". After hating my belly/arms in every dress/tshirt I decided to give it a go as I just wasn't seeing the results anywhere else! And I'm so glad I did! Just not long started my second bootcamp and it genuinely feels good to feel good! I still enjoy my nights out but really feel 100% better for joining. I love the atmosphere, the buzz and actually seeing the difference! It's not like a random gym class it's full on commitment and if you stick to its 100% worthwhile. I am like a new woman and buzzing for more results . The goal is abs like slabs and for once because of bootcamp I believe it's achievable ����


Training at Maleonly Bootcamp has helped me in a few different areas of my life, fitness, nutrition and giving me a focus point during a challenging period in my life. Joining bootcamp has helped me understand the importance of technique over time in a gym. The importance of eating and drinking the right things at the right times as apposed to having a fruit or salad bowl thinking I'm eating healthy - bootcamp is like going back to basics once Heath and Fitness without feeling silly about it. They should be teaching some of this in schools from an earlier age. The environment and atmosphere all help massively in feeling comfortable when your training.


This amazing bootcamp has been my god send it really has before i started my very 1st session i was stressing out worried my anxiety and my confidence where going to get in the way. within 5 mins of getting there i was at ease from the workouts to the coaches i cant thank them enough. there if you have a question no judging and helping you work and acheive your goals i love these classes and training sessions because you never know what your going to be doing which i love because its never the same and also best part is its not like a usal gym/class enviorment its getting to know new people and learning to love yourself and never feeling uneasy as there always there to answer any questions you have and have really helped me through some tough days when my anxiety hits hard they treat you like family and i cant thank them enough for putting together this amazing training programme


Just finished my first block of bootcamp and absolutely loved it with great results! Fantastic support from all the coaches who are there to answer any questions no matter how silly I think I sound � no matter how much I cannot be bothered I come home from a session bursting with energy and met some lovely people too! Feeling stronger than ever and Cannot wait for block 2 to start on Monday �


Just completed my first block and realised that this is the first time in my life that I’m actually enjoying exercise! Every class is different and, in just six weeks, I can already see how my body is getting stronger and leaner (11 inches lost so far!)

The trainers are all amazing and really want to push you to your limits, as they know what you can do and want the change just as much as you do. You can tell they really care.

There are no posers and everyone genuinely roots for each other which makes this bootcamp stand out over anywhere else. I’ve made a lot of really nice friends in the last six weeks.

There are lots of class times and a reasonably priced, brilliant crèche, so there’s no excuse!

Join and give it all you’ve got for six weeks and I guarantee it will change your life �


I’m now half way through my second block of bootcamp and have absolutely loved it. If you follow the coaches advice and turn up for training consistently you will absolutely see a huge improvement in your fitness level and your physique. (I lost over half a stone and 14 inches in block 1). Each training session is completely different -so you never get fed up with what you are doing. The coaches are fantastic and really approachable. Bootcamp is really challenging and you do have to make some changes/commit a bit of time, but the results are absolutely worth it. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend xxx


In January 2016 I re-joined bikini body bootcamp after about 1 year off. I was completely focussed and aiming to my next goal which was my upcoming wedding booked for Sept 2017. At the end of my second block back in May 2016 I discovered I was pregnant, I was delighted, but very shocked at the same time.

Melanie was the first person I told out with my partner Billy. I was concerned that continuing would cause damage to my baby in some way. Society would let you believe that the second you become pregnant everything has to stop which is completely ridiculous.

Melanie, April, Ellis, Sharlene and now Peter have been great through my pregnancy to this point (currently 25 weeks) and I have no immediate plans to stop exercising. I attend my 6pm class when I can and do the same workout as everyone else. Obviously the odd exercise is changed and my weights are lowered a fair bit in comparison to the others.

Physically I feel really good. I now have a small bump but apart from that my body hasn’t changed too much and I have been able to maintain muscle tone in my arms and legs. The psychological benefits have also been amazing, I still feel part of something where otherwise I would be sitting on the couch – which is lovely sometimes but not for 9 months.

I have had so much support from the girls I train with too with many of them telling me in hindsight they wish they had continued to exercise during their pregnancies.

If my doctor or midwife told me tomorrow to stop naturally I would without hesitation. At the end of the day my health and my baby’s health are more important. But so far so good. I would recommend continuing to train throughout pregnancy to any of the existing girls at bootcamp. It’s not something to start all of a sudden when you find out you are pregnant but if your body is already used to the workouts go for it, you won’t regret it.


If you feel that exercise is boring and not for you, please try this. I never, ever thought that I would enjoy bootcamp, it is varied and well thought out. The value for money is phenomenal, if you take advantage of the 4 classes offered every week, it works out at around £3.50 per class. You are also given detailed nutritional advice. The best thing of all is you are training in a non judgmental and fully supportive environment. I love it and I bet that you will too. Please give it a try, you’ve nothing to lose except the body that you don’t want anymore. 👍


I'm doing the bikini bootcamp babes (beginners) and I would recommend it to anyone. Takes everything back to basics to make sure your form is correct in squats/planks/lunges etc so you are ready to move onto the next stage comfortably after the 6 week bootcamp is over. Work out much harder at bootcamp than I would on my own and already feeling fitter!


I swear by the BBBC �� I have never been able to put into words how being a part of this family makes you feel! It’s all sort of crazy emotions and pushes me to my absolute limits but I love it and would recommend anyone to give it a go! All the coaches are amazing and always there no matter what you need! And the people you train beside are next to none, no shaming or judging - everyone is there for similar reasons and the support is unreal �

I love being part of this family as my fitness journey and the results I had in my first 6 week block of 2018 were amazing! Bring on block 2 �


I joined bootcamp january 2016.

My goals were to get my fitness levels back up again and if i dropped a dress size then that would be a bonus.

I had never lifted a weight in my life and that terrified me but Mel and her amazing team had me confident in a few short weeks.

Learning to eat the correct foods to enable me to training to my full ability has been life changing.

Yes i have had blips but know what to do now and with Mels amazing chats you get back on the road of your journey again.

This for me isn't just a fitness class it's family, a bootcamp family who in the past few months when one of our own has had testing times we all come together as a community & family and help each other in any way we can.

Once you are start your bootcamp journey you never look back. ���


I joined BBBC in May 2015 really apprehensive and seriously unfit. I'd seen transformation pics of girls I knew and I thought I'll try that as I've tried everything else. Difference this time this process actually works and can be maintained.

I knew I was overweight and I was unhappy with my shape, though I hid it well with how I dressed,but dressing for comfort rather than being me. Every function or night out I went to involved Spanx where I sat uncomfortable most of the night and still probably looked like a "pun a mince". I was preaching to my daughter about keeping active and being healthy but I felt like this... So action was required.

Went along to my first class and near whitied at the fitness test, I was so out of shape, I went home telling my hubby that it wasn't for me I wouldn't manage that 3 times a week. He encouraged me to go back for my 2nd class, albeit I could hardly walk by then!!!

