Orchardton Castle

About Orchardton Castle

Orchardton Castle now open for home stay.
Now available for events and filming. Take the whole place for your wedding or mock wedding / complete day £2500. You can bring in everything yourself. Contact for details



Some decorating this Summer. I will start to put some of the new photos online soon with video of different areas. Plan at present is to turn it into a business that can sustain itself and make a good profit. So, this way someone will win not only a family home, but also a good business. This is an option, rather than apartments. However, that idea is still alive until we restart the competition and maybe people would want to win an apartment here, rather than the whole place? If the competition goes live with a sponsor, it wont be until the new year.


I have received many emails today re Orchardton, I had hoped to post yesterday about what was happening and whether the competition will rerun. I don't have the answer yet. There is much going on here at present and the answer is definitely getting nearer. There seems to be something of a movement to retire here and change it into apartments. I suspect this could be done without losing the size and features inside or affecting the outside, but obviously not easily gone back ...on once the changes are made. The wedding venue idea is still very high, and if we re-run the competition, it is likely that we would also start the business here and pass that on with it. So the competition is still a possibility. I just have to be sure that either there will be enough entries or a sponsor will cover the competition. Thanks for continuing to follow this, there is also the possibility of a film featuring the competitions and Orchardton Castle. More to be revealed soon.
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I have been asked recently about the right to roam policy in Scotland. It does not include private gardens. You are able to walk through fields without special paths but not in someone's private garden, no matter how large! This is great for riding, walking etc as you can go anywhere there is a field to cut through. Just remember to close gates and if walking through a crop field stick to the outside.
... The Access Code says:
Scottish Right to Roam. Access rights do not extend to houses and gardens. In some cases, the extent of a garden might be difficult to judge. Things to look out for in judging whether an area of land close to a house is a garden or not include:
A clear boundary, such as a wall, fence, hedge or constructed bank, or a natural boundary like a river, stream or loch A lawn or other area of short mown grass Flowerbeds and tended shrubs, paving and water features Sheds, glasshouses and summer houses Vegetable and fruit gardens (often walled but sometimes well away from houses). Some larger houses are surrounded by quite large areas of land referred to as the "policies" of the house. Parts of the policies may be intensively managed for the domestic enjoyment of the house and these will include some of the features listed above. Access rights do not extend to these intensively managed areas. The wider, less intensively managed parts of the policies, such as grassland and woodlands, whether enclosed or not, would not be classed as a garden and so access rights can be exercised.
Use a path or track, if there is one, when you are close to a house and keep a sensible distance away if there is no path or track. Take care not to act in ways that might annoy or alarm people living there. At night take extra care by following paths and tracks and if there are no paths or tracks keep well away from buildings.
Hope this helps. In England we have to rely on bridle paths and rights of way to get places but here you are able to explore without worrying if you are in a private field.
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Hope everyone is staying cool wherever you are. We are very here. Please watch out for pets in the hot weather, especially please don't give ice to an overheated dog to cool them down as it has the opposite affect and can be really dangerous. Their body may heat up further as a result. Normally you can give them some ice, just not when overheated. I heard about this recently and wanted to share. I know many of the competition entrants are animal lovers. I intend to be doing a live Facebook event at the end of August with news about Orchardton Castle.


It was fantastic to meet the winner of the competition this weekend and her lovely family plus their beautiful canine.


Looking forward to welcoming new friends at the castle this week. Weather is not too hot, lovely breeze.


If you want to contact me about Orchardton please text me or use whatsapp +44 7825 767670 Thanks. You can also call me on the home phone +44 1556 640004 but no texts on that one. Thanks again.


Weather is a bit cooler now, and finally we had a bit of rain yesterday for 20 mints! The grass is grateful. Peahen and babies have not been seen for a while. Hopefully they are well.


Finally get to spend a few days with my mother down south. Looking forward to meeting the winner of the competition at the end of the month. We have baby peacocks running around now. Let's hope they stay safe.


Upper Nithsdale Riding for the disabled. Great to meet a couple of the helpers and Rosie the horse.


Thank you for the visit today. Upper Nithsdale Riding for the disabled. Met so many lovely people today.


