Motherwell Diocese



St Columbkille's Rutherlgne's 40 Hours begins tomorrow with a Holy Hour led by Father Thomas Doyle of St Bride's Bothwell


Planning is well underway for the visit of the relics of St Therese to Scotland this autumn


Please remember in your prayers the victims of this attack. Yet again innocent people are killed for celebrating their faith at Sunday Mass in Burkina Faso.


125TH ANNIVERSARY: On Friday evening, Bishop Toal celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving for the 125th anniversary of the founding of the Sisters of St Peter Claver. The order, which has a convent in Bellshill, was founded by Blessed Mart Theresa Ledóchowska in 1894. We offer our prayers and congratulations to the Sisters, giving thanks for their service and mission in our Diocese.


VOCATIONS SUNDAY: In this Sunday's Gospel we hear of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, an image closely associated with the priesthood as our priests are shepherds of the flock entrusted to their care. This Sunday is therefore also Vocations Sunday when we pray in a special way for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and Religious Life, praying that more men and women will hear and answer God's call in their lives.
We also pray this weekend for our priests and our... seminarians preparing for Priesthood. This year our Diocese is once again greatly blessed to have four Ordination to the Priesthood and two ordinations to the Permanent Diaconate.
We pray for: + Rev Charles Coyle, studying at the Pontifical Scots College, Rome, who will be ordained to the Priesthood on 27th June in his home parish of @St Columbkille's Church Rutherglen + Rev Kieran Hamilton, studying at St Mary's College, Oscott,Birmingham, who will be ordained to the Priesthood on 1st July in his home parish of St Barbara's Muirhead + Rev Mark O'Donnell, studying at the Pontifical Scots College, Rome, who will be ordained to the Priesthood on 3rd July in his home parish of St Thomas', Wishaw + Rev Kevin Lawrie, studying at St Mary's College, Oscott, Birmingham who will be ordained to the Priesthood on 16th July in his home parish of St Aloysius & The Sacred Heart, Chapelhall.
+ David Harper who will be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate on 22nd August in St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church, Coatbridge + Alan Brown who will be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate on 14th September in St John the Baptist's, Uddingston
May God bless and sustain these men as they prepare to give their lives to God and His Church in the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
See More


125TH ANNIVERSARY: The Sisters of St Peter Claver invite you to a Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by Bishop Toal to mark the 125th anniversary of their Order. The Mass will take place at 7pm this evening in Sacred Heart Church Bellshill. Please come along to give thanks to God for the Sisters of St Peter Claver and for their ministry in Diocese.


New UK immigration rules will prevent priests travelling to help out in our parishes this summer. Act now. See below for details of what you can do to help our priests.


Join the Sisters in celebrating their 125th anniversary tomorrow night in Sacred Heart Bellshill with Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop Toal at 7pm. All welcome.


Happy Birthday Fr Hennessey! 74 today!

More about Motherwell Diocese

Motherwell Diocese is located at Diocesan Office, Coursington Road, ML1 1PP Motherwell, North Lanarkshire