Almost a year and a half on I still have goals I want to reach but I am far fitter and more motivated than I have ever been and my attitude to training has changed totally. Melanie and her team are so positive it's actually infectious. They take time out if you're struggling, if you're feeling low or lost you're mojo and they have you back on track in record time.

I had a tough time earlier this year and I honestly believe if it wasn't for Mel and her girls I'd have had a breakdown, I used classes as my escape and the mental positivity this gave me was unreal.

They say you can't pick your family but I certainly didn't go wrong picking this fitness family, I've made some great new friends and I know I'm here for the foreseeable.

Get on board it's life changing, as cliche as it sounds����



I have just completed my first 6 week block and can honestly say it’s the best thing I have ever done! I was really nervous at the start as never done anything like this before but so glad I did, The coaches are absolutely amazing and I couldn’t feel more at home. Mel and her team are one of a kind. The support we get through training and also out-with the class with nutrition is phenomenal. I have tried every diet under the sun and random gym classes and got absolutely nowhere before until I joined this bootcamp. I haven’t felt this good in 10 years! � Love training with a great group of girls. Each class is different and so much fun. We never know what we are going into which is even better � I can feel my body changing and I couldn’t have done it without this amazing team of coaches and also the support from the fab ladies in my class as everyone pushes each other as well as the coaches. I would recommend this to ANYONE who is ready and wants to make a change as I took the leap and it has paid off big time for me personally, changed my life. Thanks team! Still loving it �� xxx


I first started with Mel and the bikini bootcamp back in sept 2015. I been on and off since then. Since end of November I join the small pt groups and loved every minute. This is more strength exercise with a more one to one feel to it as group as smaller get more time with the coaches. I notice a big difference over past few months of how much stronger I am getting and lighting more heavier weights. The inches and bodyfat is also coming back down and can’t wait to get started again on Monday for the next block. I never used to love exercises but try many different ones but always had dread and fear. This is completely different and love goin to class. The encouragement and support you get is amazing, first class. Check it out you will love it xxx


I am in the middle of the beginners programme " Bootcamp Babes" and cannot recommend it highly enough. If anybody is looking for a start to exercise this is definitely for you. Super instructors who absolutely "get it" but will also push you to get your best. Women from different walks of life, age and body shape all looking to get fit, it has been a blast, hard work but fun. Really friendly and supportive bunch, give it a try you never know how much you will enjoy it ���


Having tried every diet going and also doing classes at the local gym I decided to give Bootcamp babes a go with the thought that if I make it through the block I would join "the big girls Bootcamp". I can honestly say I've never looked back. Babes was the perfect introduction to training. Having already been at a Bootcamp I thought I knew what to expect but this gave me a proper introduction into technique....which I still work on. I progressed to Bootcamp proper last results have been slow and steady. I do still panic "that I can't do this" but I surprise even myself. I've bubbled and laughed and met some great girls. It's a fantastic environment to train in. Mel, April, Ellis and Sharlene are a pleasure to work with and make you feel so welcome....I've even progressed from baggy tshirt to vest!!!! Please don't hesitate to give the bikini body Bootcamp a's so worth the wait and I honestly don't know what I'd do without it.


Having flirted with a number of PTs over the years I have found a PT who understands how to get the best from me for me! For any ladies uncertain whether to sign up with a male PT, I can assure you that Peter is tolerant but no pushover and will remind you of your own set goals. I also ensure I do my homework from the workouts Peter sets out from the offset. I thoroughly enjoy my sessions and can feel and see the difference in my strength and physique.. plus my Bupa annual checkups tell me I must be doing something right! That aside PT is ‘me time’ and maintaining a positive level of wellbeing is crucial for me - PT mentally keeps me sharp, upbeat and that all important one - HAPPY!


First time here and 2 weeks in and I’m LOVING IT! Thank you to the whole team for the time and effort you all put in with ALL of us. It’s appreciated and makes us all work harder ���


First class n 100% input from coaches.They take the time to chat before n after classes n answer any questions you have on nutrition to get the best from your training.���


Was recommended bootcamp by my mum and auntie. After seeing the difference in my mum I was right up for it! I used to always think I was semi-fit...occasionally going to the gym and body pump when I could be bothered but never really "committing". After hating my belly/arms in every dress/tshirt I decided to give it a go as I just wasn't seeing the results anywhere else! And I'm so glad I did! Just not long started my second bootcamp and it genuinely feels good to feel good! I still enjoy my nights out but really feel 100% better for joining. I love the atmosphere, the buzz and actually seeing the difference! It's not like a random gym class it's full on commitment and if you stick to its 100% worthwhile. I am like a new woman and buzzing for more results . The goal is abs like slabs and for once because of bootcamp I believe it's achievable ����


Training at Maleonly Bootcamp has helped me in a few different areas of my life, fitness, nutrition and giving me a focus point during a challenging period in my life. Joining bootcamp has helped me understand the importance of technique over time in a gym. The importance of eating and drinking the right things at the right times as apposed to having a fruit or salad bowl thinking I'm eating healthy - bootcamp is like going back to basics once Heath and Fitness without feeling silly about it. They should be teaching some of this in schools from an earlier age. The environment and atmosphere all help massively in feeling comfortable when your training.


This amazing bootcamp has been my god send it really has before i started my very 1st session i was stressing out worried my anxiety and my confidence where going to get in the way. within 5 mins of getting there i was at ease from the workouts to the coaches i cant thank them enough. there if you have a question no judging and helping you work and acheive your goals i love these classes and training sessions because you never know what your going to be doing which i love because its never the same and also best part is its not like a usal gym/class enviorment its getting to know new people and learning to love yourself and never feeling uneasy as there always there to answer any questions you have and have really helped me through some tough days when my anxiety hits hard they treat you like family and i cant thank them enough for putting together this amazing training programme


Just finished my first block of bootcamp and absolutely loved it with great results! Fantastic support from all the coaches who are there to answer any questions no matter how silly I think I sound � no matter how much I cannot be bothered I come home from a session bursting with energy and met some lovely people too! Feeling stronger than ever and Cannot wait for block 2 to start on Monday �


Just completed my first block and realised that this is the first time in my life that I’m actually enjoying exercise! Every class is different and, in just six weeks, I can already see how my body is getting stronger and leaner (11 inches lost so far!)

The trainers are all amazing and really want to push you to your limits, as they know what you can do and want the change just as much as you do. You can tell they really care.

There are no posers and everyone genuinely roots for each other which makes this bootcamp stand out over anywhere else. I’ve made a lot of really nice friends in the last six weeks.

There are lots of class times and a reasonably priced, brilliant crèche, so there’s no excuse!

