
About Nymphs

NYMPHS is Newnham College, Cambridge's recently founded Classics Society. Membership to NYMPHS is currently open to all Newnhamites with an interest in the Classical World.

Nymphs Description

Newnham's Classics Society holds social and academic events all year throughout the Cambridge terms. Membership is free and open to all Newnhamites with an interest in the Classical world, and for some events, invitations are expanded to Classicists from other colleges, as well as an academics guest list.

Committee 2017 /18:

President - Tasha Miles
Secretary – Mahnoor Javed
Treasurers – Catherine Bar, Helena Tunks
Event coordinators – Lucy Emanuel, Eve Staheli
Creative sec – Katie Phillips
Social media officers – Ricarda Meisl, Anya Morrice, Hanneke Reijnierse-Salisbury