Patrick Mcvey Core Fitness Athletic Training Programme At The Shed

About Patrick Mcvey Core Fitness Athletic Training Programme At The Shed

The UK's one and only NIGHTCLUB BOOTCAMP!

Patrick Mcvey Core Fitness Athletic Training Programme At The Shed Description

Fun, hard exercise in a unique and atmospheric nightclub environment!
Since the start of 2012 we have been running a new and unique fitness bootcamp in the SHED nightlclub. The bootcamp runs for either 12 or 16 consecutive weeks, with various sessions available every night during the week as well as Saturday and Sunday mornings. We also run a day bootcamp (10am) and offer a childcare facility ( available at day classes only) It entails intense exercise sessions incorporating weight training, core work, mobility work and body weight exercises. There is also an onsite physiotherapy service included in the cost. If you are interested in getting involved contact Patrick via this page or email: or PHONE 07834839559 for more details. The cost of each bootcamp for the full 12 or 16 weeks varies from Β£215 to Β£340 depending on the duration of the block and number of sessions.



A couple of First places at the CSAAL League running for Giffnock North in the 100m today for us coaches haha.. @emma_yogathletics ran the 100m and was very quick considering a 5m/s headwind! I I wasnt overly happy with my time but conditions were again not great, a sleepless night and a bit of a stomach bug meant it was one of those ones where I knew it was going to a struggle... but still buzzing as defo have a quick time in there somewhere especially over 200. James and Kathleen also came to watch- quite surreal seeing him there haha.


Sunday morning πŸ₯‡πŸ’ͺ


Saturday morning drils.....


6.30am Choca block. Only snap I got haha. Great turnout again for a Fri morning πŸ’ͺπŸ₯‡




The Rutherglen gym has only been open since January. Since that point, several people have started on a long journey.... Steven is one of those stand outs of the year so far.... Really excited to see where he will be by December. He is so focused and determined ... and his progress so far is there for all to see! What a man!


Saturday morning client food diaries , needs must ! I reckon one thing folk struggle with is prioritising substantial enough meals which leaves them hungry and craving sugar and chocolate etc. I think its quite easy when trying to be "healthy" to have small meals/ portions, generally low in protein and or fats or carbs, and generally meal intake doesnt take up that much in terms of "calorie intake". But as a result the person craves as they aren't satisfied . And as a result ...make up the rest of their intake in 5 minutes with chocolate and sweets. This also gives the illusion to the individual that they dont eat that much because their meals are small and you sit down to eat so quite time comsuming. But then it's easy to eat lots of "junk" food in 5 mins that is the equivalent intake or greater than the meals throughout the entire day. tip: have more substantial meals, especially if you think you struggle with cravings and have no "willpower" You do have willpower, youre probably just hungry which will overpower any will power in favour of lots of choco. Obviously a wee bit of junk is fine but your body will need to find energy from somewhere, and you skimp on meals trying to "be good" you will defo end up grabbing junk etc and the problem is it is VERY easy to over do it.Its kinda hard to over eat on nutritious food, but chocolate, give me 60 seconds and 2 meals worth of food can be demolished.
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A long day has come to an end... 4 classes, 155 people and it all wouldnt be possible without the awesome coaches. 2 weeks down at The Shed and it's going great so far. New starts are taking it all in their stride πŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺπŸ₯‡


6.30am class was literally full this morning ! Bang on 40 πŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺπŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺ Lots of core and band work... weights introduced next week ...πŸ’ͺ


How to help reverse/ improve (type 2) diabetes in simple steps..... Walk.
I think it can be easy to over complicate everything related to health. Diabetes is a massive health concern in Scotland. I'm willing to put a wager that anyone with type 2 diabetes or pre diaebtes would be be able to significantly improve it or normlise their levels by deciding to simply commit to walking an additional 5-10 miles per day.
Im not saying this is the "cure" as of course diet and lifes...tyle plays a massive role. But my point is this simple addition will go a long way to combating it.
This should be a "prescription" Doctors should be allowed to give out.
Sometimes we put barriers in place by thinking we need to eat a certain way or do a specific type of training, or need to join a gym to help ourselves- which is why a lot of people maybe never take the first step on the road to better health as it can seem overwhelming.
But if you want to eradicate a huge amount of health issues such as Diabetes, ( and the numerous health issues connected to Diabetes) decide to literally just walk much more daily. Not even "power walking" is necessary. It will make no difference if you walk the extra miles in 1 hour or 5 long as you get the miles in. Commit to it for 8 weeks and if after 8 weeks you see zero improvements in your health, let me know.
Even if it doesnt "fix " it, it certainly cant do any harm! So there is nothing to lose by trying it.
8 weeks, extra 5miles per day on top of what you currently walk.(ideally eventually 5 would be the minimum but good first target) I understand if you hardly walk at all, 5 miles seems like a hell of a lot. And you might be tight on time with work etc. So by all means start smaller. But also bear in mind its your health after all, and therefore should be prioritised above anything really.
Find a way.
Take the first step...#betterhealth #diabetes
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The guys in Rutherglen are flying πŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺ


Monday night at The Shed πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ


Sunday Morning drills πŸ₯‡


Back on track... bend runs 🀣πŸ’ͺ #week1


Hill running in Queens Park... BIG turnout!!!πŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺ


Rutherglen bouncin 😁πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ‘Œ


Week 1 is underway at the Shed! Llloads of hip mobility, foam roll work and more πŸ‘Œ Brilliant start...crazy busy 24 hours.


