Pgl Of Lanarkshire Middle Ward

About Pgl Of Lanarkshire Middle Ward

Faith, Hope & Charity



Thursday 27th February 2020 - Lodge Blantyre Kilwinning No. 557 Regular Meeting
RWM Bro. John Slater welcomed a Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge who were there on the occasion of the Annual Visit.
The Deputation was headed by Bro. Angus Ross SPGM. Also in the Deputation was PGM Bro. Bill Perry.
... Following the official business, Bro. Jim Dorricott PM of No. 233 and No. 7 presented to the Lodge, the PPGM’s Regalia that belonged to his late uncle, Bro. Jack Dorricott, who was Provincial Grand Master 1986-96.
Bro. Jack Dorricott’s wife, Elizabeth wished it to be retuned to his Mother Lodge where it will be displayed together with a suitable photograph of Bro. Dorricott.
Following the presentation, the Lodge Office Bearers and Brethren conferred an excellent FC Degree.
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Saturday 15th February 2020 - Lodge Avon Glassford No. 1231 Annual Installation
Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM headed a deputation to the Re-Installation of Bro. Archie Baillie in this the Lodges' Centenary Year. The Ceremony was slightly... amended due to Bro. Maxwell Baillie being taken into hospital the night before the Installation.
However Bro. Derek Bell RWIM assisted by Bro. Ian McGown PGL Almoner installed the Master and his Office-bearers in Fine Style.
Following the ceremony the Brethren present retired to the Community Hall and enjoyed the Festive Board and an evening of Harmony.
Photo - Picture details - R. Fraser DPGM (Ren East), I. McGown PGL Alm, A. Baillie RWM, D. Bell RWIM (524) and N. Carnegy SPGM
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Wednesday 26th February - Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 Jubilee Certificate Presentation
Bro. Bill Perry PGM and Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM, visited Lodge St. Bryde No. 579 to witness Bro. Bobby Gibb PM being presented with his Jubilee Certificate by RWM Bro. Jim Muircroft.
On receiving his Diploma, Bro. Gibb thanked the RWM and the Brethren of Lodge St. Bryde for their friendship over his many years of Membership.... Following the presentation, the Brethren of Lodge Buchanan No. 1499 then conferred an excellent FC Degree.
The Brethren then retired and enjoyed the usual 579 hospitality.
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Sunday 28th June 2020 - Charity Golf Texas Scramble. In aid of The Marcus Humphrey House, Kilbirnie Golf Club Ayrshire, Please support Bro. Bobby Ferguson & Bro Tom Reid in their fantastic fundraising for this great facility


