Nicola Wilson Hypnobirthing & Baby Classes

About Nicola Wilson Hypnobirthing & Baby Classes

•HypnoBirthing The Mongan Method •HypnoMothering •Baby Massage •Baby Yoga •GroovaRoo Dance.
All run from a cosy home studio in Kirkliston.



GroovaRoo Dance Classes are baby wearing soul line dancing classes. The music is a mixture of contemporary and classic soul and R+B. The dances are gentle on mums and soothing for babies so they are perfect for the post natal period and for giving your baby feelings of security and wellbeing. Moving and dancing with your baby in their sling also helps increase their spatial awareness and relaxes them, getting their happy hormones flowing and reducing stress. It also helps them to expend their energy so they are not just passive participants. I can’t wait to welcome you and your baby along!


Getting ready for more dancing 💜


There are so many significant and extensively researched benefits of a regular loving massage. It is the perfect bonding activity. It will help your baby to relax, relieve wind/colic/constipation, encourage deeper sleep, stimulate circulation, co-ordination, muscle tone, immune system and brain development. It also has great benefits for parent's low mood and self esteem. When you massage your baby, you will discover more and more about them. Your bond will be strong for a li...fetime.
Parent handouts, tea/coffee and home baking provided each week for a cost of £55.
Message Nicola at Gentle Beginnings to book your place: 07952126587 email: website:
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Hey everyone I have one space come up for baby yoga for this Thursday 1:00-2:30pm. 5 week blocks. Contact me now to snap it up 💜 or message me through Fb Page Nicola xx


Very reassuring if you’re struggling to know what to do for the best at night time.
“This, of course, isn’t to say that every parent can or should lie down with their kid until they fall asleep. That may not be what’s best for that family. But, as Gorton said from both her professional experience and experience helping her son re-establish better sleep habits, you just have to follow what your loving heart says is best for your child.”


Help your baby to relax, sleep better, help them get relief from wind/colic/constipation. Strengthen your bond, meet other like minded parents and have tea/coffee home baking and a supportive chat each week. This is such a brilliant skill to learn and you can use it as your baby grows. Babies need loving touch and massage is one of the best ways to meet that need. Contact to book or message 07952126587 I’ll look forward to welcoming you along. Nicola x


GroovaRoo Dance Classes are baby wearing soul line dancing classes. The music is a mixture of contemporary and classic soul and R+B. The dances are gentle on mums and soothing for babies so they are perfect for the post natal period and for giving your baby feelings of security and wellbeing. Moving and dancing with your baby in their sling also helps increase their spatial awareness and relaxes them, getting their happy hormones flowing and reducing stress. It also helps them to expend their energy so they are not just passive participants. I can’t wait to welcome you and your baby along!


Looking forward to running another HypnoMothering class tomorrow morning. My favourite and such needed class for Mums.
“I really enjoyed the HypnoMothering programme. It was great to be given reassurance that certain negative feelings were not wrong and that there is no blueprint for perfect parenting. Also, very nice to feel independent, free from the judgement of others and to know that even on those bad days, there is something I can now do to pull myself back to normality.”


Special mention to Kate and Iain for an excellent morning they put on for the Love Oliver Charity. It was great to see some familiar faces and some new parents and babies and all these great local businesses! I had a GroovaRoo taster session planned but not many takers so I danced with Kate’s husband Iain, their baby and a 10 year old boy who joined in. It was brilliant. Gutted I didn’t get any photos! Next time 🙂


Preparing for the birth of your baby with HypnoBirthing The Mongan Method is a wonderful experience. (5 sessions, each two and a half hours long) that will help YOU to be in control of your birth. Self hypnosis is a deep relaxation technique that allows you to replace fears and doubts about your ability to birth your baby, with a strong, confident and positive attitude. Breathing techniques willl help calm you, can even help shorten your labour and give birth more gently. Thi...s is a very detailed and comprehensive course and a great investment in one of the most important days of your life.......your baby's birthing day. Spaces are limited to 3 couples. Contact Nicola Wilson for a chat and to book your space: 07952126587
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Aidan loves a cuddle or a dance the Gentle Beginnings studio when mummy puts the disco lights on! I hope to see lots of parents and babies at Pram Fest tomorrow. I will be adding a baby massage course voucher and a 4 week GroovaRoo pass into the raffle. Nicola x


