Peake Fitness

About Peake Fitness

Fat Loss Coach & Certified MAC Nutritionist

I help busy men and women get Strong, Toned & Healthy While Enjoying Life Outside Of Fitness.



рҹ’ҘEnsure you are are maximising the fullness factor in every meal by loading up on FREE Veggies рҹ’Ҙ
Well, almost free рҹҳү
If getting lean, toned and healthy is up there as one of your goals... рҹ’ӘрҹҸј
... Then make sure your meals are full of these veggies....
....they add bulk, fibre and enrich you meals with vitamins and minerals рҹҘ—рҹҘ’рҹҘҰ
It will ensure you maintain that healthy glow, recover optimally from your exercise and keep you feeling satisfied on your diet рҹҳ„рҹ‘ҚрҹҸј
This should be a habit we just adopt so we can look and feel our best every day. рҹҳ„
Eating pizza, chocolate, red wine is ok now and then рҹҚ• рҹҚ« рҹҚ·
But lean protein, fruits and veggies should make up the staple of our diet.
This is not an exhaustive list
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рҹ‘ҚрҹҸјSeated Rows are one of the best exercises to strengthen and tone your back рҹ‘ҚрҹҸј
However, one common mistake people make is going too heavy and using momentum to lift the weight
Whenever momentum is doing the work, your muscles are NOT - just remember this рҹҳү
... Keep the movement under control, and on each rep think about squeezing your shoulder blades together.
This is just as important as pulling back with the elbows.
This way you work all your back muscles in one move. рҹҷҢ
This is in fact one of the best benefits of the seated row, it hits almost every muscle on your back, giving you the best bang for your buck!
Just remember whenever you are exercising.
Own the movement рҹҳҳрҹ‘ҢрҹҸј
Add weight when you can perform the previous weight with...
вң…Good form for your target reps. . AND
рҹҡ«DonвҖҷt sacrifice your range of movement or try to use momentum.
Try to add reps and weight with the above in mind. вң…
This way you will be developing the strong and toned back you deserve for all your hard work рҹҳҒрҹ‘ҚрҹҸј
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I love movies рҹҺҘ . I would go to the cinema every week if I could рҹҳ„
ItвҖҷs in fact one of my favourite ways to switch off
... But with movies comes popcorn, pick n mix, ice cream... рҹҚҝ рҹҚ« рҹҚЁ
A diet derail waiting to happen if we arenвҖҷt careful
So, today we are going to look at a strategy you can use to enjoy your trip to the movies without undoing all your hard work...
STEP 1пёҸвғЈ
Fast through the morning hours.
Drink plenty of water, 1-2 black coffees to blunt your appetite, sparking water helps too. вҳ•пёҸ
If you donвҖҷt do well with fasting, still try to keep things light, a scoop of whey protein for example.
STEP 2пёҸвғЈ
Most cinema or movie night snacks tend to be purely fats and carbs...itвҖҷs not likely there will be many proteins or veggies in sight...рҹҳү
Therefore we are going to stock up on filling/low calorie veggies and protein at lunch рҹҘҷ рҹҚ—
Try not to add lots of calories from oils, dressing and cheeses etc.
We are trying to save calories for movie time. рҹ’°
STEP 3пёҸвғЈ
Mid afternoon have a protein and fruit snack.
The combo of protein and fibre from the fruit is great for keeping you feeling full. рҹҳ„рҹ‘ҚрҹҸј
This should see us through until movie time
STEP 4пёҸвғЈ
Now you have calories saved in the form of carbs and fats so you can enjoy your movie snacks рҹҚҝ рҹҚ¬
In the company of your friend and/or family. рҹ‘«рҹ‘ЁвҖҚрҹ‘©вҖҚрҹ‘ҰвҖҚрҹ‘Ұ
Just remember calories still count so donвҖҷt go crazy рҹӨӘ
If you go to the movies limit your serving size so itвҖҷs realistic to how many calories you have left to play with.
Make this a routine every movie night and you can enjoy those times while getting and staying lean рҹҷҢ
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Make it count.
Thats the secret.
Indulge when it matters.
... Make eating, healthy, nutritious foods the norm.
Make it a habit so you donвҖҷt have to think too much about it.
DonвҖҷt waste calories sitting at the office in front a computer screen munching away.
DonвҖҷt eat a an entire bag of sweets in the car on the way home.
DonвҖҷt snack while you are cooking dinner
Or mindlessly watching Netflix
Relax on your nutrition when the family get together now and again around the dinner table.
Or when you rendezvous with friends you havenвҖҷt seen in ages.
Or when you have that once and while brunch with that special person in your life
It is what you do most the time that counts, save the overeating until those times when it is actually worth it.
That way you get to look and feel your best while still fully experiencing those moments that matter.
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When we have a goal to achieve, we should adopt the attitude of this little guy рҹҗ»рҹ’ӘрҹҸј


You get home from a long, hard day at work рҹҳҙрҹ—Ӯ
YouвҖҷre tired, hungry and you want to eliminate as many steps between you and nutritious meal as possible.
... Here has been my recent solution вҳқрҹҸј
Pre-chop your вҖңstandardвҖқ veg options
This can be whatever you like!
While IвҖҷm cooking my first meal after doing my weekly food shop...
IвҖҷll stand a pre-chop my veg and store it away in a big Tupperware.
Here I have a mix of peppers, mushrooms and zucchini.
When IвҖҷm cooking up a dish and I want to make sure there are plenty of low calorie veggies...
They are chopped and ready to go рҹҘ—рҹ‘ҢрҹҸј
This saves time and effort and ensures IвҖҷm getting plenty of nutritious and filling veggies every day.
Simple, yet effective.
Ideal if youвҖҷre trying to make your fat loss diet as easy to stick to as possible.
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вҳқрҹҸјThe Truth About Flexible DietingвҳқрҹҸј
Want to get lean eating Ben and Jerrys and Pizza? рҹҚ• рҹҚЁ
This may seem like the ideal scenario but in reality it doesnвҖҷt play out that way. рҹӨ”
... YES, itвҖҷs totally cool to enjoy your favourite foods from time to time. рҹҳ„рҹ‘ҚрҹҸј
And NO you definitely shouldnвҖҷt feel bad when you do. вҳәпёҸ
Food is food.
вҳқрҹҸј But some foods are more nutritious and filling than others.
Some foods nourish the body and keep it fully functioning and have you feeling AWESOME... рҹӨёрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹӨёвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
while others do DIDDLY SQUAT other than use up your calories for the day. рҹҳ§
Flexible dieting isnвҖҷt an excuse for us to eat processed foods all the time and neglect our bodyвҖҷs needs...
....itвҖҷs just a wink and a nudge рҹҳү to say вҖңgo on have a bit of cake on your bffвҖҷs birthdayвҖқ you donвҖҷt have to miss out
ItвҖҷs about having a healthy relationship with food. рҹҘ—рҹҚ«
There are no GOOD or BAD foods.
But we should definitely try to fit in as many nutritious foods as we can and save the treats for times when we can enjoy them most. рҹҘҰрҹҚҺрҹҚ—рҹҘ—
Flexible dieting, as the name suggests, means remaining flexible in our approach.
Not beating ourselves up because we ate something which is вҖңunhealthyвҖқ
ItвҖҷs not unhealthy, thatвҖҷs just life.вҳәпёҸ
What is unhealthy, is beating ourselves up and about eating a biscuit and then feeling so guilty we devour the entire pack
Stay flexible рҹҳҺ
Reduce calories in the following meal, there is no on or off switch, life goes on...
Adjust for it in your next decision
Try to make your next meal a nutritious one рҹҘҰрҹ‘ҢрҹҸј
We eat multiple times a day every day there are plenty of opportunities to practice until it becomes a habit, a lifestyle.
вңЁIf you want to adopt some healthy habits which allow you to get lean as just a part of your lifestyle... . ...Click the link to get my 7 Habits To Lasting Fat Loss Ebook
>> -lasting-fat-loss/ вңЁ
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A message to anyone who....
Has been holding themselves back from losing weight and building the lean body they have always wanted....
.....because they fear failure