One for the Diary Brethern
Saturday 21st March 2020 - Master Mason Degree By GMM Ramsay McGhee & 12 PGM's - Lodge Scoon & Perth No. 3
Please find attached working of a Master Mason Degree headed by the GMM Ramsay McGhee , our very own PGM Bro. Bill Perry will be participating, this is an all ticket event and tickets are available from the Secretary of Lodge Scoon & Perth No. 3 - Email -
... -12-pgms-to-work-a-/216785519475365/?ti= icl
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Tuesday 18th February 201020 - The PGL of Kilwinning held their Annual Installation of Office Bearers
Bro. Bill Perry PGM headed a deputation to the Annual Installation of Office Bearers of the PGL of Kilwinning, RWPGM Bro. Tom Wood extended a warm welcome to the visiting Provinces which were headed by RWPGM Bro. Andrew Mushet from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow.
Bro. Robert McCrea SPGM Installed the Office Bearers in a most impressive manner.
... Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Andrew D Millar SPGM and Bro. Willie Craig PG Sec represented Lanarkshire Middle Ward.
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Thursday 20th February 2020 - Lodge Dura 50 year Diploma Presentation at Marcus Humphrey House
Bro. Bill Perry PGM and Bro. Tom Davidson IPPGM accompanied the RWM, Bro. Alan Graham and Brethren from Lodge Dura No. 1513 to the Marcus Humphrey House, Bridge of Weir, where the RWM presented a 50 year Diploma to Bro. John Tweedlie, who is a resident in the home.
A great time was spent with Bro. Tweedlie who had joined the Lodge in 1964.
... Many happy times were recalled of his early life in Allanton and working as a mechanic in a local garage.
The Brethren were then treated to a lovely lunch by the staff and we thank everyone concerned for helping to make it a very special day.
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Saturday 15th February 2020 – Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire who are celebrating their 275th Anniversary
The Grand Lodge of Scotland carried out the Ceremony of Rededication of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire who are celebrating their 275th Anniversary.
RWPGM Bro. Alistair T Marshall welcomed all Brethren present which included representatives from 16 Sister Provincial Grand Lodges. The Provincial Deputation was led by Bro. Bobby Jess, the Provincial Gran...d Master of Dumfriesshire. The Meeting was held in the premises of Lodge Zetland No. 391 with the dinner in Grangemouth Town Hall.
The MWGMM, Bro. William Ramsay McGee and the Office Bearers of Grand Lodge performed the Ceremony to the highest of standards which was greatly appreciated by everyone present.
The Grand Lodge Deputation included four Past Provincial Grand Masters of our Province, Bro. George Kelly, Bro. Kenneth Kennedy, Bro. Jim Jack and Bro. Tom Davidson. Bro. Tom McCrone and Bro. Billy Spencer were also in attendance in their capacity as Members of the Board of Grand Stewards.
PGM Bro. Bill Perry had the honour of proposing the toast to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire. Besides the PGM, Bro. Andrew D Millar DPGM, Bro. William Craig PG Secretary and Bro. Ean Brown PPGSW represented Lanarkshire Middle Ward. Bro. Desmond McGowan, the RWM of Lodge Bothwell Brig No. 1229 also attended the celebrations.
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14th February 2020 - Scottish Freemasonry Survey 2020
Communication from Grand Master Mason, Please assist in the information gathering where you can Brethern
I am delighted to share details of the first ever membership survey undertaken by the Grand Lodge of Scotland. I have every confidence that your participation in this process and that of the Brethren in your District or Province will help inform our strategic thinking as we shape our organisation for the future. The su...rvey has been designed for ease of access, and should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.
Please be assured that the survey is entirely anonymous, and I would encourage all respondents to be open and honest with their answers. We are seeking to pool the collective insight and experience of our global membership, and the ultimate value of the survey output will directly correlate to the candour of your responses.
The survey can be accessed using the following link: masonicsurvey2020
The survey is now live and will be open until the end of April. We shall collate the results and produce a report which we plan to share in the autumn. Should you have any questions during the period the survey is live, please email with the word SURVEY in the subject.
Please distribute this link to all Lodge secretaries in your District/Province and encourage all members to actively engage with this project.
Thank you for your participation in this exciting initiative.
Yours sincerely and fraternally
W Ramsay McGhee Grand Master Mason
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Wednesday 12rh February 2020 - Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7 - 70 year Diploma Presentation
The Lodge held a very special Meeting on Wednesday 12th February, when the RWM, Bro. Malcolm Richardson assisted by the PGM Bro. Bill Perry presented a 70 year Diploma to Bro. John Cumming, a Master Mason who has served and supported the Lodge throughout his life.
The RWM gave a wonderful account of Bro. Cumming’s commitment to the Lodge, to which Bro. Cumming thank the RWM and the... Brethren of Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning for their kind sentiments and for the many friendships he had made with members of the Lodge over the past 70 years.
Following the presentation, the RWM, Bro. Robert Mathew and the Office Bearers of Lodge Robert King Stewart No. 919 conferred an excellent FC Degree on Bro. Grant McKenna. The Brethren then retired and enjoyed some Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning hospitality.
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Representing PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward Abseil Fundraising Event for Prostate Scotland Bro. Iain Reid IPM (1067) will be one of two brethren representing the PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward as part of a Scotland wide group of Scottish freemasons in the fundraiser abseil event at the Forth Rail Bridge on 10 May 2020.
He has set up a Justgiving Page to gather support and raise funds for Prostate Scotland. The details of their pages and the links are as follows:
...…/ia in-reid-coltswood1067
You can help by going to his page and making a donation or by sharing this post to publicise their participation. Please help if you can.
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Representing PGL of Lanarkshire Middle Ward Abseil Fundraising Event for Prostate Scotland Bro. Hayden McFadden PM (306) will be one of two brethren representing the PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward as part of a Scotland wide group of Scottish freemasons in the fundraiser abseil event at the Forth Rail Bridge on 10 May 2020.
He has set up a Justgiving Page to gather support and raise funds for Prostate Scotland. The details of their pages and the links are as follows:
... ydenmcfadden306
You can help by going to his page and making a donation or by sharing this post to publicise their participation. Please help if you can.
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Friday 7th February - Renfrewshire West Installation of Elected Office Bearers
RWPGM Bro. Robin McIntyre of Renfrewshire West, welcomed visiting Provincial Grand Lodges into his Province, to witness the Installation of Elected Office Bearers.
Bro. William Steel, the RWPGM of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire headed the Deputation of Provincial Grand Lodges.
... Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Andrew Millar DPGM, Bro. Norman Carnegy SPGM and Bro. Peter Ball PP Junior Chaplain represented Lanarkshire Middle Ward.
An excellent Installation was conferred by SPGM Bro. Paul Docherty and at the conclusion of the Meeting, the Brethren enjoyed the usual Renfrewshire West hospitality.
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Brethren, It is with great delight we inform you that PM Bro. Hayden McFadden of Lodge St. Thomas No. 306 and IPM Bro. Iain Reid of Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No. 1067 will represent the Province in the Prostate Scotland Forth Rail Bridge Abseil on 10th May 2020. Well done Brethren on your brave participation for a great cause.
The Forth Rail Bridge is a cantilever railway bridge across the Firth of Forth in the east of Scotland, 9 miles (14 kilometres) west of central Edinburgh. It is considered as a symbol of Scotland (having been voted Scotland's greatest man-made wonder in 2016), and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was designed by the English engineers Sir John Fowler and Sir Benjamin Baker.
A great piece of Scottish Engineering, ahead of it time that will be put through it's paces on the 10th May.