Are you looking for a special Christmas present for the baby in the family? A baby massage voucher is such a great gift! There are so many benefits for baby’s physical, emotional and neurological development and the classes are a great way for parent and baby to relax. The 5 week course is £55. Each class is an hour and a half long and you get organic massage oil for baby, parent handouts, tea/coffee and home baking each week and lots of support. Such great memories are made on these classes. A very special pressie indeed. Please share or comment with the name of the person to hint to 😉 Contact 07952126587 Mon and Wed am classes available from January.
Nicola x


⭐️Novemeber Baby Massage Dates⭐️ Wednesday 21st Nov 10:00-11:30am Monday 19th Nov 10:00-11:30am Huge benefits for parent and baby! 5 week block suitable from birth to pre-crawling. Tea/coffee and home baking provided each week. Contact 07952126587
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A few more special moments from this morning ❤️ #gentlebeginnings #iaimbabymassage #babymassagekirkliston #bonding #emotionalwellbeing #support #community


Really sad to say goodbye to this gorgeous group of Mums and babies at their last baby massage class today. Thank you so much for coming everyone! You are all super star Mums. It was lovely to see how much the babies enjoyed their massages and see all those special moments between you both. Next blocks are Wed 14th and Mon 19th Nov #gentlebeginnings #iaimbabymassage #babymassagekirkliston #bonding #emotionalwellbeing #support #community


How about the labour dance? Would you try this if it helped baby to come down and helped you to avoid induction? This worked very well for two of these Mums and the other one is still dancing ❤️ #groovaroo #groovarooscotland #labourdance #positiveinductionoflabour #dancethatbabyout nicolaGentleBeginnings


More dancing in Musselburgh next week! Contact to book 🙂


⭐️Novemeber Baby Massage Dates⭐️ Wednesday 21st Nov 10:00-11:30am Monday 19th Nov 10:00-11:30am Huge benefits for parent and baby! 5 week block suitable from birth to pre-crawling. Tea/coffee and home baking provided each week. Contact 07952126587
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What a fantastic course. Nicola has such a lovely calming way about her which made this so relaxing. I loved spending one on one time with my little one and having opportunity to meet other mums alike and of course enjoy the amazing cakes and a hot cuppa at the end of each session. I'm continuing to use the skill Nicola has taught me not only on my baby but my 4 year old too who also loves it.


We thoroughly enjoyed our baby massage classes with Nicola. It was a great time to bond with my baby with none of the usual distractions for a couple of hours each week. My son was so relaxed after it and I got to meet lots of other lovely mummy’s and enjoy a (hot) cuppa & cake baked by the lovely Nicola. Would really recommend her classes and look forward to doing these again in future years!


We loved baby massage with Gentle Beginnings. The environment was so calming and soothing. Nicola was very clear and easy to follow, we learned loads at our course. The home baking and coffee every week was also a lovely touch. My baby enjoyed the massage so much that we are still doing it.


We have have just finished the baby massage class. Nicola was amazing, her tone of voice, knowledge and pace were ideal for baby and for me. She took time to hear how everyone was adapting to the massage at home and what help we needed at each lesson, while also adapting it to our needs. She showed me on day one how to massage my baby to help with her colic and this made a huge difference to our life. The bonding time is so precious and she talks about motherhood with no reservations, which makes you feel so much more apt. It is a very nurturing class for mothers too! I would definitely recommend it, especially if you are struggling with your little one. Although it's not designed for it, it really teaches you about the 4 trimester, which no one talks about during pregnancy. I will really miss these classes and the time they gave me to calm down and bond with my baby, as well as be nurtured and listen to everyone's journey.


Thoroughly enjoyed doing baby massage with my 6 month old son. Nicola creates such a lovely, relaxed environment in her home and it was easy to learn the massage strokes which my wee boy loved - so much so he slept for about 2 hours after each class! Thanks also for the yum home baking - an excellent bonus! X


This is a fantastic class! Despite my then 7 week old crying through most of the first class as he was overtired we still managed to both leave feeling calm and relaxed thanks to Nicola’s reassuring words. Having done a different massage class with my older child which I really didn’t enjoy I was so pleased to have this one recommended to me. As well as being educational the classes are a great way to meet other local mums and the home baking is amazing! I'd highly recommend this class to any new mums.


This has been my favourite baby class by far. Nicola is a fantastic teacher, creating a relaxed setting within her home. The sessions are very much baby led, taking breaks to give your baby a rest or feed was very much encouraged. Baby massage is a lovely activity for really connecting to your baby. The theory and evidence underpinning baby massage was built upon at each session and was really interesting. An added bonus was the cuppa and delicious home baking (that carrot cake - delicious!) at the end of each class with the opportunity to chat to other mums.


