Mg Fit

About Mg Fit

Glasgow's Leading Female Only Group And Personal Training Facility

Mg Fit Description

Glasgow's Leading Female Only Group And Personal Training Facility



New digs up and running.
I’ve not been as active on here recently due to getting this place set up, but you’ll be seeing a lot of the awesome new stuff we’ll be doing now.


Here we have Gill demonstrating Sumo Deadlifts.
This style of deadlift allows you to target your glutes (bum) and adductors (inner thigh) more than regular deadlifts, as well as provide some variety to your training.
Give it a go and tell us how you get on.


Here we have Gill demonstrating a quick 30 minute workout designed to build strength and stamina as well as burn fat.
If you are short on time give it a bash the next time you are training. Be sure to let us know how you get on.


Need to get the abs fired up for summer? Starting to find sit ups too easy?
Give these a try.
Here Gill demonstrates V-Ups. Make sure to breathe out at the top of every rep to work your abs as much as possible.
... Give them a try next time you are training your core and let us know how you get on.
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Some of the reasons why all our classes are female only…/part-1-5-ways- women-are-better-t…/…


I have 3 spaces starting THIS Monday for training slots that have come available.
With around 4 weeks till Christmas you can STILL get great results.
If you're ready to make a change and are fed up of saying "I'll wait till January" and realise you NEED HELP NOW...
... Then shoot me a private message and let's have a chat and we'll see how we can help you!
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Saw this this morning and thought it made a good point. There's no need to overthink things, a lot of the time you just need to eat more protein and veggies and less pizza and cake to see great results.
Stressing about what time you're eating at or how much etc. doesn't really matter if you are eating crap most of the day. And you really shouldn't be thinking about supplements and diet pills until you've got a foundation of good nutrition.
Do the simple stuff well

User…/4-biggest-li es-of-the-biggest-lo…
Loved this article.
It's not just an attack on the TV show, it actually makes a ton of great points about how to actually get yourself in shape and stay there.
... My favourite bit:
"Behavioral changes are another example of progress that doesn't show up immediately on the scale. Is it not a win if a person makes it a habit to walk every day instead of sitting on the couch? Is it not a win if a person becomes consistent with preparing healthy meals instead of eating boxes of cookies?
Behavioral changes eventually result in weight loss, but they're shat on every time weight becomes the overriding goal"
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Glad to see that the girls are in good hands while I'm away on holiday.
Although I should maybe be concerned that Scott has promised to take them to the strippers after tomorrow's workout.

User…/woman-proves-that-th e-number-on-the-scal…
You're probably sick of me banging on about it, but this is a great article with an example of why the scale shouldn't be your measure of progress.


Would you like to radically change your physique in the next 8 weeks GUARANTEED? -club-8-week-july…/
We have JUST 5 spaces.
... Are you struggling to find the right way to train and get fit?
Do you often think of joining a gym but unsure what to do and nervous about doing things wrong?
People worry about joining gyms because they don’t know what to do, don’t know what to eat and lose motivation.
So that’s exactly what we fix at our Barbell Club
We often say to ourselves ‘I’ll start one day’, or even try a ‘diet’ but never actually take full control.
But with our system and a group of like minded people we are certain that they are going to reach their full potential and finally get the results they are looking for

