Pcs Cumbernauld

About Pcs Cumbernauld

Cumbernauld branch of PCS, a members-driven Trade Union



The recent payroll changes implemented by ISS affects our cleaner members in HMRC Cumbernauld and hopefully the action being taken by ISS staff throughout the UK will send a clear message to ISS that they must reverse their decision and reimburse their staff for the week of wages they have had to go without. The PCS ballot includes cleaners in HMRC in Liverpool and Bootle and action is also being planned locally within NHS Lanarkshire at Hairmyres Hospital: https://stv.tv/…/1438607-hospital-worke rs-threaten-strike-…/


This afternoon we served a Union Inspection Notice on HMRC Estates Facilities Management as a result of the ongoing thermal comfort problems being experienced within the building. It's not reasonable to expect people to work in an uncomfortable environment with excessive heat, often in excess of 25 degrees Celsius on some floors. We'll continue to do everything we can to challenge Estates to provide a comfortable working environment and for there to be adequate investment in the heating and ventilation system within the building to ensure it is fit for purpose for the foreseeable future. In the meantime please ensure issues are reported to the Mapeley Help Desk on 0845 113 3444, complete an ACC1 if you feel unwell, and speak to your local Health and Safety Rep.


I am really pleased to share that PCS Cumbernauld Branch were awarded a commendation in the team awards at ADC today for organising and communication for all the hard work done on the run up and during the recent pay campaign. I would like to extend my thanks for all the hard work the Branch put in on their own time. You all deserve the recognition. The award will be back in the Branch on Tuesday. Again well done to all reps and members. Wilma


Well done to our Branch Youth Officer Megan McQuade for sharing her experiences in organising and recruiting for young members with PCS Annual Delegate Conference this afternoon in Brighton


Our Branch were delighted today to receive a commendation at PCS Annual Delegate Conference in Brighton for our organising and recruitment work. Wilma Wheatley collected the award on behalf of the Branch.


Branch Secretary Wilma Wheatley moving Motion A46 on learning in customer service group at conference today


Cleaners in HMRC Cumbernauld are also affected by ISS moving their pay from one week in arrears to 13 days and losing one week of their pay. PCS is working to influence ISS to reinstate their original pay schedule and pay our cleaners what they are owed.


"Following the results of the civil service pay ballot which closed on Monday, I share the enormous disappointment felt by so many members that we fell short of the 50% threshold needed under the Conservatives’ Trade Union Act.
But there are many reasons to be proud of our efforts. We beat the 50% in over 20 civil service employers, and were only a fraction short in many others.
Where we beat the threshold, we’ll be working hard to maintain that momentum, and in areas where ...we didn’t, we’ll be working hard to ensure we do better next time.
We will also campaign for an end to the Conservatives’ anti-trade union laws.
The ballot result doesn’t mean the end of our pay campaign.
We will go to the government to argue the case for a higher than 1% pay rise.
We will talk about pay with each employer’s departmental management.
We will make the argument that you deserve better than 1%.
We will organise to win another ballot at the right time.
Our annual delegate conference, which starts on 21 May, will also discuss and debate the next steps in the campaign.
You deserve more than 1% and together will continue to campaign to ensure you get it.
If you are not already involved in PCS, I would urge you to do so now. The ballot results show us that the better organised we are in workplaces, the stronger the vote.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Serwotka, General Secretary"
See More


I know speaking to members and reps how disappointed you all are. I would like to say a massive well done to Cumbernauld Branch with a 90% turn out it shows how hard the reps worked and how engaged our members have been. I know it's not the outcome we wanted but we need to stay orginised and involved where we can. Thankyou


Visit our Workers Memorial Day stall in the office today at the lifts area until 4pm for information and advice on workplace issues along with a range of freebies.

More about Pcs Cumbernauld

Pcs Cumbernauld is located at St Mungo's Road, G67 1 Cumbernauld