рҹ’ҘDonвҖҷt Let Those Hidden Calories Sabotage Your Fat Lossрҹ’Ҙ
вҳқрҹҸјWhen working with clients, this is perhaps one of the most common problems and one of the easiest to fix.
рҹҳӨIn fact this one factor is often the culprit that lies behind many frustrating fat loss plateaus.
... IвҖҷm of course talking about those calories which sneak in under the radar unnoticed...рҹ•өрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ•өрҹҸ»вҖҚв ҷҖпёҸ
Here are common mistakes to watch out for...
1пёҸвғЈрҹҘ‘ Eating Healthy/Clean.
Although eating whole nutritious foods is important for our health, our calorie intake still determines whether we gain, lose or maintain our weight.рҹҘ‘рҹҚҺрҹ§ҖрҹҘ“рҹҚ–рҹҘ—
And so called вҖңhealth foodsвҖқ such as salmon, avocado, nuts, seeds etc pack a lot of calories in a small quantity of food рҹҘңрҹҘ‘рҹҚЈ
IвҖҷm not saying donвҖҷt have them, eating nutritious foods is brilliant but make sure you keep an eye on those calories too.рҹҳү
2пёҸвғЈрҹҢҪ Count calories from Starchy vegetables
There are a lot of vegetables which pack so little calories that it isnвҖҷt worth counting them, but the same doesnвҖҷt apply to starchy veg.
The calories from sweet corn, peas, potatoes etc. are much higher than that of broccoli, bell peppers, salad (non-starchy veg)
Just be careful youвҖҷre not adding these to your meals and thinking they donвҖҷt count when you are tracking. рҹ‘ҢрҹҸј
3пёҸвғЈрҹҚӘ Mindless Nibbling
How often do we have a complimentary biscuit with a coffee, or have a few crisps while we cook dinner or maybe a sip of someones elseвҖҷs drink etc.
Just remember everything counts .
4пёҸвғЈвҳ•пёҸThe same goes for any milk you add to your tea/coffee
If you have multiple a day those calories add up. вҶ—пёҸ
5пёҸвғЈрҹҚірҹҘҳMeasure cooking oils
DonвҖҷt splash oils in the pan willy nilly
Added fats from oil packs a whopping 135 cals per tablespoon
Just think of how many extra calories that amounts to if you coat the entire pan...or free pour olive oil on a salad рҹҘ—рҹҳұ
6пёҸвғЈLastly, spreads and jams, donвҖҷt forget about them most are filled with sugar or fat or a combination of the two. рҹҚҜ
ItвҖҷs easy to add just a slither and think it doesnвҖҷt matter
But again, those calories add up if you do it everyday.
DonвҖҷt let your hard work go to waste by letting those extra calories go unnoticed рҹҳ„рҹ‘Қ
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рҹ‘» Before you ask this isnвҖҷt a poor attempt at a Halloween costume рҹ‘»
This is, in fact, my new pair of blue light blocking glasses рҹӨ“
If you have been following me for any length of time now, you will have heard me talk about how important sleep is in achieving your physique goals and for your health both physically and mentally...
... We are more positive when we are well rested.
We can better control our appetite.
We recover faster from exercise.
Our immune system functions better.
I often work later into the night and looking at computer screens, IPads, TV screens can mess with our circadian rhythm leading to a poor nights sleep...
So this being said...I am going to give these bad boys a whirl, IвҖҷll feedback on how it goes.
Thanks to Neil McWilliam & Faye McWilliam for the inspiration
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Despite some serious head in hand moments due to a faulty internet connection...I am both relieved and pumped to be able to say that I have passed my exams and can now call myself....
вңЁA Mac-Nutrition Certified NutritionistвңЁ
I have learned a ton over the last 12 months, but I will continue to refine my knowledge in the weeks, months and years to come!
... ItвҖҷs 1pm in afternoon on a Monday, is it too early for a beer? рҹҚә рҹӨ”
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I'm sporting NEW woolly jumper numero uno to kickstart the winter collection and keep out the icy winds starting to creep in... рҹҢ¬пёҸ
While I'm indoors with the heat cranked up on a cosy Sunday afternoon рҹҢЎпёҸ I want to give you a few tips to ensure you get this week of dieting off to the best start possible.
... Let's jump right in.
1. HAVE A PLAN рҹ“қ
We wouldn't set off on a journey without first knowing the directions we need to take to get there, right? рҹҡҷ
Losing fat and getting lean is no different. Having a map to get us there is important to make sure we don't go off course. рҹӨӘ
Having at least a rough plan of exactly how we are going to achieve our calorie deficit while staying as full as possible, factoring in any social occasions we have that week is going to be key to our success.
2. PREP вң…
Once we have a plan, we want to buy in the foods we need and prep some meals in advance.
We should probably remove all the foods, not on the plan from the house too. If there is temptation easily within reach it is likely that we will deviate...
Especially when we come home tired or stressed after a long day at work.
Fewer decisions = Less chance of making a bad one.
It's also a good idea to tell our boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife that we have this goal we want to achieve while emphasising just how important is to us...
Getting them on our side is going to help make this lifestyle change far easier....maybe they will even do it too. рҹ‘«
Depending on where we are now the process may take some months before we have lost all the weight we want to lose.
Right now it is important that we accept that patience and consistency are going to serve us more than anything. рҹ§ҳвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§ҳвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ
Take things one day at a time, try to enjoy each and every day and realise that there is an infinite number of opportunities to practice our healthy lifestyle habits.
The more good days we get under our belt, the more momentum we build вҶ—пёҸ and the closer we get to becoming someone who is naturally lean as by-product of living a healthy, enjoyable lifestyle
Wishing you a successful week! рҹҳҒ
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In a world of instant gratification...
рҹ‘ҺрҹҸјQuick fixes.
рҹ‘ҺрҹҸјCrash and yo-yo dieting.
... рҹ‘ҺрҹҸјMarketers trying to sell the magic pill...
ItвҖҷs so great to see clients continue to succeed after the coaching is done and truly adopt a healthy lifestyle.
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рҹҷҢHow To Actually Stick To Your DietрҹҷҢ
Those of us who have been trying to lose weight for some time now have probably realised...
It's not the WHAT to do that is the problem, it's the ... HOW TO ACTUALLY STICK TO THE THING.рҹҳӨ
рҹҢ°It's simple but not easy (that old chestnut).
Yes it will take some work and no it doesn't always happen as fast as we would like, but it is very achievable if we go in with the right mindset.рҹӨ”
рҹҸҶHere are 5 ways we can increase the chances of us actually sticking to our diet:
1пёҸвғЈAvoid crash dieting, aim for a moderate, yet consistent approach рҹ’Ҙ
The problem with crash diets is they suck.рҹ‘Һ
We're starving, we feel deprived, our energy takes a dip...and I'm sure the lovely people in our lives will admit, we aren't all that much fun to be around рҹҳ¬рҹҳӮ
Not a recipe for success.
Even worse, we feel so hungry that we fall off the wagon HARD, BINGING until we pass out in the sugar coma of the ages.рҹҳӘрҹҳҙ
A much better approach would be to reduce calories enough to see steady weight loss without excessive hunger
This way we can enjoy life, a bit more flexibility and the chance of actually sticking to the diet for as long as need to. рҹҳҒрҹ‘Қ
2пёҸвғЈEat nutritious foods you ACTUALLY LIKE рҹӨӨрҹҘҷрҹҚ рҹҚқрҹҘ—рҹҚІ
If you don't like avocado, then don't eat it
If the thought of drinking a protein shake makes you wince then don't drink them.
The fact is if you're not in such a rush (see point oneв¬ҶпёҸ) then you can get quite creative with your meals, they can be delicious without breaking the calorie bank
Just get fancy with your spices рҹҳү
Learn some new recipes! рҹ‘ЁвҖҚрҹҚірҹ‘©вҖҚрҹҚі
пёҸ3пёҸвғЈпёҸSave calories for the evening and for social events
If you want to enjoy a couple of beers or glasses of wine then factor them in. рҹҚ»рҹҚ·
If there is a big birthday coming up then save the calories during the week. рҹҺӮрҹҺҲ
Your social life, your general happiness and wellbeing are just as important as your diet
Just plan ahead. рҹ“қ
4пёҸвғЈпёҸ Strength Train to increase muscle tone and to give yourself short-term goals to focus on рҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ
For some strength training can seem a bit scary, but that's just because it's NEW.
Those already doing it, you know the great benefits it brings to the way you look and feel.
Strength training is by far the best way to tone your body and at the same time provides fulfilment in your weight loss journey as you become stronger, learn new skills and discover your potential. рҹ’Әрҹ’«
5пёҸвғЈпёҸDevelop a routine you enjoy, form habits, don't rely on lots of willpower
When something works, keep doing it. вң…
When you find breakfast options you like which keep you feeling full and satisfied, make it often
The same goes for lunch and dinner
Keep tweaking until you build a winning routine, then your weight loss will become second nature
Then you will have the FREEDOM to focus on enjoying your life rather than always worrying about food.
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I want to give a big shout out to Elaine Phin who is totally killing it right now рҹҷҢ рҹ”Ҙ
рҹҳ„рҹ‘ҢрҹҸј She is nailing her diet in a way that is allowing her to get leaner each week without feeling like sheвҖҷs depriving herself
рҹ’ӘрҹҸј Meanwhile placing her short term focus on building up her push ups...
... She beat her last total of 27 push ups over 3 sets by whopping 9 this week...for a total of 36 reps!
рҹҸӢпёҸвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ Strength training is by far the best way to increase muscle tone, not only that...
Weight loss takes time so strength training gives us something to focus on so our feelings of success donвҖҷt rely upon the (very often misleading) scale
Loving the enthusiasm Elaine, youвҖҷre soaring!
LetвҖҷs keep it going рҹҳ„рҹ‘ҚрҹҸј
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вҳқрҹҸјWhat to do when you hit a weight loss plateauвҳқрҹҸј


