Parish Of Saint Conval, Linwood

About Parish Of Saint Conval, Linwood

The Facebook page for the Parish of Saint Conval, Linwood, Renfrewshire.

Parish Of Saint Conval, Linwood Description

Faith always includes as an essential element the fact that it is shared with others. No one can believe alone. We receive the faith – as Saint Paul tells us – through hearing, and hearing is part of being together, in spirit and in body. Only within this great assembly of believers of all times, who found Christ and were found by him, am I able to believe. In the first place I have God to thank for the fact that I can believe, for God approaches me and so to speak “ignites” my faith. But on a practical level, I have my fellow human beings to thank for my faith, those who believed before me and who believe with me. This great “with”, apart from which there can be no personal faith, is the Church
Extract HOMILY OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI Saturday, 24 September 2011

More about Parish Of Saint Conval, Linwood

Parish Of Saint Conval, Linwood is located at Greenfarm Road, Linwood, Renfrewshire, PA3 3HB Paisley, Renfrewshire