Join and give it all you’ve got for six weeks and I guarantee it will change your life �


I’m now half way through my second block of bootcamp and have absolutely loved it. If you follow the coaches advice and turn up for training consistently you will absolutely see a huge improvement in your fitness level and your physique. (I lost over half a stone and 14 inches in block 1). Each training session is completely different -so you never get fed up with what you are doing. The coaches are fantastic and really approachable. Bootcamp is really challenging and you do have to make some changes/commit a bit of time, but the results are absolutely worth it. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend xxx


In January 2016 I re-joined bikini body bootcamp after about 1 year off. I was completely focussed and aiming to my next goal which was my upcoming wedding booked for Sept 2017. At the end of my second block back in May 2016 I discovered I was pregnant, I was delighted, but very shocked at the same time.

Melanie was the first person I told out with my partner Billy. I was concerned that continuing would cause damage to my baby in some way. Society would let you believe that the second you become pregnant everything has to stop which is completely ridiculous.

Melanie, April, Ellis, Sharlene and now Peter have been great through my pregnancy to this point (currently 25 weeks) and I have no immediate plans to stop exercising. I attend my 6pm class when I can and do the same workout as everyone else. Obviously the odd exercise is changed and my weights are lowered a fair bit in comparison to the others.

Physically I feel really good. I now have a small bump but apart from that my body hasn’t changed too much and I have been able to maintain muscle tone in my arms and legs. The psychological benefits have also been amazing, I still feel part of something where otherwise I would be sitting on the couch – which is lovely sometimes but not for 9 months.

I have had so much support from the girls I train with too with many of them telling me in hindsight they wish they had continued to exercise during their pregnancies.

If my doctor or midwife told me tomorrow to stop naturally I would without hesitation. At the end of the day my health and my baby’s health are more important. But so far so good. I would recommend continuing to train throughout pregnancy to any of the existing girls at bootcamp. It’s not something to start all of a sudden when you find out you are pregnant but if your body is already used to the workouts go for it, you won’t regret it.


If you feel that exercise is boring and not for you, please try this. I never, ever thought that I would enjoy bootcamp, it is varied and well thought out. The value for money is phenomenal, if you take advantage of the 4 classes offered every week, it works out at around £3.50 per class. You are also given detailed nutritional advice. The best thing of all is you are training in a non judgmental and fully supportive environment. I love it and I bet that you will too. Please give it a try, you’ve nothing to lose except the body that you don’t want anymore. 👍


I'm doing the bikini bootcamp babes (beginners) and I would recommend it to anyone. Takes everything back to basics to make sure your form is correct in squats/planks/lunges etc so you are ready to move onto the next stage comfortably after the 6 week bootcamp is over. Work out much harder at bootcamp than I would on my own and already feeling fitter!


I swear by the BBBC �� I have never been able to put into words how being a part of this family makes you feel! It’s all sort of crazy emotions and pushes me to my absolute limits but I love it and would recommend anyone to give it a go! All the coaches are amazing and always there no matter what you need! And the people you train beside are next to none, no shaming or judging - everyone is there for similar reasons and the support is unreal �

I love being part of this family as my fitness journey and the results I had in my first 6 week block of 2018 were amazing! Bring on block 2 �


I joined bootcamp january 2016.

My goals were to get my fitness levels back up again and if i dropped a dress size then that would be a bonus.

I had never lifted a weight in my life and that terrified me but Mel and her amazing team had me confident in a few short weeks.

Learning to eat the correct foods to enable me to training to my full ability has been life changing.

Yes i have had blips but know what to do now and with Mels amazing chats you get back on the road of your journey again.

This for me isn't just a fitness class it's family, a bootcamp family who in the past few months when one of our own has had testing times we all come together as a community & family and help each other in any way we can.

Once you are start your bootcamp journey you never look back. ���


I joined BBBC in May 2015 really apprehensive and seriously unfit. I'd seen transformation pics of girls I knew and I thought I'll try that as I've tried everything else. Difference this time this process actually works and can be maintained.

I knew I was overweight and I was unhappy with my shape, though I hid it well with how I dressed,but dressing for comfort rather than being me. Every function or night out I went to involved Spanx where I sat uncomfortable most of the night and still probably looked like a "pun a mince". I was preaching to my daughter about keeping active and being healthy but I felt like this... So action was required.

Went along to my first class and near whitied at the fitness test, I was so out of shape, I went home telling my hubby that it wasn't for me I wouldn't manage that 3 times a week. He encouraged me to go back for my 2nd class, albeit I could hardly walk by then!!!

Almost a year and a half on I still have goals I want to reach but I am far fitter and more motivated than I have ever been and my attitude to training has changed totally. Melanie and her team are so positive it's actually infectious. They take time out if you're struggling, if you're feeling low or lost you're mojo and they have you back on track in record time.

I had a tough time earlier this year and I honestly believe if it wasn't for Mel and her girls I'd have had a breakdown, I used classes as my escape and the mental positivity this gave me was unreal.

They say you can't pick your family but I certainly didn't go wrong picking this fitness family, I've made some great new friends and I know I'm here for the foreseeable.

Get on board it's life changing, as cliche as it sounds����



I have just completed my first 6 week block and can honestly say it’s the best thing I have ever done! I was really nervous at the start as never done anything like this before but so glad I did, The coaches are absolutely amazing and I couldn’t feel more at home. Mel and her team are one of a kind. The support we get through training and also out-with the class with nutrition is phenomenal. I have tried every diet under the sun and random gym classes and got absolutely nowhere before until I joined this bootcamp. I haven’t felt this good in 10 years! � Love training with a great group of girls. Each class is different and so much fun. We never know what we are going into which is even better � I can feel my body changing and I couldn’t have done it without this amazing team of coaches and also the support from the fab ladies in my class as everyone pushes each other as well as the coaches. I would recommend this to ANYONE who is ready and wants to make a change as I took the leap and it has paid off big time for me personally, changed my life. Thanks team! Still loving it �� xxx


I first started with Mel and the bikini bootcamp back in sept 2015. I been on and off since then. Since end of November I join the small pt groups and loved every minute. This is more strength exercise with a more one to one feel to it as group as smaller get more time with the coaches. I notice a big difference over past few months of how much stronger I am getting and lighting more heavier weights. The inches and bodyfat is also coming back down and can’t wait to get started again on Monday for the next block. I never used to love exercises but try many different ones but always had dread and fear. This is completely different and love goin to class. The encouragement and support you get is amazing, first class. Check it out you will love it xxx


I am in the middle of the beginners programme " Bootcamp Babes" and cannot recommend it highly enough. If anybody is looking for a start to exercise this is definitely for you. Super instructors who absolutely "get it" but will also push you to get your best. Women from different walks of life, age and body shape all looking to get fit, it has been a blast, hard work but fun. Really friendly and supportive bunch, give it a try you never know how much you will enjoy it ���


Having tried every diet going and also doing classes at the local gym I decided to give Bootcamp babes a go with the thought that if I make it through the block I would join "the big girls Bootcamp". I can honestly say I've never looked back. Babes was the perfect introduction to training. Having already been at a Bootcamp I thought I knew what to expect but this gave me a proper introduction into technique....which I still work on. I progressed to Bootcamp proper last results have been slow and steady. I do still panic "that I can't do this" but I surprise even myself. I've bubbled and laughed and met some great girls. It's a fantastic environment to train in. Mel, April, Ellis and Sharlene are a pleasure to work with and make you feel so welcome....I've even progressed from baggy tshirt to vest!!!! Please don't hesitate to give the bikini body Bootcamp a's so worth the wait and I honestly don't know what I'd do without it.