The Shed 16 week programme commences tonight.... got some new toys .... πŸ’ͺ #mobility


The Shed 16 week programme starts back tomorrow night!! This will be Kilmarnock Road about 5.30pm lol.


Would recommend to anyone. Totally accessible training no matter what level you start at. Have noticed a huge difference in my health, posture and strength and that's only after one bootcamp. Will be back for more!


Without doubt the most addictive bootcamp/ group exercise I have ever tried. In August I will be starting my fourth with goals that would have seemed impossible a year ago. A great group of people and refreshingly honest and knowledgeable trainers who, rather than promise you a celeb body within weeks, help you set realistic goals and achieve them. Information and support is given on every aspect of your training and nutrition. You have to be willing to listen and work hard but if you do you will, without doubt, see huge changes in your body shape and your strength! Couldn't recommend this bootcamp highly it!!


The only excercise I have ever enjoyed doing in my life!Pat and his team are amazing.I love bootcamp for so many reasons but one of the main things I tell people when I talk about it is the buzz and the atmosphere.I would definitely recommend it to anyone..I was nervous at first having not excercised in years but it really is for everyone! οΏ½οΏ½x


THEE best thing I have ever done! I have just completed my 4th bootcamp block and since day one I have loved every minute!! I was pretty nervous about starting as I knew nobody and was a cardio/treadmill slave with zero experience of weights. Turns out you could not meet a bunch of friendlier and more supportive trainers and bootcampers! I cannot say enough good things about Patrick and all the other trainers and bootcamp in general!! Thee best thing around! Go for it!


Recently completed the new Rutherglen bootcamp for 8 weeks and it's been great. I've always struggled motivating myself with fitness, I've always thought I knew what I was doing but in reality I was focusing on the wrong things just wasting my own time and money. Patrick and team are very knowledgable and know what they are doing and my general fitness has improved even from just 8 weeks. This course mixes personal training in a group environment and I could not recommend it enough! Will return at some point in the future!


One of the best decisions I've ever made. Was a bit wary with being 50 about how I'd cope but I can honestly say the only person you are up against is yourself and I felt part of things right away! Big thanks to Pat and all the trainers X


Just wanted to say thank you to Patrick & all the the trainers for an amazing 12 weeks.I have never experienced or enjoyed doing something like this ever before.Such a great group of people as well.The encouragement from everyone is just amazing.Also as a newbie it can be quite nerve wracking starting something like this on your own but from day 1 I was made to feel welcome.I absolutely love it & can't imagine going back to my old ways of exercising


Just finished my first Shed Bootcamp and I can't recommend it highly enough. I was a bit wary at the outset as there are so many bootcamps out there but the Shed has to be streets ahead of the rest. Not only is it run by a dynamic team of highly experienced professional trainers with the amazing Pat McVey at the helm, but it comes with nutrition advice, expert physio support and a community of like minded people who are all focused on self-improvement and helping each other. There's a real spirit of motivation and achievement helped on by the fantastic atmosphere, disco lighting and music in the Shed. No matter what level you're at in your fitness journey the Shed Bootcamp is the place to be.


Just completed my 3rd bootcamp! You will never attend a bootcamp like it anywhere!!

The coaches are by far the best, their encouragement and motivation is first class!

I can honestly say its changed my whole outlook on life and health! Cant thank Patrick and all the coaches, dont think I will ever stop going!!

If your thinking about it! Do it!! You will not regret it! Everyone will make you feel welcome! You wont regret it!

Roll on number 4


Just completed 1st bootcamp. Absolutely loved it! Pat and all the trainers and been so encouraging and enthusiastic throughout. I've always enjoyed exercise but now I have a whole new approach and definitely feeling the benefits! Feeling stronger, healthier and happier overall. Can't recommend this bootcamp enough!! Bring on 2016!


It's more than a's addictive! Pat & the team are amazing, venue beats any gym & the other boot campers are a great bunch of people! Healthy body, heart & mind!!! οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½


I initially signed up to the Shed bootcamp thinking I would only do one block to blast my fitness on the run up to my wedding, however, fast forward 5 bootcamps later and I have signed up again for my 6th block!! I now can't imagine not doing the Shed bootcamp and see it as a way of life, it's much more than a bootcamp and definitely more of a weight training and athletic style camp! The fact that I've also made an amazing group of like minded friends also adds to the amazingness of it all!