STOP PRESS VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED Prostate Scotland have secured places for this year's Charity Abseil Event off the Forth Rail Bridge on Sunday 10th May 2020. This is a very prestigious event and Prostate Scotland, the nominated charity of The Grand Lodge of Scotland, are fortunate to be one of the ten charities selected to take part in this year's charity fundraiser.
All Provincial Grand Lodges in Scotland have been invited to take part and be represented in the event. Fundrai...sing will be primarily through Justgiving Pages set up for the individual participants chosen to represent Prostate Scotland. Where required traditional sponsor sheets are available.
PGL Lanarkshire Middle Ward are seeking a couple of brethren who are up for the challenge of the 165 foot abseil and raising funds for this very worthwhile charity.
If you are up for the challenge please email Tom Davidson at
with your name, email address and telephone number.
Spaces are very limited so quick action is required.
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Message form Bro. James Fraser Secretary of Lodge St. Andrew No. 215
Please be advised we not have a meeting tomorrow night. The next meeting is on 17th Feb.
... James
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Saturday 25th January 2020 - The PGL of Dunbartonshire held their Annual Installation of Office Bearers
On Saturday 25th January at the premises of Lodge Dumbarton Kilwinning No. 18. PGM Bro. James Forrest extended a warm welcome to all. The Deputations from the visiting PGL’s, was headed by PGM Bro. Robert McIntyre of the PGL of Renfrewshire West.... Bro. Bill Perry PGM, Bro. Andrew Millar SPGM and Bro. Tom McCrone DOC represented Lanarkshire Middle Ward. An excellent Ceremony of Installation was carried out by Bro. John McQueen SPGM.
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Saturday 25th January 2020 Lodge Burns Immortal 1730 Annual Installation
SPGM Bro. Stephen Campbell, headed the Provincial Deputation to the Installation of Lodge Burns Immortal 1730 on Saturday 25th January.
In an excellent ceremonial the Master Elect, Bro William J. Boyle, was Installed by RWIM Bro Gordon Mather PM and the Office Bearers for the coming year were Installed by RWIM Bro James DH Lees PM.
... Following the Ceremonial the Deputation joined the Brethren of the Lodge at the festive board and harmony.
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More about Pgl Of Lanarkshire Middle Ward

Pgl Of Lanarkshire Middle Ward is located at G71 7 Glasgow, United Kingdom
+44 1698-818130