Peterhouse Chapel

About Peterhouse Chapel

"One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. " Matthew 4: 4

All are welcome to participate in the worship of our Chapel - morning and evening prayer as well as evensong in term plus other activities.

Peterhouse Chapel Description

Peterhouse Chapel is a friendly and inclusive community of Christians, primarily serving Peterhouse. People come from all denominations and none: some are committed Christians, some are curious enquirers, others simply come to enjoy the beauty of the sung services. Most importantly, everybody is welcome!

We would like to warmly invite everyone to join our worship. During term time we celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday morning, followed by an excellent breakfast and time of fellowship. On Sunday evenings we are blessed to host a wide variety of preachers at Evensong. There is also an Evensong on Wednesday and both of these evening services are led by our excellent choir. Each weekday the Daily Offices are held in chapel, offering regular times of contemplation, prayer and peace.

Aside from services, the Chapel invites all college members to join us in discipleship: from discussion groups and bible studies, to our annual retreat. The Chapel also aims to be as hospitable as possible through events such as Dean’s Port.

For further information either post on this page or directly contact the Chapel Sacristans, Chapel Officers or the Acting Dean, Rev'd Dr. Geoff Dumbreck, who will all be happy to help you.



*Dean's Port next Monday (24th Feb), 8.30 pm*
Drop by the Combination Room Monday evening (8.30 - 10.00 pm) for a break to enjoy conversation with fellow students, the warmth of a crackling fire, and a glass of port or a non-alcoholic drink.
All members of College are welcome.


SUNDAY CHORAL EVENSONG, 23rd February, 6 pm
Do join us for Evensong again on Sunday: our lovely choir will sing and our guest preacher this week will be the Very Rev'd John Witcombe, Dean of Coventry.
After reading law at Cambridge, John trained for ordination in Nottingham. He went on to lead churches in Nottingham, Sheffield and West London. He also completed an M.Phil in atonement theology before becoming Dean of St. John’s College Nottingham, teaching Practical Theology ...and leading the residential community. He then became Director of Ordinands and Curate Training in Gloucester, and Director of Ministry and Residentiary Canon of Gloucester Cathedral. He has been Dean of Coventry Cathedral since January 2013.
After the service, pop over to the Combination Room for drinks and some conversation.
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Do come along for Evensong with the Archbishop-Elect of York on Sunday at 6 pm and drinks afterwards - a unique opportunity to meet an important leader in the church!


Don't forget Corporate Communion tonight - service at 6 pm for all followed by a lovely dinner.
A few spots may also be available for supper (due to cancellations) on a "first-come-first-served" basis so ask the chaplain after the service if you did not sign up but still wish to join and we can see if there is room.
See you all there!


Sunday Evensong, 16th February, 6 pm
Please join us this Sunday for Choral Evensong sung by your college choir and a special guest preacher.
... This week we are delighted to welcome the Rt Rev'd Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford and Archbishop-elect of York.
Bishop Stephen was brought up in Essex and studied at the Polytechnic of Central London before training for ministry at St Stephen's House, Oxford. He served as Bishop of Reading from six years and has been Bishop of Chelmsford since since 2010. Bishop Stephen was named the next Archbishop of York in December and will take up his new role this year when Archbishop John Sentamu retires.
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, has said of Cottrell that he is “one of the most inspiring leaders in the church. He preaches, he writes beautifully, he writes poetry, he thinks very deeply, he communicates superbly, he is not hierarchical, he’s got a huge heart that is open to the needy and poor and vulnerable. He’s a pastor.”
After the service, please come to welcome Bishop Stephen over drinks in the Combination Room.
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"And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave to them, saying, ‘This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.’" - Luke 22
You are warmly invited to our Corporate Communion service and supper this Thursday. The service begins at 6 pm followed by supper (ca. 7.30 pm). We will serve beef bourgignon or ricotta cannelloni for vegetarians and creme brulee.
... *If you have not signed up for the supper already, TODAY is the day.* Please email the chaplain (jennifer.adams-massmann(AT) ) and indicate any special needs (vegetarian/vegan, food allergies, etc.).
Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
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Sunday Evensong, 9th February, 6 pm
Come out on Sunday for a candlelit Evensong to hear your wonderful college choir and our guest preacher.
This week we are pleased to welcome the Very Rev'd Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark since 2012. As part of our series this term, his sermon will continue exploring the identity of Jesus through the 'I am sayings' of Jesus.
... Originally from Leicestershire, Nunn studied theology at the University of Leeds after previously having worked in public administration. He has held various positions at Southwark Cathedral since 1999. His many interests include theatre, cinema, reading, and travel.
After the service, join us for a little sherry and conversation in the Combination Room.
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Do come along to Compline (Sung Night Prayer) tonight at 9 pm in the Chapel, sung by members of the choir.
Peaceful, meditative, short - a perfect end to the day or a study break followed by cocoa in the antechamber of the Chapel.