Having flirted with a number of PTs over the years I have found a PT who understands how to get the best from me for me! For any ladies uncertain whether to sign up with a male PT, I can assure you that Peter is tolerant but no pushover and will remind you of your own set goals. I also ensure I do my homework from the workouts Peter sets out from the offset. I thoroughly enjoy my sessions and can feel and see the difference in my strength and physique.. plus my Bupa annual checkups tell me I must be doing something right! That aside PT is ‘me time’ and maintaining a positive level of wellbeing is crucial for me - PT mentally keeps me sharp, upbeat and that all important one - HAPPY!


First time here and 2 weeks in and I’m LOVING IT! Thank you to the whole team for the time and effort you all put in with ALL of us. It’s appreciated and makes us all work harder ���


First class n 100% input from coaches.They take the time to chat before n after classes n answer any questions you have on nutrition to get the best from your training.���


Was recommended bootcamp by my mum and auntie. After seeing the difference in my mum I was right up for it! I used to always think I was semi-fit...occasionally going to the gym and body pump when I could be bothered but never really "committing". After hating my belly/arms in every dress/tshirt I decided to give it a go as I just wasn't seeing the results anywhere else! And I'm so glad I did! Just not long started my second bootcamp and it genuinely feels good to feel good! I still enjoy my nights out but really feel 100% better for joining. I love the atmosphere, the buzz and actually seeing the difference! It's not like a random gym class it's full on commitment and if you stick to its 100% worthwhile. I am like a new woman and buzzing for more results . The goal is abs like slabs and for once because of bootcamp I believe it's achievable ����


Training at Maleonly Bootcamp has helped me in a few different areas of my life, fitness, nutrition and giving me a focus point during a challenging period in my life. Joining bootcamp has helped me understand the importance of technique over time in a gym. The importance of eating and drinking the right things at the right times as apposed to having a fruit or salad bowl thinking I'm eating healthy - bootcamp is like going back to basics once Heath and Fitness without feeling silly about it. They should be teaching some of this in schools from an earlier age. The environment and atmosphere all help massively in feeling comfortable when your training.


This amazing bootcamp has been my god send it really has before i started my very 1st session i was stressing out worried my anxiety and my confidence where going to get in the way. within 5 mins of getting there i was at ease from the workouts to the coaches i cant thank them enough. there if you have a question no judging and helping you work and acheive your goals i love these classes and training sessions because you never know what your going to be doing which i love because its never the same and also best part is its not like a usal gym/class enviorment its getting to know new people and learning to love yourself and never feeling uneasy as there always there to answer any questions you have and have really helped me through some tough days when my anxiety hits hard they treat you like family and i cant thank them enough for putting together this amazing training programme


Just finished my first block of bootcamp and absolutely loved it with great results! Fantastic support from all the coaches who are there to answer any questions no matter how silly I think I sound � no matter how much I cannot be bothered I come home from a session bursting with energy and met some lovely people too! Feeling stronger than ever and Cannot wait for block 2 to start on Monday �


Just completed my first block and realised that this is the first time in my life that I’m actually enjoying exercise! Every class is different and, in just six weeks, I can already see how my body is getting stronger and leaner (11 inches lost so far!)

The trainers are all amazing and really want to push you to your limits, as they know what you can do and want the change just as much as you do. You can tell they really care.

There are no posers and everyone genuinely roots for each other which makes this bootcamp stand out over anywhere else. I’ve made a lot of really nice friends in the last six weeks.

There are lots of class times and a reasonably priced, brilliant crèche, so there’s no excuse!

Join and give it all you’ve got for six weeks and I guarantee it will change your life �


I’m now half way through my second block of bootcamp and have absolutely loved it. If you follow the coaches advice and turn up for training consistently you will absolutely see a huge improvement in your fitness level and your physique. (I lost over half a stone and 14 inches in block 1). Each training session is completely different -so you never get fed up with what you are doing. The coaches are fantastic and really approachable. Bootcamp is really challenging and you do have to make some changes/commit a bit of time, but the results are absolutely worth it. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend xxx


In January 2016 I re-joined bikini body bootcamp after about 1 year off. I was completely focussed and aiming to my next goal which was my upcoming wedding booked for Sept 2017. At the end of my second block back in May 2016 I discovered I was pregnant, I was delighted, but very shocked at the same time.

Melanie was the first person I told out with my partner Billy. I was concerned that continuing would cause damage to my baby in some way. Society would let you believe that the second you become pregnant everything has to stop which is completely ridiculous.

Melanie, April, Ellis, Sharlene and now Peter have been great through my pregnancy to this point (currently 25 weeks) and I have no immediate plans to stop exercising. I attend my 6pm class when I can and do the same workout as everyone else. Obviously the odd exercise is changed and my weights are lowered a fair bit in comparison to the others.

Physically I feel really good. I now have a small bump but apart from that my body hasn’t changed too much and I have been able to maintain muscle tone in my arms and legs. The psychological benefits have also been amazing, I still feel part of something where otherwise I would be sitting on the couch – which is lovely sometimes but not for 9 months.

I have had so much support from the girls I train with too with many of them telling me in hindsight they wish they had continued to exercise during their pregnancies.

If my doctor or midwife told me tomorrow to stop naturally I would without hesitation. At the end of the day my health and my baby’s health are more important. But so far so good. I would recommend continuing to train throughout pregnancy to any of the existing girls at bootcamp. It’s not something to start all of a sudden when you find out you are pregnant but if your body is already used to the workouts go for it, you won’t regret it.


If you feel that exercise is boring and not for you, please try this. I never, ever thought that I would enjoy bootcamp, it is varied and well thought out. The value for money is phenomenal, if you take advantage of the 4 classes offered every week, it works out at around £3.50 per class. You are also given detailed nutritional advice. The best thing of all is you are training in a non judgmental and fully supportive environment. I love it and I bet that you will too. Please give it a try, you’ve nothing to lose except the body that you don’t want anymore. 👍


I'm doing the bikini bootcamp babes (beginners) and I would recommend it to anyone. Takes everything back to basics to make sure your form is correct in squats/planks/lunges etc so you are ready to move onto the next stage comfortably after the 6 week bootcamp is over. Work out much harder at bootcamp than I would on my own and already feeling fitter!


I swear by the BBBC �� I have never been able to put into words how being a part of this family makes you feel! It’s all sort of crazy emotions and pushes me to my absolute limits but I love it and would recommend anyone to give it a go! All the coaches are amazing and always there no matter what you need! And the people you train beside are next to none, no shaming or judging - everyone is there for similar reasons and the support is unreal �

I love being part of this family as my fitness journey and the results I had in my first 6 week block of 2018 were amazing! Bring on block 2 �


I joined bootcamp january 2016.

