Nathanael Canesa Fitness

About Nathanael Canesa Fitness

Nathanael Canesa Fitness is about helping individuals who want to better themselves through the fitness lifestyle. This page promotes daily tips and advice which you can apply to meet your goals wether it is internally or externally.

If you want to take the first step to transforming your life. I offer personalized meal plans based on your individual needs and workout programmes tailored to your goals whether it is:

- Muscle Building
- Strength
- Weight Loss
- Toning (Fat Loss)
and Overall work towards all aspects of your fitness.

I also offer one-to-one training services should you want to get a head start on your transformation. I am based in Inverness Area and provide free consultation to find out information about you so we can specifically tailored your personal program.


Nathanael Canesa Fitness Description

Nathanael Canesa Fitness is about helping individuals who want to better themselves through the fitness lifestyle. This page promotes daily tips and advice which you can apply to meet your goals wether it is internally or externally.

If you want to take the first step to transforming your life. I offer personalized meal plans based on your individual needs and workout programmes tailored to your goals whether it is:

- Muscle Building
- Strength
- Weight Loss
- Toning (Fat Loss)
and Overall work towards all aspects of your fitness.

I also offer one-to-one training services should you want to get a head start on your transformation. I am based in Inverness Area and provide free consultation to find out information about you so we can specifically tailored your personal program.




MAKE YOUR WORKOUT MANAGEABLE! I am a firm believer that no matter how sound your workout programe is planned out, if you cant follow it due to your lifestyle then its a complete waste of time.
... 2 rules which I swear by for creating a routine is to ๐Ÿ‘‡ *MAKE IT ENJOYABLE* (If you do not enjoy certain exercises then completely avoid it. The happier you are working out then theres a high possibility that you will stick to your programme and as a result of your consistency then you will more likely to see results.) As an example, if you hate doing squats for legs then dont think that you need to keep squatting just because your favourite instagrammer bodybuilder/athlete is doing it. There are plenty of exercises to train your legs and not everyone has the ability to squat.
*RELATE IT WITH YOUR LIFESTYLE* Most of us actually live a LIFE outside gym and there are more other important priorities e.g family, relationships and career and with this its not like we cannot live a life 100% stress free. So, if you think going to gym 3x a week is much realistic than 5x a week then so be it. Do not force what you cannot do as it just leads to a lot of stress for yourself. The point being is CONSISTENCY and PROGRESSION is key and being completely engaged with HAPPINESS makes it a whole lot easier grinding everyday.
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Proud of this duuudee's progress.. Literally just asked him if I can film him to show people his incredible squat from but he decided to show off with no hands during warm up hahaa This is probably one of the best squatting technique I've ever seen.. Literally ASS to Grass! #wafflegainz #ricegainz

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New Workout vlog is out! :)


YOUTUBE: Nathanael Canesa Im gonna upload a video on my youtube channel (link on my bio) my step by step walkthrough on what I do for my upper body day. Right now im currently doing 8-12 weeks of an upper/lower split and so far its been great and enjoyable. Make sure to subscribe for free informative content and just some daily shenanigans I do. #eliteelevation Snapchat: nathanc62


Probably the best exercise I've utilized on my training for developing quadzilla gainz! Try incorporating Leg Extensions and you will definitely see an improvement on your Leg Teardrop #eliteelevation


I like this photo not only because it was shot really well by @gabrielnaguit123 but because I felt like it tells me a story which I want to share. The thing that came into my mind as I do the action to get this photo taken is BALANCE. I just want to share that most of us (including myself) are having difficulty of finding perfect balance. Sometimes we missed a lot of good things happening to us due to the fact that we push ourselves to the things that does not make us feel happy and content. We take life very seriously and we sometimes forget about our family, friends and even ourselves which are there for us to make us smile and laugh. Let's all try to be more BALANCE! #balanceiskey #EliteElevation


So I've just started documenting an UPPER/LOWER SPLIT PROGRAMME to build strength and muscle as a goal that I have set myself. I have decided to take my friend @gabrielnaguit123 along with me with his intention to lose weight for the next 8 weeks. I want to do this to help individuals become better not only physically but the mental side too. These content are all completely free on my Youtube Channel which is on my bio! Feel free to subscribe to it so you can get notified wh...enever I put a video out! Lets all help each other out than bring each others down! If you have any questions about training, supplementation and nutrition then feel free to message me and I will give you my honest answer for FREE! If you also want to meet up to train then message me as I would love to get to know more people in the fitness industry. Also, dont forget to follow our new page for clothing @eliteelevation ! Thank you for all your support! #EliteElevation #skrtskrt
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The vlogs on the new camera is insane quality! I will continue to create awesome content on Youtube that are informative stuff. I just figured its all easy to just talk about things than write it.


This is by far my favourite colour way! Hoodies are looking at their premium quality! If anyone wants to see one before ordering let me know! Also, these are slim line so if you want to go for something loose go for a size next up for you! You can pre order by shooting me a DM on here! Lets get tagging people! @itsjay_28 @juliuszss @enriko__ #EliteElevation #TrustTheProcess #TheBeginning


Travelling ๐Ÿ‘‰Meeting people๐Ÿ‘‰Sharing ๐Ÿ‘‰Inspiring! Thats what Ive set out to do this year! Trust me it feels so addicted giving value to people!


Edinburgh Cinematic Vlog!


#repost If only everyone thinks like this the world ๐ŸŒŽ will be so much better but NO people will always talk and judge about you without actually knowing you. #mindyourownbusiness #polarity #getthefatoutyourlife #getridoftoxicpeople


This hoodie will be available soon to order. If any of you guys watch my vlogs on @youtube I did announced that I will be starting my own clothing brand. I have called it "Elite Elevation". This brand is not just a clothing company. Our vision as a team working behind the scenes is to build a community with people, helping each other use their maximum potential and excel in any endeavour of life.
Follow my vlogs on @youtube in which I share content 2-3x per week about fitness... and lifestyle.
Thankful for the team and partners behind the scenes @enriko__ @juliuszss ! โ˜บโ˜บ
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Be COURAGEOUS. Photo taken by @enriko__


1st Bootcamp session this year! So grateful by these people that consistently put their effort into it! They are what I call good friends now!
So if you ever want to join a fun fitness group training session surrounded by the most positive people then hit me up as I've be more willing to let you to try it for FREE even if you are a beginner or advanced. Bootcamp class is every Tuesday 5:30PM ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š


BOOTCAMP IS BACK ON TOMORROW at Gym 300 5:30PM. Anyone is welcome! So feel free to try it out! Honestly if you have something to query about it just message me :) LEEEETS GOO! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ Tag friends and family! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿƒ


Did some food shopping in Tesco and managed to spend ยฃ20 for all of these. But dyou know what? It could have only been ยฃ10 if I did not buy that food scale (Salter) which costs me ยฃ10 and I swear it is worth investing if you take your training seriously as you will know exactly what comes in your body. Wether you want to lose weight or build muscle, knowing exactly what you eat on a day to day basis can really impact your performance in the gym thus producing quality workouts that will help you reach your goals faster. If you have any more question in regards to counting how many calories should you have a day to reach your goals then comment below or pm me and ill try my best to help you :)

More about Nathanael Canesa Fitness