Out Of View

About Out Of View

Currently working with a selection of musicians 'around the globe' under the guise 'Out of View'.

Out Of View Description

Started this 'band' project with a song idea and melody that had been rattling around in my head since the early days when I was a Drummer in various local bands in and around Edinburgh.
I am Influenced by many genres inc world, rock, celtic folk, melodic rock, ambient and film scores.

After a long absence from playing I got back into it after buying a Roland TD15KV kit which allowed me to record ideas on the mac and using Garageband I started putting the song together and gradually with the help and input of various collaborators some of whom are friends the song is finally taking shape.

We work together via internet collaborating and sharing ideas and I have called this remote, invisible band 'Out of View'. . . seemed apt.

More about Out Of View
