Perth Blackball Pool League

About Perth Blackball Pool League

Facebook page for administering Perth Blackball Pool League



The 2019 SPA Mick McGoldrick IM Series shall have a small amended format from 2018. Areas shall still be awarded a pro-rata of qualifiers based upon their entries, The more entries an area has, the more qualifiers they shall likely receive for the National Finals.
The National Finals have 256 qualifiers, where the Top 64 from the rankings the season before are automatic and joined by 192 qualifiers from all over Scotland.
There will only be FOUR events in 2019, each of these... will count towards players' ranking in the series, in addition the Scottish Singles also counts towards each players ranking. Every player is awarded Merit or Ranking Points determined by their position in each event. There will be no other IM event outside of these four.
The National Finals shall be held on the following dates:-
Event 1: 2nd & 3rd March Event 2: 13th & 14th April Event 3: 21st & 22nd September Event 4: 19th & 20th October
The venues will be announced as soon as they are known. Each National Finals will be held in two clubs over each weekend.
Entry for the 2019 Series is £25 per player, offering one of the best value tournaments on offer with all entry money taken in being paid out. This season just under £32k will have been paid out over the 6 IM events. In addition, players will have to pay their £5 SPA Member Registration.
Qualifiers The current ranking system is based on 256 qualifiers and the Top 64 in the rankings being auto-qualifiers. This was a condition of entry for the 2018 season and as such shall remain for 2019, however, it is noted that from 2020 IM series shall reduce to 128 qualifiers, with the Top 16 in the rankings being auto-qualifiers.
Number of Venues Each IM shall use two venues on the Saturday and one venue on the Sunday.
National Finals Where possible, it will be ensured that any single venue will have the same cloth on all tables for each day’s play. This will not necessarily mean both venues will have the same cloth.
No-Shows Any player that cannot attend the National Finals must inform the SPA a minimum of twenty four hours in advance. Any player that fails to notify the SPA in this time period shall be given a warning. Any player that has received a warning, who fails to notify the SPA in subsequent events shall be removed from the remainder of the IM season in that calendar year. Should a players suspension be incurred at event four then they shall be suspended for the first two IM events from when they next register to compete.
Payment Our SPA representative will be taking payments for this up until Friday 7th December.
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Website updated.


Eck Cain Memorial 4-Man Competition First/Second Round ties to be played on Thursday 4th October:
Staffie Doggers 1 v Rack Pack Master Q’Men v Staffie Underdoggers 1 *Staffie Underdoggers 2 v Strathmore... Ball Room Kings v Green Room Letham Lightning v Letham That Bar v The Bank Saints Club v Staffie Doggers 2
Venue is the home team listed first in fixtures above.
Home team is responsible for posting results on Facebook page and team sheet in Ex-Service club pool box. League team sheet should be used for recording scores (Singles in first 6 and Doubles/playoff in second 6 on team sheet)
*All fixtures to begin at 8pm with exception of Underdoggers v Strathmore match to take place following completion of Doggers match. Please be at venue for 9pm.
Only 4 players can take part in any match and the designated 4 must be from the list of players submitted at meeting. (See full draw for player lists on website soon).
Matches consist of 4 singles matches. 2x Scotch Doubles matches and a final singles match if fixture is tied at 3-3. Matches are complete when one team gets to 4 frame wins. Feel free to play out remaining frames but the final score will be recorded from when the winning team reaches 4.
Thanks and good luck!!
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Tonight’s meeting at 8pm. Dues to be collected are:
Kings £21 Ball Room A £12 CSSA A £12... Letham £9 Lightning £9 Q’Men £12 Rack Pack £12 Doggers £9 Underdogs £9 CSSA B £9 Exy £9 Green Room £19 (2x fine sheet/post) King J £12 Malt house £12 Saints £9 Strathmore £12 That Bar £12 The Bank £26 (1x fine non-attendance)
Please note tonight the draws will be made for the Eck Cain trophy (you must submit player names up to 6 people of which 4 can play each round). Comp starts on Thursday and is £8 per team. Team cup draws also take place this evening and if you wish to participate this comp also ales place on a Thursday and starts in a few weeks. Entry for premier/champ cup is £12. For any questions around tonight’s meeting or the competitions please post here as we do realise this is commonly the most expensive meeting of the year!!
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CSSA A v Letham King James v Saints Scores anyone?


Website updated.


Ballroom kings 7 master cue men 6 good game boys


Well done to today’s Scotch Doubles winners Paul Gowrie and Scot Sherrit. They beat runner ups Kyle Tully and Leigh Jackson 5-2 in the final. Well done lads and unlucky Kyle and Leigh. Thanks again to all those involved. Get your entries in for the Championship, Premiership cups and Eck Cain 4-Man event that are to be entered at the next captains meeting. Thanks


A wee reminder that this Sunday is the Scotch Doubles competition and it is enter on the day!! Looking forward to seeing a good turn out as always. Cheers


Monthly meeting tonight league fees are due


All, please note our next competition of the season is nearly upon us. Please note the date in your diaries. If you do not have a partner for the event please come down and you will get a partner on the day. Good Luck when the time comes!!


Reminder tonight’s team captains meeting is at 8pm at Civil Service Club. League dues are either £9 or £12 depending on how many leagues matches you have played thus far!! There are no competitions to enter tonight but you should all be reminded that Scotch Doubles is the next competition on Sunday 16th September which is pay on the day!


Tables & Results Have Now Been Updated On The Website


That Bar v Saints Club score?


Good night on Saturday anyone looking for tickets pm niel Rogers


Thanks again to all those that participated in the Tony Curran Cup yesterday. £140 was donated today. Thanks Everyone.


Tables & Results Have Now Been Updated On The Website


Well done to Scott Dunbar this year’s Tony Curran Cup winner. Scott defeated Ian Doris in the final 5-1. Thanks to all those that attended. £140 has been raised for the British Heart Foundation.

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