Nourishing Insights Health Shop And Wellness Clinic Aberdeen

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 16:00
Friday: 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Nourishing Insights Health Shop And Wellness Clinic Aberdeen

Nourishing Insights stocks a wide variety of products including supplements, natural skincare, health foods and teas. In addition consultations are available for Nutritional Therapy with Beverley and Massage Therapy with Harriette.

Nourishing Insights Health Shop And Wellness Clinic Aberdeen Description

Nourishing Insights Health Shop and Wellness Centre is run by mother daughter team Harriette and Beverley. Their shop stocks a variety of evidence based supplements, organic skin care, health foods and teas.

Harriette is a Massage Therapist who has done additional training with award winning Mama Baby Bliss to allow her to offer a range of treatments during pregnancy. She’s a qualified Baby Massage Instructor and offers classes at Nourishing Insights in a group setting and one to one. Harriette also runs Baby Massage classes in Kintore on a Monday morning. In addition Harriette is also qualified to work with those living with cancer.

Beverley is a Registered Nutritional Therapist who offers consultations to help you get to the root of your health challenges. She has a specialist interest in autoimmunity, women’s health and cancer support. Beverley also offers a variety of testing including food intolerance and vitamin D.



On Guard is a powerful blend of essential oils to help keep unwanted seasonal threats at bay. Diffuse in your home to help cleanse the air and add a spicy and sweet aroma or apply a drop to the bottom of your little ones feet before school. - To learn more about how this oil works and how you can use essential oils to support your family come and join us for our “Back to School” workshop on the 28th of August at 6pm. Click below to book:…... /Back_to_School_with_No… - #nourishinginsights #workshops #greenliving #doterra #onguard #essentialoils #plantpower #aberdeen #seeninthedeen #aberdeenshire #backtoschool #autumnalvibes #immunesupport
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✨ Organic Soap Nuts ✨ - Look what’s just arrived! You guys have been loving these clever little nuts recently. Now available in 250g bags for those who want to see what all the fuss is about and 500g bags for those who love them and want to stock up. 💚 - Wondering what’s a soap nut? Soapberries, also called soapnuts, are actually a small fruit. They are the fruit of the Sapindus Mukorossi tree which is found naturally growing in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains.... - The skin of this fruit contains plant saponin, a totally natural gentle soap that has been used for centuries to clean skin and clothes. Saponin works as a surfactant, breaking the surface tension of the water and create a lather that lifts dirt and grease from skin, leaving it suspended in the water that is rinsed away. For laundry, this surfactant action penetrates the fibers of your clothing too, lifting stains from the fabric and washing them away with the water. - As these are 100% organic and fragrance free they are suitable for the whole family and those with sensitive skin. I like to add a few drops of DoTERRA Peppermint to mine to give a lovely scent to my washing. 💚 - #nourishinginsights #aberdeen #soapnuts #organic #plasticfree #seeninthedeen #greenliving #plantpower #smallchangesaddup
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Personally, I love walking about barefoot and it’s been great this summer to enjoy warm weekends in the garden feeling the grass between my toes. I also enjoy exercising with bare feet such as Nia Dance and Yoga. 👣
This research recently published in Frontiers in Paediatrics suggests that for growing children being barefoot has beneficial affects for their motor development and in particular balancing and jumping.
““Walking barefoot is widely thought to be more natural, and... the use of footwear has long been discussed as an influencing factor on foot health and movement pattern development,” explains Professor Astrid Zech from the University of Jena, Germany, who led the study.” “Physical education classes, exercise and sport programs, and reactional activities that aim to improve basic motor skills could benefit from including barefoot activities,” says Zech. “Parents could also encourage regular barefoot time at home.”
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Lots of you have been asking when the next DoTERRA essential oils workshop will be taking place. Well the answer is very soon!
Come and join us at 6pm on Tuesday 28th of August to discover how essential oils can be used to support the return to school and nursery for your little ones.
In this class we will cover:... How to support immunity and combat colds and flu Improving concentration in class How to reduce stress How to improve mood Avoiding head lice Improving sleep
At the end of this class you will get to Make-N-Take a roller bottle containing your choice of recipe. All oils and supplies will be provided.
Choose from: Immunity booster Homework helper Relaxation Roller Energy booster
Spaces are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at…/Ba ck_to_School_with_No…
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Have you tried seaweed?
It can be used as an addition to cooked meals, salads, soups and smoothies and is packed with nutrients, antioxidants, fibre and polysaccharides to support good gut health. You may be aware of good levels of iodine and tyrosine to support healthy thyroid function and many studies indicate benefits for good cholesterol and managing blood sugar.
We are delighted to stock the Cornish seaweed company’s organic, sustainably harvested seaweed and it’s abso...lutely delicious. If you buy this one there is a nice recipe on the back for a fish curry. You could of course swap the fish for a vegetarian version if you prefer but the combination of spices will guide you to a tasty and nutrient packed meal.
We added it to our own fish curry recipe last night and loved it. It really enhanced the flavour. Our own recipe below. You can also take a look at their website for further info and a recipe page too 👏💕 s/fish-curry#/
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'Our findings are consistent with the results of most randomized trials of long chain omega-3 fatty acid supplements in pregnancy and support the importance of ensuring adequate intake of these nutrients during pregnancy, either through fish intake or supplements, to help prevent early preterm birth.'
- Andrew Thorne-Lyman of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore


