Perth Innovation

About Perth Innovation

At Perth Innovation, we work with you to find the best solutions for your business, focusing on your needs and how these can be fulfilled.

Perth Innovation Description

What makes you different from your competition? What will make you different in 5 years' time? In 10 years?

If you want to stay ahead in business, you have to differentiate your products and services from those of your competitors in the minds of your customers.
Real, sustained differentiation comes from innovation.

At Perth Innovation, we work with you to find the best solutions for your business, focusing on your needs and how these can be fulfilled.

By offering workshop facilitation, training and consultancy, we can support you in three main areas:

Problem Solving and Decision Making
Innovation Management

Whether it is new product development, problem solving or innovation project management, working closely with you, we can help you to develop an efficient and effective innovation process that will deliver your needs - now and in the future.



Looking forward to running this workshop with Shona. Is your company Brexit ready?


Many thanks to DACC. I've been a member for a couple of years now and have been impressed with the support they give to local businesses.


Perth Innovation is proud to announce the launch of its Crowdfunder campaign to raise funds for the next phase of development of its online problem-solving tool, The Concept Garden. Go to the Crowdfunder page ( to support us.


What are you doing about Brexit? If you haven't started to think about that then you may already be too late. Come along to this workshop and let us help you start to develop a strategy to survive Brexit.


The LinkedIn post - 3 Things You Need to Know About Innovation - is also available as a Perth Innovation blog. Read it at


Billy just uploaded a new article to LinkedIn - 3 Things You Need to Know About Innovation. You can read it at -


Billy has published a new article on LinkedIn - a summary of the Concept Garden.…/concept-gard en-grow-your-problem…


The latest Perth Innovation newsletter (August 2017) is now available at rs/


Another article about creativity in schools.


Here is a new article I've published on LinkedIn.


New article from Billy Grierson on LinkedIn -…/lasers-artif icial-intelligence-b…


New Blog from Perth Innovation
While the chaos at the end of the Oscars was amusing, there is an important lesson. See my new blog:…/the-oscars -what-really-went-w…/


Idea generation using SCAMPER - new slideshow
S - Substitute - The pitcher plant gets its nutirients by substituting insects for soil.
C - Combine - Growers make fruit trees more productive by combining (grafting) a strong root stock with better fruiting trees.
... A - Adapt - Roses have been adapted through hybridisation to give a wide raqnge of colours and sizes compared with wild roses.
M - Magnify - Plants such as strawberries have been bred to give larger, more commercially attractvie fruits.
P - Put to another use - This boat has been used as an ad hoc plant pot (St Madoes village, near Perth).
E - Eliminate - This display in the University of Dundee Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design Degree Show 2016 has eliminated soil to allow grass to grow up a wall.
R - Rearrange - This flower display at the Fondation Beyeler in Riehen, Switzerland, has rearranged the traditional planted border to give a 3D flower sculpture.
See More


Problem Space blog on Perth Innovation web site.…/the-concep t-garden-problem-sp…/

More about Perth Innovation