рҹҳұDonвҖҷt neglect this MACRO!!
рҹӨӯNow that winter is here and muscle building season has arrived itвҖҷs given me lots of room to fit in that oh so important macro we often take for granted...
IвҖҷm of course talking about FAT рҹ’Ў
... Every supermarket shelf is stocked to the rafters with LOW-FAT options
рҹҘ‘рҹҳҲ Slowly this idea that Fat is bad starts to sink in
But this couldnвҖҷt be further from the truth
рҹ‘ҢрҹҸј We NEED fat in our diet, and for some very important reasons including sex steroid hormone production, maintaining a fully functioning immune system and to facilitate the absorption of some very important vitamins
вң… What are the benefits of the above?
рҹ”ҘA healthy sex drive
вҡЎпёҸMore energy
рҹҳғ Improved mental well-being
рҹ’ӘрҹҸј Better recovery and gym performance = gains in the gym
рҹҷҢ An easier time losing body fat
How much fat should we include in our diet?
According to the research рҹӨ“....
вһЎпёҸAround 20-40% of calories (on average)
рҹ‘ҚрҹҸј When I say average this could mean across a week, so you donвҖҷt necessarily have to hit a specified target on one single day
рҹҳҳрҹ‘ҢрҹҸјIf you're in a calorie deficit eating a high percentage IN GENERAL is advised to ensure you are getting adequate
DonвҖҷt go crazy, proteins and carbs are still important they just seem to get a lot of the limelight at the moment while the oh so crucial fat is left unnoticed.
If you are looking for ideas...
Try avocado in salad, or a drizzle of olive oil, some peanut butter in porridge, a little cheese as a topping, some dark chocolate...
Just make sure to track рҹҳү calories from fat can get out of hand quite quickly рҹҳұ
рҹ’ҘIf you want some help achieving your physique and health goals and making sure your training and nutrition are going to get you the results you want - send me a DMрҹ’Ҙ
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вҳқрҹҸјDon't do this if you want to make great gains in strength and/or muscle sizeвҳқрҹҸј
рҹ’ҶрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸI'm focusing on taking a break from the whole dieting thing
рҹҢЁрҹ‘Җ WINTER IS I feel this is a good time to eat more, and wear some big ass woolly jumpers to hide the damage
... kidding, sort of...
рҹҘһ рҹҘ—рҹҚ—But if you want to maximise your strength and muscle gains in training there is inevitably going to come a time when you have to eat more and inevitably that's going to come with some weight gain
рҹ’ӘрҹҸј (Hopefully, the majority is from muscle gains mind you)
рҹҸӢрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸBut that's not what this post is about, in fact, I want to talk more about how to make sure you get the most from your training if you have any strength or muscle building goals...
Now, a huge mistake I used to make in the early days was letting my ego take the lead in my training
I wanted to lift the biggest weights I could and I often sacrificed good form to do it
The most common ways this would happen:
рҹҡ«Heaving the weight on rows and going so heavy that I couldn't squeeze my shoulder blades together
рҹҡ«Sacrificing range of motion on squats, bench press, shoulder presses...
рҹҡ«Swinging bicep curls
рҹҡ«Using momentum in every shape and form
рҹҳ…I may have "thought" I was lifting heavier but really I was just sacrificing range of motion and using gravity to do the work for me and so my muscles were being cheated
What has served me most is keeping this mantra in mind...
Look to keep the movement as consistent as possible
If you squat "ass to grass" on week 1, don't squat to parallel on week 8
You may have increased the weight, but you have decreased your range of motion.
You truly know that you have made progress when you can lift a heavier weight for...
вң…The same number of sets
вң…The same number of reps
вң…The same range of motion
вң…With more weight
The more you focus on keeping your execution of the exercises tight, the better your gains in strength and muscle will be. рҹҳҳрҹ‘ҢрҹҸј
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Where to start! I've had the most fantastic 8 weeks, I've learned so much from Mike, and done stuff I would never have even thought about doing myself at a gym! Mike is very patient and doesn't shout but is very encouraging and makes you realise what you are capable of, I would recommend anybody to go and see mike if they are thinking of personal training sessions as you won't be disappointed. Thanks for everything Mike!!!!! :-) x


When I first thought about going to a personal trainer I thought it would be bootcamp style and being shouted at.. but I couldn't have been more wrong when I started sessions with mike!пҝҪ

I've been going to Mike for 3 months now and am so happy with the results I'm seeing and feeling!

He is so encouraging during our sessions and makes me feel comfortable working with weights in the gymпҝҪпҝҪ

I've learned so much about exercising and nutrition in such a short time and I couldn't be more thankful!вҳәпёҸ

Would definitely recommend Peake Fitness Systems!


My entire attitude towards fitness and nutrition has been changed by Mike and his advice, encouragement and support! I was daunted at the thought of having a PT as there is nowhere to hide but Mike's approach gives you the confidence to push yourself and it's so rewarding to see the progress that you're making both in strength and in a changing body shape. One of the best decisions I've made!


Mike took me on as a client about 2 months ago and has shown me not only how to train effectively to get good results, but how to train properly and confidently which is something I've never been able to do. I told him I wanted to be like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 when she is doing the pull ups and I know he is going to get me there! If you are looking for a PT who works hard and makes you work harder all while having a laugh then go to Mike. He's a star!