Thank you so much! I attended the classes with my wee boy, he was just four weeks old when we started and we both really enjoyed every class, it is such a valuable skill to learn.

Nicola creates an extremely welcoming, calm and relaxed environment in which to learn baby massage. The additional information is very interesting and her home baking was absolutely delicious.

Thank you again �


One of the best classes I have taken my little one too. I've really enjoyed the bonding time and seen a great reduction in the tension she holds in her body.

Nicola creates a warm and open atmosphere where thoughts on the class and parenting discussions can be raised without judgement. The classes are taught at an easy pace for those who are struggling with mum-brain and the tea and homemade cakes afterwards are amazing!


Just finished the baby massage course and I am going to miss going a lot. Fantastic course I was nervous at first thinking Freya would cry or feed the whole time however she loved it too. She was asleep by the end of every class � Such a relaxing room and Nicola is so chilled out that it made everyone else relax in the class. Learnt a lot of great techniques to use and continue to use as Freya grows. Highly recommend this class to everyone. Thanks again Nicola xx


Just finished the baby massage classes and thoroughly enjoyed them. Well structured and easy going especially when babies were grouchy/sleeping/tired � Definitely would recommend.


Just finished a fabulous baby massage course with Nicola. I learnt a lot of superb massage techniques and found out my little one loves a good back massage! Highly recommend this course.


I loved this class. Nicola was a great teacher and created a lovely warm and welcoming atmosphere. It's amazing to learn all the benefits of baby massage and now that we know the techniques we are able to continue this at home. It's great bonding time with baby and also a great opportunity to meet other mums, I would highly recommend!


I have attended both the baby massage course and hypnomothering and without a doubt they have been the most positive things I have done with my daughter so far. I first did baby massage at 6 weeks and I still massage my daughter every day. It had helped me to develop such a strong bond and gives me an activity to do every day that whatever mood either of us are in it brings us together. Every time I massage her legs now she giggles and squeals!

When Nicola then mentioned hypnomothering I knew it was something I wanted to try. I was struggling to admit how hard I was finding being a mum at times. I was coping, but only just, and I wanted to develop some skills to help me relax, enjoy the wonderful times but also be more resilient during the difficult moments. The course was brilliant- I left feeling like I had been at a spa I was so relaxed. It helped me find that light within the tunnel!


I can't recommend Nicola enough.

I loved the baby massage course so much that I did it twice! She is so welcoming and infant massage is something I will do with my baby for a long time, it strengthens the mother and baby bond so much.

When Nicola first mentioned hypnomothering I knew it was something I had to try. I can't say enough how amazing hypnomothering was. Nicola has the perfect tone to deliver this course and I was so relaxed during and after the session. Hypnomothering has equipped me with tools to deal with the stressful moments and ways to trust my 'mumtenna'. I think every new mother and mother to be should do it.

Also - Nicola makes AMAZING cake.


I attended this class with my baby and can not recommend it enough! The atmosphere was so relaxed and welcoming and Nicola (the instructor) was fantastic! She was so calming and explained the benefits of each massage so well. I feel massage has strengthened my bond with my baby and I was amazed at how beneficial massage can be for a baby's development. Definitely recommend this class to anyone who wants to add something a bit special to the time they spend with their baby. Loved it


Hypnobirthing April 2018

We have recently completed the Hypnobirthing course with Nicola. This course has really helped me and my husband to prepare for the birth our baby. We learned many relaxation techniques and understand much more about birthing and our options. I feel a lot calmer in myself and feel much more prepared for giving birth with the support of my husband. Nicola made us feel very relaxed in her warm and welcoming studio. The home baking was delicious too!

I would highly recommend this course.

Baby Massage September 2018

I have just completed the baby massage class with my daughter. This class was a great opportunity to spend some relaxing time bonding with my baby as well as learning the skills of baby massage. My daughter loves baby massage and enjoyed being massaged at home. There was also time at Nicola’s classes to speak to everyone else at the class as well as enjoy a cuppa and a delicious slice of homebaked cake at the end. This was really beneficial as you got to know others in the same position as you. Nicola was very welcoming and supportive throughout the classes and always took an interest in how our babies were and how the massage was going at home.

I would definitely recommend baby massage with Nicola.