My goals were to get my fitness levels back up again and if i dropped a dress size then that would be a bonus.

I had never lifted a weight in my life and that terrified me but Mel and her amazing team had me confident in a few short weeks.

Learning to eat the correct foods to enable me to training to my full ability has been life changing.

Yes i have had blips but know what to do now and with Mels amazing chats you get back on the road of your journey again.

This for me isn't just a fitness class it's family, a bootcamp family who in the past few months when one of our own has had testing times we all come together as a community & family and help each other in any way we can.

Once you are start your bootcamp journey you never look back. ���


I joined BBBC in May 2015 really apprehensive and seriously unfit. I'd seen transformation pics of girls I knew and I thought I'll try that as I've tried everything else. Difference this time this process actually works and can be maintained.

I knew I was overweight and I was unhappy with my shape, though I hid it well with how I dressed,but dressing for comfort rather than being me. Every function or night out I went to involved Spanx where I sat uncomfortable most of the night and still probably looked like a "pun a mince". I was preaching to my daughter about keeping active and being healthy but I felt like this... So action was required.

Went along to my first class and near whitied at the fitness test, I was so out of shape, I went home telling my hubby that it wasn't for me I wouldn't manage that 3 times a week. He encouraged me to go back for my 2nd class, albeit I could hardly walk by then!!!

Almost a year and a half on I still have goals I want to reach but I am far fitter and more motivated than I have ever been and my attitude to training has changed totally. Melanie and her team are so positive it's actually infectious. They take time out if you're struggling, if you're feeling low or lost you're mojo and they have you back on track in record time.

I had a tough time earlier this year and I honestly believe if it wasn't for Mel and her girls I'd have had a breakdown, I used classes as my escape and the mental positivity this gave me was unreal.

They say you can't pick your family but I certainly didn't go wrong picking this fitness family, I've made some great new friends and I know I'm here for the foreseeable.

Get on board it's life changing, as cliche as it sounds����



I have just completed my first 6 week block and can honestly say it’s the best thing I have ever done! I was really nervous at the start as never done anything like this before but so glad I did, The coaches are absolutely amazing and I couldn’t feel more at home. Mel and her team are one of a kind. The support we get through training and also out-with the class with nutrition is phenomenal. I have tried every diet under the sun and random gym classes and got absolutely nowhere before until I joined this bootcamp. I haven’t felt this good in 10 years! � Love training with a great group of girls. Each class is different and so much fun. We never know what we are going into which is even better � I can feel my body changing and I couldn’t have done it without this amazing team of coaches and also the support from the fab ladies in my class as everyone pushes each other as well as the coaches. I would recommend this to ANYONE who is ready and wants to make a change as I took the leap and it has paid off big time for me personally, changed my life. Thanks team! Still loving it �� xxx


I first started with Mel and the bikini bootcamp back in sept 2015. I been on and off since then. Since end of November I join the small pt groups and loved every minute. This is more strength exercise with a more one to one feel to it as group as smaller get more time with the coaches. I notice a big difference over past few months of how much stronger I am getting and lighting more heavier weights. The inches and bodyfat is also coming back down and can’t wait to get started again on Monday for the next block. I never used to love exercises but try many different ones but always had dread and fear. This is completely different and love goin to class. The encouragement and support you get is amazing, first class. Check it out you will love it xxx


I am in the middle of the beginners programme " Bootcamp Babes" and cannot recommend it highly enough. If anybody is looking for a start to exercise this is definitely for you. Super instructors who absolutely "get it" but will also push you to get your best. Women from different walks of life, age and body shape all looking to get fit, it has been a blast, hard work but fun. Really friendly and supportive bunch, give it a try you never know how much you will enjoy it ���


Having tried every diet going and also doing classes at the local gym I decided to give Bootcamp babes a go with the thought that if I make it through the block I would join "the big girls Bootcamp". I can honestly say I've never looked back. Babes was the perfect introduction to training. Having already been at a Bootcamp I thought I knew what to expect but this gave me a proper introduction into technique....which I still work on. I progressed to Bootcamp proper last results have been slow and steady. I do still panic "that I can't do this" but I surprise even myself. I've bubbled and laughed and met some great girls. It's a fantastic environment to train in. Mel, April, Ellis and Sharlene are a pleasure to work with and make you feel so welcome....I've even progressed from baggy tshirt to vest!!!! Please don't hesitate to give the bikini body Bootcamp a's so worth the wait and I honestly don't know what I'd do without it.


Having flirted with a number of PTs over the years I have found a PT who understands how to get the best from me for me! For any ladies uncertain whether to sign up with a male PT, I can assure you that Peter is tolerant but no pushover and will remind you of your own set goals. I also ensure I do my homework from the workouts Peter sets out from the offset. I thoroughly enjoy my sessions and can feel and see the difference in my strength and physique.. plus my Bupa annual checkups tell me I must be doing something right! That aside PT is ‘me time’ and maintaining a positive level of wellbeing is crucial for me - PT mentally keeps me sharp, upbeat and that all important one - HAPPY!


First time here and 2 weeks in and I’m LOVING IT! Thank you to the whole team for the time and effort you all put in with ALL of us. It’s appreciated and makes us all work harder ���


First class n 100% input from coaches.They take the time to chat before n after classes n answer any questions you have on nutrition to get the best from your training.���


Was recommended bootcamp by my mum and auntie. After seeing the difference in my mum I was right up for it! I used to always think I was semi-fit...occasionally going to the gym and body pump when I could be bothered but never really "committing". After hating my belly/arms in every dress/tshirt I decided to give it a go as I just wasn't seeing the results anywhere else! And I'm so glad I did! Just not long started my second bootcamp and it genuinely feels good to feel good! I still enjoy my nights out but really feel 100% better for joining. I love the atmosphere, the buzz and actually seeing the difference! It's not like a random gym class it's full on commitment and if you stick to its 100% worthwhile. I am like a new woman and buzzing for more results . The goal is abs like slabs and for once because of bootcamp I believe it's achievable ����


Training at Maleonly Bootcamp has helped me in a few different areas of my life, fitness, nutrition and giving me a focus point during a challenging period in my life. Joining bootcamp has helped me understand the importance of technique over time in a gym. The importance of eating and drinking the right things at the right times as apposed to having a fruit or salad bowl thinking I'm eating healthy - bootcamp is like going back to basics once Heath and Fitness without feeling silly about it. They should be teaching some of this in schools from an earlier age. The environment and atmosphere all help massively in feeling comfortable when your training.