Mike is a very experienced PT, made me feel so welcomed into the gym and has tailored my weekly training perfectly to what I am able to cope with as I have been away from fitness for a few years but feel like I am back into it now and he keeps updating me on my progress every week, which has improved my confidence and wellbeing. Another positive is he always checks in on how my progress is going with my diet plan and provides advice and guidance verbally and on his group page, also recipe ideas too are a plus as meal planning can be daunting to start with. I recommend him highly if you are a total beginner or experienced Mike seems to take everything in his stride and tailor to your needs and level of fitness.


Mike has been training me for a few months now and his input and knowledge has been first class.

Always pushing on to improve your performance but fresh and varied sessions make it a pleasure to work with him.

IвҖҷd recommend anyone interested in improving and achieving goals to give Peake fitness a shout пҝҪ


Just finished a 7day challenge with Mike. I'd never tried dating before but the guide provided was clear and easy to follow. Mike's daily information and support helped a lot and i managed to get great results that exceeded my expectations. Finished the challenge feeling more positive motivated and determined to continue to reach my long term goals. Cant thank Mike enough for this great start in my journey.


I've been training with Mike for almost a year now, and honestly I couldn't ask for anyone more supportive. He makes the sessions fun - so if it's the thought of an hour of slogging away in the gym, that's not what happens. He pushes me and gives me goals, and knows his stuff when it comes to nutrition. Couldn't recommend him highly enough! :)


I've been into Mike's program for the few weeks now, and I can already see the progress on my body. I feel stronger and more confident every single day.

Mike is extremely motivating, with so much passion for what he does. I can really tell how much he loves working with people as he truly gives 100% of himself into each session. He will push you and encourage you every step of the way, provide you with advice, and answer any of the questions you might have on nutrition or exercise. I've learned a great deal from him.

In the past, I used to easily get bored in the gym, so would end up quitting after few months. With Mike, workouts are challenging, but fun above all, and I look forward to every following session.

Being a part of the group is very useful, especially because you feel like a part of a small, positive community that shares the same goal. Tips on dieting, recipes, and posts on healthier lifestyle are just small piece of the puzzle that help you stay focused.

If you're looking for a positive PT who will make you fall in love with fitness, Mike is the guy! :) xxx


I was lucky enough to join a group on a 14 day challenge, although not easy to begin with, but once you got going it became easy to understand, the support and daily posts sent from Mike were not only inspiring but extremely informative, being in the group was great support, the other partiicipants were supportive of each other and made you smile, the honesty was humbling, the actual content of information and exercise plan was well displayed making it easy to follow. The back up support given allowed you to check in if there were any issues or question you need a bit of help with, this allowed you to stay focused without self sabotaging by accident. Surprising I felt better after 5 days of following the plan, my body felt really good I had lost the sluggish feeling which I just lived with, I felt more alert and mentally much sharper, my mental health improved I think this was due to the clean eating, I felt more confident which in turn helps improve mental attitude which has the knock effect of making better choices. So without a doubt this man knows his stuff, I have complete trust in his advise and would recommend everyone to give it a try. Did I say I lost 11 lbs in 14 days .


I started working with Mike about 4/5 months ago and had wanted to work with a PT for a while but was a bit apprehensive. Mike's sessions are really enjoyable, I feel he pushes me without me realising it. I've become much stronger, and am able to lift heavier weights. I'm not aiming for a 'Britain's strongest woman' body, but the older I get, the more aware I am of how important strength training is to my physical wellbeing and mobility. I haven't lost masses of weight but I'm losing slow and steady and can discuss any nutritional issues I have with Mike, he's extremely knowledgeable. I feel at ease with Mike, he is really encouraging and positive and working with him has been brilliant. Go on, give it a go!


I started with Mike five months ago, and since then I have seen constant improvements not only in my ability but also in my body shape. Mike took the time during our first sessions to figure out what I liked and what I wanted to achieve, he very quickly discovered I have a competitive streak and has given me a program that appeals to that. Mike always finds new challenges and workouts to give me like managing a full wheel, improving my plank time (smashing my time now), higher weights, strength techniques, and even diet challenges - all of which I have accomplished, which is amazing!

Before a session, I never get that вҖҳgym-dreadвҖҷ that so many people experience, IвҖҷm actually excited as I know I will be doing exercises I enjoy and that challenge me, also we always have such a good laugh. This is the reason I get up at 5:30am and drive through to Dundee for our early morning sessions. Bring on 6am tomorrow!


I started training with Mike after my previous trainer moved away so I was a little bit apprehensive of training with someone new but Mike has made the transition very easy and I have to say I would highly recommend. Xx


I recently finished a block of small group personal training with Mike. They were great sessions with tailored exercises with a clear progressive aim. Mike is very knowledgeable about nutrition and diet for life and exercising and his advice is thoroughly researched and evidenced based. I have heard great things about his 7 day or 14 day weight loss challenges too. I learnt a huge amount from Mike and I would recommend him to anyone looking reinvigorate their training or manage their eating patterns.


I have trained with Mike now for approximately 6 months and it was the best decision I ever made. From the beginning, Mike made me feel comfortable and encourages me to try harder every session. A fantastic motivator, Mike genuinely cares, is patient and knows exactly how to encourage me to go outside my comfort zone. He makes the sessions fun, helps me understand how to get the maximum from exercising and celebrates each achievement. The results are amazing and I actually look forward to going to the gym. There are not enough words to express my respect for Mike and I would wholeheartedly recommend him as a personal trainer, without reservation!


I have just finished a 7 day fat loss programme with Mike. I found Mike to be extremely motivating and knowledgeable. His daily videos were informative and would just give me that little bit extra to keep going at the end of the day. I certainly don't think I would have managed the week without the daily check-in. I mean to do the intermittent fasting once a month to keep me on track. First class.


I have been working with Mike for the past 6 months and delighted to see the results with regular PT Sessions and nutritional advice and coaching! If you are thinking about getting focused on health and fitness, Mike will provide knowledge, advice and support!


I did a 14 day fat loss challenge with Mike, with eating clean and exercising I manages to lose weight and inches, so I've decided to keep it going as I'm feeling lots healthier. Mike was very supportive within the group and I felt very comfortable in asking questions about this I didn't I know, he is a very approachable guy has gave me the start I needed пҝҪ


Brilliant 14 day challenge great help from Mike and the group got 12Ibs of. Learned how to eat properly and eat when hungry not bored. Exercise made me feel better in myself but need to do more. I am going to keep going so I can get the body I really want and need to be fit and healthy


Where to start! I've had the most fantastic 8 weeks, I've learned so much from Mike, and done stuff I would never have even thought about doing myself at a gym! Mike is very patient and doesn't shout but is very encouraging and makes you realise what you are capable of, I would recommend anybody to go and see mike if they are thinking of personal training sessions as you won't be disappointed. Thanks for everything Mike!!!!! :-) x


When I first thought about going to a personal trainer I thought it would be bootcamp style and being shouted at.. but I couldn't have been more wrong when I started sessions with mike!пҝҪ

I've been going to Mike for 3 months now and am so happy with the results I'm seeing and feeling!

He is so encouraging during our sessions and makes me feel comfortable working with weights in the gymпҝҪпҝҪ

I've learned so much about exercising and nutrition in such a short time and I couldn't be more thankful!вҳәпёҸ

Would definitely recommend Peake Fitness Systems!


My entire attitude towards fitness and nutrition has been changed by Mike and his advice, encouragement and support! I was daunted at the thought of having a PT as there is nowhere to hide but Mike's approach gives you the confidence to push yourself and it's so rewarding to see the progress that you're making both in strength and in a changing body shape. One of the best decisions I've made!