Highly recommend this class. Nicola is fantastic and sets a lovely calm atmosphere for mum and baby, not to mention her amazing home baking! The massage technique gave me the confidence and my little girl likes it and seems to find it very relaxing. It's a lovely way to bond even more with your baby.

The handouts mean dad could learn too. Also met some wonderful like minded mums.


After I had my baby I was struggling with my confidence, I was scared to take my baby out in the car, I didn't want to get into the habit of staying in the house and refusing to go out. So, I looked for baby classes online and found this class. I made myself go to the class to build my confidence and to bond with my baby and to help him with his sore tummy. Not only do I feel so much better. Fynn really loves it. He doesn't have a bad tummy anymore and after his bath, massage and feed he is sleeping for 7/8 hours every night!! It was a great way to start a Monday morning and I will miss it(including the tea and cakes). If I could give this course more stars, I would. Thank you so much!


What a fantastic course. Nicola has such a lovely calming way about her which made this so relaxing. I loved spending one on one time with my little one and having opportunity to meet other mums alike and of course enjoy the amazing cakes and a hot cuppa at the end of each session. I'm continuing to use the skill Nicola has taught me not only on my baby but my 4 year old too who also loves it.


We thoroughly enjoyed our baby massage classes with Nicola. It was a great time to bond with my baby with none of the usual distractions for a couple of hours each week. My son was so relaxed after it and I got to meet lots of other lovely mummy’s and enjoy a (hot) cuppa & cake baked by the lovely Nicola. Would really recommend her classes and look forward to doing these again in future years!


We loved baby massage with Gentle Beginnings. The environment was so calming and soothing. Nicola was very clear and easy to follow, we learned loads at our course. The home baking and coffee every week was also a lovely touch. My baby enjoyed the massage so much that we are still doing it.


We have have just finished the baby massage class. Nicola was amazing, her tone of voice, knowledge and pace were ideal for baby and for me. She took time to hear how everyone was adapting to the massage at home and what help we needed at each lesson, while also adapting it to our needs. She showed me on day one how to massage my baby to help with her colic and this made a huge difference to our life. The bonding time is so precious and she talks about motherhood with no reservations, which makes you feel so much more apt. It is a very nurturing class for mothers too! I would definitely recommend it, especially if you are struggling with your little one. Although it's not designed for it, it really teaches you about the 4 trimester, which no one talks about during pregnancy. I will really miss these classes and the time they gave me to calm down and bond with my baby, as well as be nurtured and listen to everyone's journey.


Thoroughly enjoyed doing baby massage with my 6 month old son. Nicola creates such a lovely, relaxed environment in her home and it was easy to learn the massage strokes which my wee boy loved - so much so he slept for about 2 hours after each class! Thanks also for the yum home baking - an excellent bonus! X


This is a fantastic class! Despite my then 7 week old crying through most of the first class as he was overtired we still managed to both leave feeling calm and relaxed thanks to Nicola’s reassuring words. Having done a different massage class with my older child which I really didn’t enjoy I was so pleased to have this one recommended to me. As well as being educational the classes are a great way to meet other local mums and the home baking is amazing! I'd highly recommend this class to any new mums.


This has been my favourite baby class by far. Nicola is a fantastic teacher, creating a relaxed setting within her home. The sessions are very much baby led, taking breaks to give your baby a rest or feed was very much encouraged. Baby massage is a lovely activity for really connecting to your baby. The theory and evidence underpinning baby massage was built upon at each session and was really interesting. An added bonus was the cuppa and delicious home baking (that carrot cake - delicious!) at the end of each class with the opportunity to chat to other mums.


Thank you so much! I attended the classes with my wee boy, he was just four weeks old when we started and we both really enjoyed every class, it is such a valuable skill to learn.

Nicola creates an extremely welcoming, calm and relaxed environment in which to learn baby massage. The additional information is very interesting and her home baking was absolutely delicious.

Thank you again �


One of the best classes I have taken my little one too. I've really enjoyed the bonding time and seen a great reduction in the tension she holds in her body.

Nicola creates a warm and open atmosphere where thoughts on the class and parenting discussions can be raised without judgement. The classes are taught at an easy pace for those who are struggling with mum-brain and the tea and homemade cakes afterwards are amazing!