I've been a gym goer for years and loved all the classes but never really saw much difference to my shape, and certainly did not learn one thing about how to better my fitness, physique or my health. Throughout my 5 bootcamps I've managed to learn things about nutrition and training that I will carry with me for life.

I'm 31 years old and for the first time in my life I actually enjoy athletic style training which is certainly something I never thought I'd say as it used to give me the major fear!!! I can't speak highly enough of what Pat and the other trainers do, I'd definitely recommend it to anyone!!


I have been training as part of the Shed Bootcamp for just over a year and when I started I had no real idea what I would be stepping into!

What the Shed Bootcamp offers is a great training environment with plenty of people who are all working on their own goals. Combining that with the excellent trainers who walk round and help provide guidance on the exercises, correcting your form and pushing you to challenge yourself within the confines darkened club environment helps to create something unique.

Prior to joining the Shed Bootcamp I had no previous experience with... probably most of the exercises but I can safely say that's not something to worry about as all the classes are planned out, progressive and usually have either a live demonstration or a video sent out before we try them so you know where to start.

What I've gotten out of bootcamp can probably be summarised to:

- New skills and experience with exercises I'd never done before.

- Working with great trainers

- Working alongside a driven group of like-minded people

- A great community atmosphere

- The drive to keep on pushing and wanting more from myself

I definitely recommend bootcamp to anyone considering it.


I have been going to Pats Boot camp since it started in the shed .I miss it when it's not on & it has changed my thinking on food as well .Dont let age put you off cause I'm no spring chicken .Tanx Pat & all your team x


I had read friends' posts about bootcamp, and having spent last year getting myself off my ar*e by completing Couch to 5K (in secret) on my own, I plucked up the courage to message Patrick & enquire about the bootcamp. That initial contact gave me a wee taste of what was to come - a knowledgeable, supportive, friendly person who believes passionately that ANYONE can get fitter and stronger. I was very afraid to start, I felt I would be the oldest and most unfit person in the room. The truth is all ages, shapes and sizes do this bootcamp. It's not what I thought it might be - men in uniforms shouting at you as you do star jumps - it's patient, knowledgeable coaching from the most enthusiastic and committed fitness experts in Patrick's team. I was so nervous the first week, standing outside The Shed reading the fb Messenger exhorts from my friend to actually **get up the stairs!!** but once I was in the (dark) room, I found a whole bunch of people just like me, new and nervous, and a bunch of coaches who were on hand through every drill and exercise.

16 weeks on and I have loved every minute. I haven't missed a single indoor session and have been at most of the weekend sprinting sessions. In my review I want to be honest and say I am not a natural runner but the encouragement and boost to my confidence being with other people who do nothing but encourage me is transforming my mindset in terms of what I think I am capable of. I feel on top of the world after the outside sprinting session. I have direct and visible evidence of the changes in me - yes, in clothes being loose (falling down!), but more so in my confidence in picking up a barbell or standing on a start-line. Many others may say this in their reviews but I want to state afresh: I have never experienced anything like this bootcamp. It is *totally* unique - pioneering. It reaches parts of you other forms of exercise won't reach.

If you are wavering about signing up - DO IT. if you sign up, actually GO through the door - and DON'T STOP going. If you think you are too unfit - YOU AREN'T (obviously subject to your Doctor's advice when following any new exercise regime). if you feel self-conscious, DON'T BE - you are doing this for you :-)


I can't imagine a better place to train, Patrick and his team are amazing. The location, atmosphere and music all add the incredible feeling of acceptance. Not only have I found a great place to learn how to get healthy, I have made incredibly friends too. I can't recommend Patrick and the bootcamp team highly enough.


Had my first session tonight at the shed. Couldn’t recommend more!!! Great exercises and overall a welcoming atmosphere. Patrick and the rest of the trainers are always helping too. Can’t wait for the next 12 weeks of bootcamp οΏ½οΏ½


Cannot get enough of bootcamp!! Genuinely changes your way of life! Thinking about food and exercise so differently and eating more than ever!! 2 weeks away from starting my third bootcamp and can't imagine giving it up! Addicted.


Best decision I ever made, Joining this awesome team. Strong Body = Strong Mind!!! 3 1/2 years later and I am still overly enthusiastic and excited each week to train with Patrick and his team. I have changed in so many great ways both physically and mentally and met incredible friends xxx

More about Patrick Mcvey Core Fitness Athletic Training Programme At The Shed

Patrick Mcvey Core Fitness Athletic Training Programme At The Shed is located at G41 2 Glasgow, United Kingdom