Oban Toy Cupboard

Monday: 13:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 13:30 - 15:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 10:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Oban Toy Cupboard

Oban Toy Cupboard is a registered Scottish charity (SCO 19837) and operates as a toy lending library.

Oban Toy Cupboard Description

The Toy Cupboard has three weekly sessions at Glencruitten Church Centre, Glencruitten Road. Our Gaelic session on Tuesday 1. 30-3. 00pm in the Undercroft (term time only), our Wednesday session 10-12am in the Undercroft (term time only) and on Fridays all year round in the Main Hall from 10am until 12 noon. Membership is £5. 00 per 6 month for families and child minders which includes one week free toy hire value at 75p and £15 for groups per year. £1 registration plus 50p for each additional child is now charged to assist with running costs. Tea, coffee, juice and snacks available - small donation for supplies to be put in tub on tea table.

Toy Cupboard is run by a volunteer Committee who employ Jessica as Manager /Playworker, Cynthia as Librarian and Catherine as Friday Assistant. To enable the Toy Cupboard to continue to function it is important that members participate in the continuing success by attending Annual General Meeting and joining /supporting the Committee.



The International Play Association have produced a helpful booklet for parents of tips on playing through the crisis.
How is everyone doing at home? Please reach out if we can help in any way! Remember we are all in this together, and we are all more than enough for our littles💛
http://ipaworld.org/…/for-parents-and-c arers-play-in-crisis/


Elastic band painting! 🌈
Great to get those little fingers working! So much play doubles as a pre writing activity. This is a super creative and sensory activity that helps to build up strength in tiny fingers, needed to hold a pencil and begin making marks!
... All you need is a deep tray, paper, paint and elastic bands! It's never too early to get creative, if your worried about your baby or toddler eating the paint, you can make some edible paints using plain yogurt and food colouring!
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Fancy a spot of easter baking with your littles?
Pre measuring your ingredients means they can take the lead. For a toddler or bigger, they can be a part of the measuring our process too! This 'School Cake' was made almost entirely by my 2yo and she is so delighted! Ingredients were measured by my 4yo, a lot of maths happens in the kitchen so it's a great place for preschoolers to start!
... 1&3/4 cups flour Teaspoon baking powder 1 cup sugar 1 cup butter 3 eggs
For the icing: 1 cup icing sugar, 2 tbsp milk, top with sprinkles!
This keeps really well in the fridge for up to 5 days! Are you baking anything over Easter with your littles?
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All set up for a garden obstacle course! Are you indoors or outdoors? We brought ours outside since the rain has stayed in bed this morning🌞 Our route- Walk the plank, over the climbing frame, through the tunnel, round the tree, in and out of the cones, throw a block in the basket and DONE! We can't wait to see what you come up with!


don't forget BBC Alba children's programmes xxx will be watching xxx Cynthia xxx


We challenge you! Join us here on Friday at 10am for an at-home Obstacle course!
We'll post just before 10 on Friday, we'd love if you could photograph or video yours to share in the comments of Friday's post, and we can all share with our little ones what their friends are up to!
... We'll share some ideas below for ways to make an obstacle course!
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We've put together a short list of fun, at-home, play based resources to help keep you entertained!
www.thoughtco.com - For amazing at home science with everyday kitchen supplies! 'magic' as it's called in our house!
Cosmic Kids Yoga- You Tube- lots of wonderful themes including Frozen, Moana, We're going on a Bear Hunt...
... The Wiggles- YouTube concert videos, loads of fun to dance along to, find their albums also on Spotify and Netflix
The Ballet Coach - Live Mon/Wed/Fri, she also has some fantastic 5 minute videos that follow a little story
Drama Tots UK- Live every day on FB at 10.30am also following a simple theme, really nice to follow on from with play through the day. Remember LIVE's are saved on all Facebook page's shortly after the live stream ends!
Play Hooray! - Live every day at 10am on Facebook, Instagram and then added later to YouTube. Aimed at 1-5 year olds
Wild Wattle Folk- Find on Instagram or search for her website, beautiful mindful nature based craft tutorials
Yoga with Adrienne - Great for us parents to grab 20 minutes for some relaxing excersise, she also does 'Family' and 'Kids' videos, and a whole range to help with a particular issue!
www.jimfield.me - The illustrator of 'Oi! Frog' and other books is posting daily videos on his website and Instagram to 'learn to draw' great for preschool age and up, sitting next to your little one and following the activity too will help to encourage them to follow along and give things a go- this applies to all play!
Handmade by Herbies Mum- Daily free printable colouring sheets via her Facebook Page
West Suffolk College- Animal Live Feeds! Today(Wednesday) at 11am, then visit their Facebook page for more details!
Have you come across any other fun resources and ideas? We'd love to hear what you and your little ones are up to!
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A great activity for a little one who's becoming curious! This was Felt and wooden play food wrapped in tinfoil. Why not wrap some dinosaurs or little animals, or for an older child, pieces of a puzzle and hide them around the house as a little treasure hunt? Happy playing!