A wee look at some of our new additions including red lentil and pea pastas. Gluten free flours for baking, buckwheat crisp breads and lovely Cornish seaweed! 😍


Delivery day at nourishing insights!! A behind the scenes peek at what we get up to. A fun afternoon of scrubbing, cleaning and clearing the decks ready for our new products arriving and changing to window display to everything you need to get ready to go back to school :)


Sunday quiz answers...
We are still getting responses to our Sunday quiz regarding a lesser known berry in our garden. It is in fact known as a Worcesterberry. In look and taste they are a bit of a cross between a gooseberry and blackcurrant. What I love about them is that they are much sweeter than a gooseberry so for cooking require no sugar added. They also fill that blank between the raspberry and strawberry season in August and they certainly do well in the north of!
The question remains as to whether they are a natural cross or a distinct species.....
“Worcesterberries are a cross that is presumed to have occurred naturally between gooseberries and black currants. There are two such widely known crosses: this one, which ended up looking more like a gooseberry, and Jostaberries, which ended up more like a black currant. A few sources now speculate that Worcesterberries are not just a cross that occurred naturally, but are rather a distinct species.”
Whatever they are, they are delicious antioxidant rich beauties and so easy to grow your own. We planted ours 9 years ago and look forward to a lovely crop at the end of the summer. ☀️ s
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Beverley's not just our registered nutritional therapist, but our window cleaner too!! Who needs the gym?! ;) #buildingmusclemass #smallbusiness #smallbusinessaberdeen #seeninthedeen


Just made ourselves a nice pot of tulsi tea this morning 🌸
Tulsi or holy basil is a great example of an adaptogen herb. Adaptogen herbs are quite an amazing type of healing plant which help our stress response by modulating cortisol and normalizing our physiological function.
As a family we wouldn’t want to be without our adaptogens of one sort or another. Life is very busy for all of us and although we love what we do, we are still only human and need to protect ourselves f...rom the impact of stress which can sometimes sneak up on us all in the form of a headache or a cold, to changes in bowel function or feelings of anxiety.
Holy basil is something we recommend regularly in supplement form as well as the three Tulsi tea. Incidentally, did you know that Pukka is the only company who use therapeutic grade herbs in their teas? Which is why you may find you actually feel a difference using Pukka teas! 👍
The benefits of this particular herb are many from supporting stress to the immune system and a large meta analysis looking at the safety and efficacy concluded
“ the findings from 24 human studies published to date suggest that the tulsi is a safe herbal intervention that may assist in normalising glucose, blood pressure and lipid profiles, and dealing with psychological and immunological stress. Furthermore, these studies indicate the daily addition of tulsi to the diet and/or as adjunct to drug therapy can potentially assist in prevention or reduction of various health conditions and warrants further clinical evaluation.”
It’s amazing how introducing simple changes can benefit us in ways we didn’t know! If you find this tea a little strong with the tea bag in a cup ( my younger daughter loves it that way!) just make it in a pot as I do and it’s delightful!
Further info here.....🤔 /PMC5376420/ kkapedia/tulsi/
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Words to live by. 💕


Sunday quiz...
Does anyone know what these lovelies are? My Sunday afternoon project to harvest these gifts of nature. ❤️🦋


🌱 Brilliant Buckwheat 🌱 - Buckwheat is a brilliant way to top up on a range of nutrients including b vitamins, zinc, manganese, iron and magnesium. Often described as a grain it’s actually a seed and much closer in its make up to quinoa than grains like wheat, barley or rye. This means it’s naturally gluten free. In addition it is lower on the glycemic index and contains much more protein than many grains. This is especially useful if you’re vegetarian or vegan as it also con...tains the essential amino acids lysine and arginine which aren’t found in many other common cereals or whole grains so getting them from buckwheat ensures you’re getting the full range of proteins your body needs. - Buckwheat has also been found to help lower inflammation and unhealthy cholesterol levels. - More benefits of buckwheat can be found here: - Why not try our buckwheat pancakes?…/buc kwheat-pancake-recip… - #nutrionaltherapy #foodasmedicine #buckwheat #buckwheatflour #buckwheatnoodles #buckwheatpasta #buckwheatpancakes #seeninthedeen #aberdeen #aberdeenshop #aberdeenlife
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Doctors urged to prescribe arts in new £45m scheme....
“Doctors across the country are being supported to prescribe arts activities like drama, creative reading and group singing instead of anti-depressants, through a new multi-million-pound Government scheme.
The £4.5m fund will be divided between projects in 23 areas in England, with a particular focus on people who are at risk of social isolation, are impacted by health inequalities, or have complex needs. It will also aim... to support the sharing of learning between GP clinics and increase the capacity for doctors to connect with and evaluate services offered by voluntary and community providers.
The prescription of these activities, which could also include walking clubs or gardening, will aim both to improve patients’ quality of life and reduce demand on NHS services.”
I think this is a great idea snd is very much what I would encourage myself as part of lifestyle change to encourage health. What is doesn’t address is that there are many reasons for low mood and mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety and some of these are related to diet and issues around lack of specific nutrients which are required for neurotransmitter function etc. Then there are those people who have other conditions as yet undiagnosed. One of those which has implications for mood and energy is under active thyroid, an under diagnosed condition if ever there was one and many are being prescribed anti-depressants for their symptoms instead of being tested appropriately. Joining a choir may well be wonderful and health promoting on many levels but it’s not going to address the fact that some of these poor souls won’t have the energy to get to the choir in the first place. Equally, missing nutrients and poor absorption etc are always going to be there unless we address them and again are going to effect our energy and ability to follow through with social activities. In an ideal world, referral to Nutritional Therapists would be the way forward to steer people towards a more comprehensive analysis of underlying challenges which will be a more empowering and enabling force for health for all of us. Otherwise I’m delighted to see this as a step forward in the right direction.…/do ctors-supported-pres…
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What a gorgeous day again! ☀️ one of the many benefits of having your own business is being able to enjoy some warm sunshine between clients! Topping up the old vitamin D again. What a wonderful summer it has been ☀️💕 Should really get back to work 🤔 #latenightopening #aberdeen #summersun


🌸 Petal Diffusers back in stock 🌸 - Our lovely petal diffusers have been really popular and are now back in stock. Diffusing essential oils in your home is a great way to support our health. Citrus oils are known to be uplifting while lavender is calming. They can also be used to purify the air in your home with on guard being a particularly useful blend as we head into cough and cold season. - If you’re interesting in starting to use essential oils the intro kit is a great ...way to start with lavender, peppermint and lemon. Pop in and chat with us if you want to know more. - #nourishinginsights #nutrionaltherapy #aberdeenshire #aromatherapy #doterra #doterradiffuser #doterrapetaldiffuser #healthylifestyle #aberdeenshire #aberdeen #seeninthedeen
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And we’re back! Yayyyyy! What a privilege to have a job we love and live, a true vocation. Reflecting on our work a little on holiday, it struck me that for all the intense technical side to our work, detailed analysis and testing, one of the key elements in supporting health and beginning the healing process is love. That means listening, noticing, empathising, giving space for someone’s story and feelings, acknowledging them as individuals and respecting and valuing all factors which have impacted their health journey. It was lovely to come back this morning to a beautiful card from a lovely lady whose father we had the pleasure of working with, me for Nutritional support and Harriette for oncology massage. Sadly this lovely gentleman is no longer with us but we are thankful and privileged to have been able to support him. The kind words of thanks and encouragement from his daughter meant the world to us this morning as we came in to start our day, feeling refreshed from our hols. I totally believe the quote below and see its evidence all the time. It was wonderful to be on the receiving end this morning ourselves. Look forward to catching up with you all soon 💕☀️🦋
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The Thursday baby massage classes are now fully booked but there are still some spaces remaining for the Wednesday classes starting on the 1st August at 10am. The course costs £60 for 6 weeks and includes your notes and a bottle of oil.
Harriette is a highly qualified massage therapist and has been certified in baby massage for 3 years. She has recently completed training in 'the REFLUX method' with Aine Homer author of The Baby Reflux Lady. Each week we work on different p...arts of the body until you have mastered the full body routine. There is plenty of time to get settled at the beginning and refreshments at the end.
Harriette always tailors her classes to the families in them and can give advice on massage to support colic, constipation, reflux, teething, wind and more.
Book online by following the link below.
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William and I both loved the Baby Massage course with Harriette. He’s starting to sleep better and thoroughly enjoys his post bath massage every night. Harriette was always on hand to offer us advice on other topics after the session, which I found particularly useful when struggling with breastfeeding. She creates a lovely relaxing environment - very important when you have a room full of babies and sleep deprived Mummy’s! Thanks again...we’ll definitely be back for our Pukka Tea and nut butter � now staples in this house when the wee man is cluster feeding!


Professional and caring approach, in depth knowledge, many sought after skills in one clinic, as well as highest quality supplements


Nourishing insights is a lovely shop with a calm atmosphere and a herbal tea aroma. Harriet and Beverley are both extremely knowledgable. I left with lots of healthy goodies and am looking forward to starting my probiotic & healthy cereal by Primrose Kitchen.

I love the detox tea, the pure chocolate and look forward to trying the hair care products.


I sought Beverley's help for our 11 year old daughter, who has always suffered with a poor digestive system. After taking her advice for 3 months, we have seen a massive change and our daughter is much happier in general. I highly recommend Beverley to anyone who wants to improve their quality of life through better nutrition. She has a lovely manner with children too.


Highly Recommend Nourishing insights.

I have been consulting with Beverly and her lovely team. Her passion lies within the Autoimmuine conditions and helping people manage this holistically. I only started a month ago and am already seeing the benefits.

Beverly is very patient and a very good listener and has helped bring clarity to everything that is going on with my health. It is a great place to start if you are looking on nutritional advise to manage your life and any conditions whether diagnosed and undiagnosed.

The store is well stocked with great high quality supplements, superfoods, beauty products that are clean, lovely teas and some tasty healthy snacks. Grateful to have found them!


Highly Recommend Nourishing insights, great customer service and support. It is a good place to start if you are looking for nutritional advise to manage your life and help with various health issues & concerns.

The store has great high quality supplements, beauty products, lovely teas and some tasty treats.


Had a Truly Bumptious pregnancy massage today which was absolutely amazing! Highly recommended!!!


Great products, customer service and the best honey in Scotland!


Enjoyed very much meeting Beverley and visiting this amazing shop. Excellent health advice and support!


Beverly and her daughter are amazing! They are very knowledgeable and clearly do a lot of scientific research to ensure that they give the most up-to-date info to their customers. There is no hard sell, they just genuinely want to help people! Their guidance has improved my own health and helped me get my little boys severe reflux under control.


Another very positive meeting today. Full health review completed. Great wealth of very interesting knowledge shared, and an adundance of suggestions made.

Lots to take on board and move forward with! �

Have high hopes thanks to Beverley's care, attention to detail, and vast knowledge and passion. Looking forward to being the old me again!! �

Will be back in touch again soon. �x


William and I both loved the Baby Massage course with Harriette. He’s starting to sleep better and thoroughly enjoys his post bath massage every night. Harriette was always on hand to offer us advice on other topics after the session, which I found particularly useful when struggling with breastfeeding. She creates a lovely relaxing environment - very important when you have a room full of babies and sleep deprived Mummy’s! Thanks again...we’ll definitely be back for our Pukka Tea and nut butter � now staples in this house when the wee man is cluster feeding!


Professional and caring approach, in depth knowledge, many sought after skills in one clinic, as well as highest quality supplements


Nourishing insights is a lovely shop with a calm atmosphere and a herbal tea aroma. Harriet and Beverley are both extremely knowledgable. I left with lots of healthy goodies and am looking forward to starting my probiotic & healthy cereal by Primrose Kitchen.

I love the detox tea, the pure chocolate and look forward to trying the hair care products.


I sought Beverley's help for our 11 year old daughter, who has always suffered with a poor digestive system. After taking her advice for 3 months, we have seen a massive change and our daughter is much happier in general. I highly recommend Beverley to anyone who wants to improve their quality of life through better nutrition. She has a lovely manner with children too.


Highly Recommend Nourishing insights.