Mike took me on as a client about 2 months ago and has shown me not only how to train effectively to get good results, but how to train properly and confidently which is something I've never been able to do. I told him I wanted to be like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 when she is doing the pull ups and I know he is going to get me there! If you are looking for a PT who works hard and makes you work harder all while having a laugh then go to Mike. He's a star!


Mike is a very experienced PT, made me feel so welcomed into the gym and has tailored my weekly training perfectly to what I am able to cope with as I have been away from fitness for a few years but feel like I am back into it now and he keeps updating me on my progress every week, which has improved my confidence and wellbeing. Another positive is he always checks in on how my progress is going with my diet plan and provides advice and guidance verbally and on his group page, also recipe ideas too are a plus as meal planning can be daunting to start with. I recommend him highly if you are a total beginner or experienced Mike seems to take everything in his stride and tailor to your needs and level of fitness.


Mike has been training me for a few months now and his input and knowledge has been first class.

Always pushing on to improve your performance but fresh and varied sessions make it a pleasure to work with him.

IвҖҷd recommend anyone interested in improving and achieving goals to give Peake fitness a shout пҝҪ


Just finished a 7day challenge with Mike. I'd never tried dating before but the guide provided was clear and easy to follow. Mike's daily information and support helped a lot and i managed to get great results that exceeded my expectations. Finished the challenge feeling more positive motivated and determined to continue to reach my long term goals. Cant thank Mike enough for this great start in my journey.


I've been training with Mike for almost a year now, and honestly I couldn't ask for anyone more supportive. He makes the sessions fun - so if it's the thought of an hour of slogging away in the gym, that's not what happens. He pushes me and gives me goals, and knows his stuff when it comes to nutrition. Couldn't recommend him highly enough! :)


I've been into Mike's program for the few weeks now, and I can already see the progress on my body. I feel stronger and more confident every single day.

Mike is extremely motivating, with so much passion for what he does. I can really tell how much he loves working with people as he truly gives 100% of himself into each session. He will push you and encourage you every step of the way, provide you with advice, and answer any of the questions you might have on nutrition or exercise. I've learned a great deal from him.

In the past, I used to easily get bored in the gym, so would end up quitting after few months. With Mike, workouts are challenging, but fun above all, and I look forward to every following session.

Being a part of the group is very useful, especially because you feel like a part of a small, positive community that shares the same goal. Tips on dieting, recipes, and posts on healthier lifestyle are just small piece of the puzzle that help you stay focused.

If you're looking for a positive PT who will make you fall in love with fitness, Mike is the guy! :) xxx


I was lucky enough to join a group on a 14 day challenge, although not easy to begin with, but once you got going it became easy to understand, the support and daily posts sent from Mike were not only inspiring but extremely informative, being in the group was great support, the other partiicipants were supportive of each other and made you smile, the honesty was humbling, the actual content of information and exercise plan was well displayed making it easy to follow. The back up support given allowed you to check in if there were any issues or question you need a bit of help with, this allowed you to stay focused without self sabotaging by accident. Surprising I felt better after 5 days of following the plan, my body felt really good I had lost the sluggish feeling which I just lived with, I felt more alert and mentally much sharper, my mental health improved I think this was due to the clean eating, I felt more confident which in turn helps improve mental attitude which has the knock effect of making better choices. So without a doubt this man knows his stuff, I have complete trust in his advise and would recommend everyone to give it a try. Did I say I lost 11 lbs in 14 days .


I started working with Mike about 4/5 months ago and had wanted to work with a PT for a while but was a bit apprehensive. Mike's sessions are really enjoyable, I feel he pushes me without me realising it. I've become much stronger, and am able to lift heavier weights. I'm not aiming for a 'Britain's strongest woman' body, but the older I get, the more aware I am of how important strength training is to my physical wellbeing and mobility. I haven't lost masses of weight but I'm losing slow and steady and can discuss any nutritional issues I have with Mike, he's extremely knowledgeable. I feel at ease with Mike, he is really encouraging and positive and working with him has been brilliant. Go on, give it a go!


I started with Mike five months ago, and since then I have seen constant improvements not only in my ability but also in my body shape. Mike took the time during our first sessions to figure out what I liked and what I wanted to achieve, he very quickly discovered I have a competitive streak and has given me a program that appeals to that. Mike always finds new challenges and workouts to give me like managing a full wheel, improving my plank time (smashing my time now), higher weights, strength techniques, and even diet challenges - all of which I have accomplished, which is amazing!

Before a session, I never get that вҖҳgym-dreadвҖҷ that so many people experience, IвҖҷm actually excited as I know I will be doing exercises I enjoy and that challenge me, also we always have such a good laugh. This is the reason I get up at 5:30am and drive through to Dundee for our early morning sessions. Bring on 6am tomorrow!


I started training with Mike after my previous trainer moved away so I was a little bit apprehensive of training with someone new but Mike has made the transition very easy and I have to say I would highly recommend. Xx


I recently finished a block of small group personal training with Mike. They were great sessions with tailored exercises with a clear progressive aim. Mike is very knowledgeable about nutrition and diet for life and exercising and his advice is thoroughly researched and evidenced based. I have heard great things about his 7 day or 14 day weight loss challenges too. I learnt a huge amount from Mike and I would recommend him to anyone looking reinvigorate their training or manage their eating patterns.


I have trained with Mike now for approximately 6 months and it was the best decision I ever made. From the beginning, Mike made me feel comfortable and encourages me to try harder every session. A fantastic motivator, Mike genuinely cares, is patient and knows exactly how to encourage me to go outside my comfort zone. He makes the sessions fun, helps me understand how to get the maximum from exercising and celebrates each achievement. The results are amazing and I actually look forward to going to the gym. There are not enough words to express my respect for Mike and I would wholeheartedly recommend him as a personal trainer, without reservation!


I have just finished a 7 day fat loss programme with Mike. I found Mike to be extremely motivating and knowledgeable. His daily videos were informative and would just give me that little bit extra to keep going at the end of the day. I certainly don't think I would have managed the week without the daily check-in. I mean to do the intermittent fasting once a month to keep me on track. First class.


I have been working with Mike for the past 6 months and delighted to see the results with regular PT Sessions and nutritional advice and coaching! If you are thinking about getting focused on health and fitness, Mike will provide knowledge, advice and support!


I did a 14 day fat loss challenge with Mike, with eating clean and exercising I manages to lose weight and inches, so I've decided to keep it going as I'm feeling lots healthier. Mike was very supportive within the group and I felt very comfortable in asking questions about this I didn't I know, he is a very approachable guy has gave me the start I needed пҝҪ


Brilliant 14 day challenge great help from Mike and the group got 12Ibs of. Learned how to eat properly and eat when hungry not bored. Exercise made me feel better in myself but need to do more. I am going to keep going so I can get the body I really want and need to be fit and healthy


Where to start! I've had the most fantastic 8 weeks, I've learned so much from Mike, and done stuff I would never have even thought about doing myself at a gym! Mike is very patient and doesn't shout but is very encouraging and makes you realise what you are capable of, I would recommend anybody to go and see mike if they are thinking of personal training sessions as you won't be disappointed. Thanks for everything Mike!!!!! :-) x


When I first thought about going to a personal trainer I thought it would be bootcamp style and being shouted at.. but I couldn't have been more wrong when I started sessions with mike!пҝҪ

I've been going to Mike for 3 months now and am so happy with the results I'm seeing and feeling!

He is so encouraging during our sessions and makes me feel comfortable working with weights in the gymпҝҪпҝҪ

I've learned so much about exercising and nutrition in such a short time and I couldn't be more thankful!вҳәпёҸ

Would definitely recommend Peake Fitness Systems!