This amazing bootcamp has been my god send it really has before i started my very 1st session i was stressing out worried my anxiety and my confidence where going to get in the way. within 5 mins of getting there i was at ease from the workouts to the coaches i cant thank them enough. there if you have a question no judging and helping you work and acheive your goals i love these classes and training sessions because you never know what your going to be doing which i love because its never the same and also best part is its not like a usal gym/class enviorment its getting to know new people and learning to love yourself and never feeling uneasy as there always there to answer any questions you have and have really helped me through some tough days when my anxiety hits hard they treat you like family and i cant thank them enough for putting together this amazing training programme


Just finished my first block of bootcamp and absolutely loved it with great results! Fantastic support from all the coaches who are there to answer any questions no matter how silly I think I sound � no matter how much I cannot be bothered I come home from a session bursting with energy and met some lovely people too! Feeling stronger than ever and Cannot wait for block 2 to start on Monday �


Just completed my first block and realised that this is the first time in my life that I’m actually enjoying exercise! Every class is different and, in just six weeks, I can already see how my body is getting stronger and leaner (11 inches lost so far!)

The trainers are all amazing and really want to push you to your limits, as they know what you can do and want the change just as much as you do. You can tell they really care.

There are no posers and everyone genuinely roots for each other which makes this bootcamp stand out over anywhere else. I’ve made a lot of really nice friends in the last six weeks.

There are lots of class times and a reasonably priced, brilliant crèche, so there’s no excuse!

Join and give it all you’ve got for six weeks and I guarantee it will change your life �


I’m now half way through my second block of bootcamp and have absolutely loved it. If you follow the coaches advice and turn up for training consistently you will absolutely see a huge improvement in your fitness level and your physique. (I lost over half a stone and 14 inches in block 1). Each training session is completely different -so you never get fed up with what you are doing. The coaches are fantastic and really approachable. Bootcamp is really challenging and you do have to make some changes/commit a bit of time, but the results are absolutely worth it. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend xxx


In January 2016 I re-joined bikini body bootcamp after about 1 year off. I was completely focussed and aiming to my next goal which was my upcoming wedding booked for Sept 2017. At the end of my second block back in May 2016 I discovered I was pregnant, I was delighted, but very shocked at the same time.

Melanie was the first person I told out with my partner Billy. I was concerned that continuing would cause damage to my baby in some way. Society would let you believe that the second you become pregnant everything has to stop which is completely ridiculous.

Melanie, April, Ellis, Sharlene and now Peter have been great through my pregnancy to this point (currently 25 weeks) and I have no immediate plans to stop exercising. I attend my 6pm class when I can and do the same workout as everyone else. Obviously the odd exercise is changed and my weights are lowered a fair bit in comparison to the others.

Physically I feel really good. I now have a small bump but apart from that my body hasn’t changed too much and I have been able to maintain muscle tone in my arms and legs. The psychological benefits have also been amazing, I still feel part of something where otherwise I would be sitting on the couch – which is lovely sometimes but not for 9 months.

I have had so much support from the girls I train with too with many of them telling me in hindsight they wish they had continued to exercise during their pregnancies.

If my doctor or midwife told me tomorrow to stop naturally I would without hesitation. At the end of the day my health and my baby’s health are more important. But so far so good. I would recommend continuing to train throughout pregnancy to any of the existing girls at bootcamp. It’s not something to start all of a sudden when you find out you are pregnant but if your body is already used to the workouts go for it, you won’t regret it.


If you feel that exercise is boring and not for you, please try this. I never, ever thought that I would enjoy bootcamp, it is varied and well thought out. The value for money is phenomenal, if you take advantage of the 4 classes offered every week, it works out at around £3.50 per class. You are also given detailed nutritional advice. The best thing of all is you are training in a non judgmental and fully supportive environment. I love it and I bet that you will too. Please give it a try, you’ve nothing to lose except the body that you don’t want anymore. 👍


I'm doing the bikini bootcamp babes (beginners) and I would recommend it to anyone. Takes everything back to basics to make sure your form is correct in squats/planks/lunges etc so you are ready to move onto the next stage comfortably after the 6 week bootcamp is over. Work out much harder at bootcamp than I would on my own and already feeling fitter!


I swear by the BBBC �� I have never been able to put into words how being a part of this family makes you feel! It’s all sort of crazy emotions and pushes me to my absolute limits but I love it and would recommend anyone to give it a go! All the coaches are amazing and always there no matter what you need! And the people you train beside are next to none, no shaming or judging - everyone is there for similar reasons and the support is unreal �

I love being part of this family as my fitness journey and the results I had in my first 6 week block of 2018 were amazing! Bring on block 2 �


I joined bootcamp january 2016.

My goals were to get my fitness levels back up again and if i dropped a dress size then that would be a bonus.

I had never lifted a weight in my life and that terrified me but Mel and her amazing team had me confident in a few short weeks.

Learning to eat the correct foods to enable me to training to my full ability has been life changing.

Yes i have had blips but know what to do now and with Mels amazing chats you get back on the road of your journey again.

This for me isn't just a fitness class it's family, a bootcamp family who in the past few months when one of our own has had testing times we all come together as a community & family and help each other in any way we can.

Once you are start your bootcamp journey you never look back. ���


I joined BBBC in May 2015 really apprehensive and seriously unfit. I'd seen transformation pics of girls I knew and I thought I'll try that as I've tried everything else. Difference this time this process actually works and can be maintained.

I knew I was overweight and I was unhappy with my shape, though I hid it well with how I dressed,but dressing for comfort rather than being me. Every function or night out I went to involved Spanx where I sat uncomfortable most of the night and still probably looked like a "pun a mince". I was preaching to my daughter about keeping active and being healthy but I felt like this... So action was required.

Went along to my first class and near whitied at the fitness test, I was so out of shape, I went home telling my hubby that it wasn't for me I wouldn't manage that 3 times a week. He encouraged me to go back for my 2nd class, albeit I could hardly walk by then!!!

Almost a year and a half on I still have goals I want to reach but I am far fitter and more motivated than I have ever been and my attitude to training has changed totally. Melanie and her team are so positive it's actually infectious. They take time out if you're struggling, if you're feeling low or lost you're mojo and they have you back on track in record time.

I had a tough time earlier this year and I honestly believe if it wasn't for Mel and her girls I'd have had a breakdown, I used classes as my escape and the mental positivity this gave me was unreal.

They say you can't pick your family but I certainly didn't go wrong picking this fitness family, I've made some great new friends and I know I'm here for the foreseeable.

