Morag'S Massages

About Morag'S Massages

Nourishing, supportive massages -using the Antaneea Technique and Oils-A South African developed massage system that is a necessary indulgence. Sheer Bliss!



Cumbria beauties - I'm heading down that way for the weekend of 24th, 25th and part of 26th February. If you are wanting a massage - please get in touch and let me know! ASAP as places are already filling up! ;) Don't worry, I'll be down again fairly soon after that... big hugs, and a rainbow to you! ;) xx


Hello lovelies! I'm hungry for colour this week - and really noticing it all around me... The lady coming out of the co-op with a grey coat on - with the most amazing rainbow embroidery detail on the pockets, and the funky rainbow boots - made my day! I love it! In the midst of all the cold, grey, coming out of winter - a day like today - filled with sunshine and the sense of Spring around the colour.... Bring it on! ;) What's your rainbow today, that you are noticing around you...? xx


Hello lovelies! I've been quiet on here - hiding away, feeding the fire, the boy and the dog, and eating mince pies... As I'm sure we all have! ;) A couple of unexpected last minute bookings during the holidays - one an old client and friend up from Wales - and it just really serves to remind me of how much I do love this work! So. The boy goes back to nursery this week - do I dare to say "Anyone fancy a massage?" and risk the first week grumpy tiered boyo....? Too right I do! ;) Anyone fancy a massage? Available mornings 9:15 ish to 11:30ish - around school runs for busy people, or once children are in bed. I can do one session over the weekend too - fairly booked up there already! How wonderful to be busy, and loving it! ;) <3




Shew, been busy as!!! and not on here so so much. The joys of avoiding social media - walks on crunchy ground, hot chocolate, and thinking about catching snowflakes.... So enjoying getting my hands coated in oils again and onto a few lucky bodies, and practising reiki too. I'd forgotten how much I loved all of this... Coming up, shortly - Torphins Christmas market - I'll be there, with my yummy Space clearing sprays, doing a colour reading (or two) with a bit of a hand massage, and simply enjoying the Christmas build up.... Come along and play - there's some lovely stall holders going to be there to inspire you with Christmas treats for your friends and family... come take a look, and share the fun with us! That's the 2nd December, so if you also want a massage - I'm only available on the 3rd December that week.... So soon! <3


Spent part of the weekend writing, and part of it doing some massages - and so loved it! Loving getting my oils out, loving the privilege of working with the beauties who came over the weekend, - who dared the chill air to come in to my lovely warm room, and let me work with their bodies... Nourishing rainbow oils, giggles, chatting... - how awesome, and how blessed I feel to be able to engage with doing something I truly love! Thank you for letting me. And, guess what - more bookings for the week ahead.... ;) Slowly, gently, step by step, no rush... ;) <3


Children back to school, half way through the week - Success!!! ;) I don't know about you all, but I've loved the holidays. Even the messy parts.... And, I'm loving getting back into routine once again. To be honest - I could do with a massage, and I bet some of you might be feeling the same?! Have one or two space available for this weekend if anyone is keen... PM me, text or give me a call. By the way, for the beauties who live too far away for a bit of hands on nourishment - I'm still doing the Distance Diamond Light Grids, Reiki and the rest... ;) Have a great week everyone - and I hope you're enjoying some Aumtumn fun and cosying up round fires with hot chocolate... we are! ;) <3

More about Morag'S Massages