This transformation programme is personally tailored towards your exact situation, allowing you to train the right way to get results and follow a proven nutrition programme that doesn’t force you to crash diet
This Transformation programme is for 8 weeks and JUST £147 per month – less than what you would pay for 1 session a week with a decent personal trainer in a month!
- This includes :
> 4 fully coached sessions per week so there’s no more guess work
> A Proven Nutrition system that gets guaranteed results with NO pills, potions or crazy diet plan!
> An accountability check in where we can help you instantly and keep you motivated.
We ONLY have 5 spaces on this program, so if you’re ready to take the step click on the link below, fill out an application form and we will contact you -club-8-week-july…/
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Building sustainable habits is the way forward if you want to get in shape and stay that way.
It's the best way to avoid hopping from one diet to another. All this does is lead to you getting a bit chunkier every time you eventually fall off the wagon (which is inevitable).
Then you end up feeling even worse about you jump back on another diet to get yourself feeling better about things.
... It's a bad cycle to get into and even harder to get out of.
That's why the philosophy at MG Fit is about building healthy habits that allow you to get results but still keep a bit of flexibility, instead of papering over the cracks with crash diets.
One thing about this strategy though, although it works amazingly well in the long term, it's okay if you don't get it perfect right from the start.
A lot of people suggest that it takes 21 days to form a new habit
Turns out that's not totally accurate.
It actually seems to take an average of 66 days to form a new habit (although this does vary from person to person)
Point is
Don't beat yourself up if you have a slip up when you're trying to start a new habit, just make sure you get back on it the next day.
A lot of the time people just assume that because they messed up one day, they should just pack it in completely.
Have you ever had a wee bit of chocolate then decided that the day is a write off?
Then eaten crap for the rest of the day...
Then the rest of the week
Then before you know it eating crap is just the norm again
You're back to feeling like crap
And promising you'll "start on Monday"
It's like if a pigeon shits on your car, so then instead of just taking it to the car wash you decide to smash all the windows with a crowbar...
Before setting fire to the whole thing
SO, instead of that
How about if you slip up a day when you are forming a new habit
You dust yourself off and get back on it tomorrow?
Keeping in mind that it'll probably be a couple of months before you've nailed the new habit and made it part of your lifestyle.
But that once you do you'll be set and well on course to getting back in shape
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[Some Morning Reading]…/wh at-nobody-tells-you…/
Awesome article here, really does a good job of breaking down what you see in most before and after photos that promise dramatic changes in hardly any time (and no effort).
... This is why we do our nutrition the way we do. If there was a magic pill that worked I'd be selling it
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I hear these things during consultations all the time
"I have no drive"
"I can't get going"
... "I feel like I'm going to fall asleep at work"
Sound familiar?
Most people have this same issue. That's why they basically have an IV drip with mocha lattes attached to them trying to avoid that crash.
See most people start the day with cereal...Basically just sugar with a cartoon character on the box.
Then you get that 10 o'clock dip - about time for a tea break. Maybe have a few biscuits or some choc with it
That tides you over until lunch
Lunch is usually a sandwich, crisps, maybe some fruit if you're on a health kick.
Then about 3 o'clock it's time for another coffee (maybe a sneaky Twix) just to get your head right for the last few hours of work.
By the time you get home you're on your arse and just want to crash out
This reminding you of anyone?
Basically the way this works
1. You eat something sugary
2. You get a big spike in blood sugar
3. Your blood sugar plummets back down
4. Energy levels crash
5. You crave more sugar
Bad times if you are trying to get into shape.
The best solution is to make protein the foundation of all your meals, especially first thing in the morning.
It's always the first thing we try to focus on with the girls who join our Barbell Club. Getting their energy levels back on track means they'll make smarter choices throughout the day with their nutrition, which is one of the main reasons why they get such great results.
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Great to see Stephanie getting the results she deserves from all the hard work she's put in over the last 12 weeks.
Completely changed her shape and mindset, as well as being converted to the church of lifting heavy stuff.
More #beastmode to come from her in the future


New programme starting tonight at Barbell Club.
Sumo deadlifts and floor presses.
Everyone's favourites.


Mind that time lifting weights made women bulky?
Na, me neither.
Gill showing here that good strength training combined with proper nutrition is the way forward
... This is even after she's only managed down to the gym 3 times a week due to work.
Obviously you need to combine all this with practicing your posing in long mirrors for the full effect
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Michael is very professional and an excellent trainer! I would recommend him highly!


Michael is an awesome trainer. His sessions are tough but varied and fun and he is really knowledgeable and encouraging. I have been blown away by the results achieved in the 6 week bootcamp. I have lost 2 stone 4lb of fat. He certainly knows what he is doing!


It's the best decision I've ever made signing up with MG Fit, highly recommended.


Great trainer totally focuses on clients achieving their goals. More than just exercise, includes nutrition, mindfulness and goal setting. Michael is different because he really cares, helping to celebrate all the successes no matter how big or small.


Fantastic Trainer! Been training with Michael for nearly 18 months and the sessions are always spot on!


Exercise is now fun! My fitness has improved so so much. I can do real push ups, and loads of them! And I've got a lot less body fat.

And the other girls are so much fun I consider them all to be friends.

More about Mg Fit

Mg Fit is located at Unit 1, 89 Middlesex Street, G41 1EE Glasgow, United Kingdom