Get on board it's life changing, as cliche as it sounds����



I have just completed my first 6 week block and can honestly say it’s the best thing I have ever done! I was really nervous at the start as never done anything like this before but so glad I did, The coaches are absolutely amazing and I couldn’t feel more at home. Mel and her team are one of a kind. The support we get through training and also out-with the class with nutrition is phenomenal. I have tried every diet under the sun and random gym classes and got absolutely nowhere before until I joined this bootcamp. I haven’t felt this good in 10 years! � Love training with a great group of girls. Each class is different and so much fun. We never know what we are going into which is even better � I can feel my body changing and I couldn’t have done it without this amazing team of coaches and also the support from the fab ladies in my class as everyone pushes each other as well as the coaches. I would recommend this to ANYONE who is ready and wants to make a change as I took the leap and it has paid off big time for me personally, changed my life. Thanks team! Still loving it �� xxx


I first started with Mel and the bikini bootcamp back in sept 2015. I been on and off since then. Since end of November I join the small pt groups and loved every minute. This is more strength exercise with a more one to one feel to it as group as smaller get more time with the coaches. I notice a big difference over past few months of how much stronger I am getting and lighting more heavier weights. The inches and bodyfat is also coming back down and can’t wait to get started again on Monday for the next block. I never used to love exercises but try many different ones but always had dread and fear. This is completely different and love goin to class. The encouragement and support you get is amazing, first class. Check it out you will love it xxx


I am in the middle of the beginners programme " Bootcamp Babes" and cannot recommend it highly enough. If anybody is looking for a start to exercise this is definitely for you. Super instructors who absolutely "get it" but will also push you to get your best. Women from different walks of life, age and body shape all looking to get fit, it has been a blast, hard work but fun. Really friendly and supportive bunch, give it a try you never know how much you will enjoy it ���


Having tried every diet going and also doing classes at the local gym I decided to give Bootcamp babes a go with the thought that if I make it through the block I would join "the big girls Bootcamp". I can honestly say I've never looked back. Babes was the perfect introduction to training. Having already been at a Bootcamp I thought I knew what to expect but this gave me a proper introduction into technique....which I still work on. I progressed to Bootcamp proper last results have been slow and steady. I do still panic "that I can't do this" but I surprise even myself. I've bubbled and laughed and met some great girls. It's a fantastic environment to train in. Mel, April, Ellis and Sharlene are a pleasure to work with and make you feel so welcome....I've even progressed from baggy tshirt to vest!!!! Please don't hesitate to give the bikini body Bootcamp a's so worth the wait and I honestly don't know what I'd do without it.


Having flirted with a number of PTs over the years I have found a PT who understands how to get the best from me for me! For any ladies uncertain whether to sign up with a male PT, I can assure you that Peter is tolerant but no pushover and will remind you of your own set goals. I also ensure I do my homework from the workouts Peter sets out from the offset. I thoroughly enjoy my sessions and can feel and see the difference in my strength and physique.. plus my Bupa annual checkups tell me I must be doing something right! That aside PT is ‘me time’ and maintaining a positive level of wellbeing is crucial for me - PT mentally keeps me sharp, upbeat and that all important one - HAPPY!


First time here and 2 weeks in and I’m LOVING IT! Thank you to the whole team for the time and effort you all put in with ALL of us. It’s appreciated and makes us all work harder ���


First class n 100% input from coaches.They take the time to chat before n after classes n answer any questions you have on nutrition to get the best from your training.���


Was recommended bootcamp by my mum and auntie. After seeing the difference in my mum I was right up for it! I used to always think I was semi-fit...occasionally going to the gym and body pump when I could be bothered but never really "committing". After hating my belly/arms in every dress/tshirt I decided to give it a go as I just wasn't seeing the results anywhere else! And I'm so glad I did! Just not long started my second bootcamp and it genuinely feels good to feel good! I still enjoy my nights out but really feel 100% better for joining. I love the atmosphere, the buzz and actually seeing the difference! It's not like a random gym class it's full on commitment and if you stick to its 100% worthwhile. I am like a new woman and buzzing for more results . The goal is abs like slabs and for once because of bootcamp I believe it's achievable ����


Training at Maleonly Bootcamp has helped me in a few different areas of my life, fitness, nutrition and giving me a focus point during a challenging period in my life. Joining bootcamp has helped me understand the importance of technique over time in a gym. The importance of eating and drinking the right things at the right times as apposed to having a fruit or salad bowl thinking I'm eating healthy - bootcamp is like going back to basics once Heath and Fitness without feeling silly about it. They should be teaching some of this in schools from an earlier age. The environment and atmosphere all help massively in feeling comfortable when your training.


This amazing bootcamp has been my god send it really has before i started my very 1st session i was stressing out worried my anxiety and my confidence where going to get in the way. within 5 mins of getting there i was at ease from the workouts to the coaches i cant thank them enough. there if you have a question no judging and helping you work and acheive your goals i love these classes and training sessions because you never know what your going to be doing which i love because its never the same and also best part is its not like a usal gym/class enviorment its getting to know new people and learning to love yourself and never feeling uneasy as there always there to answer any questions you have and have really helped me through some tough days when my anxiety hits hard they treat you like family and i cant thank them enough for putting together this amazing training programme


Just finished my first block of bootcamp and absolutely loved it with great results! Fantastic support from all the coaches who are there to answer any questions no matter how silly I think I sound � no matter how much I cannot be bothered I come home from a session bursting with energy and met some lovely people too! Feeling stronger than ever and Cannot wait for block 2 to start on Monday �


Just completed my first block and realised that this is the first time in my life that I’m actually enjoying exercise! Every class is different and, in just six weeks, I can already see how my body is getting stronger and leaner (11 inches lost so far!)

The trainers are all amazing and really want to push you to your limits, as they know what you can do and want the change just as much as you do. You can tell they really care.

There are no posers and everyone genuinely roots for each other which makes this bootcamp stand out over anywhere else. I’ve made a lot of really nice friends in the last six weeks.

There are lots of class times and a reasonably priced, brilliant crèche, so there’s no excuse!

Join and give it all you’ve got for six weeks and I guarantee it will change your life �


I’m now half way through my second block of bootcamp and have absolutely loved it. If you follow the coaches advice and turn up for training consistently you will absolutely see a huge improvement in your fitness level and your physique. (I lost over half a stone and 14 inches in block 1). Each training session is completely different -so you never get fed up with what you are doing. The coaches are fantastic and really approachable. Bootcamp is really challenging and you do have to make some changes/commit a bit of time, but the results are absolutely worth it. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend xxx


In January 2016 I re-joined bikini body bootcamp after about 1 year off. I was completely focussed and aiming to my next goal which was my upcoming wedding booked for Sept 2017. At the end of my second block back in May 2016 I discovered I was pregnant, I was delighted, but very shocked at the same time.

Melanie was the first person I told out with my partner Billy. I was concerned that continuing would cause damage to my baby in some way. Society would let you believe that the second you become pregnant everything has to stop which is completely ridiculous.

Melanie, April, Ellis, Sharlene and now Peter have been great through my pregnancy to this point (currently 25 weeks) and I have no immediate plans to stop exercising. I attend my 6pm class when I can and do the same workout as everyone else. Obviously the odd exercise is changed and my weights are lowered a fair bit in comparison to the others.

Physically I feel really good. I now have a small bump but apart from that my body hasn’t changed too much and I have been able to maintain muscle tone in my arms and legs. The psychological benefits have also been amazing, I still feel part of something where otherwise I would be sitting on the couch – which is lovely sometimes but not for 9 months.

I have had so much support from the girls I train with too with many of them telling me in hindsight they wish they had continued to exercise during their pregnancies.