Come on out tonight (6 pm) for lovely festive choral music and a chance to hear and meet Bishop Ralf Meister (Hanover)!


Just a heads-up that we will host a service of Sung Compline by candlelight next Monday night, followed by cocoa. This will be the only service of compline this term.
Do come along for this peaceful and reflective service at 9 pm in the Chapel - and bring a friend.


This Sunday (2nd Feb) you are warmly invited to Choral Evensong with your wonderful choir to celebrate one of the oldest Christian feasts, known as Candlemas or the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ.
This feast day commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple by his parents. The name Candlemas comes from the traditional practice in some Christian confessions of bringing candles from home to church to be blessed as a reminder that Jesus is light of the world.
...Our guest preacher is Ralf Meister, Landesbischof of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Hanover in Germany, one of the largest German Protestant dioceses. Meister studied at the University of Hamburg and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has particularly strong links with the Church of England through his work as co-chair of the Meissen Commission, which fosters close relations between the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and the Church of England.
After the service, please join us in the Combination Room for a glass of sherry by the fire and a chance to converse with our guest - and one another.
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Sunday Choral Evensong, 6 pm
You are warmly invited to Sunday Evensong sung by your wonderful College choir. Our preaching series exploring the identity of Jesus and the 'I am' sayings in John continues as well.
This week we are delighted to welcome as our preacher the Rt Rev Anne Dyer, Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney in the Scottish Episcopal Church.
... Born in Yorkshire, she first studied chemistry at St Anne's College, Oxford then worked as a business/systems analyst at Unilever before training for ordained ministry at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. She served as warden (principal) of Cranmer Hall, Durham, an evangelical Anglican theological college before taking a post in the Scottish Episcopal Church as rector of Holy Trinity Church, Haddington, East Lothian in 2011. In 2017, Dyer was selected as the next Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney and Scotland’s first female bishop.
After Evensong please join us for drinks in the Combination Room. All are welcome!
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*Dean's Port this Thursday (23rd January), 8.30 pm*
Somehow the Dean always seems to order too much port and needs that extra bit of support to drink it all up... ;-)
Come to the Combination Room Thursday evening from 8.30 until ca. 10 pm and get away from the January cold with a crackling fire, a glass of port (or a non-alcoholic drink), some good cheer and a nice chat.
... Hope to see many of you there - and bring a Peterhouse friend along who might be shy. All members of College are welcome.
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Sunday Evensong + Pizza in Upper Hall
A reminder that our first Choral Evensong of Lent Term will be on Sunday (19th Jan) at 6 pm and we are back in the Chapel again. The Dean of Peterhouse, the Revd Dr Stephen Hampton, will be our preacher. All are welcome to the service and drinks afterwards.
There will also be pizza after Evensong in Upper Hall - please email the Chaplain right away if you are planning to come to that. Thanks!


For those who might be interested, there will be a series of events that evening next door at the Fitzwilliam including a panel exploring faith, fasting and food.


Welcome back to everyone at Peterhouse for Lent Term!
You are warmly invited to the Chapel for a variety of services, special events, and hospitality - please see the term card.
... The organ has been removed and the Chapel will be ready for use again on Sunday.
All are welcome!
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All are welcome to join us for morning or evening prayer starting next week which will be at 8.15 am and 7 pm.
Until further notice, we will meet in the tutorial parlour while the chapel organ is being removed. You can access the parlour by coming to the Admissions Office door, which we will make sure is open at least 5 minutes before hand if not before.


Our organ is being refurbished. See below!
Morning and evening prayer this week have been moved to the Tutorial Office (9 am and 5 pm) while the workers dismantle the organ for its journey to the Continent.

More about Peterhouse Chapel

Peterhouse Chapel is located at Trumpington Street, CB2 1RD Cambridge, Cambridgeshire