If you are interested in staying here, or an event or wedding, do let me know. Also, if you have an interest in buying or interest in investing, please re-contact me on WhatsApp +44 7825 767670 hope all is well. Or email susanda at email dot com. Sorry it doesn't like my email, hence written out. Not Gmail, email.


The weather has been so hot, it has knocked me out. So much to do and yet the time has just flown by. Was hoping to have a clear picture of what was happening by the end of June but still looking into things. If you are waiting to hear from me about something, do feel free to email me again. At least we have the sea breeze here to stop it being too hot. Though 28 is a bit too hot form me. We have a suntrap back garden, moving into the bigger garden is a bit cooler but the trees and plants in the smaller garden are so lovely to be close too. If you entered the competition and would like to/be able to visit the castle, let me know. Perhaps we cold have an open day, picnic or such or run the competition for weekend away.


https://www.express.co.uk/…/yulin-dog-f estival-2018-yulin-s…
The above link is not for the faint of heart. The story ran in the Express so you may have seen it. If you still dont know how bad Yulin is, please take a look but be warned the photos are graphic,
The next 10 days is a terrible time for many dogs and cats in China. Over 1000 a day may die. Some of the money from this competition plus whatever i can get together myself will be going over to help where it can.I had h...oped the target would be reached and that over a quarter of a million would be going to yulin but we all know that didnt happen. Still, publicity is equally important, sharing the info. There are many Chinese fighting to stop this happening each year, but it brings money in and the government does nothing to stop it.
I hope you will all join me in some way and I thank you in advance for helping in any way you can.
Message to my captor
I used to have a loving boy, who held me and life was like a song But then I was taken from him, and now my life is wrong.
I don't understand why i am here , or why you have brought me so far. I was just waiting in my garden for him, when you locked me in your car.
if i don't return soon, his sadness will never heal, The sounds of screams are round me now and nothing here seems real. Even more, I try to speak, I try to bark, or even shake a paw. I am so squished against the cage, a cut upon my paw.
I sense from those around me that your smile only brings fear, I see the blood and hear the sounds and know i will die here. I wish i could tell you, how I really feel if i could use voice and words would it make my plight more real?
A message to my loving boy, wherever you may be, Remember how i loved you, I know how you loved me.
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what a truly beautiful castle!! this is a great way to raise funds. my mom, big puppy Ots, and I would really love to win it. my mom and I are both disabled and Ots has been closer than most of our family. winning this castle might even bring our family back together, which would be a dream come true. love, praise, blessings, hugs, kisses, and all the best to you with everything.


What a beautiful home ....my grandmother used to live in that beautiful part of the world many years ago...I always loved going there on holiday when I was a child and have for years longed to return...fingers crossed �...if you’re not in, you can’t win...Please buy a ticket and help support. Thnank you


The opportunity for the dream of moving to Scotland has been so amazing. My daughters, my husband and I have searched the internet for all the details we can about life over there.. while we sure hope we win.. I am grateful that I was able to contribute towards a great cause and in turn received many months of the best kinds of daydreams..

An event center would be our dream...

Blessings to everyone!! I know that the best outcome for all concerned will happen!


Like a childhood dream� I would turn the castle into a hotel and have a sanctuary farm for the guests to "meet and greet" the animals.


what a truly beautiful castle!! this is a great way to raise funds. my mom, big puppy Ots, and I would really love to win it. my mom and I are both disabled and Ots has been closer than most of our family. winning this castle might even bring our family back together, which would be a dream come true. love, praise, blessings, hugs, kisses, and all the best to you with everything.


What a beautiful home ....my grandmother used to live in that beautiful part of the world many years ago...I always loved going there on holiday when I was a child and have for years longed to return...fingers crossed �...if you’re not in, you can’t win...Please buy a ticket and help support. Thnank you


The opportunity for the dream of moving to Scotland has been so amazing. My daughters, my husband and I have searched the internet for all the details we can about life over there.. while we sure hope we win.. I am grateful that I was able to contribute towards a great cause and in turn received many months of the best kinds of daydreams..

An event center would be our dream...

Blessings to everyone!! I know that the best outcome for all concerned will happen!


Like a childhood dream� I would turn the castle into a hotel and have a sanctuary farm for the guests to "meet and greet" the animals.

More about Orchardton Castle

Orchardton Castle is located at orchardton castle, DG7 1QL Auchencairn, Dumfries And Galloway, United Kingdom