Happy Monday guys! First day of schooling at home for those of you with older kids, how was your day? Sorry it's a bit late in the day! We'll post every weekday with a Play idea for you and your little ones, this will include: MESSY MONDAYS & SCIENCE ON SATURDAYS! Sundays will be left free, we reckon that's a good day for popcorn and a movie😉 If there's any specific topics you'd like to see covered we'd love to hear about them! ... Here's today's Messy Monday idea! You'll need: Shaving foam Food colouring Something to stir A tray Paper This make fantastic abstract art, or is just great fun out in the garden, or for a bit of messy play indoors! Remember the food colouring may stain, so do this somewhere with wipeable surfaces and don't wear special clothes!
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Science on Saturdays!
This wonderful experiment is great for kids from toddler age right up through school! You will need: -A tray with compartments -Food colouring or different coloured spices... -Bicarbonate of soda -Vinegar
Pop a few drops of food colouring or spices into each compartment of your tray(the red/orange here is paprika, the other colours are food dye) and cover over with bicarbonate of soda so only the bicarbonate can be seen. Give your little a container with vinegar, for little hands a small jug or old baby bottle, for slightly bigger hands a dropper, calpol syringe or squeezy bottle would be great! Let them pour some vinegar into each slot and watch it fizz up and reveal the colours!
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Pipe cleaners in a collander! Guaranteed to buy you 10 minutes for a coffee. A great little posting activity for tiny hands to concentrate on encouraging finger strength and fine motor skills!


Two super simple activity ideas to help keep your littles entertained at home, one for a younger baby and one for a toddler! What are you all playing with today?


Due to the current circumstances, we have made the decision to cancel all sessions and our toy lending service until further notice. We hugely appreciate everyone's ongoing support in keeping Toy Cupboard running. Keep washing those hands and connecting with other families online, we look forward to opening our doors again soon! In the meantime we hope to continue to provide support and play resources via our Facebook page. Please reach out if you feel in need of extra ideas, support or just a chat!
We'll be sharing a simple play activity each day at 10am using everyday items that you can try at home. To get you started here's an easy DIY playdough recipe you can make at home with your little ones!


Toy Cupboard will be open for play and Gaelic as usual on Monday 10 February 1 - 3 Main Hall, Glencruitten Church Centre, Oban and Tuesday 11 February 1.30 - 3 pm in Church Centre downstairs Undercroft...looking forward to seeing you. (and of course the famous Friday session this Friday 7 February and following Friday 14 February Main Hall.)


There is a severe weather warning until midnight therefore it would be wise to cancel Toy Cupboard session this afternoon. Tomorrows Tuesday session 1.30 until 3 pm looking forward to seeing you if you can manage then. Annie - Chairperson and Cynthia Toy Librarian.


Nollaig Chridheil agus bliadhna math ur! Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Tapadh leibh a-huile duine agus tioraidh! Thank you everyone and bye bye! Xxx

More about Oban Toy Cupboard

Oban Toy Cupboard is located at Church of Scotland Centre, Glencruitten Road, PA34 4DN Oban
Monday: 13:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 13:30 - 15:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 10:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -