Napiershall Street Garden

About Napiershall Street Garden

Napiershall Street Community Garden was founded as part of the Let's Cook Grow Sew Together project supported by West of Scotland Regional Equality Council

Napiershall Street Garden Description

Drop in workshops
TUESDAYS Drop in Session Self Guided
THURSDAYS 3 - 5pm Drop in Session guided with Gardener



Now's the time to get down to the Napiershall Street Centre if you fancy joining our new bunch of Home Growers!
Meeting today upstairs in the Napier Suite, at 12pm - come along to find out all you need to know, and let us help you get growing this year! 😀


Thinking about joining our Home Growers group but not sure your garden's got potential?
Here's a bit of inspiration from Michelle, one of the stars of our last group 🥕
Come along to the WSREC at the Napiershall Street Centre tomorrow at 12pm to find out about the course. Everyone welcome and no experience necessary 🙂


A grand wee day of foraging with Woodlands Community Kitchen!
The clouds threatened for a bit, but we stayed dry and happy while the guys collected wild food for tomorrow's community meal. 🥦
Thanks to herbalist Catriona Gibson for ensuring nobody was poisoned! 😊


Looking for Voluntary Artists/ Community Artist to Paint our Street Garden, signs, allotment boxes etc this is your chance to have your work on display. If you are interested please email or Private Message us directly on our facebook messenger. We will be happy to provide free refreshments, travels fares and a certificate of completion ����


Looking for Voluntary Artists/ Community Artist to Paint our Street Garden, signs, allotment boxes etc this is your chance to have your work on display. If you are interested please email or Private Message us directly on our facebook messenger. We will be happy to provide free refreshments, travels fares and a certificate of completion ����


Opłaty za prąd i gaz – informacje i porady
Środa 5 czerwca 2019 r. 14:00 -16:00
WSREC, 39 Napiershall Street, G20 6EZ
... Czy są Państwo uprawnieni do dopłaty do ogrzewania w wysokosci £140 ? (element programu Warm Home Discount)
Gorąco zapraszamy na spotkanie informacyjne
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Happy birthday Marianna! 😃
We helped her celebrate at the afternoon session with cake, while getting to know our 3 fresh volunteer faces, Cecilia, Doris and Karen!
All 3 newbies worked their fingers to the bone, (as did Abdel and Tahirah) and we made major progress on the poly tunnel refurbishment...


Anna excelled herself with her zero waste spicy potato tacos today at the Community Hub event!
We'll be holding these events every 2nd Thursday from 10am-12pm, so come along next time if you've not been before. Don't worry if you're fasting - we've got planting workshops too, and it's all free! 😊


Everyone in the office got busy this afternoon, in our big car park weeding session! Come along and spot the difference...
Next we had the regular volunteer session with Tahirah, Marianna and Faisal, while 'the bosses' eyed up our edibles 🥕
We even had a first visit from Cecilia, our newest newbie - she's keen to start so we'll hopefully see her soon! 😊
... One last thing - we're a wee bit short on time for watering at the moment, and some of the plants are feeling it, so if you've got a spare half hour on any day of the week, we'd love you to get in touch and have a skoosh of our hose!🐳
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Lots of splashing about in the sun over the past week - thanks to Deena, Marianna, Faisal, Tahirah, Nuala and everyone else who's helped keep the plants alive.
The Community Hub this morning was another great success, with really tasty carrot burgers and eggy bread made outside by Anna! (Photos coming soon)😊
The volunteers worked so hard this afternoon clearing all the overwintering greens out of the greenhouse, they didn't even get a cup of tea! But we're almost ready for summer veg now, so watch this space..🍅


FREE Upcycling Sewing Summer Programme For 13 - 19 year olds.
Monday 22nd July 2019 - Friday 26th July 2019 Between 11am - 1:30pm
... To book a place please email or call 0141 337 6626.
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🐝 Introducing FREE Knitting Bee 🐝
Wednesday 12th June - 17th June 2019, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
... Venue: Napiershall Street Centre G20 6EZ
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More about Napiershall Street Garden

Napiershall Street Garden is located at 39 Napiershall Street, G20 6EZ Glasgow, United Kingdom