Music At St Mary'S Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh

About Music At St Mary'S Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh

The online home of music at Edinburgh's Roman Catholic Cathedral.

Director of Music: Michael Ferguson
Cathedral Organist: Simon Leach



Our Schola Cantorum were sporting their new blue cassocks this morning! Looking as good as they sound!


Well done to the members of our new 9am Cathedral Choir! Great to see so many new faces for our first Mass singing together. It's not too late to get involved, so why not join us this Wednesday in the Cathedral, 7-9pm!


A reminder that the first meeting of our new mixed-ability CATHEDRAL CHOIR will be tomorrow evening, Wednesday 31 October, 7-9pm in the main Cathedral. Please come along and join us!


Today we said goodbye to one of our alto choral scholars, Sarah Hendriks. Sarah has been with us for the last 3 years while studying for her PhD. We wish her all the best for her upcoming thesis submission, and for all that is to follow. Thank you for all your singing, Sarah!


David Carnegie, leader of our 7:30pm Mass Music Group, answers some questions about his role:
Can you tell us a little bit about your role leading the Sunday evening music group?
... Briefly: I select the hymns, rehearse the choir, provide piano accompaniment for the choir during the liturgy and on rare occasions assist with the singing.
Can you give us an insight into your journey to taking on this role?
I hail from Barbados where I studied music initially and I assisted with liturgical music sporadically (usually on drum kit). Following this I studied music at Newcastle College and was a member of the Sunday evening music group at the Cathedral there until I left in 2011. I returned to Barbados just in time for the ordination of a new Bishop who set up a diocesan choir which I also performed with as well as the Cathedral choir and a choir in a local parish. I was also the musical director for an Easter production put on by another parish. In late 2013 I joined my wife in Edinburgh where I joined the 7:30pm choir at the St Mary’s Cathedral. The then choir leader left Edinburgh and I eventually stepped in to lead the group and I have been doing that for about four years.
What’s your favourite and least favourite parts of the job?
Helping to lift up our hearts to the Lord with music is my favorite part. Due to family commitments, the availability of preparation time can vary and I always prefer to be well prepared; if for some reason I feel that I have not been able to prepare sufficiently, that would be my least favorite part.
What do you do what you’re not at the Cathedral?
It has been a blessing to have had the opportunity to study music with great teachers and work with wonderful artists in the Caribbean, the U.S. and the U.K. and I still do that from time to time. I have mainly worked in non-classical idioms and jazz would be my area of expertise. I work mostly as a drummer but also as a composer/arranger, band leader, pianist and vocalist. Presently I spend much of my time looking after home and family.
What do you think you would be doing if you weren’t a musician?
Possibly something involving sports, health or perhaps theology.
Who would play you in a movie, and why?
Apparently one of the Wayans brothers since in very dimly lit bars people keep telling me there is a passing resemblance to one of them.
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We are seeking a SOPRANO, ALTO, and BASS to join our new professional-standard 8-voice SCHOLA CANTORUM.
As one of the Cathedral's flagship ensembles, the Schola Cantorum sings at the weekly 12pm Sunday Mass, with a Sunday morning rehearsal at 10:30am.
The Schola Cantorum brings together 8 excellent singers (SSAATTBB) to sing liturgical music to the highest standard.
... Singing fees are to the value of around £1200 per year.
To audition, or for more information, please contact Michael Ferguson, our Director of Music, by the closing date of Wednesday 17th October 2018.
Auditions will be held on the evening of Friday 19th October.
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We’re launching our new mixed-ability CATHEDRAL CHOIR and we need your help!
Starting on Sunday 4th November, our new choir will sing weekly at the 9am Sunday Mass. Rehearsals will take place weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm.
Always wanted to be part of a cathedral choir? Now is your chance!... No experience of singing in choirs but willing to learn? Now is your chance! Experienced choral singer willing to contribute your skills? Now is your chance! Want to contribute to the liturgical and musical life our beautiful cathedral? Now is your chance!
Come along and sing a wide range of liturgical music. Prior choir experience and music reading abilities are helpful, but not necessary!
FIRST MEETING: Wednesday 31st October, 7-9pm in the Cathedral.
Contact Michael, our Director of Music, for more information: uk
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Brendan Chung, one of our choral scholars, fills us in on what it's like to sing at St Mary's Catholic Cathedral:
Can you tell us a bit about how you got involved in singing at St Mary’s?
... I’ve been singing for many years… My parents tell me I was humming along to the TV as a baby a couple of months before I started talking. My first proper singing however was as a chorister for eight years at Brentwood Cathedral; with this choir I got to perform in Rome, Paris, and on the BBC, and through some connections there I was able to audition for a couple of operas in London and Austria. Alas my stardom in the operatic spotlight wasn’t meant to be. Once my time there had ended I began taking vocal lessons to adjust to my new (much) lower register with a wonderful lady Gwendoline. She got me in good shape and found the lung power in me to fill a large cathedral like St Mary’s. When I knew I would be moving up to Edinburgh for university, I decided to reach out to the choirs in the city for the opportunity to continue my singing. Michael, our director, was extremely inviting and I began singing with the choir the first Sunday after I moved here.
What are your favourite and least favourite parts of your role?
It’s a real pleasure to have a group of people, and friends, that are part of my university experience yet also separate from my studying. The choir really brightens up my weekend, and I always get to hear about things happening in the city that otherwise I would never know about. That being said, waking up on a Sunday morning and having to look (and feel) presentable by 10:30 is perhaps the only downside.
What do you do when you’re not singing at St Mary’s?
I should probably be answering “studying” but I’m more likely napping. But if it’s close to exam time I’m almost definitely eating copious amounts of chocolate in the library.
Who are your top three dream dinner party guests, and why?
Once I learn how to cook more than my basic rotation of three meals, then I’ll properly consider this!
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Paula Delph, one of our volunteer choristers, gives us an insight into singing at St Mary's Cathedral:
Can you tell us a bit about how you got involved in singing at St Mary’s?
...Continue Reading


Thank you for all the likes and shares! Stay tuned for more insights into some of the people who make music at St Mary’s Cathedral. Plus news of some exciting opportunities to become involved yourself!


Our Director of Music, Michael Ferguson, answers some questions about his role at St Mary's Catholic Cathedral:
Can you tell us a little bit about your role at St Mary’s Cathedral?
...Continue Reading

More about Music At St Mary'S Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh

Music At St Mary'S Catholic Cathedral, Edinburgh is located at 61 York Place, EH1 3JD Edinburgh, United Kingdom