My entire attitude towards fitness and nutrition has been changed by Mike and his advice, encouragement and support! I was daunted at the thought of having a PT as there is nowhere to hide but Mike's approach gives you the confidence to push yourself and it's so rewarding to see the progress that you're making both in strength and in a changing body shape. One of the best decisions I've made!


Mike took me on as a client about 2 months ago and has shown me not only how to train effectively to get good results, but how to train properly and confidently which is something I've never been able to do. I told him I wanted to be like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 when she is doing the pull ups and I know he is going to get me there! If you are looking for a PT who works hard and makes you work harder all while having a laugh then go to Mike. He's a star!


Mike is a very experienced PT, made me feel so welcomed into the gym and has tailored my weekly training perfectly to what I am able to cope with as I have been away from fitness for a few years but feel like I am back into it now and he keeps updating me on my progress every week, which has improved my confidence and wellbeing. Another positive is he always checks in on how my progress is going with my diet plan and provides advice and guidance verbally and on his group page, also recipe ideas too are a plus as meal planning can be daunting to start with. I recommend him highly if you are a total beginner or experienced Mike seems to take everything in his stride and tailor to your needs and level of fitness.


Mike has been training me for a few months now and his input and knowledge has been first class.

Always pushing on to improve your performance but fresh and varied sessions make it a pleasure to work with him.

IвҖҷd recommend anyone interested in improving and achieving goals to give Peake fitness a shout пҝҪ


Just finished a 7day challenge with Mike. I'd never tried dating before but the guide provided was clear and easy to follow. Mike's daily information and support helped a lot and i managed to get great results that exceeded my expectations. Finished the challenge feeling more positive motivated and determined to continue to reach my long term goals. Cant thank Mike enough for this great start in my journey.


I've been training with Mike for almost a year now, and honestly I couldn't ask for anyone more supportive. He makes the sessions fun - so if it's the thought of an hour of slogging away in the gym, that's not what happens. He pushes me and gives me goals, and knows his stuff when it comes to nutrition. Couldn't recommend him highly enough! :)


I've been into Mike's program for the few weeks now, and I can already see the progress on my body. I feel stronger and more confident every single day.

Mike is extremely motivating, with so much passion for what he does. I can really tell how much he loves working with people as he truly gives 100% of himself into each session. He will push you and encourage you every step of the way, provide you with advice, and answer any of the questions you might have on nutrition or exercise. I've learned a great deal from him.

In the past, I used to easily get bored in the gym, so would end up quitting after few months. With Mike, workouts are challenging, but fun above all, and I look forward to every following session.

Being a part of the group is very useful, especially because you feel like a part of a small, positive community that shares the same goal. Tips on dieting, recipes, and posts on healthier lifestyle are just small piece of the puzzle that help you stay focused.

If you're looking for a positive PT who will make you fall in love with fitness, Mike is the guy! :) xxx


I was lucky enough to join a group on a 14 day challenge, although not easy to begin with, but once you got going it became easy to understand, the support and daily posts sent from Mike were not only inspiring but extremely informative, being in the group was great support, the other partiicipants were supportive of each other and made you smile, the honesty was humbling, the actual content of information and exercise plan was well displayed making it easy to follow. The back up support given allowed you to check in if there were any issues or question you need a bit of help with, this allowed you to stay focused without self sabotaging by accident. Surprising I felt better after 5 days of following the plan, my body felt really good I had lost the sluggish feeling which I just lived with, I felt more alert and mentally much sharper, my mental health improved I think this was due to the clean eating, I felt more confident which in turn helps improve mental attitude which has the knock effect of making better choices. So without a doubt this man knows his stuff, I have complete trust in his advise and would recommend everyone to give it a try. Did I say I lost 11 lbs in 14 days .


I started working with Mike about 4/5 months ago and had wanted to work with a PT for a while but was a bit apprehensive. Mike's sessions are really enjoyable, I feel he pushes me without me realising it. I've become much stronger, and am able to lift heavier weights. I'm not aiming for a 'Britain's strongest woman' body, but the older I get, the more aware I am of how important strength training is to my physical wellbeing and mobility. I haven't lost masses of weight but I'm losing slow and steady and can discuss any nutritional issues I have with Mike, he's extremely knowledgeable. I feel at ease with Mike, he is really encouraging and positive and working with him has been brilliant. Go on, give it a go!


I started with Mike five months ago, and since then I have seen constant improvements not only in my ability but also in my body shape. Mike took the time during our first sessions to figure out what I liked and what I wanted to achieve, he very quickly discovered I have a competitive streak and has given me a program that appeals to that. Mike always finds new challenges and workouts to give me like managing a full wheel, improving my plank time (smashing my time now), higher weights, strength techniques, and even diet challenges - all of which I have accomplished, which is amazing!

Before a session, I never get that вҖҳgym-dreadвҖҷ that so many people experience, IвҖҷm actually excited as I know I will be doing exercises I enjoy and that challenge me, also we always have such a good laugh. This is the reason I get up at 5:30am and drive through to Dundee for our early morning sessions. Bring on 6am tomorrow!


I started training with Mike after my previous trainer moved away so I was a little bit apprehensive of training with someone new but Mike has made the transition very easy and I have to say I would highly recommend. Xx


I recently finished a block of small group personal training with Mike. They were great sessions with tailored exercises with a clear progressive aim. Mike is very knowledgeable about nutrition and diet for life and exercising and his advice is thoroughly researched and evidenced based. I have heard great things about his 7 day or 14 day weight loss challenges too. I learnt a huge amount from Mike and I would recommend him to anyone looking reinvigorate their training or manage their eating patterns.


I have trained with Mike now for approximately 6 months and it was the best decision I ever made. From the beginning, Mike made me feel comfortable and encourages me to try harder every session. A fantastic motivator, Mike genuinely cares, is patient and knows exactly how to encourage me to go outside my comfort zone. He makes the sessions fun, helps me understand how to get the maximum from exercising and celebrates each achievement. The results are amazing and I actually look forward to going to the gym. There are not enough words to express my respect for Mike and I would wholeheartedly recommend him as a personal trainer, without reservation!


I have just finished a 7 day fat loss programme with Mike. I found Mike to be extremely motivating and knowledgeable. His daily videos were informative and would just give me that little bit extra to keep going at the end of the day. I certainly don't think I would have managed the week without the daily check-in. I mean to do the intermittent fasting once a month to keep me on track. First class.


I have been working with Mike for the past 6 months and delighted to see the results with regular PT Sessions and nutritional advice and coaching! If you are thinking about getting focused on health and fitness, Mike will provide knowledge, advice and support!


I did a 14 day fat loss challenge with Mike, with eating clean and exercising I manages to lose weight and inches, so I've decided to keep it going as I'm feeling lots healthier. Mike was very supportive within the group and I felt very comfortable in asking questions about this I didn't I know, he is a very approachable guy has gave me the start I needed пҝҪ


Brilliant 14 day challenge great help from Mike and the group got 12Ibs of. Learned how to eat properly and eat when hungry not bored. Exercise made me feel better in myself but need to do more. I am going to keep going so I can get the body I really want and need to be fit and healthy


Where to start! I've had the most fantastic 8 weeks, I've learned so much from Mike, and done stuff I would never have even thought about doing myself at a gym! Mike is very patient and doesn't shout but is very encouraging and makes you realise what you are capable of, I would recommend anybody to go and see mike if they are thinking of personal training sessions as you won't be disappointed. Thanks for everything Mike!!!!! :-) x


When I first thought about going to a personal trainer I thought it would be bootcamp style and being shouted at.. but I couldn't have been more wrong when I started sessions with mike!пҝҪ

I've been going to Mike for 3 months now and am so happy with the results I'm seeing and feeling!

He is so encouraging during our sessions and makes me feel comfortable working with weights in the gymпҝҪпҝҪ

I've learned so much about exercising and nutrition in such a short time and I couldn't be more thankful!вҳәпёҸ

Would definitely recommend Peake Fitness Systems!


My entire attitude towards fitness and nutrition has been changed by Mike and his advice, encouragement and support! I was daunted at the thought of having a PT as there is nowhere to hide but Mike's approach gives you the confidence to push yourself and it's so rewarding to see the progress that you're making both in strength and in a changing body shape. One of the best decisions I've made!


Mike took me on as a client about 2 months ago and has shown me not only how to train effectively to get good results, but how to train properly and confidently which is something I've never been able to do. I told him I wanted to be like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 when she is doing the pull ups and I know he is going to get me there! If you are looking for a PT who works hard and makes you work harder all while having a laugh then go to Mike. He's a star!


Mike is a very experienced PT, made me feel so welcomed into the gym and has tailored my weekly training perfectly to what I am able to cope with as I have been away from fitness for a few years but feel like I am back into it now and he keeps updating me on my progress every week, which has improved my confidence and wellbeing. Another positive is he always checks in on how my progress is going with my diet plan and provides advice and guidance verbally and on his group page, also recipe ideas too are a plus as meal planning can be daunting to start with. I recommend him highly if you are a total beginner or experienced Mike seems to take everything in his stride and tailor to your needs and level of fitness.


Mike has been training me for a few months now and his input and knowledge has been first class.

Always pushing on to improve your performance but fresh and varied sessions make it a pleasure to work with him.

IвҖҷd recommend anyone interested in improving and achieving goals to give Peake fitness a shout пҝҪ


Just finished a 7day challenge with Mike. I'd never tried dating before but the guide provided was clear and easy to follow. Mike's daily information and support helped a lot and i managed to get great results that exceeded my expectations. Finished the challenge feeling more positive motivated and determined to continue to reach my long term goals. Cant thank Mike enough for this great start in my journey.


I've been training with Mike for almost a year now, and honestly I couldn't ask for anyone more supportive. He makes the sessions fun - so if it's the thought of an hour of slogging away in the gym, that's not what happens. He pushes me and gives me goals, and knows his stuff when it comes to nutrition. Couldn't recommend him highly enough! :)


I've been into Mike's program for the few weeks now, and I can already see the progress on my body. I feel stronger and more confident every single day.

Mike is extremely motivating, with so much passion for what he does. I can really tell how much he loves working with people as he truly gives 100% of himself into each session. He will push you and encourage you every step of the way, provide you with advice, and answer any of the questions you might have on nutrition or exercise. I've learned a great deal from him.

In the past, I used to easily get bored in the gym, so would end up quitting after few months. With Mike, workouts are challenging, but fun above all, and I look forward to every following session.

Being a part of the group is very useful, especially because you feel like a part of a small, positive community that shares the same goal. Tips on dieting, recipes, and posts on healthier lifestyle are just small piece of the puzzle that help you stay focused.

If you're looking for a positive PT who will make you fall in love with fitness, Mike is the guy! :) xxx


I was lucky enough to join a group on a 14 day challenge, although not easy to begin with, but once you got going it became easy to understand, the support and daily posts sent from Mike were not only inspiring but extremely informative, being in the group was great support, the other partiicipants were supportive of each other and made you smile, the honesty was humbling, the actual content of information and exercise plan was well displayed making it easy to follow. The back up support given allowed you to check in if there were any issues or question you need a bit of help with, this allowed you to stay focused without self sabotaging by accident. Surprising I felt better after 5 days of following the plan, my body felt really good I had lost the sluggish feeling which I just lived with, I felt more alert and mentally much sharper, my mental health improved I think this was due to the clean eating, I felt more confident which in turn helps improve mental attitude which has the knock effect of making better choices. So without a doubt this man knows his stuff, I have complete trust in his advise and would recommend everyone to give it a try. Did I say I lost 11 lbs in 14 days .


I started working with Mike about 4/5 months ago and had wanted to work with a PT for a while but was a bit apprehensive. Mike's sessions are really enjoyable, I feel he pushes me without me realising it. I've become much stronger, and am able to lift heavier weights. I'm not aiming for a 'Britain's strongest woman' body, but the older I get, the more aware I am of how important strength training is to my physical wellbeing and mobility. I haven't lost masses of weight but I'm losing slow and steady and can discuss any nutritional issues I have with Mike, he's extremely knowledgeable. I feel at ease with Mike, he is really encouraging and positive and working with him has been brilliant. Go on, give it a go!


I started with Mike five months ago, and since then I have seen constant improvements not only in my ability but also in my body shape. Mike took the time during our first sessions to figure out what I liked and what I wanted to achieve, he very quickly discovered I have a competitive streak and has given me a program that appeals to that. Mike always finds new challenges and workouts to give me like managing a full wheel, improving my plank time (smashing my time now), higher weights, strength techniques, and even diet challenges - all of which I have accomplished, which is amazing!

Before a session, I never get that вҖҳgym-dreadвҖҷ that so many people experience, IвҖҷm actually excited as I know I will be doing exercises I enjoy and that challenge me, also we always have such a good laugh. This is the reason I get up at 5:30am and drive through to Dundee for our early morning sessions. Bring on 6am tomorrow!


I started training with Mike after my previous trainer moved away so I was a little bit apprehensive of training with someone new but Mike has made the transition very easy and I have to say I would highly recommend. Xx


I recently finished a block of small group personal training with Mike. They were great sessions with tailored exercises with a clear progressive aim. Mike is very knowledgeable about nutrition and diet for life and exercising and his advice is thoroughly researched and evidenced based. I have heard great things about his 7 day or 14 day weight loss challenges too. I learnt a huge amount from Mike and I would recommend him to anyone looking reinvigorate their training or manage their eating patterns.


I have trained with Mike now for approximately 6 months and it was the best decision I ever made. From the beginning, Mike made me feel comfortable and encourages me to try harder every session. A fantastic motivator, Mike genuinely cares, is patient and knows exactly how to encourage me to go outside my comfort zone. He makes the sessions fun, helps me understand how to get the maximum from exercising and celebrates each achievement. The results are amazing and I actually look forward to going to the gym. There are not enough words to express my respect for Mike and I would wholeheartedly recommend him as a personal trainer, without reservation!


I have just finished a 7 day fat loss programme with Mike. I found Mike to be extremely motivating and knowledgeable. His daily videos were informative and would just give me that little bit extra to keep going at the end of the day. I certainly don't think I would have managed the week without the daily check-in. I mean to do the intermittent fasting once a month to keep me on track. First class.


I have been working with Mike for the past 6 months and delighted to see the results with regular PT Sessions and nutritional advice and coaching! If you are thinking about getting focused on health and fitness, Mike will provide knowledge, advice and support!


I did a 14 day fat loss challenge with Mike, with eating clean and exercising I manages to lose weight and inches, so I've decided to keep it going as I'm feeling lots healthier. Mike was very supportive within the group and I felt very comfortable in asking questions about this I didn't I know, he is a very approachable guy has gave me the start I needed пҝҪ


Brilliant 14 day challenge great help from Mike and the group got 12Ibs of. Learned how to eat properly and eat when hungry not bored. Exercise made me feel better in myself but need to do more. I am going to keep going so I can get the body I really want and need to be fit and healthy


Where to start! I've had the most fantastic 8 weeks, I've learned so much from Mike, and done stuff I would never have even thought about doing myself at a gym! Mike is very patient and doesn't shout but is very encouraging and makes you realise what you are capable of, I would recommend anybody to go and see mike if they are thinking of personal training sessions as you won't be disappointed. Thanks for everything Mike!!!!! :-) x


When I first thought about going to a personal trainer I thought it would be bootcamp style and being shouted at.. but I couldn't have been more wrong when I started sessions with mike!пҝҪ

I've been going to Mike for 3 months now and am so happy with the results I'm seeing and feeling!