I have been consulting with Beverly and her lovely team. Her passion lies within the Autoimmuine conditions and helping people manage this holistically. I only started a month ago and am already seeing the benefits.

Beverly is very patient and a very good listener and has helped bring clarity to everything that is going on with my health. It is a great place to start if you are looking on nutritional advise to manage your life and any conditions whether diagnosed and undiagnosed.

The store is well stocked with great high quality supplements, superfoods, beauty products that are clean, lovely teas and some tasty healthy snacks. Grateful to have found them!


Highly Recommend Nourishing insights, great customer service and support. It is a good place to start if you are looking for nutritional advise to manage your life and help with various health issues & concerns.

The store has great high quality supplements, beauty products, lovely teas and some tasty treats.


Had a Truly Bumptious pregnancy massage today which was absolutely amazing! Highly recommended!!!


Great products, customer service and the best honey in Scotland!


Enjoyed very much meeting Beverley and visiting this amazing shop. Excellent health advice and support!


Beverly and her daughter are amazing! They are very knowledgeable and clearly do a lot of scientific research to ensure that they give the most up-to-date info to their customers. There is no hard sell, they just genuinely want to help people! Their guidance has improved my own health and helped me get my little boys severe reflux under control.


Another very positive meeting today. Full health review completed. Great wealth of very interesting knowledge shared, and an adundance of suggestions made.

Lots to take on board and move forward with! �

Have high hopes thanks to Beverley's care, attention to detail, and vast knowledge and passion. Looking forward to being the old me again!! �

Will be back in touch again soon. �x


William and I both loved the Baby Massage course with Harriette. He’s starting to sleep better and thoroughly enjoys his post bath massage every night. Harriette was always on hand to offer us advice on other topics after the session, which I found particularly useful when struggling with breastfeeding. She creates a lovely relaxing environment - very important when you have a room full of babies and sleep deprived Mummy’s! Thanks again...we’ll definitely be back for our Pukka Tea and nut butter � now staples in this house when the wee man is cluster feeding!


Professional and caring approach, in depth knowledge, many sought after skills in one clinic, as well as highest quality supplements


Nourishing insights is a lovely shop with a calm atmosphere and a herbal tea aroma. Harriet and Beverley are both extremely knowledgable. I left with lots of healthy goodies and am looking forward to starting my probiotic & healthy cereal by Primrose Kitchen.

I love the detox tea, the pure chocolate and look forward to trying the hair care products.


I sought Beverley's help for our 11 year old daughter, who has always suffered with a poor digestive system. After taking her advice for 3 months, we have seen a massive change and our daughter is much happier in general. I highly recommend Beverley to anyone who wants to improve their quality of life through better nutrition. She has a lovely manner with children too.


Highly Recommend Nourishing insights.

I have been consulting with Beverly and her lovely team. Her passion lies within the Autoimmuine conditions and helping people manage this holistically. I only started a month ago and am already seeing the benefits.

Beverly is very patient and a very good listener and has helped bring clarity to everything that is going on with my health. It is a great place to start if you are looking on nutritional advise to manage your life and any conditions whether diagnosed and undiagnosed.

The store is well stocked with great high quality supplements, superfoods, beauty products that are clean, lovely teas and some tasty healthy snacks. Grateful to have found them!


Highly Recommend Nourishing insights, great customer service and support. It is a good place to start if you are looking for nutritional advise to manage your life and help with various health issues & concerns.

The store has great high quality supplements, beauty products, lovely teas and some tasty treats.


Had a Truly Bumptious pregnancy massage today which was absolutely amazing! Highly recommended!!!


Great products, customer service and the best honey in Scotland!


Enjoyed very much meeting Beverley and visiting this amazing shop. Excellent health advice and support!


Beverly and her daughter are amazing! They are very knowledgeable and clearly do a lot of scientific research to ensure that they give the most up-to-date info to their customers. There is no hard sell, they just genuinely want to help people! Their guidance has improved my own health and helped me get my little boys severe reflux under control.


Another very positive meeting today. Full health review completed. Great wealth of very interesting knowledge shared, and an adundance of suggestions made.

Lots to take on board and move forward with! �

Have high hopes thanks to Beverley's care, attention to detail, and vast knowledge and passion. Looking forward to being the old me again!! �

Will be back in touch again soon. �x

More about Nourishing Insights Health Shop And Wellness Clinic Aberdeen

Nourishing Insights Health Shop And Wellness Clinic Aberdeen is located at 44 St Andrew Street, AB25 1JA Aberdeen
Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 16:00
Friday: 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -