Palmerston Place Church, Edinburgh

About Palmerston Place Church, Edinburgh

Edinburgh church with a Bible-based ministry and mission seeking to help grow the kingdom of God in our locality and beyond.


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Reminder about fundraising concert for Love Oliver on Tuesday evening in the church... posts/2036274723083646/


We have several different shows appearing at PPC in the 2018 Festival Fringe.
More info on our website and the official Festival Fringe site.
Come along, invite friends, share links, and enjoy this year’s performances!
... l-fringe-at-ppc/
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A unique and special Sunday morning at Palmerston Place as Iain and Celeste Majcher’s beautiful triplets - William, Richard and Lily - were baptised by their grandfather, Rev Philip Majcher, who is Minister at Crown Court Church in London.
It was lovely to catch-up with the enlarged Majcher family and assure them of our continuing prayers for them all.

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Our own Margaret Gill informed and updated us on the wonderful work of LoveOliver, which helps to fund research into childhood cancer and provide practical support to families in Scotland affected by it, in memory of baby Oliver Gill.
There is a fundraising concert in the church on Tuesday 31st July.


They’re back! 😃
We are pleased to have our Minister, Colin, leading Sunday’s morning service at 11am. Both he and Ruth have returned from a happy summer holiday.
To quote Ruth, “We have had a wonderful 3 weeks of much-needed holiday, full of friendship, fellowship, fun and relaxation....for which we are very thankful.”
... Remember that we are always pleased to welcome any summer Edinburgh visitors to any of our Sunday morning services and Festival Fringe events.
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Having re-advertised for a Ministerial Assistant (Children’s and Families) alongside a replacement for Jack we are delighted to be able to let you know that we will have two new Ministerial Assistants joining us at the end of August.
At interview we discovered that both ladies had strengths which would suit both posts so they will each be responsible for an aspect of our work with the children and young people on a Sunday morning and they will each spend half a day per week ...working for Workplace Chaplaincy Scotland.
We look forward to meeting and working with Audrey Cisco and Dawn Westwood soon.
Both Audrey and Dawn have been involved in Sunday School work and other church based activities involving young people.
Please do look out for them and make them feel welcome. 👍🏻😀
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We return to our church sanctuary this Sunday for our morning service at 11am and evening service at 6:30pm. All welcome!

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Jonny Clipston led us through an all-age service of worship in the Walpole Hall today. Much fun and learning was had as we considered Peter and John’s encounter with a lame man at the old Temple gate, Beautiful. We are all now familiar with the story through words, actions and emojis! Acts 3:1-10
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We have enjoyed our time on Sunday mornings in the Walpole Hall over the last few months and want to express huge thanks to our friends of St Mary’s f...or allowing us to use the space.
We return to our own sanctuary next Sunday (24th) when one of our Elders and recently accepted candidate for the Ministry, Douglas Reid, will lead us in worship.
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We meet in the Walpole Hall this Sunday morning at 11am for worship and Room 1 of Annan House for our evening service at 6:30pm.


The painting of our Sanctuary is not quite finished and we are unable to use the Walpole Hall this Sunday. There is, instead, a joint service with our church neighbours at 10:30am in St Mary’s Cathedral or join others in your local church.
Our evening service is at 6:30pm in the ground floor room 1 of Annan House.


We are delighted to learn of the safe arrival of the three babies to the Majcher family this past week. Much to celebrate and give thanks to God for!


We are delighted that two of our Elders - Douglas and Jack - have recently been accepted as candidates for the Ministry of Word and Sacrament and will begin their theological studies and training in September.
We were also delighted to welcome the Right Reverend Susan Brown and her husband to our morning service in the Walpole Hall and assure them both of our prayers in their busy year ahead. We are pleased to have the official residence of the Moderator in our Parish.
Susa...n extended the right hand of fellowship to Douglas and Jack as we all congratulated and sought to pray for them in their forthcoming years of study and training.
Fraser and Fiona Edwards were also with us this morning - Fraser has been serving his student attachment with the congregation of Carrick Knowe and is soon to move onto a prison ministry placement.
We continue to remember and pray for Jonny Clipston in his training along with Allan Morton and Tim Sinclair in their new charges of ministry. So many called to the ministry in recent years from Palmerston Place. Today was also our Church Anniversary of the Church opening in 1875!
“Therefore, those who had been scattered went about preaching the word.” Acts 8: 4
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Very enjoyable and relevant service. Warmly welcomed on entrance and then again welcomed from the front by the minister. Lovely to see so many young people too!


A unique and special Sunday morning at Palmerston Place as Iain and Celeste Majcher’s beautiful triplets - William, Richard and Lily - were baptised by their grandfather, Rev Philip Majcher, who is Minister at Crown Court Church in London.
It was lovely to catch-up with the enlarged Majcher family and assure them of our continuing prayers for them all.


Very enjoyable and relevant service. Warmly welcomed on entrance and then again welcomed from the front by the minister. Lovely to see so many young people too!


A unique and special Sunday morning at Palmerston Place as Iain and Celeste Majcher’s beautiful triplets - William, Richard and Lily - were baptised by their grandfather, Rev Philip Majcher, who is Minister at Crown Court Church in London.
It was lovely to catch-up with the enlarged Majcher family and assure them of our continuing prayers for them all.


Very enjoyable and relevant service. Warmly welcomed on entrance and then again welcomed from the front by the minister. Lovely to see so many young people too!


A unique and special Sunday morning at Palmerston Place as Iain and Celeste Majcher’s beautiful triplets - William, Richard and Lily - were baptised by their grandfather, Rev Philip Majcher, who is Minister at Crown Court Church in London.
It was lovely to catch-up with the enlarged Majcher family and assure them of our continuing prayers for them all.


Very enjoyable and relevant service. Warmly welcomed on entrance and then again welcomed from the front by the minister. Lovely to see so many young people too!

More about Palmerston Place Church, Edinburgh

Palmerston Place Church, Edinburgh is located at 10 Palmerston Place, EH12 5AA Edinburgh, United Kingdom