He is so encouraging during our sessions and makes me feel comfortable working with weights in the gymпҝҪпҝҪ

I've learned so much about exercising and nutrition in such a short time and I couldn't be more thankful!вҳәпёҸ

Would definitely recommend Peake Fitness Systems!


My entire attitude towards fitness and nutrition has been changed by Mike and his advice, encouragement and support! I was daunted at the thought of having a PT as there is nowhere to hide but Mike's approach gives you the confidence to push yourself and it's so rewarding to see the progress that you're making both in strength and in a changing body shape. One of the best decisions I've made!


Mike took me on as a client about 2 months ago and has shown me not only how to train effectively to get good results, but how to train properly and confidently which is something I've never been able to do. I told him I wanted to be like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 when she is doing the pull ups and I know he is going to get me there! If you are looking for a PT who works hard and makes you work harder all while having a laugh then go to Mike. He's a star!


Mike is a very experienced PT, made me feel so welcomed into the gym and has tailored my weekly training perfectly to what I am able to cope with as I have been away from fitness for a few years but feel like I am back into it now and he keeps updating me on my progress every week, which has improved my confidence and wellbeing. Another positive is he always checks in on how my progress is going with my diet plan and provides advice and guidance verbally and on his group page, also recipe ideas too are a plus as meal planning can be daunting to start with. I recommend him highly if you are a total beginner or experienced Mike seems to take everything in his stride and tailor to your needs and level of fitness.


Mike has been training me for a few months now and his input and knowledge has been first class.

Always pushing on to improve your performance but fresh and varied sessions make it a pleasure to work with him.

IвҖҷd recommend anyone interested in improving and achieving goals to give Peake fitness a shout пҝҪ


Just finished a 7day challenge with Mike. I'd never tried dating before but the guide provided was clear and easy to follow. Mike's daily information and support helped a lot and i managed to get great results that exceeded my expectations. Finished the challenge feeling more positive motivated and determined to continue to reach my long term goals. Cant thank Mike enough for this great start in my journey.


I've been training with Mike for almost a year now, and honestly I couldn't ask for anyone more supportive. He makes the sessions fun - so if it's the thought of an hour of slogging away in the gym, that's not what happens. He pushes me and gives me goals, and knows his stuff when it comes to nutrition. Couldn't recommend him highly enough! :)


I've been into Mike's program for the few weeks now, and I can already see the progress on my body. I feel stronger and more confident every single day.

Mike is extremely motivating, with so much passion for what he does. I can really tell how much he loves working with people as he truly gives 100% of himself into each session. He will push you and encourage you every step of the way, provide you with advice, and answer any of the questions you might have on nutrition or exercise. I've learned a great deal from him.

In the past, I used to easily get bored in the gym, so would end up quitting after few months. With Mike, workouts are challenging, but fun above all, and I look forward to every following session.

Being a part of the group is very useful, especially because you feel like a part of a small, positive community that shares the same goal. Tips on dieting, recipes, and posts on healthier lifestyle are just small piece of the puzzle that help you stay focused.

If you're looking for a positive PT who will make you fall in love with fitness, Mike is the guy! :) xxx


I was lucky enough to join a group on a 14 day challenge, although not easy to begin with, but once you got going it became easy to understand, the support and daily posts sent from Mike were not only inspiring but extremely informative, being in the group was great support, the other partiicipants were supportive of each other and made you smile, the honesty was humbling, the actual content of information and exercise plan was well displayed making it easy to follow. The back up support given allowed you to check in if there were any issues or question you need a bit of help with, this allowed you to stay focused without self sabotaging by accident. Surprising I felt better after 5 days of following the plan, my body felt really good I had lost the sluggish feeling which I just lived with, I felt more alert and mentally much sharper, my mental health improved I think this was due to the clean eating, I felt more confident which in turn helps improve mental attitude which has the knock effect of making better choices. So without a doubt this man knows his stuff, I have complete trust in his advise and would recommend everyone to give it a try. Did I say I lost 11 lbs in 14 days .


I started working with Mike about 4/5 months ago and had wanted to work with a PT for a while but was a bit apprehensive. Mike's sessions are really enjoyable, I feel he pushes me without me realising it. I've become much stronger, and am able to lift heavier weights. I'm not aiming for a 'Britain's strongest woman' body, but the older I get, the more aware I am of how important strength training is to my physical wellbeing and mobility. I haven't lost masses of weight but I'm losing slow and steady and can discuss any nutritional issues I have with Mike, he's extremely knowledgeable. I feel at ease with Mike, he is really encouraging and positive and working with him has been brilliant. Go on, give it a go!


I started with Mike five months ago, and since then I have seen constant improvements not only in my ability but also in my body shape. Mike took the time during our first sessions to figure out what I liked and what I wanted to achieve, he very quickly discovered I have a competitive streak and has given me a program that appeals to that. Mike always finds new challenges and workouts to give me like managing a full wheel, improving my plank time (smashing my time now), higher weights, strength techniques, and even diet challenges - all of which I have accomplished, which is amazing!

Before a session, I never get that вҖҳgym-dreadвҖҷ that so many people experience, IвҖҷm actually excited as I know I will be doing exercises I enjoy and that challenge me, also we always have such a good laugh. This is the reason I get up at 5:30am and drive through to Dundee for our early morning sessions. Bring on 6am tomorrow!


I started training with Mike after my previous trainer moved away so I was a little bit apprehensive of training with someone new but Mike has made the transition very easy and I have to say I would highly recommend. Xx


I recently finished a block of small group personal training with Mike. They were great sessions with tailored exercises with a clear progressive aim. Mike is very knowledgeable about nutrition and diet for life and exercising and his advice is thoroughly researched and evidenced based. I have heard great things about his 7 day or 14 day weight loss challenges too. I learnt a huge amount from Mike and I would recommend him to anyone looking reinvigorate their training or manage their eating patterns.


I have trained with Mike now for approximately 6 months and it was the best decision I ever made. From the beginning, Mike made me feel comfortable and encourages me to try harder every session. A fantastic motivator, Mike genuinely cares, is patient and knows exactly how to encourage me to go outside my comfort zone. He makes the sessions fun, helps me understand how to get the maximum from exercising and celebrates each achievement. The results are amazing and I actually look forward to going to the gym. There are not enough words to express my respect for Mike and I would wholeheartedly recommend him as a personal trainer, without reservation!


I have just finished a 7 day fat loss programme with Mike. I found Mike to be extremely motivating and knowledgeable. His daily videos were informative and would just give me that little bit extra to keep going at the end of the day. I certainly don't think I would have managed the week without the daily check-in. I mean to do the intermittent fasting once a month to keep me on track. First class.


I have been working with Mike for the past 6 months and delighted to see the results with regular PT Sessions and nutritional advice and coaching! If you are thinking about getting focused on health and fitness, Mike will provide knowledge, advice and support!


I did a 14 day fat loss challenge with Mike, with eating clean and exercising I manages to lose weight and inches, so I've decided to keep it going as I'm feeling lots healthier. Mike was very supportive within the group and I felt very comfortable in asking questions about this I didn't I know, he is a very approachable guy has gave me the start I needed пҝҪ


Brilliant 14 day challenge great help from Mike and the group got 12Ibs of. Learned how to eat properly and eat when hungry not bored. Exercise made me feel better in myself but need to do more. I am going to keep going so I can get the body I really want and need to be fit and healthy

More about Peake Fitness

Peake Fitness is located at Good Health and Fitness, Unit 8, Camperdown Street, DD13JA Dundee