Mindfulness Helensburgh

About Mindfulness Helensburgh

Mindfulness Helensburgh has been set up to promote mindfulness as a life skill within the local community.

Mindfulness Helensburgh Description

Mindfulness Helensburgh has been set up to promote mindfulness as a life skill within the local community.

Mindfulness Helensburgh offers a range of mindfulness based approaches including, courses for beginners, practice days, workshops and one-to-one mindfulness sessions.

Founded by Diane Wilkie and Wendy Alexander who became friends and meditation practice buddies when they discovered they lived in the same area and shared similar core values and aspirations.

Diane is a reiki master and teacher offering a range of holistic therapies from the tranquil setting of her log cabin http://tranquilityhelensburgh. weebly.com/.

Wendy has been a practicing buddhist for many years and is currently undertaking Mindfulness Teaching Training in order meet the teacher training pathway requirements of the UK Good Practice Guidelines for Teachers. She is also an Executive Coach and founder of http://myjobcoach. scot /

More about Mindfulness Helensburgh