Just finished the baby massage course and I am going to miss going a lot. Fantastic course I was nervous at first thinking Freya would cry or feed the whole time however she loved it too. She was asleep by the end of every class � Such a relaxing room and Nicola is so chilled out that it made everyone else relax in the class. Learnt a lot of great techniques to use and continue to use as Freya grows. Highly recommend this class to everyone. Thanks again Nicola xx


Just finished the baby massage classes and thoroughly enjoyed them. Well structured and easy going especially when babies were grouchy/sleeping/tired � Definitely would recommend.


Just finished a fabulous baby massage course with Nicola. I learnt a lot of superb massage techniques and found out my little one loves a good back massage! Highly recommend this course.


I loved this class. Nicola was a great teacher and created a lovely warm and welcoming atmosphere. It's amazing to learn all the benefits of baby massage and now that we know the techniques we are able to continue this at home. It's great bonding time with baby and also a great opportunity to meet other mums, I would highly recommend!


I have attended both the baby massage course and hypnomothering and without a doubt they have been the most positive things I have done with my daughter so far. I first did baby massage at 6 weeks and I still massage my daughter every day. It had helped me to develop such a strong bond and gives me an activity to do every day that whatever mood either of us are in it brings us together. Every time I massage her legs now she giggles and squeals!

When Nicola then mentioned hypnomothering I knew it was something I wanted to try. I was struggling to admit how hard I was finding being a mum at times. I was coping, but only just, and I wanted to develop some skills to help me relax, enjoy the wonderful times but also be more resilient during the difficult moments. The course was brilliant- I left feeling like I had been at a spa I was so relaxed. It helped me find that light within the tunnel!


I can't recommend Nicola enough.

I loved the baby massage course so much that I did it twice! She is so welcoming and infant massage is something I will do with my baby for a long time, it strengthens the mother and baby bond so much.

When Nicola first mentioned hypnomothering I knew it was something I had to try. I can't say enough how amazing hypnomothering was. Nicola has the perfect tone to deliver this course and I was so relaxed during and after the session. Hypnomothering has equipped me with tools to deal with the stressful moments and ways to trust my 'mumtenna'. I think every new mother and mother to be should do it.

Also - Nicola makes AMAZING cake.


I attended this class with my baby and can not recommend it enough! The atmosphere was so relaxed and welcoming and Nicola (the instructor) was fantastic! She was so calming and explained the benefits of each massage so well. I feel massage has strengthened my bond with my baby and I was amazed at how beneficial massage can be for a baby's development. Definitely recommend this class to anyone who wants to add something a bit special to the time they spend with their baby. Loved it


Hypnobirthing April 2018

We have recently completed the Hypnobirthing course with Nicola. This course has really helped me and my husband to prepare for the birth our baby. We learned many relaxation techniques and understand much more about birthing and our options. I feel a lot calmer in myself and feel much more prepared for giving birth with the support of my husband. Nicola made us feel very relaxed in her warm and welcoming studio. The home baking was delicious too!

I would highly recommend this course.

Baby Massage September 2018

I have just completed the baby massage class with my daughter. This class was a great opportunity to spend some relaxing time bonding with my baby as well as learning the skills of baby massage. My daughter loves baby massage and enjoyed being massaged at home. There was also time at Nicola’s classes to speak to everyone else at the class as well as enjoy a cuppa and a delicious slice of homebaked cake at the end. This was really beneficial as you got to know others in the same position as you. Nicola was very welcoming and supportive throughout the classes and always took an interest in how our babies were and how the massage was going at home.

I would definitely recommend baby massage with Nicola.



Highly recommend this class. Nicola is fantastic and sets a lovely calm atmosphere for mum and baby, not to mention her amazing home baking! The massage technique gave me the confidence and my little girl likes it and seems to find it very relaxing. It's a lovely way to bond even more with your baby.

The handouts mean dad could learn too. Also met some wonderful like minded mums.


After I had my baby I was struggling with my confidence, I was scared to take my baby out in the car, I didn't want to get into the habit of staying in the house and refusing to go out. So, I looked for baby classes online and found this class. I made myself go to the class to build my confidence and to bond with my baby and to help him with his sore tummy. Not only do I feel so much better. Fynn really loves it. He doesn't have a bad tummy anymore and after his bath, massage and feed he is sleeping for 7/8 hours every night!! It was a great way to start a Monday morning and I will miss it(including the tea and cakes). If I could give this course more stars, I would. Thank you so much!

More about Nicola Wilson Hypnobirthing & Baby Classes

Nicola Wilson Hypnobirthing & Baby Classes is located at Kirkliston, EH29 9 Edinburgh, United Kingdom