If my doctor or midwife told me tomorrow to stop naturally I would without hesitation. At the end of the day my health and my baby’s health are more important. But so far so good. I would recommend continuing to train throughout pregnancy to any of the existing girls at bootcamp. It’s not something to start all of a sudden when you find out you are pregnant but if your body is already used to the workouts go for it, you won’t regret it.


If you feel that exercise is boring and not for you, please try this. I never, ever thought that I would enjoy bootcamp, it is varied and well thought out. The value for money is phenomenal, if you take advantage of the 4 classes offered every week, it works out at around £3.50 per class. You are also given detailed nutritional advice. The best thing of all is you are training in a non judgmental and fully supportive environment. I love it and I bet that you will too. Please give it a try, you’ve nothing to lose except the body that you don’t want anymore. 👍


I'm doing the bikini bootcamp babes (beginners) and I would recommend it to anyone. Takes everything back to basics to make sure your form is correct in squats/planks/lunges etc so you are ready to move onto the next stage comfortably after the 6 week bootcamp is over. Work out much harder at bootcamp than I would on my own and already feeling fitter!


I swear by the BBBC �� I have never been able to put into words how being a part of this family makes you feel! It’s all sort of crazy emotions and pushes me to my absolute limits but I love it and would recommend anyone to give it a go! All the coaches are amazing and always there no matter what you need! And the people you train beside are next to none, no shaming or judging - everyone is there for similar reasons and the support is unreal �

I love being part of this family as my fitness journey and the results I had in my first 6 week block of 2018 were amazing! Bring on block 2 �


I joined bootcamp january 2016.

My goals were to get my fitness levels back up again and if i dropped a dress size then that would be a bonus.

I had never lifted a weight in my life and that terrified me but Mel and her amazing team had me confident in a few short weeks.

Learning to eat the correct foods to enable me to training to my full ability has been life changing.

Yes i have had blips but know what to do now and with Mels amazing chats you get back on the road of your journey again.

This for me isn't just a fitness class it's family, a bootcamp family who in the past few months when one of our own has had testing times we all come together as a community & family and help each other in any way we can.

Once you are start your bootcamp journey you never look back. ���


I joined BBBC in May 2015 really apprehensive and seriously unfit. I'd seen transformation pics of girls I knew and I thought I'll try that as I've tried everything else. Difference this time this process actually works and can be maintained.

I knew I was overweight and I was unhappy with my shape, though I hid it well with how I dressed,but dressing for comfort rather than being me. Every function or night out I went to involved Spanx where I sat uncomfortable most of the night and still probably looked like a "pun a mince". I was preaching to my daughter about keeping active and being healthy but I felt like this... So action was required.

Went along to my first class and near whitied at the fitness test, I was so out of shape, I went home telling my hubby that it wasn't for me I wouldn't manage that 3 times a week. He encouraged me to go back for my 2nd class, albeit I could hardly walk by then!!!

Almost a year and a half on I still have goals I want to reach but I am far fitter and more motivated than I have ever been and my attitude to training has changed totally. Melanie and her team are so positive it's actually infectious. They take time out if you're struggling, if you're feeling low or lost you're mojo and they have you back on track in record time.

I had a tough time earlier this year and I honestly believe if it wasn't for Mel and her girls I'd have had a breakdown, I used classes as my escape and the mental positivity this gave me was unreal.

They say you can't pick your family but I certainly didn't go wrong picking this fitness family, I've made some great new friends and I know I'm here for the foreseeable.

Get on board it's life changing, as cliche as it sounds����



I have just completed my first 6 week block and can honestly say it’s the best thing I have ever done! I was really nervous at the start as never done anything like this before but so glad I did, The coaches are absolutely amazing and I couldn’t feel more at home. Mel and her team are one of a kind. The support we get through training and also out-with the class with nutrition is phenomenal. I have tried every diet under the sun and random gym classes and got absolutely nowhere before until I joined this bootcamp. I haven’t felt this good in 10 years! � Love training with a great group of girls. Each class is different and so much fun. We never know what we are going into which is even better � I can feel my body changing and I couldn’t have done it without this amazing team of coaches and also the support from the fab ladies in my class as everyone pushes each other as well as the coaches. I would recommend this to ANYONE who is ready and wants to make a change as I took the leap and it has paid off big time for me personally, changed my life. Thanks team! Still loving it �� xxx


I first started with Mel and the bikini bootcamp back in sept 2015. I been on and off since then. Since end of November I join the small pt groups and loved every minute. This is more strength exercise with a more one to one feel to it as group as smaller get more time with the coaches. I notice a big difference over past few months of how much stronger I am getting and lighting more heavier weights. The inches and bodyfat is also coming back down and can’t wait to get started again on Monday for the next block. I never used to love exercises but try many different ones but always had dread and fear. This is completely different and love goin to class. The encouragement and support you get is amazing, first class. Check it out you will love it xxx


I am in the middle of the beginners programme " Bootcamp Babes" and cannot recommend it highly enough. If anybody is looking for a start to exercise this is definitely for you. Super instructors who absolutely "get it" but will also push you to get your best. Women from different walks of life, age and body shape all looking to get fit, it has been a blast, hard work but fun. Really friendly and supportive bunch, give it a try you never know how much you will enjoy it ���


Having tried every diet going and also doing classes at the local gym I decided to give Bootcamp babes a go with the thought that if I make it through the block I would join "the big girls Bootcamp". I can honestly say I've never looked back. Babes was the perfect introduction to training. Having already been at a Bootcamp I thought I knew what to expect but this gave me a proper introduction into technique....which I still work on. I progressed to Bootcamp proper last results have been slow and steady. I do still panic "that I can't do this" but I surprise even myself. I've bubbled and laughed and met some great girls. It's a fantastic environment to train in. Mel, April, Ellis and Sharlene are a pleasure to work with and make you feel so welcome....I've even progressed from baggy tshirt to vest!!!! Please don't hesitate to give the bikini body Bootcamp a's so worth the wait and I honestly don't know what I'd do without it.


Having flirted with a number of PTs over the years I have found a PT who understands how to get the best from me for me! For any ladies uncertain whether to sign up with a male PT, I can assure you that Peter is tolerant but no pushover and will remind you of your own set goals. I also ensure I do my homework from the workouts Peter sets out from the offset. I thoroughly enjoy my sessions and can feel and see the difference in my strength and physique.. plus my Bupa annual checkups tell me I must be doing something right! That aside PT is ‘me time’ and maintaining a positive level of wellbeing is crucial for me - PT mentally keeps me sharp, upbeat and that all important one - HAPPY!


First time here and 2 weeks in and I’m LOVING IT! Thank you to the whole team for the time and effort you all put in with ALL of us. It’s appreciated and makes us all work harder ���


First class n 100% input from coaches.They take the time to chat before n after classes n answer any questions you have on nutrition to get the best from your training.���

More about Melanie Soares Fitness

Melanie Soares Fitness is located at 12-14 Draffen Street, ML1 1NJ Motherwell, North Lanarkshire
Monday: 18:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 18:00 - 21:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -