Nairn Coastguard Search And Rescue Team

About Nairn Coastguard Search And Rescue Team

Providing Search and Rescue to local communities
Providing safety to the public when old explosives are found on our beaches
Helping during bad weather



Nairn Coastguard Search And Rescue Team got a call from our Aberdeen control centre from police Scotland of Posible explosives on the culbin beach We got to it as quickly as we could as the tide was well on its way in and yes it was what looked like a very large barrage rocket or a explosive used to destroy submarines the team were not able to get pictures of it once it was dug out by the navy divers as it was considered to be to dangerous for us to be in close proximity to Navy bomb disposal team put the device in to a hole on the beach , a large cordon was put up around the area and it was destroyed , and it was a big one As always if you find somthing you are not sure of on our beaches please call us don't handle it or throw stones at it call 999 and ask for the Coastguard
Always On Call Tom
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Nairn Coastguard Search And Rescue Team have been busy again this last few days We had a search for a missing person which we are glad to say had a great outcome and the person was found Then yesterday we were tasked to suspected old ordinance found by a member of the public on the east beach , we attended and yes this is part of a barrage rocket used in the practice D Day landings on the local beaches , at the same time a 2in mortar shell was found at the new sewerage work...s at Ardersier which closed the road for a time the army bomb guys came up from Edinburgh and removed them so all good As you can see with my photographs it looks like scrap this is why we ask you to call us if you find somthing diferent and out of place Again please if you find somthing you are not sure off on our beaches call 999 and ask for the Coastguard we will get to you and make the area safe ,
Thank you also to Inverness Coastguard team for helping us out , enjoy your mud training today lol
Always On Call Tom
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Ordinance comes in all shapes and sizes Nairn Coastguard Search And Rescue Team were called to a suspect lump on Nairn west beach by the local police this morning , with the help of our flank team Burghead we set up a cordon to protect people using the beach Pictures were taken and passed to EOD for them to look at and asses, it was not clear what this was but was thought to be ordinance so Faslane sent up a team to deal with it and around 1820 this evening the device was d...estroyed by placing a small charge on it and blowing it up , thank you all for your patience and understanding with having to take a small detour we can not and will never put the public in danger with any thing we are not sure of on our beaches
Thank you to Burghead coastguard, the police, and the Navy divers for the swift response
As always if you find somthing you are not sure of on our beaches please call 999 ask for the Coastguard and police we will get to you as soon as we can and take the appropriate steps to make it safe , thank you
Allways On Call Tom
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We have had a few call outs this month searching for missing or lost people and our latest one yesterday and today was explosives A lady was walking her dog east of nairn and she found something that did not look right , she did the correct thing and called for the Coastguard. We got to her as soon as we could and confirmed it was suspicious, took lots of pictures and sent them to our centre in Aberdeen who forwarded them for confirmation to EOD and it was a morter shell ...Royal Navy Divers came up from Faslane to deal with it , it made a good bang as it was still live Please remember if you find something that you are not sure of call 999 ask for the coastguard and we will come to you as soon as we can , as you can see from my pictures it looks like junk but it was a morter shell Always on call Tom
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Today being International woman's day We only have one woman in our Nairn team and this is Janie, she works full time for the Scottish ambulance service and is a integral part of our rescue team. She also rescues hedgehogs as well as going up mountains with me to rescue dogs. Janie's favourite past time is finding ordanance and this is why her nickname is BB.
Janie Happy Woman's Day xx... Always On Call Tom
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Nairn , Burghead and Inverness Coastguard Search And Rescue Teams were tasked by Aberdeen to reports of a missing person in the Nairn area we responded as soon as we could, organised the areas we were going to search and set out to find the missing person. The person was found and taken into the care of police Scotland and returned home Police Scotland and the Nairn team would like to thank everyone who took part in the search Always On Call Tom


We had a day doing what we are really good at , and what we strive to be the best at , Water Rescue , we train hard so as when we get called to anyone in trouble in the sea or our rivers we are ready and able to do so safely and with complete confidence in our team members and our kit It was a cracking day , we had fun doing what we love to do Thank you to Burghead and Lossie teams for making it a enjoyable training session and Collin our boss for taking the time to be with us Allways On Call Tom


Put it in your diary Saturday the 2nd of March get your car cleaned for a fiver


Nairn Coastguard Search And Rescue Team Wish all our family , friends, our Facebook followers , and our fellow emergency service personnel A Happy and safe new year
We had a wee competition with rosebank primery school to find a name for our new truck so the name of her is Dash ,,CRV DASH ... the name was thought up by one of the school pupils and it fits her well As always take care when out and about on our coast and rivers , and if you find somthing you are not sure off or see someone in trouble in the sea or our rivers call 999and ask for the Coastguard Have a terrific and safe night and a fantastic 2019 Allways On Call Tom and the Team
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Nairn Coastguard Search And Rescue Team We have had a busy year helping people in need, we also have had a good amount of old explosives found on our beaches and made safe We would like to Wish all our family and friends on Facebook a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year , stay safe and enjoy the festivities We look forward to serving our community in the coming year Tom ... Always On Call
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Nairn Coastguard team were paged by Aberdeen on the request of police Scotland to reports of a young boy missing in the Nairn area ,we responded as quickly as we could and started our search We also asked for the assistance of our flank team Burghead and the local retained fire fighters who were all really happy and keen to help us , also involved was our rescue helicopter from Inverness airport and of course the people of Nairn who offerd there help A huge thank you goes to the young lad who seen and remained with the missing child until help got to his location a simple thank you can not go far enough you my young friend are a star and you should be very proud of your actions which In my opinion saved this young boy , thank you Tom


Nairn Team were paged to assist Inverness Coastguard with reports of a missing person in the Inverness kessock bridge area We were tasked to search east of the bridge and work our way towards the bridge Rescue 951 also tasked to search the area as well as kessock lifeboat crew , the casualty was located and airlifted to a waiting ambulance to be transported to hospital Also assisted by police Scotland a fantastic outcome with every one working with one thought in mind th...e safety and rescue of the casualty we wish them a speedy recovery Well done to everyone who took part we are very proud of what we do Always On Call Tom
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Nairn Team were called out on Tuesday night to assist with a juvenile Minky whale that had stranded herself on Ardersier beach near Fort George. Despite the efforts of the BDMLR , SMASS and many other people this beautiful animal passed away. We could not leave her on the beach so we asked for the help from a local farmer Gordon Nicolson with his tractor and the army guys from the MT section at the Fort. Without hesitation they said they would be happy to help and came down to assist with the removal and transportation to Inverness to have tests done to see what was wrong. We really appreciate their help it was fantastic of them to assist with this delicate matter Thank you to all involved in this


We took delivery of this beautiful brand spanking new Mitsubishi L200 4WD truck yesterday morning. She is replacing our 4th hand Toyota which did us proud, but has had her day and she is to be sold and now onto pastures new.
We as a team are extremely proud to be given such a cracking new vehicle and look forward to serving our local community and our flank teams when the need arises Always On Call Tom


Nairn coastguard rescue team were tasked by Aberdeen to reports of a vehicle in the water with possible persons in it We got to the scene as quick as we could and found the vehicle almost completely coverd by the incoming tide , fortunately no one was inside We provided cover until a local farmer came along and pulled the vehicle out his help is very much appreciated without his help the truck would be out in the firth someplace
It was a accident that happens quite often ,... perhaps he misjudged the tide or hit very soft sand and could not get traction it's very easily done I'm sure he will not do that again but the main thing is no one was hurt and the vehicle and the boat all got recovered safely, also helping us was the local police, and MIRO the rescue boat from findhorn we thank them all for there assistance again a multi agency incident that worked out perfectly
When launching small craft from the beach you must make sure you know the tides and the beach have plenty of time to get your vehicle away from the incoming tide and above the high water mark just to be safe It helps if you have farmer friends with big tractors, I believe a copious amount of beverage is on its way to this very helpful farmer as it should be Again thank you to all who helped
Allways On Call Tom
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Update on the young lady that we got tasked to search for on Sunday morning She has been traced safe and well , a great outcome for all concerned Always On Call Tom


About 0200 hours on Sunday, 15th July 2018, Police Scotland responded to reports of a female in the water of the River Nairn beneath the A96 road at Bridge Street, Nairn. A female, described as follows, had been seen wading in shallow water before stepping ashore, last seen walking alone on Riverside foot/cycle path near to Bridge Street, heading in the direction of Jubilee Bridge:
About 18 years of age; five foot 6 inches; medium build;... dark hair, possibly tied up; wearing a beige top and black shorts.
Police and Local Coastguard Teams, assisted by an inshore lifeboat, carried out a search of the River Nairn and river banks however no persons were found. Although the female was last seen walking on the footpath, police are keen to identify the female and ensure her welfare.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Police Scotland using the ‘101’ number, quoting reference NM/2116/18 - Nairn.
This young lady is not in any trouble it's just we want to know she is safe
Information can also be passed anonymously via Crimestoppers.
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Nairn coastguard have had quite a busy month this month we have been water rescue training with our local retained Nairn fire rescue team which has been fantastic we get to see them using there kit and we show them how to do it properly lol only joking They have a fantastic rescue ethic and work really hard to get it right which they do , was great using the inflated hose to reach a stranded person it worked really well and we did a couple of experiments with ladders which w...orked great Today we have had 2 call outs one to a stranded vessel near Findhorn we assisted Burghead coastguard with this one and all safe and well This afternoon we were tasked to a swimmer in difficulty in the sea at the secret beach along with rescue 951 ,the police the ambulance service and MIRO inshore rescue , the casualty was picked up by MIRO and was looked after by the aircraft paramedic till we got the person to the ambulance All safe and we hope for a speedy warm up and recovery A great outcome with a multi agency response well done to all involved , I'm very proud of my team they go above and beyond every time we are called , well done Always On Call Tom
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More about Nairn Coastguard Search And Rescue Team

Nairn Coastguard Search And Rescue Team is located at Balmakeith industrial estate, Nairn